Showing results 21 to 30 out of 88
ITS 2016 Mastercard Smart City Hackathon
08 Oct - 09:00 AM
Melbourne, Australia
Interested in solutions for Smart Cities? Sign up for an ITS Mastercard Smart City challenge, using Mastercard & Partner APIs:
»Green Challenge: Build an intelligent transportation solution to facilitate or encourage the use of sustainable, eco-friendly methods of transport & payments for residents, commuters, tourists, or transportation of goods.
»Demand Management Challenge: Build an intelligent transportation solution that can help cities like Melbourne manage demand for transport services for passenger and freight.
»Future City Challenge: Build an intelligent transportation solution that can help cities like Melbourne make better use of the wealth of data available.
Meet the Buyer Advanced Technology with Ideas Flow Workshop
27 Sep - 08:30 AM
Hindmarsh, Australia
South Australian business execs! Attend the Meet the Buyer Advanced Technology Event and Ideas Flow Workshop and discover how the application of Internet of Things (IoT) within and across government services could be transformational for your state, city and economy, positioning your business to compete in the trillion-dollar global smart city market. The Meet the Buyer event allows you to meet with senior South Australia government project and contract managers, who have responsibility for the design of projects, sourcing business solutions, purchasing goods, to make them aware of what your business has to offer.
Writally Bloghackathon
20 Sep - 05:30 PM
Spring Hill, Australia
Not every hackathon has to be focused on scrambling to get complicated code to run together. Join the writally community with one of your preconceived blog ideas and they will workshop your blog writing as well as give you a custom recipe for generating a well built blog post with engaging information! Included in the event is a one month basic membership to Writally, in addition to the blog post you write!
Hearing Focused E-Sewing/Wearable Technology Hackathon
17 Sep - 09:00 AM
Melbourne, Australia
Interested in how technology can help assist people with hearing impairment, or even prevent the loss of hearing? Come participate in the Hearing Focused E-Sewing/Wearable Technology Hackathon. You will have access to sewable microcontrollers and associated components that you can use to work on your own designs ideas you will be presented. There will be prizes for the best designs.
MEDevice - Medical Device Innovation Hackathon
15 Sep - 06:00 PM
Parkville, Australia
Medical and engineering postgrad students at the University of Melbourne! If you're interested in medical device innovation, then come participate in the MEDevice - Medical Device Innovation Hackathon. Over the course of four weeks, you'll have the opportunity to network and form teams, learn computer-aided design skills to 3D print and rapidly prototype your ideas, culminating in a business pitch to a panel of experts and judges for the chance to win an awesome prize! Students will be aided in their product innovation by mentors in weekly sessions.
SydneyHack 2016: Pedestrian Safety Hackathon
09 Sep - 06:00 PM
Darlington, Australia
Are you a university student with a passion for solving some of the pressing problems facing the Government of New South Wales? Come participate in SydneyHack and compete to win a prize of $5000 AND a paid internship at the Data Analytics Centre (DAC)**. SydneyHack is a 48-hour hackathon organised to come up with data-driven solutions to the pedestrian safety problem in New South Wales. Pedestrian fatalities represent about one-fifth of the road toll and as high as a third of all road deaths in metropolitan areas in the state.
** Subject to eligibility for Australian employment
Monash MYHACK: Countering Violent Extremism
09 Sep - 05:00 PM
Melbourne, Australia
Monash GENERATOR is bringing in the MYHACK team to Melbourne to run a hackathon on countering violent extremism (CVE). In teams, participants will address the issue of CVE by coming up with innovative solutions to the problem. The winning team will receive a trip to Google in Sydney and training in Monash's ACCELERATOR program.
08 Sep - 08:30 AM
Footscray, Australia
Are you keen to address some of society’s biggest, hairiest and most audacious problems? Come and participate in WestHack. You can come with a team, an idea or both. Collaborate on ideas positively impact the world around you through business:
»cultural blending
»local business
»climate change.
Mini-Hackathon and Workshop: Sydney Community Internet of Things
05 Sep - 01:00 PM
Ultimo, Australia
UTS and Meshed are pleased to invite you to an exciting workshop and mini-hackathon featuring the Co-Founder of The Things Network Wienke Giezeman from Amsterdam! Come and explore new ideas and applications of how to use the free LoRaWAN network. Feel free to bring your LoRaWAN devices or just come along and join in the brainstorming sessions.
HASS Hackathon
03 Sep - 09:00 AM
Brisbane City, Australia
Our world has alot of problems, and often the solutions provided by organizations don't fix or only partially fix the problem. If this sounds like a conversation you feel needs to be had, and are a current student enrolled in a degree from the faculty of Humanities and Social Science at the University of Queensland than this event was created for you! Join the HASS Hackathon to learn through hands on experience about social entrepreneurship and how it mixes business with charity to solve pressing problems in communities around the world.