Showing results 121 to 130 out of 188
RGVcirculate - StartUp Hackathon Competition
23 Jun - 05:30 PM
Ultimo, Australia
Aussie hackers and startup types! Passionate about sustainable start-ups & the circular economy? Hack Days Australia invites you to sign up to participate in the RGVcirculate - StartUp Hackathon Competition. You'll be challenged to build a sustainable start-up in only 2.5 days! So come along and innovate! Demonstrate that you have what it takes to generate a new idea that can leverage Coca-Cola assets to help solve real Circular Economy problems.
VIVE with ACMI X VR Workshop
22 Jun - 06:00 PM
Melbourne, Australia
ACMI and HTC VIVE are hosting a series of workshops for developers who are interested in VR, AR and MR to meet like-minded people and show off their work. We are excited to host our 2nd workshop as the opening for the Global VR Hackathon - Melbourne! Please join and explore with us all you need to know about VR. You can sign up for the Global VR HAckathon - Melbourne here: Chris Murphy, an Unreal Engine Evangelist, will take us through the basics of creating a VR project without a single line of code. This rapid workshop will cover the basics of creating a VR project, optimisation techniques and common pitfalls for new developers.   Krystal Thompson, Head of Interactive Development from StaplesVR, will be sharing their experiencs on working with businesses to provide VR solutions. Please join us for this wonderful opportunity with the amazing support from Film Victoria!
    Digital Tribes: Info Session
    12 Jun - 05:00 PM
    Perth, Australia
    Curious about a tech career in one of the world's largest resource companies? Want to apply your skills to some of the largest industrial challenges around the world? Then Digital Tribes hackathon is for you.  There will be an Info Session at CORE Innovation Hub prior to Digital Tribes, where details on the event, devices (Raspberry Pi Zero W), challenges and more will be introduced. We encourage anyone who has already signed up for the hackathon or anyone who is interested in taking part to attend. Join us for a sundowner as we present: Full description of the challenges, allowing participants and potential participants to begin planning Team forming for those who do not have a team for the event Prizes and opportunities that are on offer Discounts for members of startup and coworking communities Full event schedule  Q&A with Unearthed organisers If you can't attend the event in person, you can tune in via live stream on our Youtube page. Stay up to date on Unearthed events by following us on Facebook and Twitter. Links below...
      06 Jun - 07:00 AM
      MULGRAVE, Australia
      DESCRIPTION A one day ‘hackathon’ will be held at the Eastern Innovation Business Centre to uncover the possibilities and potential of Business ICT and internet connectivity in South East Melbourne business precincts in partnership with the City of Kingston, City of Frankston, City of Knox, City of Monash and Innovation Melbourne. Hosted at the Eastern Innovation Business Centre on the 6th of June, teams will have the space to ideate and pitch their NOW and their NEXT solutions to a panel of judges and to an audience of potential customers for prizes of cash and services.  WHAT IS A HACKATHON? It’s a bringing together of people for a fast-paced development of innovative solutions to a problem. Coders, technicians, marketers, researchers and hackers form complementary teams and work to look for possible solutions, develop concepts and plans, bringing together with a pitch to specialists and interested parties.  HOW DOES IT WORK Teams register or the organisers will design and create teams from diverse backgrounds to explore and develop ideas. Teams will pitch the ideas with the most market feasible pitch winning a cash prize and an opportunity to further develop their solution with researchers, suppliers and potential clients.  WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE? If you are involved in information technology or innovative emerging telecommunications you may would do well to register to participate as an individual interested in being part of a solutions team, or as a company team ready to “pitch’ a solution to business case studies on the day. TEAM TICKETS A ConnectHACK Team Pitching Tickets is $200 for 2 or more participants and will involve the whole day participation. You may be an accelerating ICT business owner or IT guru, a Telco or established digital technology company, or an entrepreneur with brave new ideas! INDIVIDUAL PITCHING TICKET ConnectHACK Individual Pitching Ticket is $50. Individuals will need to indicate if they prefer to “pitch” their solutions as a sole participant, or elect to be included in a Pitching Team based on your unique skills and knowledge. If you are an entrepreneur or student with a passion for telecommunications and want to share your ideas and mix with the best of the best in ICT in Melbourne's South East, this is the category for you.  MENTOR TICKET  A ConnectHACK Mentor Ticket is free and available to ICT gurus or geeks who wish to offer an advisory capacity to participating pitch teams or individuals. You will need to provide a brief summary of your area of expertise when registering. BUSINESS INTERNET USER TICKET  ConnectHACK Business Internet User Tickets are free for any business owner or interested person wanting to hear how emerging technologies can be used NOW or NEXT to solve their existing business challenges in internet connectivity or digital efficiencies. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to showcase what you know is possible in emerging technologies and alternative internet connectivity solutions for business and promote what you can offer to attending businesses. You may uncover your next customer or R&D opportunity on the day, or just make some valuable connections with local businesses!
        Drupal Mini Hackathon!
        03 Jun - 11:00 AM
        Melbourne, Australia
        Entrepreneurs, managers, developers, art directors and decision makers! Great news! Come and participate in the Drupal Mini Hackathon in Melbourne, Australia. The Mini Hackathon is designed to bring together the technical requirements and business needs of all constituents and to develop and share organizational best practices. If you are a designer, or a site builder, or a business analyst or the product owner, the Mini Hackathon will help you understand the process and also Drupal concepts.
        IoTCup Hackathon 2017
        03 Jun - 09:00 AM
        Docklands, Australia
        The inaugural IoTCup ( is a fun, innovative competition for the best and brightest university students, academics and professionals from Australia and New Zealand to showcase their creativity, technology expertise and passion for business innovation in the Internet of Things. Teams (3 - 5 members) from the same university or company will prototype and test complex IoT solutions, with mentoring from some of the world’s leading vendors, technologists and engineers. 120 people (30 teams) will compete in the IoT hackathon challenge with competitors drawn from backgrounds in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths), Networks, Data Analytics and pure-play IoT providers.
          02 Jun - 06:00 PM
          Charlestown, Australia
          Hackers in and around Lake Macquarie! Dantia Smart Hub (DaSH) invites you to participate in the LakeMacHack. You'll be faced with creating innovative solutions to one of the following challenges: »Q1: Bus and Beyond: innovate use of existing transport options, »Q2: Pedalling for Impact: make cycling a more user-friendly, integrated option, »Q3: LakeMac to Sydney: optimise use of rail and other transport modes.
          Homelessness Hackathon 2017
          02 Jun - 05:00 PM
          South Brisbane, Australia
          Interested in solutions to address homelessness? Come participate in the Homelessness Hackathon 2017. You'll be immersed in the problems facing the homeless in Brisbane and throughout Queensland. You'll be challenged to come up with creative solutions to those problems. If you're up to hack for a great cause register for the Homelessness Hackathon! Come and make a difference, have fun, learn and help create solutions for the Queensland homeless!
          VR Hackathon Brisbane
          02 Jun - 05:00 PM
          New Farm, Australia
          VR techies and enthusiasts in and around Brisbane! You're invited to participate in the VR Hackathon Brisbane! You'll get to collaborate with the best-of-the-best virtual reality minds in Queensland and beyond! You'll collaborate with your peers to design and prototype innovative new immersive technology solutions.
          02 Jun - 08:00 AM
          Chermside, Australia
          Clinicians, developers, business professionals, and designers in and around Brisbane! You're invited to participate in Metro North Hospital and Health Service's Metro North IT Frail & Elderly Hackathon 2017. Take up Metro North's challenge -- in one day to build six applications that improve the outcome and experience for frail and elderly people visiting the hospital. You'll participate in a team lead by a Metro North IT team leader on one of the following application ideas: »TOPIC A - One Screen App »TOPIC B - Rx Connect App »TOPIC C - Right Gear App »TOPIC D - My Health Portal App »TOPIC E - Where Do I Go App »TOPIC F - Trigger Happy App.