Showing results 1 to 10 out of 29
Logistics of the Future - Port Edition '16
09 Dec - 04:15 PM
Antwerpen, Belgium
Interested in transportation and logistics? Interested in ports? Come and participate in Logistics of the Future - Port Edition '16. This event is a logistics hackathon aimed at creating innovations to improve operational efficiency of the Port of Antwerp. Collaborate to create solutions that address one of the folliwng themes: »Smart Tech »Import and export »Mobility »Logistics and Infrastructure
Sharify's Hackathon projects Live Crowdfunding
08 Dec - 06:00 PM
brussels, Belgium
Sharify invites you to its Live Crowdfunding event on Thursday December 8th from 6.00 PM. It will take place at IHECS school in Brussels. During Sharify's hackathon (December 2-3-4) several projects have been developed around the circular and collaborative economy thematic. After having worked hard during 48 hours the teams will get the chance to present their freshly born start-up to a broad public and to explain you their financial needs to go further.  Have you ever dreamt of investing in a young, innovative company or becoming a Business Angel? Through crowdfunding platforms, this is possible for everyone from 100 euros!  What exactly is a Live Crowdfunding? The start-ups that have been created during Sharify's hackathon will have 6 minutes each to present their funding needs to an audience constitued of friends, families and anyone that would be interested in investing in a impactful project. The 10€ fee for this event will be donated in the project of your choice. How does it work? The teams will pitch their idea during the event and you will have the opportunity to donate these 10€ directly in your favorite project on the Hoolders website (  What if you want to donate in more than one project? The 10€ fee will go in the first donation you will proceed via the platform on your smartphone. Extra donation will be more than welcome by the teams defending their projects. You are free to donate as much and as many times as you want. If you decide not to donate directly in a project the 10€ fee will go to the Sharify community for increasing its impact.  The donation conducted by the public are displayed in real time on a big screen. The whole event will be broadcasted live on the Sharify facebook page to allow internet users to watch the presentations and invest from home. What if you really want to invest in the start-up?  These first donation will help the teams to further develop their minimum viable product (MVP) and prepare a real crowdfunding campaign for beginning of next year. It will then be the good timing for you to contribute to these change-making companies and expect more than a return on investment. It's thus a great opportunity for you to meet the teams and make your first-mover advantage.  Program: 6.00PM - Registration 6.15PM - Opening speech by Sharify 6.45PM - Guest speakers Minister of Economy and Employment - Didier Gosuin Advisor ICT and digitazation  Christophe Charlot (Trends Tendances and Uberizme) 7.30 PM - Start ups pitches & live funding During these pitches you will discover: A platform that delivers your medicine while closing the loop in the medical economy Interface that connects doctors and patients through a video conference Gamification platfom to create happy habits at work Platform that allows services exchange based on virtual currency An app that tracks and shares the medical data and the evolution of your child  An app that helps consumers reduce their food waste  8.30 PM - Close-up & Drink
    Pioneering master class on new fields of Digital storytelling
    05 Dec - 07:00 PM
    Brussels, Belgium
    [ENGLISH BELOW] Le lundi 5 décembre à 19h, Anita Hugi et David Dufresne (réalisateur de Prison Valley, Fort McMoney, Hors-Jeu) vont vous immerger dans leur dernière expérience interactive : DADA-DATA (ARTE, SSR, SRG). Ce projet fascinant célèbre les 100 ans du mouvement DADA à travers des exercices interactifs, un web anti-musée et six DADA hackathons. Ensuite David Dufresne vous montrera Hors-Jeu, son GameDoc interactif (RTBF, ARTE) : un exemple qui éclaircira la rencontre du jeu vidéo et du documentaire interactif, qui vous fera découvrir les scènes cachées du football international, en collectionnant des cartes de foot. La master class fait partie des Millenium Web Meetings et à la fin de celle-ci nous annoncerons les équipes gagnantes qui auront participé au Cross-Over Lab! Le tout sera suivi d'un drink. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Anita Hugi and David Dufresne (director of Prison Valley, Fort McMoney, Hors-Jeu) will first immerse you in their latest interactive experience: DADA-DATA (ARTE, SSR, SRG). This fascinating project celebrates 100 years of DADA movement through interactive exercises, a web anti-museum and six DADA hackathons.  Then David Dufresne will show you his interactive GameDoc Hors-Jeu (RTBF, ARTE): A lighting example of Game meets Interactive Documentary that challenges you to go behind the hidden scenes of international football by collecting those (in)famous football cards. The master class is part of the Millenium Web Meetings and at the end we will announce and live-stream the winning teams that participated in the Cross-Over Lab! Followed by a festive drink. The master class will be in French.
      Sharify Hackathon
      02 Dec - 06:00 PM
      Brussel, Belgium
      Techies, entrepreneurs, designers! Come and showcase your ideas and skills at the Sharify Hackathon! This is your opportunity to launch your start-up in a weekend! Come and collaborate with a wide variety of want-to-be entrepreneurs — business people, designers, technical professionals — and work together to deliver a valid customer target, a viable business model, and a functioning prototype. The hackathon theme is sharing, so your concept can address areas such as the circular economy, digitization and automation, internet of things and connected devices.
      25 Nov - 01:00 PM
      Brussels, Belgium
      Calling all experts who are passionate about combatting dengue fever! Come and participate at in order to help correct that! Collaborate and use your expertise to tap into private and public datasets to develop new insights and understanding of this disease, for which currently there is no specific treatment! You'll be asked to consider the following challenges: »Assessing factors influencing the spread of dengue. »Predicting the next outbreak. »Visualizing the spread of the dengue virus. »Mapping the research field.
      HACKATHON - Open data & Gender
      24 Nov - 08:30 AM
      Bruxelles, Belgium
      Hackers in and around Brussels! Interested in issues of gender equality? Are you a supporter of open data? Amazone & the Brussels Regional Informatics Centre (CIRB-CIBG) invite you to sign up for the first HACKATHON - Open Data & Gender. The goal of this event is to leverage technology to help stimulate commitment for gender equality in Brussels and the surrounding area. You will be challenged to design and create innovative gender-smart apps that are based on open data.
      Mini-games hackaton
      19 Nov - 10:00 AM
      Gent, Belgium
      Gaming hackers! Come and participate in the Mini-games hackathon. If you have an idea for a video game then this is the event for you. Use the OJOO Unity framework to create your mini game that can be integrated in the OJOO App & Studio. Sign up today for your chance to compete with like-minded game developers for a chance to win €1000.
      Hack4Sports Hackathon
      18 Nov - 06:30 PM
      Leuven, Belgium
      Join sports enthusiast hackers from around the world to work on your sports themed ideas in an amazing venue with food and drink! Network, work, and spitball ideas with individuals and business leaders with similar interests to you.
      VR Hackathon Mons
      18 Nov - 06:00 PM
      Mons, Belgium
      Passionate about virtual reality? Technocité, the University of Mons and the Microsoft Innovation Center invite you to participate in VR Hackathon Mons. This hackathon is based on the "Mons 3D" project, whose goal is to develop a realistic 3D model of the city of Mons. Collaborate with like-minded VR enthusiasts and help bring Mons to life in a 3D model. Your only limit is that you use the Mons city data provided.
      PCM16 Hackathon
      11 Nov - 08:00 PM
      Antwerp, Belgium
      Pentaho data integration and business analytics professionals! Attend this year's Pentaho Community Meeting (PCM2016). Participate in the PCM2016 hackathon to build and present impressive solutions with PDI, Mondrian or CTools.