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Public Finance And Accountability Hackathon
  07 Oct - 08:00 AM
  Harare, Zimbabwe
Are you interested in promoting transparency in public finance? Developers, data professionals, policy makers, political reps, etc. this event's for you! Come and participate in the Public Finance and Accountability Hackathon and collaborate to develop solutions that will help fight corruption in Zimbabwe? Come and create solutions that will encourage more Zimbabweans to engage with the knowledge, practices, and outcomes of public financial management systems. Topics covered might include: »How information from government and local authorities may be made to become more useful and understandable. »Possibility of tracking public money flows properly. »Possibility of mapping performance of public institutions. »What public data is there and what data is missing.
  26 Feb - 09:00 AM
  Harare, Zimbabwe
A hackathon on water and sanitation service delivery in Zimbabwe with main objective to raise awareness and showcase the potential of local developers to craft innovative technical solutions and applications. The event is expected to link various stakeholders, including the government, academia and software developers, private sector and financiers, citizens associations and civil society who normally may not have a close interaction on these issues. You will also be presented with the first-of-its kind Dragon’s Den format where all finalists will present their product or prototype to a group of judges who are experienced Venture Capitalists.