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Manila Vive Jam Pre-event
  12 Dec - 01:00 PM
  Mandaluyong, Philippines
The Manila Vive Jam Hachathon will be held on January, it is a Virtual Reality hackathon to create VR games and applications using room-scale tracking and natural input technology with the HTC Vive and SteamVR platform. A pre-event is organized on December 12 for attendees to experience the HTC Vive firsthand, learn about developing for the SteamVR platform, meet other VR developers and enthusiasts, and brainstorm VR game or app ideas for the platform. Developers who have existing VR content can also take the stage and showcase what they're working on.
Indigitous # Manila : Hack for Missional Innovations
  30 Oct - 07:00 PM
  Quezon City, Philippines
Indigitous# Manila Hack for Missional Innovations Play a part in collaborating together to build 2 powerful ministry tools that will enable thousands to be mobilized for missions, and built up in their faith to be multiplying disciples for Jesus. Frequently Asked Questions CAN I PITCH MY PROJECT? For this hackathon we will only be working on two projects, though you can join us in the future hackathon where you can pitch your project. DO I HAVE TO BRING MY LAPTOP? Yes; we do not provide computers. Please bring anything you'll need to code. CAN I SLEEP IN THE VENUE? Yes the venue will be open for the duration of the event, please bring a sleeping bag, a pillow, or whatever you might need, and find a place at the venue to take a good nap. WILL I MEET MY TEAM MEMBERS BEFORE THE EVENT? Possibly. You can use the platform Indigitious at anytime to meet other participants, propose ideas, and recruit or be recruited into a team. But you can also bring your own team, or come alone and become part of a team at the hackathon. FREE Food and Snacks for the entire duration of the event, and overflowing coffee!
    Hack The Climate CODEFEST @NICP ICT Summit
      23 Oct - 08:00 AM
      Legazpi City, Philippines
                              A  24 hour HACKATHON    THE OFFICIAL HACKATHON EVENT OF  ICTSUMMIT  on October 23-24, 2015 to be held at BICOL UNIVERSITY MAIN CAMPUS      ABOUT THE ICTSUMMIT :    NICP, the national organization of all ICT Councils in the Philippines in over 42 cities across Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, in partnership with the Department of Science and Technology – Information and Communications Technology Office (DOST-ICTO) and its champions among the national government agencies, has gathered ICT movers from all over the country for its annual event – the ICTSUMMIT. The ICTSUMMIT brings together champions of the Information and Communications Technology  (ICT) sector from the public and private stakeholders to share industry trends and development and best practices; identify challenges and ways forward to generate new investments and new jobs for cities outside of Metro Manila – the Countryside ICT industry development.   This year the Legazpi City ICT Council (LCICTC) & Albay ICT Association (AICTA) will host the ICTSUMMITon October 23-24, 2015 at the The Oriental Hotel, Legazpi City, Albay, with the theme “Philippine Countryside Leveraging on ICT Resources for Inclusive Growth & Development“.  On the 7th ICTSUMMIT, seven (7) key areas will be put into focus to include Information Technology – Business Process Management (IT-BPM), Startups and Technopreneurship to eCommerce, Digital Tourism, eGovernance, ASEAN ICT Human Resource, Disaster Risk Reduction Management, and Promotion of Green Economic Development.     HACKATHON DETAILS :  Date : October 23 to 24 Venue : Bicol University, Main Campus    Registration Fee : Students : P 200 (inclusive of all the meals) Professonals : P300 (inclusive of meals)   **Transportation from Manila to Legazpi not included yet (Prepare at least P1,500 for your transportation expenses back & forth)       Registration will open as early as 8:00am on October 23, 2015  Final Pitching of the top 7 will be at the Oriental Hotel, Legazpi    EXCITING PRIZES AWAITS THE WINNERS!    GUEST SPEAKERS :                                                       Congressman Win Gatchalian, Valenuela  City             Mayor Noel E. Rosal, Legazpi City     Christopher O. Pacardo                                                     Prof. Ronnel R. Dioneda, Sr. Director, BU Center for Tech. Comm & Enterprise Dev’t.    Director BU Research & Dev’t Center   Dr. Helen M. Llenaresas                                                     Dr. Arnulfo  M. Mascariñas                                Vice President for Academic Affairs                                     SUC President IV                      Cedric Daep, PDRMC                                                         Engr. Arnulfo P. Malinis, Ph.D. Disaster Risk Management                                                  Renewable Energy                               Ms. George Nava Representative of Senator Bam Aquino Topic : Start up challenges / opportunities in the Philippines FAQ : How many members per team? A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 should What should be the team composition? Your team should compose of at least the following : Hacker: dev, coder, builder, technical; Hustler: sales, customer interviews, networking; Designer: front end, UX, empathy, user use case When can we start/build the app : As soon as the Hack Master gave the official signal just when you can start building your app. What kind of apps can we build? Web or Mobile App and Hardware for climate change mitigation or resillience. Criteria for preliminary judging :  Impact 25 Novelty 25 Innovation 25 Viability 25            UNIVERSITY PARTNER :        HACKATHON ORGANIZER :                                                                                                  MEDIA PARTNERS :