Showing results 51 to 60 out of 188
Monash Sustainable Development Summit
07 Oct - 10:00 AM
Clayton, Australia
Australian students interested in a sustainable future for Australia and the world! If you're planning to attend the Monash Sustainable Development Summit, then be sure to participate in the mini-hackathon. You'll get the chance to come up with innovative ideas that address the sustainability initiatives for 2018.
Writing Hackathon October 5 (FREE)
05 Oct - 09:00 AM
Melbourne, Australia
Got some writing to do? Hate sitting down to it all alone?
Join my Writing Hackathon for two hours on Thursday. Just bring along your writing project, and work in quiet companionship.
There is no charge. This is not a workshop. It is an opportunity set aside time to get your writing work done alongside other quiet and purposeful writers. There's how. We have four 25-minute writing sprints with five minutes debrief between. We are focused and task orientated.
I hope you can make it. There’s enough room for eight of us. First in, first served. No latecomers.
Start Up Tuesday Stefan Qin Guest Lecture
03 Oct - 12:00 PM
Sydney, Australia
Stefan Qin, is a 20 year old UNSW student (now deferred) whose passion for bitcoin and trading has led him from UNSW hackathons to joining the Unswot Program and raising $3M+ in just the last 3 months. He now is based in San Francisco and Asia but is on campus at UNSW for one day to share his insights, lessons and predictions on cryptocurrency, tech startups and his personal journey.
Innovation Hackathon - 28 September 2017
28 Sep - 06:00 PM
Greensborough, Australia
Start-ups, innovators, ideas people in and around Melbourne! Have you invented something awesome? Would you like to have it validated by experts in innovation analysis? The Melbourne Innovation Centre invites you to bring your idea to the CAIxMIC Innovation Hackathon. Using the industry-leading technology analysis tool, M·CAM -- a global asset management finance firm -- will analyse your idea in real time
#Hack4Climate Blockchain Workshop - Melbourne
25 Sep - 06:30 PM
Parkville, Australia
Hackers in Melbourne! Are you interested in hacking for the climate in the Bonn Hackathon, held in parallel to the COP23 Climate Conference? If so, come to the free ideation workshop in Melbourne and learn how you could be one of 100 fully funded hackers heading to Bonn, Germany.
#Hack4Climate Blockchain Workshop - Sydney
25 Sep - 06:30 PM
Chippendale, Australia
Hackers in Sydney! Are you interested in hacking for the climate in the Bonn Hackathon, held in parallel to the COP23 Climate Conference? If so, come to the free ideation workshop in Sydney and learn how you could be one of 100 fully funded hackers heading to Bonn, Germany.
SHACK- A Family Hackathon and 'Shark Tank' hosted by VERGE
25 Sep - 12:00 PM
Southbank, Australia
SHACK is all about teams having a go at taking their ideas to solve problems, and building them into reality. Educators, students, mums, dads cousins and everyone in between; come along to Shack and learn how to innovate and build your entrepreneurial skills in a fun, friendly environment. You never know, you might have a million dollar idea by the end of the afternoon.Facilitated by fourteen year old Verge winners and the team behind Verge Young Entrepreneurs, Shack will walk (or run!) particpants through a fun, engaging, full proof process of identifying a problem, getting to know existing solutions, and then coming up with a new, brilliant enterprise concept to pitch.You and your brother might start taking your earing making empire to the world, or perhaps you and Dad will take that idea for solving that problem in the backyard, make a prototype and launch your ingenious business. Who ever is on your team, come together in a safe, fun and supportive homely enviroment to give innovation a go.
Whatever the scale, this is a workshop to take your ideas and make something with them.
This event is designed to be enjoyed together... colleagues, mums and dads, siblings, cousins, besties! Your ideas are welcome at our SHACK! Following Shack, hang back at One Roof to see our Verge Entrepreneurs pitch against each other in an incredible 'Shark Tank' event.The Verge Young Entrepreneurs program challenges Year 9 students to put themselves in the role of social entrepreneurs to come up with innovative social enterprise ideas which solve some of society's most pressing problems. In 2017, almost 400 students engaged in the program across a number of schools.Come along to this incredibly special event to see five teams of fourteen year old social entreprenuers pitch their incredible enteprises to a panel of experts in the hope of taking home funding which will enable their idea to be taken from the classroom into reality. This is what education is all about- transforming classroom learning into real world impact. Don't walk, run to secure your spot at this event.
This event is supported by One Roof, Verge & Powerhouse HQ.
Hackathon @ CoderDojo Altona North
24 Sep - 11:00 AM
Newport, Australia
Boys and girls aged 7 to 17 in and around Melbourne, Australia! Are you interested in technology? If so, then sign up today to participate in the Hackathon @ CoderDojo Altona North. You'll collaborate with like-minded kids in teams, using your skills, knowledge, and creativity to undertake an engineering challenge. No experience is required — you only need to have desire and passion for technology and to be ready to roll up your sleeves and get involved.
Uni Virtual Reality Hackathon
22 Sep - 06:00 PM
Kensington, Australia
Australia's First University Virtual Reality Hackathon
At Uni VR Hackathon – We want students with various skills from programming, designing businesses to come together and have a fun 2 day coding party to make VR applications for education
You will:
Form diverse teams with new people you meet,
Brainstorm unique ideas,
Explore new tools,technologies and methodologies,
Practice time management in getting a demo out in 2 days,
Win prizes and swag
Have lots of fun!
Powered by V-KAIWA
Writing Hackathon September 20 (FREE)
21 Sep - 08:55 AM
Melbourne, Australia
Got some writing to do? Hate sitting down to it all alone?
Join my Writing Hackathon for two hours on Thursday. Just bring along your writing project, and work in quiet companionship.
There is no charge. This is not a workshop. It is an opportunity set aside time to get your writing work done alongside other quiet and purposeful writers. There's how. We have four 25-minute writing sprints with five minutes debrief between. We are focused and task orientated.
I hope you can make it. There’s enough room for eight of us. First in, first served. No latecomers.