Showing results 151 to 160 out of 260
UNIHACK Sydney Info Night
12 Jul - 05:30 PM
Sydney, Australia
All techie students -- undergraduate, honours, postgraduate or TAFE -- in and around Sydney! If you're thinking of participating in UNIHACK 2018 - the Sydney hackathon, then you're invited to come to the UNIHACK Sydney Info Night for an evening of teambuilding, networking and talks to prepare you for the Imagination Hackathon.
AASQA Software Testing Hackathon
12 Jul - 09:00 AM
Bentley, Australia
The Autism Academy for Software Quality Assurance is organising another Software Testing Hackathon for the July holidays. This time, we are delighted to have the Curtin ELSIE development team supporting this Hackathon. Elsie is a study assistant mobile app aimed at making Curtin students' learning life easier. The app is designed to student manage their timetable for classes and exams, alert them when assignment deadlines are due or when their library books are due, and give students access to essential unit information. ELSIE is planned for release in semester 2 this year and this Hackathon can be seen as a beta testing opportunity for the app. This Hackathon will take place over the following two days: Thursday, 12 July - starts at 9am and ends at 3pm Friday, 13 July - starts at 9am and ends at 3pm Participants must register for both days. Please register early to avoid disappointment.   
    Clean Water Hackathon
    11 Jul - 09:00 AM
    Kensington, Australia
    New South Wales undergrad and postgrad students from STEMM, business, design, international relations, and other areas! If you're interested in the topic of clean water, then you're invited to sign up to participate in the Clean Water Hackathon. You'll be part of a cross-institutional, multidisciplinary team that is challenged to develop an innovative approach that will help deliver clean water to affected agricultural communities in Sri Lanka that are experiencing the Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Cause (CKDu) public health issue.
    UHack 2018 Meetup Launceston
    10 Jul - 05:30 PM
    Inveresk, Australia
    The UHack Meetup and Briefing is for UHack entrants who don’t yet have a team and/or want to find out what happens during UHack weekend. The UHack Team will also present a briefing on how UHack weekend runs, how judging will take place, and tips on putting together your UHack entry. UHack is Tasmania's innovation hackathon competition - run for student and public innovators - by students and staff from the University of Tasmania. Pizza and drinks will be provided. Looking forward to seeing you there!
      Arduino Hackathon
      07 Jul - 10:00 AM
      Saint Lucia, Australia
      Robogals Brisbane, UQ Robotics, and the Robotics Playground have teamed up to develop an Arduino and robotics hackathon. The alliance will be running a 2 day hackathon in July that will consist of programming arduino to interact with a variety of sensors and actuators, in an effort to create an arduino workshop for school students. The theme for this hackathon is Crime! Dont have experience in Arduino? No worries, we will be running a variety of training workshops in Arduino, Electronics, and Atmel Studio.  Come along if you would like to: Win one of several prizes awarded for most innovative design Gain exposure to the up-and-coming startup Robotics Playground Collaborate with some of the biggest UQ clubs and societies Gain experience in some essential knowledge in the field of robotics If you can bring an Aurduino, please do so. If you cant, don't worry, there should be enough to go around. This event is aimed at university students and stem educators, but graduates, hobbyists, and anyone 17+ interested in robotics or teaching is welcome to come along. The fun will go from 10am - 5pm on Saturday and continue at 10am - 5pm on Sunday.
        AngelHack Sydney Hackathon 2018
        07 Jul - 09:00 AM
        Sydney, Australia
        Coders, designers, and entrepreneurs in Australia! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the AngelHack Sydney Hackathon 2018. Compete on your own, or collaborate as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. This year’s theme is Seamless Technology. You're not limited! Build an app that solves a social or environmental problem and positively impacts your local community -- you might win the Code For A Cause Impact Award, or the AngelHack Challenge Award.
        Clean Energy Hack
        06 Jul - 05:30 PM
        Chippendale, Australia
        Clean energy enthusiasts in and around Sydney! EnergyLab invites you to participate in the Clean Energy Hack. Come as a member of a team, or join one at the event! You'll have 24 hours to come up with an innovative solution that helps to facilitate the uptake of clean energy in Australia. You'll be able to choose to address one of two challenges -- in either case, you can look at households or commercial customers. The challenges are Helping customers make better energy decisions, and How to entice the next wave of solar users -- beyond subsidies and early adopters.
        Grand Question Hack
        06 Jul - 10:00 AM
        Brisbane City, Australia
        We invite you to join us in a group hackathon, to create an engaging questionnaire targeted at 14-19 year old Australians. During the hack sessions, you will join us in designing 18 questions to understand the desired lifestyle of Australian youth, whilst also learning their desired skills and desired work life. The Hackathon will create questions to learn the following about Australian youth:1. Basic likes and dislikes as a cohort generation; and2. Skills they are interested in pursuing. DATE | TIMEFriday 6 July10 am – 4 pm  LOCATIONFishburnersLevel 2155 Queen St Brisbane To learn more about what we do, go to  WHAT We are heading up a nation-wide survey with an aim to engage Australia’s youth in a conversation, towards a stronger, more confident future. This is The Grand Student Survey. The survey questionnaire will be designed to: Engage & give a voice to Australia’s youth, aged 14-19; Learn about their lifestyle choices; Learn their motivations and key drivers; and Learn about their skills and industries of interest. This will allow us to forecast + adapt to the future. HOW The Grand Student Survey (TGSS) is inspired by works of Vision Critical (VC) and the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA). TGSS aims to understand the desired lifestyle of Australian youth, whilst also learning their desired skills and desired work life. We have an idea of youth interests and forecasted markets for the future. TGSS will draw cohesion between markets, skills and the generation that is relevant to them. WHY To provide the upcoming generation with comprehensive, efficient, refined and relevant support. To contribute to society’s understanding of the Australian youth. A unique opportunity to be part of something grand! Shaping the future for next-generation Australians. For more info contact Dhawal Nayak -
          Unearthed Brisbane Info Session
          05 Jul - 05:00 PM
          Fortitude Valley, Australia
          Software developers, data scientists, mechanical engineers, UI/UX designers, geologists, entrepreneurs, and industry insiders in the resources sector! If you're intending to participate in the 54-hour Unearthed Brisbane 2018 Hackathon, then you should plan to attend this information session. In the hackathon, you'll be challenged to work with actual industry data to solve real-world challenges faced by the global resources sector. Come and collaborate and compete for your share of an awesome prize pool and subsequent product development opportunities. <Our expert advice page> gives you insights on hackathon participation!
          BIG DATA SOCIETY Hackathon
          04 Jul - 07:00 AM
          Sydney, Australia
          Big data enthusiasts and techies in New South Wales! You're invited to participate in the Big Data Society Hackathon. Come as a team or join one at the event. You'll be presented with your choice of challenges related to the adverse effects -- suicides, bullying, extremist and criminal behaviour -- of young people's interactions with the internet, social media, smart devices (phones, TVs, watches, etc.) and video games.