Showing results 191 to 200 out of 260
#MKW18 – Startup Breakfast: The AI engine that powers Carsales
09 May - 07:30 AM
Cremorne, Australia
How is AI driving faster car sales? Artificial intelligence is here, and it’s already revolutionising how we do business. Chat AI over breakfast with the team behind Cyclops, the image recognition tool that grew out of a Carsales hackathon. Cyclops uses the TensorFlow machine intelligence open source library – and the Inception artificial intelligence mode – to enhance the accuracy and consistency of photos uploaded to the Carsales website. Come fuel up on coffee, hear the Cyclops story and discuss how you might implement AI to boost your business. [Please note this event is wheelchair accessible] Melbourne Knowledge Week Melbourne Knowledge Week is a week-long festival that melds, art, technology, business and science to explore and co-create our future city. Over 80 events have been designed to inspire curious minds to collide and collaborate to bring future-focused ideas to life. Throw yourself into a week full of innovation and creativity where you’ll hear from international industry leaders, test cutting-edge technology, taste future food and help to solve Melbourne’s future challenges.
    CanYa - Bountysource - TypeHuman: Binance DEXathon Melbourne
    04 May - 06:00 PM
    Kensington, Australia
    The CanYa - Bountysource - TypeHuman: Binance DEXathon, Melbourne The Problem: Centralised exchanges have existing problems around access, custodianship and a extremely vulnerable to hacking. Mt GOX, BitFinex, CoinEx and BitGrail have all been hacked, with billions of dollars of coins stolen. The holy grail of exchanges is to create a decentralised exchange (DEX) with a fast order matching engine, deep liquidity and zero custodian risk. Kyber, Airswap, 0X are some of the current projects in this space, but with so far low adoption. Currently, decentralized exchanges (DEX) are inefficient and difficult to operate for the average user. As a result, they generally have reduced liquidity. Cryptocurrency is evolving at a rapid rate and we must ensure that blockchain technology is able to keep up. The Dexathon: Binance are one of the world's leading exchanges. They grew from 0 to 400 employees in 6 months and have been the world's fastest-growing revenue generating company. As described in their original whitepaper, Binance fully intend to launch a decentralised exchange, (they currently operate a centralised exchange). To help encourage the open-source blockchain community, Binance are hosting a worldwide hackathon style event to push the envelope in blockchain technology known as the "Binance Dexathon". Their original medium post can be found here: Binance announces Dexathon.  Binance will offer a total prize pool equivalent of $1,000,000 USD, paid in BNB, and university teams are encouraged with the offer of a special grant of $10,000 per qualified team — even if you don’t win. The Melbourne Hackathon: CanYa and Bountysource, in collaboration with TypeHuman, will host a hackathon to foster innovation and encourage teams to ultimately submit an application to the Binance Dexathon, which closes on 30 June 2018. The Melbourne Hackathon will guide teams through a weekend of blockchain principles and protocols, and work with them to theorise, research and pitch a possible solution for a DEX. The organisers will also use their networks to guide the winning teams in the application process and introduce them to Binance.  The Goal: The objective of this event is to solicit prototypes of a decentralized exchange with a focus on speed and capacity, or more precisely, a DEX blockchain that is low-latency and high-throughput. Deliverables: - A 5 minute presentation on the DEX blockchain solution, which may include a working prototype, psuedo code, high-level technical overviews, media or a landing page.  Winning teams (1st, 2nd, 3rd) will be chosen with the following principles: - Idea and Technical Implementation - Presentation Quality Prizes First Prize: 10,000 CAN, Personal introduction to Binance Team, Help with Application Submission Second Prize: 5,000 CAN, Help with Application Submission Third Prize: 1000 CAN, Help with Application Submission Event Details: Time: 6pm Friday 4th May to 6pm Sunday 6th May Location: Young Husband, Kensington Food and Drinks: Provided The format for the weekend will be: Friday: Opening, intros and keynotes Saturday: Hack! Sunday: Presentations and awards
      Writing Hackathon (FREE)
      03 May - 09:00 AM
      Melbourne, Australia
      Got some writing to do? Hate sitting down to it all alone?  Join my Writing Hackathon for two hours on Thursday 19 April. Just bring along your writing project, and work in quiet companionship. There is no charge. This is not a workshop. It is an opportunity set aside time to get your writing work done alongside other quiet and purposeful writers. There's how. We have four 25-minute writing sprints with five minutes debrief between. We are focused and task orientated. I hope you can make it. There’s enough room for six of us. First in, first served. Please be on time.
        ARRB Hack-a-thon
        28 Apr - 09:00 AM
        Fortitude Valley, Australia
        The Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) is the leading provider of applied research in the transport sphere. The first ARRB Hackathon focuses on Smart Roads and runs on the 28 – 29th  April 2018, directly before the preeminent ARRB conference 29th  April – 4th May. Strategic workshops, unique data sets, and talented mentors will all feature, as we seek to grapple with the big transport issues of our time, such as the emergence of autonomous driving, connected roads, and electric vehicles. Entrants of all levels of experience and technical expertise are encouraged to enter, however some suggested team assets may include programming, data analysis, engineering and public speaking. 
          UWAYE and Worley Parsons Present: 2018 Hackathon
          27 Apr - 09:00 AM
          Crawley, Australia
          Looking for vacation work? How about $4000 cash? If you answered yes to any of the above, then get your teams together for UWAYE’s 2018 Hackathon proudly sponsored by WorleyParsons! This years challenge will focus on the uses of machine learning on engineering projects. The prototypes you’ll be building will be for a real Worley Parson’s client and the winning team may be given an opportunity to take their solution into implementation! Winning teams will be awarded a $4000 cash prize and each member of the winning team will be awarded a 12 week internship at Worley Parsons!!! Date: 27th April 2018 (9am-6pm) Where: Hemsley Learning Centre Reid Library Tickets: FREE! (1 ticket per team, teams of 3-5 people) BYO Devices Lunch and afternoon tea provided!
            AASQA Software Testing Hackathon
            23 Apr - 09:00 AM
            Bentley, Australia
            The aim of this Software Testing Hackathon is to help you develop skills in running user acceptance test of a software system operating in different environments (i.e. desktops and mobile devices). You will collaborate with the developer of the software to perform these tests and to report their outcome. Do do not need to have any academic background in computing and Information Technology. 
              Incubate Socialpreneurship Hackathon
              21 Apr - 09:30 AM
              Docklands, Australia
              We are very excited to invite you to the first ever African Australian Socialpreneurship Hackathon.  This is an intense workshop designed to solve social problems using financially sustainable business strategies. Do you have an idea that you want to turn into a sustainable business? Are there social problems that you wouldd like to tackle with your team? Are you part of a youth organisation that wants to be more strategic and financially sustainable?  Whatever category you find yourself in, if you are 18-30 years old and you are interested in working with a team to solve social problems to create a financially sustainable enterprise register we'll allocate you to a suitable team.  Themes will be set up shortly so you can choose which problems you want to tackle. Over one weekend, you'll be taught how to turn ideas and social challenges into a financially sustainable model by a leading business strategist with several mentor facilitators guiding you throughout both days.  Each team will also get to pitch their ideas to business experts and serial investors on both days.  The skills you learn here will be the best and quickest way to improve your side hustle, business or orgaisation.  Don't miss this first of its kind opportunity. Do good and make money by registering NOW as seating is strictly limited. Make 2018 count and let this be your year to fly!
                Myriad Presents: Hack The Reef Hackathon
                21 Apr - 08:30 AM
                Smithfield, Australia
                Plastics and other marine debris is a big issue for the Great Barrier Reef, with more than 8 million pieces of plastic estimated to be along the coastline – humans are the main cause of the problem, but we believe we can also be part of the solution.Hack the Reef is the world’s first creative hackathon dedicated to finding solutions to problems facing the Great Barrier Reef. This year your challenge will be to come up with novel solutions that can help eliminate plastics and other marine debris found in the region. We’re looking to you to help us come up with new ideas that can help us stem the tide of plastics and marine debris. Whether you have an idea for effective waste management, an app that can help us understand the impacts of marine debris or non-plastic alternatives for tourism operators – every idea is welcome at Hack The Reef. Myriad has teamed up with James Cook University, the Queensland Government, Designworks, the Great Barrier Reef Foundation and Glass to bring you Hack the Reef. This event is a collaboration that brings together anyone with a desire to make a meaningful difference to the Reef. Expect to see researchers and academics alongside business leaders, students and mums and dads. Small teams will work together to come up with a creative solution to a complex problem and present their concept in a pitch format at the end of the day. Participants will gain knowledge and insights about the Reef; learn new techniques to solve problems; and practice designing, pitching and developing initial ideas to completion. All of the solutions will be presented at Myriad in Brisbane – Australia’s premiere technology and innovation festival. Limited places available, so get in quick! REGISTER TO JOIN
                  The Cross-Border Hackathon Presented by NAB and Alibaba
                  20 Apr - 06:00 PM
                  Docklands, Australia
                  The rise of fintech has brought about a variety of incentives for innovation in cross-border dealings. However, many Australian businesses are yet to fully leverage their opportunity to export to the Asia-pacific market via e-commerce channels, as well as effectively engaging with the demographic wave of Asian tourists and migrants travelling to Australia. We believe that businesses have not exploited these opportunities due to a lack of knowledge of the relevant markets and consumers alike. NAB and Alibaba Cloud are proud to present a three-day Hackathon to bring together skilled minds in an attempt to solve these complex problems and deliver both innovative and empowering solutions to our customers via technology. Please check out for more information.
                    Tanda Hackathon - Brisbane 2018
                    20 Apr - 06:00 PM
                    Brisbane, Australia
                    Tanda Hack is back with the 2018 Tanda Hackathon! Some people said it couldn't be done, but we took those people, threw them into a proverbial box, stood outside the box and laughed manically. This year we're back but with a bit of a twist, instead of focusing on a particular technology, the theme for this hackathon is Employee Experience. So come along and build something that will make the lives of employees 10x better. This year, you'll be competing for two prizes: - The Tanda Hackathon Trophy for best validated and executed project- The Tanda Tech Award for best technical project Bring your best Blue Steel because the Tanda Hackathon Selfie Comp will be making a grand return. We'll have our timeclock out Friday night, gasoline fight photos welcome (Tanda not to be held accountable for any freak gasoline fight accidents). Your ticket gets you free food, drinks, and a place to work for the entire event. All you need is a laptop & charger. And as usual, all ticket proceeds will go back to IT and programming clubs at local universities. Check out some photos from one of our past events! Watch a 2-minute video put together from last year's event Read about what previous Tanda hackathon competitors thought How does it work? Friday 20 April6pm - Registration, food, and beers. Arrive at Tanda HQ and get checked in.7pm - Welcome. We’ll brief you on what the next 24 hours holds, and introduce judges and mentors there to help out.7:30pm - Team forming. Pitch your idea, form into teams, and start building! Saturday 21 April8:30am - Doors open to River City Labs. Get some work done before brekky.9am - Start the day right with a filling continental breakfast.Lunch - is on us! Get keen, get fed.6pm - Presentations and judging. Dinner, as usual, is on us.7pm - Awards and beers.9pm - Go home... or to a pub across the road.