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Guernsey Fintech Hackathon
  09 Oct - 07:00 PM
  St Julian's Avenue, Guernsey
Organised by the Guernsey’s Digital Greenhouse and Startup Guernsey with lead sponsors KPMG, amd main prize sponsor C5 Alliance, this event promises to generate a great deal of interest and participation from the business, entrepreneurial and tech community on the Island. Many companies and communities use hackathon events to stimulate effective collaboration between people with diverse backgrounds in order to rapidly develop new ideas around specific themes or challenges.Given the significant challenges and opportunities the digital age brings for the finance sector, FinTech hackathons have become prevalent. Guernsey’s FinTech hackathon 2015 will allow teams to work collaboratively on a technological solution to their own or set FinTech challenge over a 48 hour period. There will be prizes for the most creative and innovative solutions, including professional services, mentorship and skills to help take the winning ideas to the next level.  This page is to register interest, formal application forms will be sent out in due course. For more information on the Hackathon vist the Digital Greenhouse website here:
    FinTech Hackathon Networking Event
      07 Oct - 05:30 PM
      Saint Peter Port, Guernsey
    This is the last FinTech Hackathon networking event before the Hackathon itself! Come along for team formation and to develop the ideas. This event makes up part of the FinTech Hackathon series and is a great opportunity for teams or individudals to share and start to develop ideas for the FinTech Hackathon, it also allows individuals who are not currently in teams but are interested in taking part to come along and start to form teams with other individuals or join current teams. The FinTech Hackathon (9-11th October) will allow teams to work collaboratively on a technological solution to their own or set FinTech challenge over a 48 hour period. There will be prizes for the most creative and innovative solutions, including professional services, mentorship and skills to help take the winning ideas to the next level. Organised by the Guernsey’s Digital Greenhouse and Startup Guernsey with lead sponsors KPMG and main prize sponsor C5 Alliance this event promises to generate a great deal of interest and participation from the business, entrepreneurial and tech community on the Island. For more information on the Hackathon vist the Digital Greenhouse website here: