Showing results 11 to 20 out of 57
25 Oct - 06:00 PM
Ixelles, Belgium
NRJ Belgique et Wavemaker Belgium lancent le tout premier Hackathon en Data science
Healthcare Heroes – sessie 2-3 - Hackathon – 25 en 26 oktober 2019
25 Oct - 01:00 PM
Leuven, Belgium
Healthcare Heroes - Schrijf mee aan de gezondheidszorg van morgen
Hope For Climate
18 Oct - 05:30 PM
Namur, Belgium
Le CSLabs de Namur est de retour pour son deuxième hackathon, sur le thème du climat! Comment inciter au recyclage et ainsi diminuer la quantité de déchet ? Comment développer le transport en commun, le co-voiturage ? En un week-end, développez des solutions à la problématique du climat.
L'inscription est gratuite, réservée aux étudiants, et plusieurs prix sont à gagner.
Healthcare Heroes – sessions 2-3 - Hackathon - 18 et 19 octobre 2019
18 Oct - 01:00 PM
Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Belgium
Healthcare Heroes - Ici s’écrit l’histoire des soins de santé de demain
17 Oct - 09:00 AM
Brussel, Belgium
Hack4Gov - schrijf je nu in voor de hackathon en bouw mee aan een innovatief België!
Code to SAVE LIVES with the Belgian Red Cross!
17 Oct - 08:30 AM
Anderlecht, Belgium
Imagine, for a moment, you’re sick. A disease is spreading around you, and the information that could stop it escalating is inaccessible. Despite every advance in medicine and an increasingly connected world, this is a nightmare that all too many people are living today.
The problem is especially pronounced in the developing world.Unlocking data to the benefit of science and medicine is one of the remaining great technological quests. With technology already helping to make miracles happen in so many places, how can we hack existing protocols to ensure that the ability to save a life is never restricted by a lack of access to data?
In 2018, the Red Cross moved the data up to the cloud and launched an open source platform in order to track the spread and location of diseases. This information can prompt early interventions that arenow saving thousand of lives, especially in Somaliland and Senegal. But our platform is currently a minimum viable product - we need back-end and front-end expertiseto enhance the platform and save more lives.
3 days of coding, international networking, using innovation to save lives and lots of fun!
To enrich your CV with an experience with the Red Cross - you'll receive a certificate and a recommendation
To expand your network internationally
To diversify your network with developers, humanitarians and public health practitioners
Hackathon Netwerk Brandweer - powered by VIAS & EYnovation™
17 Oct - 07:00 AM
Antwerp, Belgium
Pre-registration: Netwerk Brandweer HACKATHON - Powered by VIAS and EYnovation™
Netwerk Brandweer, the Vias institute and EY, organize a hackathon aimed at future-proofing fire departments. “Toekomstvisie Brandweer 2030” is a program of the Belgian fire departments, looking at emerging technologies and innovations, and how these can be applied to benefit citizens across the country.
During approximately 24 hours, your team will have the opportunity to create digital and innovative solutions relevant for the fire departments. A diverse and dedicated team of experts and coaches will assist you during the process.
Who are we looking for?
For this Hackathon, EYnovation is looking for startups, scale-ups, established organizations, developers, UX/UI designers who want to grab the opportunity to contribute to the future of public safety by improving the fire service operations in a connected world. More specifically, the teams will work on one of the challenges below.
The Challenges
We are specifically looking for teams that can hack together innovative and disruptive solutions in one of the following areas
Smart Homes and Buildings Challenge: How can we use SMART technology in buildings to our advantage to help the Fire Department in fire detection and prevention?
Smart Mobility Challenge: How to track and allocate firefighting resources in the most efficient way possible given the challenges in mobility (electric transport, mobility as a service, automation and smart infrastructure, etc.)?
Smart Fire Service Challenge: How can emerging technologies (VR, AR, Drones, Wearable technologies, etc.) assist the firefighter in carrying out their job on-site?
How to apply?
Register now and fill in the registration form. Either you can subscribe to this hackathon individually (and will be paired with other participants), or with your own team.
What's in it for you?
Winners of the challenges present their MVP at the Back2theFuture annual conference 18th of October in front of experts and industry decision-makers.
Overall winner to present their fine-tuned product @ ISES conference 19th of November in front of an international audience.
Dedicated diverse team of coaches with different expertise (field experience, business expertise, technical skills, etc.).
Opportunity to contribute to the future of public safety with like minded people.
Support after the event for the relevant MVPs and ideas
Application process and timeline of Hackathon
Registrations are open
29/09/19: Registrations close and selection of the participants
04/10/19: Pre-hackathon event – Detailed Explanation of the Challenges and formation of teams
17/10/19: 24h hack at EY Wavespace Antwerp Office
18/10/19: Winning teams will present their solution at the Back2TheFuture Brandweercongres @ Campus Vesta
Afterwards, all teams can present their solution/findings at Brandweer kazerne Antwerpen.
REGISTER NOW FOR YOUR EARLY BIRD TICKET (Participation, healthy food, drinks incl.)
We’ll look forward to reviewing your application
See you there!
PS: For more information feel free to contact the EYnovation team
VLAIO (Vlaams Agentschap voor Innoveren en Ondernemen) attaches great importance to topics such as these. Therefore this workshop is part of our EYnovation program execution for VLAIO and is as such open to all Flanders-registered start-ups. In function of the audience, the workshop will be given in Dutch or English.
Smart Hackathon: Smart Buildings for Smart Cities
11 Oct - 06:00 PM
Brussel, Belgium
What is a Hackathon?
A Hackathon is an event where a group of volunteer developers gathers for the collaborative generation of ideas & prototyping over several days. It is a creative process frequently used in the field of digital innovation.
The event often takes place on weekends to make it easier for employees or self-employed workers to be available. It can be organized by a school, a company, an administration, a specific sector, etc.
There are no established rules governing this type of event. However, each time, the following essential points are included:
Choice of projects by those who carry them out;
Very short lead time;
Group dynamics and the challenge of emulation or competition;
The obligation to produce a working prototype.
For more information, contact us:
What will really happen during this weekend?
Friday evening:
Presentation of the data and usable means, the guiding ideas or objectives sought ("pitch") by the project leaders;
Vote of the participants (those who will develop) to select a number of projects proportional to the number of participants present, each selected project must have at least two or three developers/designers. Sometimes trainers or special guests are made available or creative techniques are encouraged ("Fly on the wall", "Graffiti Wall", "Immersive" techniques...) ;
Team building, and development (for about 48 hours). Sometimes observers/mediators can intervene, reminding us of the role of icebreakers, leaders and teamwork.
Saturday and Sunday:
Intensive team project development;
Regular contact with coaches to question, help and guide groups in their project development.
Sunday afternoon:
Demonstration of prototypes of part or all of the project in front of a jury of specialists (and sometimes with the opinion of the other teams and an invited audience);
Award ceremony. Many prices to be won!
Why should I participate?
Special theme: "Smart Buildings for Smart Cities"
Dedicated coachs for each approach (IT, International laws, Business, Scale-up, Pitch...)
Stakeholders concerned by your issues, the possibility of networking with a direct impact on your activities;
A possibility of supporting an innovative internal project to which you cannot devote time in a traditional way: multidisciplinary actors who can criticize your project, improve it. After the weekend, you can come out with a prototype of your idea that can be used;
Support after the event for the best ideas during the "follow-up day";
It is a unique experience to live, as much by the notion of teamwork, the intensity of the weekend as by the friendliness shared throughout the event.
You can visit us on
79€ ticket early bird: Including participation to the Hackathon and healthy food, drinks for all the weekend.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NL ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Wat is een Hackathon?
Een Hackathon is een evenement waarbij een groep van vrijwillige ontwikkelaars samenkomt om gezamenlijk ideeën te bedenken en te prototypen tijdens verschillende dagen. Het is een creatief proces dat vaak gebruikt wordt in het veld van de digitale innovatie. Het evenement vindt dikwijls plaats tijdens het weekend zodat werknemers en zelfstandigen zich makkelijker kunnen vrijmaken. Het kan georganiseerd worden door een school, een bedrijf, een bestuur, een specifieke sector, enz.
Er bestaan geen vooropgestelde regels rond hoe dit evenement eruit moet zien. Maar volgende essentiële elementen zijn wel steeds aanwezig:
Het project wordt uitgekozen door zij die eraan werken;
Zeer korte doorlooptijd;
Groepsdynamiek en de uitdaging van wedijver en concurrentie;
De verplichting om een werkend prototype te ontwikkelen.
Indien u meer informatie wenst, kan u ons steeds contacteren via:
Wat zal er echt gebeuren tijdens dit weekend?
Voorstelling van de gegevens en de bruikbare middelen, de begeleidende ideeën en doelstellingen worden gezocht (“pitch”) door de groepsverantwoordelijken;
Stemmen van de deelnemers (zij die zullen ontwikkelen) om een aantal projecten te kiezen dat overeenstemt met het aantal aanwezige deelnemers. Elk gekozen project moet minstens uit twee of drie ontwikkelaars/designers bestaan. Soms staan er trainers of speciale gasten ter beschikking of zullen creatieve technieken aangemoedigd worden (“Fly on the wall”, “Graffiti Wall”, “Immersieve” technieken…);
Teambuilding en ontwikkeling (voor ongeveer 48 uur). Soms zullen observanten/bemiddelaars zich mengen om ons eraan te doen herinneren aan het belang van ijsbrekers, leiders en teamwork.
Intensieve projectontwikkeling in team;
Regelmatig contact met coaches om de groepen te begeleiding, helpen en te bevragen rond hun projectontwikkeling.
Voorstelling van de prototypes van een deel van of alle projecten voor een jury van specialisten (en dit soms met de mening van de andere teams en een gastpubliek):
Prijsuitreiking. Veel prijzen te winnen!
Zaterdag en zondag:
Intensieve projectontwikkeling in team;
Regelmatig contact met coaches om de groepen te begeleiding, helpen en te bevragen rond hun projectontwikkeling.
Zondag namiddag:
Voorstelling van de prototypes van een deel van of alle projecten voor een jury van specialisten (en dit soms met de mening van de andere teams en een gastpubliek):
Prijsuitreiking. Veel prijzen te winnen!
Waarom zou ik deelnemen?
Bijzonder thema: "Smart Buildings for Smart Cities"
Toegewijde coaches voor elke benadering (ICT, Internationaal Recht, Business, Scale-up, Pitch...)
Aandeelhouders die begaan zijn met jullie problemen, de mogelijkheid om een netwerk uit te bouwen dat een directe impact heeft op uw activiteiten;
De kans om een innovatief intern project te ondersteunen waar u anders op een traditionele manier geen tijd kan aan besteden: multidisciplinaire actoren die uw project kunnen bekritiseren en verbeteren. Na het weekend heeft u een bruikbaar prototype van uw idee.
Ondersteuning na het evenement voor de beste ideeën tijdens de “opvolgingsdag”;
Het is een unieke ervaring om te beleven, zowel door het aspect teamwork als de intensiteit waarmee het weekend beleefd wordt alsook door de vriendelijke manier waarmee iedereen met elkaar omgaat. Neem al vast een kijkje op
Smart Hackathon
11 Oct - 03:04 PM
Brussel, Belgium
During3 days, or30 hoursof work dedicated to creating digital & innovating solutions, exciting new projects will see the light of day. Friday evening, different profiles will be teamed up inseparate groups, specialized in IT, business, construction and design. This multidisciplinarity will give each group the possibility to transformdreams and ideasintoconcrete solutionswith real business opportunities.
The main goal of the event is to find solutions on :
Smart Energy: How can we use technology (hardware and software) to optimize energy efficiency?
Smart Workspace: How can we offer smart solutions to make every office building a great place to work?
Smart Mobility: How can we contribute to solve the mobility challenges in our cities?
Smart Construction: How can we enhance working process for people building smart living space?
Smart Safety & Security: How can we improve people’s safety and security in a smart building/district/city?
Event in English, with Coachs (FR & NL)
Big Data Workshops (October - November)
01 Oct - 06:15 PM
Bruxelles, Belgium
Our course offers a hands-on introduction to big data technologies and concepts by highly skilled data science professionals.
◘ Agenda
Sessions are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18:15 - 21:15
[ 01/10/ 2019 ] Session 1: Introduction to Big Data architectures and Draw your own big data architecture
[ 03/10/ 2019 ] Session 2: Introduction to AWS cloud
[ 08/10/ 2019 ] Session 3: Data Pipeline - Gather the data
[ 10/10/ 2019 ] Session 4: Data Pipeline - Build the pipeline
[ 15/10/ 2019 ] Session 5: Data Pipeline - Test
[ 17/10/ 2019 ] Session 6: Data Pipeline - Schedule & Deploy
[ 22/10/ 2019 ] Session 7: Introduction to Elastic stack
[ 24/10/ 2019 ] Session 8: Elastic stack - Load the data
[5/11/ 2019 ] Session 9: Elastic Stack - Build the Dashboard
[7/11/ 2019 ] Session 10: Elastic Stack - Build the Dashboard
◘ Prerequisites
Everyone is welcome to join our course but :
+ You must know how to write code, ideally python.
+ Have notions of cloud technologies
+ Knowledge of SQL is useful to have but not required.
+ You must bring your own laptop
◘ Venue
The courses will take place at Betacowork
Rue des Pères Blancs 4, 1040 Etterbeek, Brussels
◘ About our Program
Many companies and professionals aren't using their data and/or are just simply not aware of the added value they could gain from it.
It is in response to this problem that our project “Brussels: The Beating Heart of Big Data” was born in collaboration with the region of Brussels within their Next Tech program.
Our project offers 3 training cycles of 10 courses on big data, at both beginners and advanced levels. These 3 cycles will be followed by a Hackathon weekend in November 2019
Visit our website for more detail ! ➡️
And don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions: