Showing results 171 to 180 out of 188
Unearthed Melbourne 2017: Info Session
09 Mar - 06:00 PM
Melbourne, Australia
1st Prize: AUD$2500
Software developers, data scientists, engineers, designers, entrepreneurs, and industry insiders in the global resources sector! Come to this info session and prepare yourself to participate in the Unearthed Melbourne 2017 open innovation hackathon. Collaborate with like-minded individuals to develop prototype technology solutions to resource challenges. You'll have the unique opportunity to work on real industry data as well as data from government partners. You'll get to learn about this weekend-long hackathon, the challenges that you'll face, and the prizes you can win. You'll also network with potential teammates and form your team for the hackathon. Visit the hackathon tips pagefor useful info on participation in Unearthed Melbourne 2017!
PharmHack Melbourne - March 2017
03 Mar - 07:00 PM
Melbourne, Australia
Pharma designers, developers, scientists! Do you have an idea that might revolutionize pharmacy? HealthClick invites you to come along to PharmHack Melbourne, a hackathon devoted purely to stimulating innovation in the community pharmacy sector. Here, you'll collaborate with like minded individuals to build out your concept in a very short space of time. If you do have an potentially game-changing idea, then PharmaHack is the fastest way to prototype and test it with minimal risk.
    BOQ Hackathon 2017: The Future of Fintech
    03 Mar - 06:00 PM
    Newstead, Australia
    Developers, designers, marketers, business professionals! Are you interested in Fintech? River City Labs and the Bank of Queensland invite you to sign up to participate in the BOQ Hackathon 2017: The Future of Fintech. You'll get the opportunity to network with like minded individuals and collaborate on technology ideas that can bring positive disruption to the business banking and financial technology sectors.
    MPID Healthcare Hackathon
    25 Feb - 09:00 AM
    Sydney, Australia
    Healthcare technical professionals, students, entrepreneurs! by Macquarie Park Innovation District (MPID) and National Australia Bank (NAB) invite you to participate in the MPID Healthcare Hackathon. You'll be challenged to use NAB’s data-sets and APIs to design and build a digital solution that helps support, empower and provide insights to healthcare consumers and organizations.
    City of Ballarat & Western Bulldogs Hackathon Pre-Registration
    24 Feb - 06:00 PM
    Ballarat Central, Australia
    Aussie Rules football analyst, developer, software engineer, developer, maker, story tellers! The City of Ballarat and the Western Bulldogs invite you to participate in the Ballarat Hackathon. You'll be challenged to apply your creativity and technical know how to develop new insights, innovative visual apps and more to promote the Western Bulldogs in Ballarat.
    Enabled by Design-athon
    24 Feb - 08:30 AM
    Darlington, Australia
    Developers, designers, entrepreneurs! Are you interested in creating accessibility solutions for people with disabilities and their therapists and caregivers? Remarkable invites you to sign up to hack solutions for some of the everyday challenges that those people have identified! It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an experienced business person, you'll be able to network and collaborate with innovative, creative and like-minded individuals. You'll be part of a team that will create functioning prototypes of radically great accessibility solutions. Winning's not everything, but the winning team will get cash and cool prizes and a slot in the Remarkable Accelerator!
    BOQ Hackathon Information Session
    23 Feb - 05:30 PM
    Fortitude Valley, Australia
    Planning to participate in the upcoming Bank of Queensland hackathon? You're sure to want to attend the BOQ Hackathon Information Session. You'll learn about the structure of the hackathon, as well as the three tracks from which you will chose your FinTech solution project. Come along and get a head start on your preparations; meet other participants and maybe join a team; get your questions answered by hackathon organizer staff.
    Challenging Inequality @ UNSW Hackathon
    21 Feb - 06:00 PM
    Kensington, Australia
    Hackers in the greater Sydney area! Are you interested in combatting inequality where it exists? You're invited to sign up to participate in the Challenging Inequality @ UNSW Hackathon, which will be held at the Michael Crouch Innovation Centre. Come and collaborate to help solve some of the biggest challenges facing humans. Pitch your project to a panel of judges for the chance of a prize and recognition as the creator of possibly the world’s next big innovation!
    Writally Bloghackathon - February 21
    21 Feb - 05:30 PM
    Spring Hill, Australia
    Do you get "bloggers block"? Have trouble creating your content? Come and get your blogging flowing again. Bring your laptop to this Blog-hackathon and -- using your personal blog post recipe -- the organizers will help create and workshop your blog post step-by-step as you write it. At the end of the event, you’ll walk away with a ton of helpful feedback to help you improve your blog writing and a kick-ass blog post you can publish immediately!
    MCT1 Minecraft Playthrough
    19 Feb - 01:00 PM
    Brisbane City, Australia
    On Sunday February 19 at 1pm, we'll be playing through a modified version of Minecraft that is being developed to support children and families with Type 1 Diabetes.  During the weekend software developers and game designers are working on this modified version that has three principle aims: 1. Be educational: the gameplay teaches players about the mechanics of Type 1 Diabetes and its management 2. Be entertaining: the gameplay is designed to be engaging and make learning fun! 3. Create community: be a lightning rod for children and families living with Type 1 and provide the opportunity for community. So you are welcome to come with your child and play through the Minecraft version that we call MCT1 (Minecraft for Type 1) and give us your valuable feedback! What you'll need to bring: A laptop with Minecraft installed. A Mojang account for the Java version of Minecraft (you can buy a card from Coles for $25 for this) The event is supported by Magikcraft, NovoNordisk, Just Digital People, Pharmadata, Fishburners, and Digital Brisbane.