Showing results 41 to 50 out of 88
Women in Media Awards & Women in Media Forum
19 Aug - 09:00 AM
Sydney, Australia
Each year, B&T Magazine recognises inspirational women in Media at its annual Women in Media Awards. In the spirit of collaboration, this year there will be a hackathon element to the event, attendees split into groups to come up with three actionable ideas to meet challenges facing women in the industry. Every attendee should walk away with at least one step they can take immediately to contribute to the promotion of women in media.
The Code Network Winter Hackathon
12 Aug - 05:00 PM
Brisbane, Australia
Coders, designers, techies! Come join the fun at Code Network Winter -- a 54-hour event to prototype projects and compete for awesome prizes. Code Network Winter is a competition where the goal is simply to build the coolest stuff possible! Previous hackathon competitors have included in-browser desktop environments, a city wide pong mobile game, business validated and built mobile applications, machine learning generated art, multi-player robotic arm game and many more projects. The breadth of projects at a Code Network Hackathon is significant. Judging criteria is simply based on the most impressive project. Whether it be from technical achievement, entrepreneurial gusto or straight up coolness factor. You must be able to demonstrate what has been created, this is not a pitch contest.
Quantopian Hackathon
06 Aug - 10:00 AM
Sydney, Australia
Cyber Traders Sydney has teamed up with Quantopian to put on a hackathon to remember! The focus of the hackathon will be how the public opinion of news articles affects the price of a companies stock. Trading experts will be walking around the hackathon to assist hackers in manipulating the data sets provided by Quantopian as they compete to see who can create the most profitable algorithm. The cost of entry is $50 day of or $40 if you buy your ticket in advance. Hacking time is from 10AM-6PM, catered lunch will be provided.
Qantas Codeshare 2016: The Qantas Hackathon
05 Aug - 06:30 PM
Alexandria, Australia
Aspiring and established coders! Sign up today to participate in the 2nd annual Qantas Codeshare Hackathon. Collaborate to create apps, products and solutions that improve the lives of all travellers. You'll have access to publicly available fare information, a feed of available hotels for a particular destination on and more, to come up with awesome solutions to travelling problems.
CUA Hackathon
04 Aug - 05:00 PM
Brisbane, Australia
Interested in Fintech? Sign up for CUA's first ever Forces of Attraction themed Hackathon. CUA is looking for innovative solutions that help CUA provide a unique service or product offering around key life events to attract new members! You'll collaborate in a team of like-minded individuals -- a mix of entrepreneurs, marketers, developers, professionals who are experts in their fields and CUA staff. This is your chance to showcase your ideas – over two and a half days – of building, validating and launching new digital and startup products.
Hackathon Presentation Night
31 Jul - 07:00 PM
Subiaco, Australia
VGen -- World Vision Australia's youth movement -- invites you to Hackathon Presentation Night. Watch while the hackathon teams pitch their creative solutions to child labour to the panel of judges. Support them and find out more about World Vision Youth and how VGen's youth advocates are changing the world by taking action on issues of global poverty and injustice.
Fair Food Policy Writeshop
30 Jul - 09:30 AM
Brunswick, Australia
Join Fair Food Challenge in drafting a Fair Food Policy for Australian Universities. University food policies are common in Britain, Canada and America yet there are few in Australian institutions. Food policies cover accessibility to healthy and affordable food, procurement, research, access to spaces to grow, cook, eat and share food, organic waste management and more. They are an opportunity to create joined-up policy and break down the silos that limit collaboration in institutional environments.
VGen Hack-a-thon
29 Jul - 06:00 PM
West Perth, Australia
Passionate about finding solutions to help end poverty and injustice? Sign up to participate in the VGen Hack-a-thon -- an event where small teams get together and create ideas to help tackle pressing world issues. Teams have a day to come up with an idea for the issue that will be given to them. The winner of the Hack-a-thon will receive mentoring from World Vision to help develop their idea further!
CUA Hackathon Information Night
28 Jul - 05:00 PM
Brisbane, Australia
Planning to participate in the CUA Forces of Attraction hackathon? You will have the opportunity to use your skills, innovative thinking and creativity to develop an idea that CUA can use in their business. Come along to an information night and get some tips to put you ahead of the competition! Learn about the structure of the hackathon, and how the theme "Forces of Attraction" should influence the product you create, as well as giving pointers on how to get the most out of the experience.
Weekends at Fishburners: Female Founders Hackathon
22 Jul - 06:30 PM
Ultimo, Australia
Are you an aspiring female startup founder? Come and join like-minded people like yourself and receive guidance on how to take your first steps? You don't need to have a background in tech or startups to participate, just an enthusiasm to try this out. You can work on any idea that has a large potential market, and is using technology somehow to capture that market quickly - there are no set challenges to solve, and judging is purely constructive feedback. Come along and help create the jobs, exports, investment and prosperity that great Australian startups can provide.