Showing results 131 to 140 out of 153
Deep Health Hackathon
17 Feb - 06:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
University student hackers in the Greater Toronto area! TechXplore invites you to participate in the Deep Health Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and implement machine learning algorithms on MedChart medical data. Your project will be expected to create data baselines and also develop new insights into what the data is revealing.
create-a-thon - finding creative means to solve existing problems
17 Feb - 06:00 PM
Corner Brook, Canada
Students, entrepreneurs, business professionals! The Humber Valley / Bay of Islands invite you to participate in a Create-a-Thon. The purpose of this 24-hour hackathon-style event is to find creative means to solve existing problems. You'll collaborate on a team and be tasked with designing and producing a solution to a given problem. Each team will present their solution to a panel of judges, the winning teams being selected and awarded prizes.
HackerNest Kitchener-Waterloo February Tech Social
13 Feb - 08:00 PM
Kitchener, Canada
HackerNest Tech Socials are a fun, relaxed way to connect with your local tech community. Atmosphere: chill, friendly, unpretentious, agenda-free (no sales pitch), and brimming with Ultra Smart People. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, like us on Facebook, hi-5 us in person.  The typical Tech Social schedule:  - 8:00pm: folks arrive, grab drinks, socialize  - 9:00pm: quick announcements, thank sponsors  - 9:10pm: back to chatting  - 11:00pm: head home, exhilarated from great conversations!   Registration is now open for DementiaHack, the world's foremost dementia hackathon! DementiaHack 2017. March 4-5 at MaRS. Register now to create life-changing solutions for those living with dementia and Alzheimer's.    SPONSOR: RBC We are proud to have RBC as a North American HackerNest Tech Social Sponsor! OVH Specializing in cloud and internet infrastructure, OVH offers innovative Web, Dedicated and Cloud products and services. Since 1999, OVH has partnered with hundreds of thousands of professionals worldwide, offering server manufacturing and in-house maintenance of their infrastructure. OVH ensures stable and reliable product and service offerings across all brands, while providing the best price quality ratio. Learn more at and on Twitter.  Sponsors make this growing movement possible, so we treasure and build deep, long-term relationships with the companies that endorse us. We're always looking for new friends! Please email VENUE: MappedIn Mappedin is making the indoors discoverable.  Wanna show off your office? We're always looking for big open spaces with 100+ (standing room) capacity that are easily accessible: COMMUNITY PARTNERS: Dx3 is Canada’s largest conference and trade show dedicated to digital marketing, advertising and retail. Brands, agencies, retailers and tech companies get together for two days of networking and education. Use code DX3HACKER375 by Jan 27 to get your ticket for $375!     Get your React refresher for only $149 with #FITCSpotlight March 4th in Toronto! Plus save 10% with code HACKERNEST!  Venture Out is Canada's first conference for LGBTQA+ students interested in careers in tech and entrepreneurship. March 27th at MaRS in Toronto. Snag your ticket using discount code HACKERNEST.  About Us: HackerNest is an international nonprofit uniting local tech communities through unpretentious Tech Socials and hackathons. We cram lots of smart, accomplished people into a room and get them talking to one another. Our relaxed, down-to-earth events attract a diverse and highly technical membership. Strict 'no-scuzzbag' policy. Want to volunteer at our HackerNest Tech Socials? Visit for more information and to apply! 
    Kamloops Hackathon/LAN Party - frostyCON / CSC Game Night #7
    11 Feb - 09:00 AM
    Kamloops, Canada
    Students and techies in and around Kamloop, BC! iTel Networks invites you to participate in the Kamloops Hackathon. You'll be challenged to hack a project -- with an IoT focus. You'll collaborate with like-minded individuals for prizes for: »Technical Excellence, »Most Interesting/Innovative »Most Absurd/Hilarious/Ridiculous
    11 Feb - 09:00 AM
    Mississauga, Canada
    High school student's in Mississauga! Want to participate in on Mississauga's first high school student led hackathon? Prove your coding skills and get an exclusive spot at this event. You don't have to be an expert coder — students at all skill levels can participate. You just have to be interested in computer science. The theme of this year's event is "school pains"! So sign up now. You'll be presented with a problem related to school pains and you will be challenged to build a prototype that solves the problem. You'll present your solution to a panel of judges and compete to win awesome prizes.
    DementiaHack 2017 - Information Session
    08 Feb - 04:30 PM
    Sarnia, Canada
    Students in and around Sarnia, Ontario. The Cub at Lambton College invites you to sign up to participate in the DementiaHack 2017. At this information session, you'll meet with potential team mates and find out what the world’s foremost dementia hackathon is all about. At the hackathon, you'll be challenged to conceive and develop life-improving hardware and software solutions for those living with dementia and their caregivers.
    EngHack W17
    04 Feb - 01:30 PM
    Waterloo, Canada
    Engineering students with all levels of experience! The City of Waterloo invites you to participate in the EngHack W17 engineering hackathon! It does not matter if you are a veteran hacker, or a beginner, you are welcome to attend the hackathon.
    greenHACK 2017
    04 Feb - 08:00 AM
    Innisfil, Canada
    Makers, entrepreneurs, social innovators and students from Georgian College and Lakehead University! Interested in the application of technology to environmental issues? The Henry Bernick Entrepreneurship Centre invites you to sign up and participate in the greenHACK 2017 hackathon. You'll learn lots of stuff that will help you, including idea creation, value propositions, lean startup methodology, customer validation, and making the perfect pitch. You'll network and collaborate with like-minded individuals to come up with solutions to environmental challenges.
    Quant Montreal - Concordia
    03 Feb - 10:00 AM
    Montréal, Canada
    Business and Engineering faculty students at Montreal's Concordia University! The Upstarters Concordia Entrepreneurship Club invites you to sign up and participate in Quant Montreal! In preparation for the algorithmic trading hackathon, you'll get to attend interactive workshops, expert talks and tutorials. You'll also be able to network with leaders from the quantitative finance world.
    Soirée La Guilde - Février | February
    02 Feb - 06:30 PM
    Montréal, Canada
    Bienvenue au rendez-vous mensuel de La Guilde! Organisées en collaboration avec L'Espace Ludique - GamePlay Space, les Soirées La Guilde sont l'endroit idéal pour échanger avec vos collègues, pour découvrir les nouveautés du milieu indie québécois ou simplement pour prendre un verre entre amis. Ce mois-ci, l'équipe de Jam Nation viendra nous parler de leurs activités de cet hiver, notamment un hackathon organisé en partenariat avec le Quartier des Spectacles, la soirée Jeux indies 2017 du festival Montréal Joue et les inscriptions à la première saison officielle de la ligue. De plus, l'UQAT nous présentera son tout nouveau programme en jeu vidéo indépendant axé sur l'organisation d'un studio et les enjeux spécifiques aux indies! Enfin, Thunder Lotus Games nous présentera leur plus récent projet, Sundered, qui est présentement sur Kickstarter! Voici l'horaire de la soirée : 18h30 : Ouverture des portes 20h00 : Annonces de Jam Nation, de l'UQÀT et de Thunder Lotus Games. C'est un rendez-vous à ne pas manquer! Au plaisir de vous y rencontrer! Welcome to the monthly gathering of La Guilde! Realized in collaboration with GamePlay Space - L'Espace Ludique, Soirées La Guilde is the best place to meet your fellow Guilders, to discover the latest games made by Quebec indie developers or simply to have a drink with your friends. This month, the team of Jam Nation will present us their activities for this winter, notably a hackathon organized in partnership with the Quartier des Spectacles, the Jeux indies 2017 event from Montréal Joue festival and the registration period for the first official season of the league. Moreover, UQAT will introduce their new program for independent video games focused on studio management and specific issues for indies! Lastly, Thunder Lotus Games will present their most recent project, Sundered, that is now live on Kickstarter! Here is the schedule for the evening: 6:30 PM: Doors open 8:00 PM: Announcements by Jam Nation, UQÀT and Thunder Lotus Games We are looking forward to meet you at this must attend event!