Showing results 181 to 188 out of 188
Global Service Jam - Melbourne
17 Feb - 06:00 PM
Melbourne, Australia
Interested in developing new services? Come and participate in the Global Service Jam - Melbourne. You will collaborate with like-minded individuals in a small team to build an entirely new service solution. You'll get to take your service solution from concept to working prototype.
MCT1 Hackathon
17 Feb - 05:00 PM
Brisbane City, Australia
Techies in and around Brisbane! Are you interested in helping the fight against juvenile diabetes? Josh Wulf of Minecraft invites you to participate in the MCT1 Hackathon to help produce a modified version of Minecraft for children with Type 1 Diabetes and their families. You'll collaborate and team with like minded individuals to create a modified version that allows the children to play as a player with Type 1, and learn to manage their condition in a fun, and engaging environment free of consequences.
Hackathon Information Session for BOQ Staff - Lunch and Learn
13 Feb - 12:00 PM
Newstead, Australia
BOQ Staff Hackathon Information Session - Lunch and Learn  Never been involved in a Hackathon before?  Not sure what it involves?  No clue what a hacker, hustler or a hipster is?  This Lunchtime Information Session is definitely for you.   Come along to BOQ Level 6 Kitchen and Balcony area on Monday 13th February and learn all about what a Hackathon is and how you can be a part of all the fun on 3-5 March.  Hear from some experienced 2016 #boqhackathon alumni and learn how you can be a part of this years event.  Also on hand will also be our experienced co-event organisers from River City Labs to answer any hackathon questions.    We'll be explaining the structure of a hackathon, give you some inside tips for success and will also be explaining the signifigance of the three competition tracks.  Feel very welcome to bring along your lunch to this event and eat it during the presentations.   This event is for BOQ Staff or BOQ Corporate Partner Staff only.  If you are a non-BOQ Staff Member, we are holding a seperate BOQ Hackathon Information Session at River City Labs at 5.30pm on Thursday, 23rd February. (Link here to seperate event invite)      
    Brain Reprogramming Hackathon at Sustainable Minerals Institute UQ
    03 Feb - 03:00 PM
    Brisbane, Australia
    Sustainable Minerals Institute students and faculty, programmers and mining industry professionals! The Centre for Applied Neuroscience in Business invites you to sign up and participate in the Brain Reprogramming Hackathon at Sustainable Minerals Institute UQ. You'll be challenged to collaborate to design and build the world’s first end-to-end multiplayer 3D Virtual Mining video game — a state-of-the-art research and design tool for all stakeholders in the industry.
    govCMS Camp 30, 31 January 2017 – openly collaborating to improve govCMS
    30 Jan - 10:00 AM
    Forrest, Australia
    Australian UX specialists, designers, developers, web content publishers and editors! Are you interested in the development of the govCMS open source web content management system? The Australian Department of Finance invites you to sign up and participate in the govCMS Camp. You'll be challenged to collaborate with like-minded individuals to help improve govCMS. Work on one of the themes already identified, or suggest one of your own.
    MONA and TasGDS present: Tasjam Utopia
    21 Jan - 10:00 AM
    Berriedale, Australia
    Tasmanian game developers! MONA and the Tasmanian Game Development Society invite you to sign up and participate in Tasjam Utopia. You'll be challenged to build an awesome game for one of the following themes. Select one or combine the two! It's your choice: »Utopia »Overthrow the one percent
    Hackathons Australia January Meetup 2017
    17 Jan - 06:00 PM
    Sydney, Australia
    You're invited to Hackathon Australia's first meet up.  Currently we're an online community and we feel 2017 will be a year of collaboration. To faciliate this, we're holding a session for hackathon participants, organisers, partners and those who have an interest in coming and participating in a hackathon. Find along to find out more! Our first one is special and we hope to make these gatherings interactive.  Agenda 6:00-6:30 - Food and games 6:30-6:50 - Hackathons in 2017, Angela Bee 6:50-7:10 - Social Change, Anne Marie Elias 7:10 - 7:25 - Project Pitch - 2 projects from StartCon's Code for Australia will be presenting their achievements and learnings from the weekend 7:25 - 7:30 - Hackathon noticeboard - if anyone has a hackathon coming up, feel free to let the community know 7:30- 8:00 - Networking and drinks Venue, food and drink generously supplied by Freelancer.  Speaker Profiles Angela Bee is the Founder of Hackathons Australia and an ARN Women in ICT Award winner. After uni, she attended plenty of hackathons and fell in love with technology: the speed of how it evolves, the way it influences our lives, and the benefits it brings to simplify processes and help those in need. To date she's participated and mentored at over 50 hackathons, inspiring others to inhabit an innovative mindset. Her advice: make a difference to the way we live — not only now but make a mark on the future.  A devotee of entrepreneurship, startup and tech, Anne-Marie Elias is a Social Change Connector, Strategist and Innovator, her passion and enthusiasm for collaborative disruption is undeniable. Anne-Marie preaches the gospel of collaboration, innovation and collectivism, and provides others the tools to do the same and her following is growing exponentially because the world is ready for some serious disruption for social change.   This event is brought to you by Hackathons Australia. Head to our website: our active Facebook Community: us on LinkedIn:
      User Experience Design: A Panel Discussion
      11 Jan - 06:00 PM
      Melbourne, Australia
      The importance of user experience has become increasingly recognised by employers and businesses as a strategic role in the delivery of successful products and services. Understanding the WHY first and not designing solutions based on assumptions is where User Experience Design excels. This panel of experts will discuss, define and deconstruct the key concepts of User Experience Design; and how to effectively apply these concepts to your strategy and consequently further yours or your client’s business. Come have a slice of pizza, a beer or cider, meet some great people and learn something new!Presenters Charbel Zeaiter Managing Director at Velvet Onion & Co-founder Academy XI - Lead Instructor Charbel is the co-founder of Velvet Onion, a UX & Service Design agency and Academy Xi, a school that teaches innovation in UX, Service Design, Virtual Reality & Product Management – both based in Surry Hills, Sydney. “I believe we’re here to improve life through meaningful design and to change the world through education, empowering people with the skills and confidence to create their own ripples of change.” “I’m passionate about creating great experiences that solve real problems for real people in their contexts. At Velvet Onion and Academy Xi, we consciously live and breathe our experience process, investing time by collaborating with people who create, deliver and experience products and services.” “Bringing people to the centre of a deliberate and structured innovation and teaching process, we create bridges between problem and solution, remove barriers between people and technology and we create meaningful, long lasting experiences for clients and students.” BACKGROUND:Since starting his design career in 1998, he’s helped iconic brands and organisations and eager startups improve their ability to create long lasting relationships with their customers. By combining his fanatical belief in customer centred design, research and collaboration he’s helped create countless successful solutions. Standing with giants large and small he has helped create many great experiences for likes of ING Direct, Aussie, IAG, IAG Ventures, AMEX, CBA, Enablr, AMP, Evergen, CGU, OneShift, JobVibe, NRMA, M&C Saatchi, AMEX, Salmat Digital, ParcelPoint and Siteminder … just to name drop a few. Megan Dell Head of User Experience - 99designs Megan began working in the field of user experience over 10 years ago, designing online quoting applications for Australia’s largest personal insurance brands at Suncorp. After a stint in agency-land, where she also worked as a visual designer, Megan has since worked in-house at tech companies such as MYOB, Australia Post, REA Group, and now 99designs – an online graphic design marketplace. Matt Smith Regional Manager - MitchelLake Consulting Melbourne Matt works with the Melbourne MitchelLake Consulting team to source strategic talent across experience and service design, technology, product, digital marketing, growth and data science/digital analytics. MitchelLake exists to help great ideas succeed by enabling entrepreneurs to scale and companies of scale innovate. They do this through truly embedding themselves in the local ecosystem and instilling curiosity, partnerships and being mindful of everyone they work with. Cory-Ann Joseph UX Lead Cory started working with the internet way back in 2001 when she chanced her way into a position as web content editor for the Aussie version of the X-Games. Since then she’s dabbled in PR, marketing, events management, a skateboard shop, worked as a barista, accrued a blank IMDB profile, run pub poker tournaments in rural NSW, and dropped out of Bible college – amongst other things. Cory recently returned to Melbourne from Dublin, where she managed design teams at Paddy Power and Mobile Travel Technologies. She’s currently working as a freelance UX Lead on a project which she has sworn to secrecy. Danya Azzopardi UX Designer at REA group Danya is a UX designer and occasional copywriter at REA Group in Melbourne. Danya made her way into UX from a communications background via a brief stint as a software engineer. She loves a good hackathon and is a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion in the workplace.