Showing results 221 to 230 out of 260
JA Australia Welcome/Info Day 2018
19 Mar - 06:00 PM
Sydney, Australia
Do you think you have what it takes to be successful?
We do.
Perfect for high school and university students (any level, any degree), this free event will provide you with:
- All the info you need about entrepreneurship
- A chance to meet other students before our Hackathon
( )
- Various games (perfect for ice breaking and team building)
- Overview of our exclusive Company of the Year Program (and why you should sign up!)
What is JA Australia? What do we do? Why should you join us?
By the end of the night, you can tell us.
Don’t worry if you’re not a member yet, we will be taking registrations during the night.
What else are you going to do on a Monday night?
Come along, bring a friend and check us out!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Perth Computational Law & Blockchain Festival and Hackathon
18 Mar - 10:00 AM
Perth, Australia
The 2018 Computational Law & Blockchain Festival is a 'decentralized conference', a three-day global event centered around a common theme taking place simultaneously in independent, self-organized 'nodes' around the world with the main event on Sunday.
The Festival is designed to be as inclusive as possible, with activity tracks for participants of all backgrounds, interests, and skill levels:
New to computational law or blockchain technologies? Learn the basics from local and global experts at our educational sessions.
We will provide dedicated working space for you to create personal projects or submissions for one of CL+B's Global Challenges.
Interested in policy implications of blockchain technology? Join our Global Symposium, a distributed policy hack to discuss core issues related to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies with the goal of contributing to a free and open global survey of those issues.
Join us on main event on Sunday 18th
Sunday Schedule:
Event Registration
Introduction to the world of blockchain
LEARN - Presentation
Policy Panel
Light lunch
LEARN - Presentation
Policy panel
Event ending with drink and pizza
And on Saturday 17th we are launching the hackaton for hackers that have something to prove. Hackaton will take place from Saturday to Sunday.
Holochain Hackathon - Collingwood, Melbourne
16 Mar - 06:30 PM
Melbourne, Australia
We're here to build apps on Holochain - If you've been looking to build Dapps (Distributed Applications), but have come up against the limitations of Ethereum or other Blockchain technologies, you need to see what Holochain is all about. Join us to dig in and build an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) version of your app over the weekend.
We're looking for Blockchain start-ups and software developers (Javascript is super helpful!) to come join us to build out your apps on a next generation distributed platform.
Arthur Brock, cofounder of the open source Holochain joins us from the US. He shares how this new "post-blockchain" architecture eliminates bottle necks and allows for true scaling. Find out more.
Distributed computing and applications
Scalable post-blockchain
Decentralized solutions with no bottlenecks and versatile public/private validation strategies.
Actually peer-to-peer
Data is sharded across a network of full peers. No centralized servers, ledgers, or different user classes.
Agent-centric computing
Rigorously ethical, lossless approach to data integrity and context-specific provenance.
There is ample time for questions about Holochain and the imminent ICO for Holo, a distibuted hosting app.
Friday 16th March 6pm Networking
6.30 Presentation by Arthur Brock
How holochain overcomes the limitations of current blockchain technology.
How to create stable, asset-backed currencies that cannot be hijacked by speculators.
How to build resilient local communities for more sustainability.
There will be plenty of opportunities for questions.
Have a good idea for your community or for the world?
Let's take it from plan to working prototype in just 3 days.
Hackathon with hands-on support from Friday 16 March at 6pm to Sunday 18 March at 4pm
Holo fuel ICO intro
16 Mar - 06:00 PM
Collingwood, Australia
Arthur Brock gives a general overview of why Holochain is different from other Blockchain platforms, and outlines the upcoming ICO:
This event will run straight into the technical overview and introduction to the weekend's Holochain Hackathon:
There will be plenty of time for questions and networking :)
If you have already registered for the Hackathon, you will not need to re-register for this one. Whether you are staying for the full length of the weekend or not, the Introduction to the hackathon will be well worth attending for anyone with an interest in distributed computing.
WISE HACKS - Information Evening
16 Mar - 05:30 PM
Richmond, Australia
Our focus for the first event of 2018 is an information evening to describe a bit about what's involved in a Hackathon and how it's expected to catalyse change.
Tickets to our information night will include drinks and nibbles. The night will include a short presentation and activity, as well as networking with like-minded people and residents of City of Yarra.
Arrive at 5.30pm
Start at 6.00pm
- introduction to hackathons
- stories from people and organisations
End at 7.00pm
Close 8.30pm
Future Smith is launching Wise Hacks Melbourne in 2018, with support from the City of Yarra and Richmond Community Learning Centre. We are gathering the collective wisdom of wise and skilled residents to catalyse creative solutions to pressing social issues in the community. Based on the 'hackathon' format, over this weekend teams will be intensely 'hacking' one of City of Yarra's pressing social problems. Come as an individual, as a couple or existing team. This will be a fun and empowering experience.
Our hackathon will be held in April 2018 and will involve a structure like this below;
Urban Connectivity …Creating opportunities for stronger intergenerational connections in urban environments…
Friday 6pm to 8pm
Saturday 3pm to 7pm
Sunday 10am to 8pm
Wise Hacks Process
Information workshops will briefly inform the group about the problem we’re exploring and the purpose of the hackathon.
Teams of 2-5 will self-organise amongst the attendees.
Facilitated workshops will assist teams with creative problem solving including initial ideation, refinement, testing, iteration and presentation of final idea/solution.
Technology advisors will be available to help with any graphics and technology components of proposed solutions or processes.
All project teams will be given free use of the Future Smith platform for communications and project management purposes.
The prize will include free use of the Future Smith platform for a year and a monthly meeting with the Future Smith team to assist with implementation.
Why Wise Hacks?
Creating meaningful and exciting civic participation.
Ensuring all ages are involved in problem solving, especially those with accumulated knowledge and skills.
Taking action towards a social problem that has been identified locally.
Challenging the status quo for typical hackathons that are largely youth and technology focused.
Judging Criteria:
Alignment to goal: intergenerational connectivity
Feasibility: will this solution work in the real world
Creativity: is this a unique solution
Sustainability: is it possible to carry out this solution on a volunteer basis
Solutions may include technology but are not required to involve technology
CleanTech Women Hack Info night
15 Mar - 06:00 PM
Chippendale, Australia
Hackathon info-night
How can we come up with a product or service to change behaviours for a cleaner energy future?
When we think about how we can move to a clean energy future, maybe the first question that comes to mind is how can we develop technology to enable this? But what gets ignored is the social and behavioural change that also needs to happen for us to realise that clean energy future. If CleanTech isn’t easy, accessible and attractive for people to ACTUALLY USE, then even the most innovative technologies will struggle to have any impact.The change makers having a real impact now are those who realise that we need to innovate for behaviour change.
See how Tesla made electric vehicles attractive. Think portable solar panels that you can take camping or on a boat. Think how LEDs have replaced light bulbs in most places, saving an incredible amount of energy. What could be the next step?
This hackathon is a CleanTech women initiative. We invite teams with female leaders to participate.
Currently, only 19% of startups are founded by women and only 7% of women lead tech startups which ultimately leads to very few female CEOs. Only 4.6% of Fortune 500 companies have a female CEO.
In STEM sectors and particularly CleanTech the female engagement is even lower. The energy transition is on the agenda of every country. The market for CleanTech products is growing and expected to boom in the coming years. Women can’t be left aside of this market. In 10 years we want to see female and male leaders equally represented at the top of major CleanTech organisations. We are inviting ALL women to participate (we are transgender and non-binary inclusive). Men are also welcome to participate but all the teams will need to be female-led.
This info night is the occasion for you to hear from Stuart Auld, COO at EnergyLink, get a first glimpse on the problem statements and network with other participants.
You can register for the hackathon here
Our sponsors
The CleanTech Hackathon cannot happen without the generous support of our sponsors.
A big thank you to Wattwatchers and EnergyLink for sponsoring the event and providing participants with access to their API and datasets.
17:30 Doors open
18:00 Event Starts
20:00 Event concludes
Drinks and light snacks will be provided
Space Innovation Network by Innovate Australia
15 Mar - 04:00 PM
Perth, Australia
in collaboration with
invite you to the inaugural meeting of the
Space Innovation Network
at a great venue:
Senator Linda Reynolds Champion of Western Australian Space Industry
Pier Bargellini Head of the Ground Facilities Operations Division at the European Space Agency
Professor Michael Smart Chair of Hypersonic Propulsion, The University of Queensland
Western Australia is well positioned to play a key role in the Space Industry. The state is already home to globally significant civilian and defence space research and exploration facilities, it will also soon co-host the world's most powerful radio-telescope, the Square Kilometre Array. These facilities, together with the existing space industry expertise, space researchers and industry partnership with NASA and European Space Agencies mean that WA is well placed to become an internationally signficant contributor to the global space industry.
Innovate Australia is a great supporter of efforts to unite WA Space Industry in an innovation cluster, therefore providing better opportunities for national and international collaboration. Join us at this event to make 2018 a successful year of consolidation and collaboration for the WA Space Industry.
Scitech can provide free parking for all guests. Please park in the undercroft carpark, simply bring the boom gate ticket inside with you for validation of free parking.
"How Would You Reshape Albany’s Energy Network?"Western Australia’s first Energy Self-Sufficiency Hackathon
The inaugural West Australian European Business Association Inc. (WAEBA)European Business Forum
Let’s make WA a true STATE OF INNOVATION!
Global Service Jam Melbourne 2018 | March 9-11
09 Mar - 06:00 PM
Melbourne, Australia
The Global Service Jam: an event where you explore and experience Design Thinking.
Super-charge your creative confidence with a team to make a new service in 48-hours. Be part of the global movement.
In a spirit of experimentation, co-operation and friendly competition, teams will have 48 hours to develop brand new services inspired by a shared theme. The theme will be announced on Friday night at the event.
You can expect to:
1. Have fun.
2. Build creative confidence through applying design thinking tools and methods.
3. Hone your persuasion, facilitation and collaboration skills with people you meet and choose to work with.
4. Meet new people, make new connections, build a network of like-minded explorers looking for new and better ways to create and deliver value.
5. It's fully catered: Food, Drinks, Snack... COFFEE!
The Jam will kick off at 6 pm on Friday the 9th and pack up at 6 pm on Sunday the 11th.
The kick-off on Friday night will include drinks & dinner - this is where you will meet your fellow Jammers, watch some inspirational speakers, meet your teammates and get the secret theme for the Jam from Global HQ.
Over the course of Saturday and Sunday, your Sticky Fingers Jam team will guide you through the bringing to life of your team's ideas & exploring ways to refine them. Sunday will wrap up with the teams all presenting their final concepts to a small panel of judges - then we talk next steps and how you can all keep up the momentum after the Jam!
Friday 9th March : 6pm - 9pm including Dinner & Drinks
Saturday 10th March : 9am - 5.30pm Including Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Drinks
Sunday 11th March : 9am - 5.30pm Including Breakfast, Lunch & Drinks
FAQ's will be published on the event Facebook page:
What is a Jam?
A jam is a human-centred design-led hackathon. It uses the musical metaphor of "jamming" together, where a team of individuals who are unrelated come together to make great and new music. In a service design jam, the people are the musicians, their experience and imagination the instruments and the music made: novel products and services they could not create alone.
You will learn to use design-thinking methods to rapidly define and refine your ideas. Moving your ideas from concepts to prototypes. Prototyping is where the magic happens. Prototypes make your concept real in the world. They provide a reference that you can test with each other and with your market. Other people can play with your prototype, ask questions, add features, remove features, help you make something that others will be delighted to use.
Jams are about empathy, collaboration and experimentation. They promote co-design and participation. Come and stretch your understanding of what you are capable of creating in 48 hours.
Be part of a global event with more than 100 cities participating!
Join us for the weekend of 9 to 11 March 2016
This year's Jam will be held at:
Level 19, 567 Collins Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000
More about the Melbourne Service Jam:
Honey Hackathon
09 Mar - 05:30 PM
, Australia
What is a hackathon?
We’re bringing together entrepreneurs, marketers, scientists, beekeepers and anyone else passionate about honey together for a weekend. The idea is to think differently about how we use, promote, distribute and store honey.
Anyone is welcome - no experience necessary. Over the weekend we will be delivering content on design thinking, lean canvas and startup methodology as well as having honey bee researchers on site to answer all your burning questions about honey and bees.
Western Australia has healthy bees and a rare flora that produces many unique flavours and health benefits. The opportunity is to combine an appreciation of our iconic flora with the honey bee product.
How do I find out more?
We are having an information evening on Tuesday 6th March at The University of Western Australia from 5.30- 7.30 pm. Venue is the Faculty of Science Common Room, Thurling Green which is nearest Hackett Drive Entrance #3. Please, come and join us.
What are we working on?
The event is open for you to tackle anything that excites you about honey, however our key focus areas are:
Honey products (cosmetics, candles, beverages, food etc)
Honey focused tourism initiatives
Honey procuct packaging and
Medicinal products from bioactive honeys
The event is open for you to tackle anything that excites you about honey, however our key focus areas are:
What is the agenda?
5.30PM arrival
6.00 Introduction to Honey Hack and icebreaker
6.30 Dinner (catered)
6.45 1 min pitches and team formation
8.00 Initial idea planning
10PM Official close for the night
9AM Doors open
Hack, hustle, validate and learn!
Expert guest speakers (chemistry and bee experts), outline honey processing chemistry
Teams to problem solve, mentors available for guidance
Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided
9PM Close
9AM Doors open
Validate, validate, validate
Work on your final presentation - you'll have 3 mins to pitch your great ideas
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided
4PM Tools down
5PM Final presentations - show us what you've been working on
9PM Close
What you will get out of it
Learn how to plan and structure a start-up to pitch to investors
Business opportunities that will be scientifically supported by the Cooperative Research Centre for Honey Bee Products
Support the bees by adding value to our local honey industry
A unique opportunity to meet fellow honey bee enthusiasts
Food and drinks across the whole weekend (that’s 7 meals, plus drinks and snacks)
Winning teams invited into the Spacecubed Intensify Scholarship
Founding Partners
Holochain Hackathon - Sydney
09 Mar - 05:00 PM
Sydney, Australia
Have a good idea for your community or for the world?
Let's take it from plan to working prototype in just 3 days.
Use a next-gen platform - better than blockchain, with easy tools for Rapid App Development.Weave new patterns of community instead of operating under corporations.Secure personal data ownership, privacy, and self-governance.
Looking for ideas?
local & p2p currencies, news and social feeds, “FairBnB”, cryptovoting, ridesharing, social activism and organizing, collaboration, carbon credit currency, impact metrics for land, restoration, grasslands management, reputation, currency, signed scientific sensor readings.
Why Holochain?
Scalable post-blockchain
Decentralized solutions with no bottlenecks and versatile public/private validation strategies.
Actually peer-to-peer
Data is sharded across a network of full peers. No centralized servers, ledgers, or different user classes.
Agent-centric computing
Rigorously ethical, lossless approach to data integrity and context-specific provenance.
Two minute overview on the differences between blockchain and holochain.
Introductory talk by Art Brock on Thursday 8 March at 6pm.
Supported by
Next week in Melbourne
There is another hackathon in Melbourne next week.