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Smart Solutions Hackathon
  20 May - 09:00 AM
  Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of
The Sahara Sparks Solve Hackathon is an international event that brings together developers, designers, innovators, thinkers, hackers, and implementers to solve problems in Africa. The event involves software development, graphic design, hardware development, program innovation, etc. to develop solutions, with the aim of tackling a proposed challenge.
    ReFab Dar's Hack4HealthAfrica Design Challenge
      14 Feb - 10:00 AM
      Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of
    Programmers, 3D designers, project managers, healthcare professionals! Voices of Africa invite you to form teams to participate in ReFab Dar's Hack4HealthAfrica Design Challenge. You'll be challenged to show how 3D printing and design can be used to help bring better healthcare to Africa. Sign up as a team, or come along and find your team-mates at the event. You will select and compete in one of the two challenge categories: »Healthy Mamas and Babies »HIV prevention