Showing results 1 to 10 out of 35
Blockchain Hackathon 2021
  12 Nov - 05:00 PM
The Blockchain Hackathon is back! Join Blockchain enthusiasts, developers and entrepreneurs and explore the convergence of blockchain with other advanced technologies such as AI, robotics and Industry 4.0. On top of that: the most visionary concepts will again be awarded with great prizes with a total amount of 10,000 Euro!
2. HAP - Hackathon für Altern und Pflege 2021
  23 Sep - 11:00 AM
  Leipzig, Germany
Healthcare and aging professionals in and around Leipzig! You're invited to participate in the 2nd HAP - Hackathon for Aging and Care—a 24-hour ideas marathon. You can participate in person or virtually! Either way, you will be tasked with designing an innovative solution that will help improve life quality for an aging population! Present your team project to a jury for the chance to win recognition! For insights on participation, go to our expert hackathon advice page!
Startupnight SUN21
  01 Sep - 11:00 AM
  Berlin, Germany
Our interactive program will be streamed fromhub:raumspaces and is intended to provide helpful information around all topics related to startups. Our focus topics concentrate on all things funding, investments, and matchmaking. In addition, this year we will also tackle the topics of recruitment and developer relations.
Telemedicine Entrepreneurship Training & Workshop
  17 Aug - 01:00 PM
  Hannover, Germany
Develop a Successful Telemedicine Startup Business Hackathon | Startup Hackathon | Entrepreneur Hackathon | Entrepreneurship Hackathon
    Telemedicine Entrepreneurship Training & Workshop
      17 Aug - 01:00 PM
      Dortmund, Germany
    Develop a Successful Telemedicine Startup Business Hackathon | Startup Hackathon | Entrepreneur Hackathon | Entrepreneurship Hackathon
      Healthcare Hackathon Mainz 2021 - Fokus Bau & Mobilität
        18 Jun - 11:30 AM
        Mainz, Germany
      Healthcare techies and professionals in the Frankfurt Rhine-Mainz Metropolitan Region! If you're interested in IT, nursing, and medicine, then the Mainz University Medical Center invites you to participate in the Healthcare Hackathon Mainz 2021! At this 2-day event, the focus will be on creating innovative solutions relative to construction and mobility. Get insights on participation in Healthcare Hackathon Mainz 2021 from our expert hackathon advice page!
        28 May - 10:00 AM
        Saarbrücken, Germany
      Artificial Intelligence (AI) enthusiasts, techies, and professionals—founders, developers, and designers! You're invited to participate—either in person or online—in the 3-day Hello2AI hackathon event. You will be tasked with designing an AI solution that addresses at least one of the topics and challenges posed by the Hell2AI organizers. Pitch your team's project to a panel of experts for the chance to win recognition! Our expert hackathon advice pagegives you insights on Hello2AI participation!
      Online-Hackathon: #hackingforfuture – Let's Create the Production of Tomorrow!
        23 Apr - 06:00 PM
      #hackingforfuture – Let's Create the Production of Tomorrow! You are studying computer science, engineering, communication design or a similar course and want to show your skills? Register now for our digital hackathon and look forward to a varied weekend full of challenges, networking and exciting insights into our work! Together with our staff and our industry partners, you will face the challenges of digital transformation of production and use your coding knowledge, technical skill and team spirit to solve them. We provide you with various tasks on the topics of deep learning, 5G, smart devices and worker assistance. The best teams will be honored! Date April 23–25, 2021 // online Further information and registration:
      Global Goals Jam Freiburg
        23 Apr - 05:30 PM
        Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
      *** This event has been postponed to Spring 2021. More info to follow! *** German activists, hackers, and experts with a passion for sustainability! You are invited to participate in Global Goals Jam Freiburg where you'll collaborate to develop solutions that address sustainable development goals set out by the United Nations. This event is focused on: Sustainable consumption and food security, Mobility and health, and Educational equity and equality. Check out tips for maximizing your Global Goals Jam Freiburg hackathon experience!
      Hackdays Rhein-Neckar 2021
        25 Feb - 06:00 PM
      The Rhein-Neckar hack is back! 🔥⁣ Better late than never, we are back with Hackdays Rhein-Neckar. We had to postpone this hackathon earlier this year due to the Corona crisis approaching. So, the revival will be super corona-proof! 🚀⁣ This time, we are happy to welcome: ⁣ 👥150 innovation pioneers who make digitalization happen while staying safe at home⁣ 🌆 8 leading companies from the technology metropolis of Rhein-Neckar ⁣ 💥 8 challenges in the field of in the fields of farming, finance, healthcare, sports & more⁣ 🎁 3 hackathon-wide winner categories: Best Pitch, Best Solution & Audience Award ⁣ 📅 together on 25-28 February 2021⁣ ⁣ 👉 APPLY NOW: ⁣ We are looking for talents all over the worlds with different background! People usually think that a hackathon is a place only for software developers. BUT it is for everyone! ⁣ 👉 Check out all our diverse Challenge Setters on the event website: