Showing results 11 to 20 out of 58
SportsHack 2015 - Vancouver
27 Nov - 02:30 PM
Vancouver, Canada
Two days. Three cities. More than 400 participants from across Canada.
SportsHack will bring together teams of hackers in Toronto, Vancouver and Halifax to compete in developing innovative sports-related software solutions.
This year, in partnership with the Canadian Football League (CFL), SportsHack challenges you to develop real world technologies from the CFL's real world data.
The final challenge(s) will not be announced until the event begins, but all of the necessary materials and data will be released prior to the event. Follow #SportsHack15 for upcoming details, so that your team can start planning.
At the end of the weekend-long hackathon, regional finalists from the three locations will advance to the national round, where they will have the opportunity to make a virtual pitch to our panel of judges. The winning team will have an opportunity to work with the CFL and mentors to bring their solution to market.
For more information, please visit
Development Partner
Thanks to the CFL’s generous support, teams this year will work on real world challenges to develop products with commercial potential. If you're a sports fan and want to create your own start-up, this event is for you.
Poverty Fighting Tech Panel! & BreakPoverty Hackathon Demos
24 Nov - 06:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
Join us as we announce the winning team from the BreakPoverty Hackathon, and have a panel discussion on Toronto’s Impact through Technology on Global Development All ticket sale proceeds will be donated to Free The Children
* Panelists discussing technology applications in low income countries * Demos from top three winners of Break Poverty Hackathon * Hear the winning Hack to be implemented in rural Kenya by Free The Children
Join us at, Toronto’s leading Agile JavaScript design and development firm, for this post-hackathon event bringing together individuals in technology and international development for an inspired panel discussion, a chance to see the incredible hard work of the Poverty Hackathon finalists, hear the winning team announcement - and even vote for the people's choice award!
6:00 - Registration & Snacks provided by 6:30 - Introductions & Hackathon Demos 7:00 - Panel Discussion 8:00 - Hackathon Winner Announced & Networking
Moderator: Stay Tuned!
Levi Goertz Levi Goertz is COO of VOTO Mobile, which provides software and services to enable large scale 2-way mobile phone communication anywhere in the world, with a special focus on SMS surveys, behaviour change campaigns and call-in hotlines. Levi has done significant work in the health and governance/participation sectors in Africa, having also worked for Engineers Without Borders Canada, as both field staff and on the executive leadership team.
Astrid Christoffersen-Deb Astrid is a Toronto obstetrician-gynecologistwho is using the grant money to give health care workers in Kenya smartphones that can be programmed to alert them when a woman in their area is in labour and to provide medical advice.
Tariq Fancy Tariq founded Rumie, a non-profit organization on a mission to bring free digital educational content to the world’s underprivileged children, after seeing the success of his work to bring mobile phones to developing markets as a leapfrog innovation at a New York private equity firm. He began his career in technology investment banking with CSFB in Palo Alto.
Deveney Bazinet Deveny is International Manager for Programming at Free the Children, and has a Masters in International Development from McGill University. She has worked internationally in Tanzania, Ecuador, Nicaragua and India. She has travelled to Kenya to see Free the Children’s sustainable development work in practice and meet with community members to better understand their own aspirations for their communities.
As you may know, these events sell out quickly so don't delay on getting your tickets!
Niagara Minecraft Hackathon
21 Nov - 01:00 PM
St Catharines, Canada
Interact globally and locally at this geography-themed event. Explore and create in the NEW Niagara Minecraft map*, built to real-world scale of your region. This event will invite participants to reimage prominent pieces of the Niagara region.
Teams will be formed at the event.
This event is BYOD. If you need a PC device, let us know! We will source something for you at no cost.
Please note our current agenda (may be subject to change):
1:00PM Guests arrive 1:15PM Geo-what is happening?! 1:30PM Skill exploration & assignment: Are you a builder or a presenter? 1:45PM Hackathon topic reveal...! 1:55PM Team formation 2:15PM Hackathon commences 3:30PM Present to the judges! 4:00PM Prizes 4:15PM Geo-what happens next?! 4:30PM Event concludes
*NOTE: Must have PC to run this world.
21 Nov - 12:30 PM
Halifax, Canada
Hoist – Halifax Outreach Initiative for Startups and Technology
Hoist is a new tech club for teens interested in coding, design or entrepreneurship. If you’re age 12 to 19 and have an interest in startups or coding, then come check it out! (Don't forget to bring your laptop and charger) Hoist is held on the third Saturday of every month.
What Happens at Hoist?
The first half-hour will be a lesson from a pro on the topic of the day –
App basics, coding (android/ios?) - MVP demo at demo camp
Mentor about app build out?
Programmers work with each team
feature design session
Have some free pizza with your new friends.
Build or design something, apply what you just learned…it’s a mini hackathon. Work in a group or on your own to create the next big product or service!
Reflect and discuss the day…what did you find challenging or exciting? Chill out and talk to your new pals about what you created!
Hoist is organized by Volta – a startup house for early stage tech companies in Halifax. Volta is located in downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia and is the residence for up to 12 high-potential technology companies.
Volta is a non-profit created by founders for founders. Volta’s focus is on building a community where entrepreneurs can come together to learn from each-other, grow their companies and expand to new markets.
Break Poverty Hackathon: Toronto
20 Nov - 07:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
Break Poverty Hackathon
November 20-22, 2015 129 Spadina Avenue, Toronto | HQ
Why an International Development Hack?
The Poverty Hackathon is a Devs Without Borders event that brings charitable minded developers from Toronto and Nairobi together to build scalable solutions in education, business and farming for people in developing countries in just 28 hours.
Mobile subscriber growth rate in Africa is expected to double in the next four years, and people in rural East Africa will spend over 15% of their income on mobile technology. Mobile apps not only matter in the developing world, they are life changing. Over half of even the poorest twenty percent of people in Africa have mobile phones in their homes.
At Poverty Hackathon events, developer teams come together to build apps (Mobile Web, SMS, and hardware) for people in developing countries. These apps will help people in rural and impoverished areas around the world, whose only access to technology, communication, and knowledge is through their mobile phone.
Hack Mission & Charity Partner
The winning Poverty app will be test launched by our Charity Partner, Free the Children, in rural Kenya!
Through Free the Children's Adopt a Village Program, local Kenyan staff will test the application and it's benefits with the citizens living in rural Kenya. Free the Children will also help guide developers in the right direction regarding what education, health, and small business support people are needing.
But most of all we want developers walking out of the event inspired to build for a better world, with new friendships with Kenyan developers, and an app that works to improve livelihoods.
Challenge Sets Developed by: Free The Children
These challenge sets help you frame your team hackathon project idea. Don't see these change sets as restrictions, but instead they are informed suggestions on how to make big impact for rural Kenya! Have fun with them!
The first challenge centers on health, where rural Kenyans are at a severe disadvantage when it comes to accessing quality health care, important heath information and clean drinking water. These challenges represent a major barrier to the growth and prosperity of communities in Kenya.
How you can help: Providing communities with vital information on issues such as best hygiene practices, maternal health, first aid and waterborne disease prevention. Providing community members with this knowledge will be essential in reducing the number of water borne illnesses and deaths, increase the effectiveness and response time to medical emergencies and significantly improve maternal health.
The second challenge surrounds the major issue of food insecurity. Due to rising food prices, food insecurity and drought, the majority of Kenya’s communities are unable to acquire the nutrients necessary to maintain a well-balanced diet. As a result, 1 in 5 children suffer from malnutrition and 35% of children are affected by stunting. A significant portion of the population remains heavily dependent on food aid as Kenya has not attained the required level of agricultural investment and efficiency to generate food security. Compared to 3% in food secure countries, 75% of Kenya’s workforce relies on agriculture for most of its income – a sector that remains one of the country’s least developed and most ineffective.
How you can help: You can assist community mobilizers in their efforts to educate farmers and community members with important knowledge, tips and skills on best farming practices, local market prices, daily weather forecasts and conditions. This information will help to ensure greater efficiency and better crop yields, which will have profound impacts on community member’s ability to feed their families and establish a sustainable source of income to support themselves.
This last challenge rest at the core of what Free The Children aims to achieve in Kenya, which is access to education for ALL children. Due to cultural attitudes, economic limitations and familial responsibilities, girls in Kenya are often prevented from going to school.
How you can help: How you can help: A major initiative by community mobilizers in Kenya is stressing the importance of girl’s education. An application that would assist our teams in spreading information and tips regarding the importance of girls education would be a major tool in shifting of attitudes.
Sponsors & Community
Help Champion this Cause
We are actively seeking sponsors and supporters of for this awesome cause and event. Reach out to us for a Sponsorship Package or Media Inquiries at
EWeek Discussion Series: Disrupting Health Care
18 Nov - 02:30 PM
Montreal, Canada
All EWeek events are FREE and open to the public.
Please reserve your ticket here.
We have door prizes!
Disrupting Health Care
with your host: Robert Soroka
Irene Pylpenko, Director, Hacking Health
Mazen Elbawab, CEO, CTO and Founder, Heddoko
Étienne Crevier, Président directeur général BiogeniQ
Are you interested in science and health, in using technology to improve the health care system or human performance? Meet these entrepreneurs who make a living from their passion for science and technology. Learn how you can also contribute to hacking health!.
Irene Pylypenko
Montreal Director, Hacking Health
Irene lives at the intersection of health, technology and marketing. She is passionate about leveraging technology to improve the healthcare system and our personal health. Currently, Irene is the Director of Marketing at PetalMD, the leading Canadian physician scheduling software. Irene is also the Director of Hacking Health Montreal and has driven global expansion of the non-for-profit. Her startup journey started a decade ago in various industries such as the healthcare, internet, and e-commerce. Her educational background is in Bioinformatics from McGill University.
Hacking Health is an international non-for-profit organization dedicated to fostering collaborative innovation that engages key groups of stakeholders to create solutions for healthcare challenges. It is done by bringing together doctors, nurses, developers, designers and entrepreneurs through events, workshops, hackathons, challenges, etc. Hacking Health started in Montreal in 2012, and is now in over 24 cities with over 5000 participants worldwide.
Mazen Elbawab
Computer and Software Engineer, CEO, CTO and Founder, Heddoko
Mazen is a versatile computer and software engineer with a propensity for entrepreneurship. He has worked over 8 years in the gaming and entertainment industry, medical imaging and biomedical industry with notable companies such as Ubisoft and Siemens. His first startup venture was in 2011 where he helped more than 5 different startup engineers develop their software systems.
With already a year of international work experience under his belt, Mazen graduated with honors in 2005 with a bachelor degree in Computer Engineering from École Polytechnique de Montreal. He sees entrepreneurship as an investment in his society’s future and the perfect way to make things better around us. His dedication and ingenuity led Heddoko to become one of the top 5 wearable technology innovators worldwide at the WT innovation world cup in 2015.
Étienne Crevier
Président directeur général BiogeniQ
Pour plusieurs personnes, suivre les traces de leur parent est un choix évident pour leur carrière. Cependant, pour Étienne Crevier, autant les réalisations de son père que son décès, l'ont convaincu de fonder l'entreprise BiogeniQ. L'entreprise veut amener la médecine personnalisée aux patients en offrant des tests génétiques permettant à quiconque d’adapter son mode de vie à son profil génétique.
Quelques années auparavant, Etienne Crevier était étudiant au doctorat en génétique à l'Université de Montréal et aspirait à devenir chercheur universitaire. Son père, le Dr Yves Crevier, un médecin à la Clinique Médicale Brien à Repentigny, a commencé à participer à un projet de génétique du Québec qui étudie la façon dont la médecine préventive pourrait être adoptée dans la pratique médicale. Mais en 2012, Yves est décédé d'un arrêt cardiaque.
Étienne Crevier a dès lors décidé de se lancer en affaires et de quitter la recherche. Après s’être inscrit au MBA à l’Université Sherbrooke, il a lancé BiogeniQ en août 2013.
Au cours de la récente année, Étienne à su récolter plusieurs prix lors de concours d’entrepreneuriat tel que lauréat de la Fondation Montréal Inc, gagnant du concours #PropulserMTL 2014, gagnant du prix du startup le plus innovant au Québec par le Concours Québécois en Entrepreneuriat de même que le prix du startup la plus innovant au Canada par Futurpreneur Canada. Étienne a également reçu la confiance de la Chambre de Commerce du Montréal Métropolitain avec le Prêt à Entreprendre et de la Société d’Investissement Jeunesse. Finalement, il est l’Entrepreneur Scientifique de l’année reconnu par les prix Innovation de l’ADRIQ-RCTI.
MTL NewTech - Global Entrepreneurship Week Edition
17 Nov - 05:30 PM
Montréal, Canada
MTL Newtech is excited to announce the hosting of the "Global Entrepreneurship Week Edition" on Tuesday November 17. Kindly hosted by Notman House, we will have exciting new startups who are eager to show you what they have up their sleeve!
// Meet Cofounders & Talent The evening will begin with a chance to network, and meet potential business partners and co-founders alike. Looking for an engineer? or searching for a CFO? This is your chance.
// 5 up and coming startups on the stage 5 startups will demo to the crowd, and will be able to answer any question you might have. Come discover how they are supporting their communities in their own way. Presentations will be only 5 minutes each, followed by a Q&A.
// Présentation des gagnants & retour sur le Défi Start-up 7 avec Julien Brault // Monthly Hacks: WearHacks, Hacking Health, MuseomixMtl
// Schedule 5:30pm Doors open. Meet cofounders & Talent 6.30pm Startup demos + Q&A 7.20pm Retour sur le Défi Start-Up 7 - Les Affaires 7.40pm Recent hackathons winners showcase 7.55pm Stay for networking!
// Global Entrepreneurship Week
GEW is a worldwide event taking place November 16 – 22 that aims to inspire people everywhere to explore their potential as self-starters and innovators. It is a moment to connect, explore, and maybe discover new opportunities. Check out how Dawson College is making this event big in Montreal:
/ / Partners
We would like to thank our partners without whom this monthly gathering wouldn't be possible. If you are an entrepreneur, go check their entrepreneurs and startups programs!
/ / Community Partners
We would like to also thank our community partners that are supporting us and who are helping build our vibrant Montreal community every single day!!
- Jeune Chambre de Commerce de Montréal
- District 3 Innovation Center
- MTL Girl Geeks
- Startup Grind
- Code-Love
- MTL + eCommerce
- Hacking Health
- Startup Drinks
Comedy Hack Day Demo Show presented by Microsoft
15 Nov - 08:30 PM
Toronto, Canada
It's a comedy show.
It's a product demonstration.
...but it's more a comedy show.
Comedians and developers will present the hilarious tech products they've built in just 36 hours. Our guest judges will judge them. You will laugh. A lot.
Comedy Hack Day is a simple project: comedians and developers working together to make a product that is funny but also functional. This web page right here allows you to buy tickets to watch the presentation of the finished product.
If you'd like to participate or volunteer, you're in the wrong palce. Go here!
If you'd like to buy a ticket to watch a tech-minded comedy show or to sponsor the hackathon that will birth these ridiculous products, YOU'RE IN ABSOLUTELY THE RIGHT PLACE!
Sunday November 15
Doors: 8:30PM Showtime: 9:00PM
MARK LITTLE @markmarklittle ABBY HO @abbyho
BRANDON HACKETT @brandonhackett
TREVOR COLEMAN @trevorcoleman
Zoe Daniels @zoejokes
Tom Hobson @meistatom
Hosted by HackerYou (@hackeryou)
Made possible by the generous support of Microsoft
More info:
Open Data Hackathon
14 Nov - 09:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Developers, designers, hackers, and open data enthusiasts are invited to work with mentors to examine and to use library and City of Toronto open data to imagine and create concepts for prototypes that enhance library service. The weekend culminates with presentations and awards for creative projects. This is a two-day event taking place on: * Sat. Nov. 14, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Browsery) * Sun. Nov. 15, 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Beeton Auditorium) Please note:
* Participants must be available for both days.
* Participants must provide/bring their own laptops.
* An info package will be provided to registered participants the week before the hackathon.
This hackathon is presented in partnership with the Open Data Institute of Toronto.
REDspace Hackathon
14 Nov - 08:30 AM
Bedford, Canada
One day to bring creative ideas to life, meet cool, like minded people, drink beer, and win awesome prizes.
REDspace’s inaugural Hackathon is inviting developers and designers from all over to come together and collaborate on creating a project. Whether it’s building an app, website, or anything else you can manage in a day’s time, it’s free-range. Did we also mention there are a ton of wicked prizes to be won? Don’t wait too long to sign up.