Showing results 41 to 50 out of 188
19 Oct - 06:00 PM
Ultimo, Australia
*Changed date as we're working on an exciting secret COLLAB that we'll annouce very soon! IMAGINE AND TELL STORIES BETTER THAN J K ROWLING AND GEORGE R R MARTIN, COMBINED.  We coach the 2030 ENTERPRISE SKILLS: presentation skills + communication + teamwork + creativity. These are monthly 60 minute improvisation public speaking workouts as a part of the Vibewire Jungle Gym.  What is SOAPBOX CLUB? Think Toastmasters meets NIDA – we’ll have a series of on your feet exercises to challenge your presenting, pitching, debating and negotiating skills through business and life. August's session is all about creating and taking people on your journey, looking at things from a different perspective and challenging your imagination with unexpected endings. Keep an open mind, be prepared to give your energy and please wear comfortable shoes.  Workout spots max. of 15 people.  YOUR SOAPBOX COACHES Susan Shi & Neil Gomez have run a series of these workshops at the Commonwealth Bank across the product development and technology teams. They've spoken at TEDx Sydney, won pitches at Google and AWS Hackathons and more importantly, experts in first aid if you get faint during the workshops - you're in very safe hands ;)
    Writing Hackathon October 19 (FREE)
    19 Oct - 09:00 AM
    Melbourne, Australia
    Got some writing to do? Hate sitting down to it all alone?  Join my Writing Hackathon for two hours on Thursday. Just bring along your writing project, and work in quiet companionship. There is no charge. This is not a workshop. It is an opportunity set aside time to get your writing work done alongside other quiet and purposeful writers. There's how. We have four 25-minute writing sprints with five minutes debrief between. We are focused and task orientated. I hope you can make it. There’s enough room for eight of us. First in, first served. No latecomers. 
      Big Data Big Heart - Ideation evening - AWS Offices
      18 Oct - 06:00 PM
      Brisbane, Australia
      Are you planning to participate in the Big Data, Big Heart Hackathon? If so, you're invited to come along to the event Ideation evening. Form your team, register and hear directly from the challenge providers - Diabetes Queensland, Epilepsy Queensland, and Life Flight.
      Hackathon @ CoderDojo Altona North
      15 Oct - 10:00 AM
      Williamstown, Australia
      About Coder Dojo Altona North - At CoderDojo Altona North, young people aged between 7 and 17, learn how to code (Scratch, Python, etc.), interact with the real world using sensors and the Arduino, develop programs on the Raspberry Pi, develop websites, develop mobile apps, develop simple programs, develop games, build robots and explore various aspects of technology in an informal, safe, and creative environment. In addition to learning to code, exploring the basics of electronics and robotics, attendees meet like minded people and are exposed to a world of possibilities of technology. An individuals creativity is the only limit. We invite kids of all ages starting 7-17 and their parents to come along. What to Bring Along - Please bring along the following: A laptop. Borrow one from somebody if needs be. All hardware you will hack with will need to be purchased for use during the tutorials i.e. Arduino, Raspberry Pi. We'll let you when you are at a point where you need to invest in the hardware i.e. Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc. Initially only a laptop is required. A parent! (Very important). If you are 15 or under, your parent must stay with you during the session. Intent to learn, make and create...:) So come join us, have fun and share in the learning. Please see for details. You will also need to sign up to the Coder Dojo Learning Management System at Each of the weekly tutorials, progress notes, attendance, etc. will be tracked using the Learning Management system. See for details on how to sign up. as a "student" and get access to the relevant Coder Dojo courses. Let's Ignite the flame of learning, let's inspire the maker in you and let's get creating!!!! Getting there - The event will be held weekly at the "Quiet Study Room, Level 2, Williamstown Library". Address for Williamstown Library is, 104 Ferguson Street, Williamstown, Victoria, 3016.  For additional details on the library please visit -  Help Getting In - These sessions will be held at 1100 on Sun morning when the library is closed. You will not be able to enter the premises so please be there 10 mins prior to start. If you need to reach me please give me a call on the phone (Trevor / 0423 607 688) when you get there and we'll have someone let you in.
        GovHack 2017 International Red Carpet Awards
        14 Oct - 05:30 PM
        Brisbane City, Australia
        The GovHack Red Carpet Awards night is an event where we recognise GovHackers who have been judged as prizewinners in the National and International categories which they entered during the GovHack competition of that year. In addition to presenting the awards, we also aim to increase community and institutional awareness of open data and the hackathon community. Sponsors, dignitaries, and guests from Government are invited to attend, speak and present at the Red Carpet Awards. The GovHack 2017 International Red Carpet Awards night will be held in Brisbane on 14 October 2017.  The Red Carpet Awards night in 2017 is sponsored by the Queensland Government Digital Productivity and Services Division. Doors open 5.30pm
          #hackoffeethon Melbourne
          13 Oct - 03:00 PM
          Mulgrave, Australia
          #hackoffeethonCoffee meet tech. Tech meet coffee. Griffiths Bros Coffee Roasters want to bring the coffee and tech worlds closer together. We believe that better application of; and a greater willingness to embrace technology across the coffee industry can bring about positive sustainable change, in both the short and long term. Coffee has a unique relationship with the tech world (it’s powered many an all nighter!) and brings a huge 'playground' of challenges that could benefit from some innovative disruptive thinking from minds outside of the industry. It’s time for some fresh eyes. #hackoffeethon will be a coffee focused ideation, problem solving sprint - with participants forming teams to devise solutions, develop concepts and plans, and pitch their concepts to a panel of judges. What is #hackoffeethon? Put simply it's a hackathon focussed on coffee. The event will bring together people of varied skill sets for fast-paced development of innovative solutions to challenges facing the coffee industry. The event will kick-off at 3pm on Friday the 13th (no, not the spooky kind) of October, with teams pitching their ideas back to our panel of judges from 6pm on Saturday the 14th October. Tickets are $10 to register as a single particpant or $40 for a team of 4 to 6 people. The venue for #hackoffeethon is the Eastern Innovation Business Centre. Mentors are also encouraged to register (free ticket).
            Interschool Hackathon
            13 Oct - 09:00 AM
            Bull Creek, Australia
            What is a Hackathon? A hackathon is a fast paced problem solving event, typically lasting a couple of days in which a large number of people meet to engage in collaborative problem solving across disciplines, interests and skills. We will have around 100 students from 5 government and private schools in the area, who, in small teams will tackle a few problem statements provided in advance. The students will work on the idea across the Friday, and on Saturday will pitch the idea to their peers, and industry judges.  Who can attend? We are inviting students in years 8-11 from schools in the area to join us. Students may be across multiple year groups or a single year group, dependant on the school. Staff who attend can be placed in an interschool teachers team to participate, or they can be in the gallery observing. When? Friday 13th October 9am-3.30pm (Students, staff, industry and university mentors) Saturday 14th October 10am-1pm (Students, staff, industry and university mentors and judges, and parents/families) Where? All Saints College, Bull Creek Perth. Please checkin at Senior School Reception on arrival. This event is proudly supported by Spacecubed, Maker + Co, All Saints, and the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.
              Offensive Web Application Security Hackathon
              11 Oct - 08:30 AM
              Sydney, Australia
              A Shearwater Ethical Hacking & Security Innovation Initiative 1-Day Application Security Challenge & Learning Event ▶ Play from Sydney or join remotely from anywhere in Australia. Open to Individual Players & Teams of up to 4 Please note that each player needs a ticket. Teams can purchase up to 4 tickets depending on the number of players they include. Based on an authentic banking application: Shadow Bank, and includes 48 vulnerabilities that cover various vulnerability classes including the OWASP Top Ten and CWE Top 25 Want to get your teams genuinely excited about Web Application Security? Attend this Hackathon and plunge into the dark world of cyber attacks and view applications through the eyes of a rogue adversary. Guided by cheat sheets, Security Innovation's “ninjas” and Shearwater Ethical Hackers, you will become immersed in a “find the vulnerabilities” game where you will quickly learn and apply hacking techniques in a sandbox environment - and all the while, acquire the skills needed to keep data safe. Utilizes proven Capture-the-Flag (CTF) techniques in real-world settings Fully functional banking application allowing users to exploit features they often build and use such as transferring money and applying for a loan Clever pop-up messages, humorous sounds, and "Easter Eggs" throughout the sites make hacking them even more fun Real-time scoring creates friendly competition and motivation ⌛ Strictly limited places available, book now and secure your spot. An Intentionally vulnerable website Includes 48 vulnerabilities that cover various vulnerability classes including the OWASP Top Ten and CWE Top 25 Each challenge has a point value based on complexity, with challenges ranging from common vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection (SQLi) to advanced cryptanalysis and cipher cracking tests Vulnerabilities are represented in a variety of forms just as they appear in commercial applications Ideal for all skills Got a question? Experts are readily available Need to overcome difficult challenges? Grab a cheat sheet or buy a hint using your points Want to maximize scoring? Team up for a broad scale assault Use post-game reports to identify skills gaps  Prizes $400 JB HIFI Gift Card for the winning team or individual. $200 JB HIFI Gift Card for the runner up Morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea are included for onsite players. Bonus: We will keep the Hackathon platform open until Friday 13 October, 5 pm. That’s an additional 48hrs of access so you can make the most out of this learning experience and complete the challenges at your own pace.
                Everything IoT Global Leadership Summit 2017
                11 Oct - 08:00 AM
                Eveleigh, Australia
                Australian hackers in the IoT community! Are you planning to attend the Everything IoT Global Leadership Summit 2017? If so, then Everything IoT invites you to participate in the Everything IoT HackLABS 2017. This weekend event will take place in Sydney with the Leadership Summit, but you can also participate in a simultaneous HackLAB in Melbourne! How great is that? You'll be challenged to compete against teams of IoT enthusiasts from corporations, government, startups, and academia to come up with new innovative IoT solutions! Everything IoT sponsors have submitted challenges for you to address. If your project is one of the top three, you'll be selected to present it to an expert panel at the Leadership Summit for your chance to be the grand winner.
                River City Labs Facilitator Training
                10 Oct - 08:30 AM
                Fortitude Valley, Australia
                Join us for a two-day workshop for startup community leaders and facilitators to share and learn skills, knowledge and best practice for organising, facilitating, and delivering startup-related events and programs.  From program design and delivery to venue selection, facilitation and presentation styles, through to stakeholder engagement and community building, this 2 day workshop is designed to build skill sets and knowledge for event and program facilitation and delivery. Day 1 - The focus of day one is on event facilitation, including bigger events such as Startup Weekends and Hackathons, through to smaller events such as demo days, panel events, and pitch competitions. Day 2 - Day two is focused on program facilitation and deep level insights into program design, including pre-accelerators, accelerators, and international missions. The workshop will be led by Aaron Birkby CEO, Startup Catalyst and one of Australia's hardest working Startup Weekend and Corporate Hackathon Facilitators and Peta Ellis CEO of River City Labs who has also facilitated multiple events, pre-accelerator programs.  Both are willing to share their tips, tricks and learnings for the benefit of future facilitators. Both are willing to share their tips tricks and learnings with the view of enabling more people to step into facilitation roles as the ecosystem grows and the demand for experienced event and program leaders grows.