Showing results 31 to 40 out of 48
AE Hackathon 2017: Fast & Furious
28 Apr - 05:00 PM
Heverlee, Belgium
From idea to functional implementation in just 36 hours? It’s possible!
Each year, AE organizes a hackathon in which our consultants team up with our customers to come up with innovative ideas and turn them into working products or services.
Participating in the AE Hackathon can lead to wonderful results, exemplified recently by bringr, the innovative parcel delivery service we developed in co-creation with bpost and which won the Data News ICT Project of the Year Award 2016.
How does the AE Hackathon work?
The AE Hackathon is a great opportunity for multidisciplinary teams of analysts, developers and product owners to explore new technologies, insights and business models, allowing them to provide answers to the increasingly complex challenges people, organizations and companies are facing today.
At the end of these intense two days, the team with the best executed idea walks home with a nice AE Hackathon award.
Why we organize the AE Hackathon
We organize the AE Hackathon to boost innovation, at AE and at our customers. Previous editions of the AE Hackathon have proven to what kind of value these sessions can lead for our customers. A great example of a service that has its roots in one of our hackathons is bringr, the innovative bpost app that won the 2016 Data News ICT Project of the Year award.
Join in on the fun
Each year, we invite our customers to actively participate in our AE Hackathon by making their API available, supplying data, attending the closing presentation or by taking part themselves - contact your account manager for more information.
Register to attend the closing event and inspirational keynote.
React Native 101 Hackathon!
28 Apr - 01:00 PM
Gent, Belgium
Hey Folks,
We’re throwing a last minute React Native 101 Hackathon, this Friday afternoon at Co.Station Gent!
An introduction into Mobile React Native by our gentleman-expert Claudio, hands-on, get creative and ask all the questions.
Short background: React was developed by Facebook and Instagram and is becoming very popular, being used by Netflix, Imgur, Bleacher Report, Feedly, Airbnb, Walmart and millions more.
Seats for this event are FREE but VERY LIMITED, so full is full, chaps and chapettes!
Some basic coding knowledge is required, we’ll help you out.
See you on Friday!
Hackathon #BrusselsTechCare : Solutions digitales en matière de sécurité et de gestion de crise
21 Apr - 06:00 PM
Bruxelles, Belgium
Smart City enthusiasts -- developers, businesspeople, marketers, designers, professionals or students -- in and around Brussels! You're invited to participate in the #BrusselsTechCare Hackathon -- and help create digital solutions for security and crisis management. Come and help make your city safer by creating an innovative technology solution to one of six challenges related to communications during emergencies.
Startup Weekend Ghent: Open & shared data
21 Apr - 05:30 PM
Gent, Belgium
Belgian innovators, entrepreneurs, developers, designers, and other open data enthusiasts! Techstars Startup Programs invites you to participate in Startup Weekend Ghent: Open & Shared Data. Copme and collaborate with like-minded individuals on ideas that can radically change the way we buy! Showcase your creativity and techie expertise by designing and building a prototype solution that addresses one of the following topics:
»Sharing economy,
»Sustainability, or
»Infrastructure, city and buildings.
Bedenk je eigen sport app! Open data workshop
18 Apr - 12:45 PM
Gent, Belgium
Wil je graag wat meer te weten komen over 'Open Data', en over de rol die het kan spelen in jouw leven? Wil je graag weten waarom Open Data zo belangrijk zijn voor de toekomst van Gent? Kom dan naar onze Lego-workshop!
In deze creatieve sessie gaan we aan de slag met Lego. In een mum van tijd leer je wat open data is en hoe je ermee een sport-app kan bouwen. Iedereen is welkom ongeacht leeftijd of achtergrond.
Waarom willen we jou erbij?
Het antwoord is eenvoudig: omdat jij de toekomst van Gent bent. Omdat jij ongetwijfeld veel waardevolle ideeën zal hebben. Omdat jij misschien ook uit ervaring weet waaraan er nog nood is, wanneer het gaat over sporten en bewegen in Gent. We laten onze fantasie gedurende twee uur de vrije loop!
Deze workshop is dus voornamelijk een creatieve denkoefening, die niet moet leiden tot concrete realisaties. Dit neemt echter niet weg dat de resultaten van de Lego-sessie toekomstige projecten kunnen inspireren.
Praktische informatie
Papieren tickets hoeven niet. Je kan jezelf online registreren via de knop 'aanmelden' (in het groen rechts bovenaan deze pagina). Dan beland je automatisch op onze gastenlijst. Lukt het niet? Geen probleem: stuur een mailtje naar, onze portier. Hij fixt dan wel een plekje voor jou!
De workshop zal doorgaan in het splinternieuwe bibliotheek gebouw De Krook. Toegang is gratis, maar de plaatsen zijn beperkt. De exacte zaal zal later nog doorgegeven worden.
Wat is Apps for Ghent? Apps for Ghent is een jaarlijkse hackathon waarbij burgers, ontwikkelaars en designers op één dag een digitale toepassing moeten bouwen voor de stad aan de hand van open data. Zij starten om 09:00 en moeten stoppen met werken om 15:00. Als deelnemer van de lego workshop mag je nadien de presentaties van de verschillende teams volgen en horen wat zij gemaakt hebben aan de hand van deze data. Liever inschrijven voor de hackathon? Dat doe je hier.
Participatory Urbanism 2017
07 Apr - 09:30 AM
Brussels, Belgium
Researchers, city planners, architects, and urban activists in Europe! You're invited to sign up to take part in Participatory Urbanism 2017. In addition to panels and workshops, you'll be part of a 24-hour Citizen Hackathon, where you'll collaborate to create innovative approaches empower cities and urban hubs through citizen engagement and participatory planning.
Brussels Youth#Challenge FOOD Hackathon
07 Apr - 08:30 AM
Bruxelles, Belgium
Young entrepreneurs in Belgium! You're invited to sign up to participate in the Hackathon for Young Entrepreneurs – April 7th-8th @Betacowork. If you're enthusiastic about being an entrepreneur. if you like meeting people, if you relish challenges...then this event's for you. The theme is FOOD! You'll be challenged to develop a business idea, strategy and communication, and business plan and then pitch your project to an expert jury -- for a chance to win a team prize.
Innoveators - Food Innovation weekend
25 Mar - 09:00 AM
Brugge, Belgium
Belgium’s second Food Innovation Weekend is here – bringing Food Innovation to Brugge!
54 Hours of Testing your Idea to Impact the Food System. Are you in?
Have you ever had an idea that would change the way we eat or produce food? Is your idea one that could impact our global food system? Here’s your opportunity to transform your thoughts into action. Startup Weekend Food Innovation is a 54 hours hackathon to test your concept and create your own startup venture. Find folks with the right skills, passion and dedication to help make your startup idea a reality. During the weekend you will test your idea with real potential customers, receive coaching from experienced entrepreneurs and industry professionals, and win prizes that will help you take your venture to the next level!
Come learn the basics of founding and launching a successful startup while solving real problems we face in our food system.The recipe? Throw a pinch of innovators, entrepreneurs, passionate foodies, developers, graphic designers, chefs,… and bring them together during the weekend. Let them simmer, create, cooperate, innovate and see what they bring to the table!
We provide the space, food, beverages and connections to local resources to keep you going throughout the hackathon. Your task is work together to form teams and innovate new ideas. This is your testing ground to experiment and see results come to fruition.
If you have an idea around farming, reworking, or preparing food, or maybe you invent(ed) the next BIG recipe and want to bring it to the shop floors? Or you might have the idea for a mobile app that supports the consumers with shopping, checking nutritions, etc. Whatever you might bring up is welcome. Surprise us!
You will:
Pitch your idea (if you want to; its an open stage format)
Form a team around an idea and make it real
Get grilled and coached by some of the toughest industry experts
Present to a panel of expert judges and win amazing prizes
Test the limits of sleeplessness
Apps for Ghent: #absforghent hackathon
18 Mar - 09:00 AM
Gent, Belgium
Belgian hackers! You're invited to sign up to participate in Apps for Ghent // Abs for Ghent. De sport & beweging hackathon. You can participate in one of two ways — either bring your existing project to the showcase hackathon, or participate in the "from scratch hackathon", where you build your project from the ground up! Hackathon #1: Crack The Code Into The Music Industry
11 Mar - 07:00 PM
Kortrijk, Belgium
Do you want to be in the music business? Belgium invites you to sign up to participate in the Hackathon #1: Crack The Code Into The Music Industry. If you register to attend the Music Hackathon, you could crack the code into the music industry!