Showing results 11 to 20 out of 153
Hackathon 4.0
30 Nov - 11:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
If you're interested in RetailTech, then Loblaw Digital invites you to participate in Hackathon 4.0. You'll be challenged to design and prototype innovative technology solutions that can help power omnichannel customer experiences across online grocery offerings, traditional e-commerce, loyalty, financial, and pharmacy products. Come and showcase your creativity and skills to the team that is responsible for building and operating the digital channels for Canada’s largest and most successful retailer.
#VanGives Shareity: GivingTuesday hackathon event
28 Nov - 12:00 PM
Vancouver, Canada
This GivingTuesday, #VanGives is inviting our partners to attend Shareity, a hackathon event where you can share with your peers in the charitable sector about the good stuff you are doing. Generously hosted by SpencerCreo – a shared workplace for nonprofits, we ask you to bring your laptops + hashtags as we promote one another’s GivingTuesday goals.
#VanGives is all about sharing + collaboration, and are using the GivingTuesday initiative as an opportunity for you to encourage each other in both the digital + physical space.
While you’re out and about doing good stuff this GivingTuesday, from 12-2pm drop in, and we will share work stations, refreshments + opportunities to promote your cause.
Can't physically make it? You can still digitally join us @Vangives #VanGives #Shareity between 12-2pm
How many people can I bring?
2 per organization for capacity considersations. However, message if you have a special request.
What can I bring into the event?
Your laptop if ya got it! Some refreshments are provided, and you are also welcome to bring your lunch too.
More questions? Contact Amanda Burrows,
Must be a VanGives partner, and you can become one here:
VanFUNDING 2017: GOING MAINSTREAM - Blockchain Fintech & Funding Conference + Regtech Hackathon
27 Nov - 05:30 PM
Vancouver, Canada
$20 Individual
$250 Site license >10+ Viewing
Not to be missed BLOCKCHAIN FINTECH & CAPITAL Conference and Hackathon in Vancouver
In just one week, VanFUNDING 2017 GOING MAINSTREAM Conference will bring over 50 leading blockchain, fintech & capital Innovation experts together from firms such as Microsoft, IBM, TSX Venture Exchange, Blockchain Intelligence Group, BC Securities Commission, RightMesh, Grow VC,, CoinPayments, Pegasus Fintech and TokenFunder. #VF2017 covers ground-breaking topics such as Blockchain smart contacts, Initial Coin Offerings, emerging regulations, P2P financing, cryptocurriences, and more. Learn about these new technologies and how they are impacting private and public capital markets.
Immerse Yourself in Blockchain, Fintech, Regtech & Funding: Full program
2017 Current State and Future of Blockchain and Public Markets
Blockchain’s Impact on Financial Services: An Enterprise Developer’s Perspective
Dear Jamie Dimon: First Principles of Investing in Bitcoin and Blockchain Assets
Regulatory Perspectives: Can Blockchain and Fintech Unlock its Potential?
Public Initial Blockchain Offering (PIBCO) – A Regulatory Compliant ICO
Innovation Finance: Raising Seed & Growth Capital from Napkin to ICO
The Tokenized Capital Economy: Why Regulators Have Stepped In and How They Will Accelerate Digital Assets
The Impact of Distributed Blockchain Ecosystems and the Fintech Value Chain
See you at #VF2017 GOING MAINSTREAM Conference & Hackathon - THANKS!
More info: website
Legal Hackers London – New Chapter Launch
27 Nov - 04:30 PM
London, Canada
Legal Hackers London – New Chapter Launch
Bringing together legal and technology professionals to solve industry problems.
Monday, November 27, 2017
4:30pm – 6:30pm
5:00pm: Keynote SpeakerAmy ter Haar, President, Intega Ledger CanadaTopic: "Blockchain & Legal Evolution"
Former GT’s, 330 Richmond Street (York and Richmond Street) [MAP]
Parking is available at the Impark lot at York and Richmond Street
Registration is Free
JOIN: Legal Hackers London
Please join the London Economic Development Corporation (LEDC), and Legal Hackers London co-founders Amy ter Haar and Chris Bentley to the chapter launch event.
Legal Hackers is a global movement of lawyers, entrepreneurs, policymakers, technologists, and academics who explore and develop creative solutions to some of the most pressing issues at the intersection of law and technology.
Through local meet-ups, hackathons, speakers and workshops, Legal Hackers spot issues and opportunities where technology can improve and inform the practice of law and where law, legal practice, and policy can adapt to rapidly changing technology.
Our first gathering will feature networking and Amy ter Haar, President, Integra Ledger Canada, speaking about "Blockchain & Legal Evolution".
This is a free event.
Click here for more information about Legal Hackers London.
Contact us for more information: 519-661-4545
Tournée Objectif Monde: Escale #4 à Gatineau
27 Nov - 03:00 PM
Gatineau, Canada
Le Québec est un espace d'innovation de calibre international et pour maximiser la portée de nos innovations et notre chance de succès, il faut que les entreprises de partout au Québec ainsi que les leaders de communautés partagent leur expérience et les meilleurs pratiques.La Tournée Objectif Monde est une initiative collaborative initiée par le Neoshop, Desjardins et le Gouvernement du Québec afin d'offrir une plateforme d'échange sur le design thinking et la commercialisation de l'innovation aux entrepreneurs du Québec en plus de leur offrir l'opportunité de participer à la délégation du Québec à SXSW Interactif 2018, à Austin au Texas.Profitez de cet après-midi d'activités pour découvrir des nouveaux outils de commercialisation, approfondissez votre expérience en design thinking et découvrez les trucs et astuces d'entrepreneurs provenant d'autres écosystèmes à travers le Québec. Une occasion unique de briser les frontières entre les villes et réaliser notre chance d'appartenir à l'écosystème innovant et créatif québécois._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PROGRAMMATION15h - Accueil des participants15h15 - 15h30« Le mouvement technopolys : une stratégie de mobilisation réussie au profit de l'industrie des TIC » - par Benoît Labbé, Directeur principal – Stratégie et partenariats chez TechnoMontréal15h30 - 18h00 - Ateliers et conférences à deux volets : startups/entrepreneuriat et leaders de communauté.Volet ''Innovation Ouverte'' pour leaders de communauté animé par Geoffroi Garon-Épaule de Communautique.Sujet : Intégrer l’innovation ouverte au cœur des écosystèmes d’entrepreneursCet atelier interactif permettra aux leaders de communauté et aux différents acteurs d’une région (public, privé, associatif) d’en apprendre plus sur l’innovation ouverte, les espaces dédiés et les processus d’accompagnement à travers des exemples concrets.• Présentation du concept de l’innovation ouverte, des différents types de systèmes qui existent ici et ailleurs (forum ouvert, hackathon, Living Lab, Fab Lab) et des stratégies qui y sont utilisées (Service Design, Design Thinking, UX).• Retour d’expérience d’entreprises qui ont utilisé ces approches pour développer des produits et services innovateurs.• Présentation des ateliers de fabrication numérique (Fab Lab) comme espace ouvert avec des technologies et processus de prototypage pour soutenir les entrepreneurs dans le développement de produit.Volet ''Startups et entreprenariat''- Discussions, témoignages et présentations par des entrepreneurs sur les thémes de l'innovation, de la commercialisation et de l'internationalisation.
Conférence "Qui a volé mon idée?!" par Jean-Sébastien Noël, fondateur et responsable de La Ruche18h - Concours de pitchs afin de se qualifier pour la Grande Finale lors d'Expo Entrepreneurs, où 5 startups se mériteront une présence à SxSW 201819h - Cocktail de réseautageENTREPRISES – PITCHEZ!La mission commerciale est organisée à l’occasion de l’événement SXSW Interactive, qui se tiendra du 9 au 13 mars 2017 à Austin, au Texas.Pour gagner, il suffit de suivre les 2 étapes ci-dessous!ÉTAPE 1 : Concours de pitchsInscrivez-vous à la compétition et participez au concours de pitchs d’entreprises (pitch battle).– Les 2 entreprises gagnantes par région présenteront à Montréal à la fin-Janvier, lors d'Expo Entrepreneurs, devant le panel provincial.– Format des pitchs : un pitch de 180 secondes sans projection visuelle. Produits et prototypes acceptés.ÉTAPE 2 : Grande finale à MONTRÉAL (24 et 25 janvier à Expo Entrepreneurs, à la Place Bonaventure)– La grande finale réunira les 10 finalistes des 5 régions du Québec représentées et déterminera qui seront les 5 gagnants *détails sur les bourses à venir*COUP DE COEUR NEOSHOP- Les entreprises ayant des produits (hardware) innovants destiné au marché de consommation (B2C) courent la chance de gagner le Coup de Coeur Neoshop, qui sera remis à une startup par région. Le prix consiste en une mise-en-avant de ce produit à la boutique Neoshop Montréal, mais également à la boutique Neoshop France et sur leur boutique en ligne.COMMENT PARTICIPER?Pour vous inscrire au concours de pitchs régionaux, veuillez remplir le formulaire ici. ------------PROCESSUS DE SÉLECTION POUR LA FINALELes 5 entreprises gagnantes seront choisies parmi les 10 finalistes régionaux par un comité́ d’experts, selon les critères suivants :– Le rendu et l’efficacité du discours (pitch) (captation devant public);– Le potentiel de rupture;– La pertinence du modèle d’affaires;– Le potentiel de traction auprès des investisseurs et des clients;– Le potentiel de succès à l’international.PARTENAIRES ORGANISATEURS DE LA TOURNÉEExport Québec, Desjardins, Expo Entrepreneurs, Communautique, Cilex, Espace-Inc, Info Entrepreneurs, Mangrove, LaRuche, Digihub, Maison des Régions, hub mtl, Coopérathon et MontrealNewTech* Plus de détails sur Expo Entrepreneurs et la mission à SxSW 2018 à venir! *
Product Hunt Vancouver Hackathon - Powered by HackHub
26 Nov - 02:30 PM
Vancouver, Canada
PRODUCT HUNT VANCOUVER HACKATHON - Powered by HackHubIf you have a team or idea you're working on for the ProductHunt Global Hackathon (, this event is for you! If you love cool new tech products and networking with the growing startup community in Vancouver, this event is also for you! Food, drinks, and swag will be provided!2:30 pm //// Doors Open2:30 pm - 2:40 pm //// Introductions (Product Hunt, HackHub)2:40 pm - 5:00 pm //// Hackathon - Work on your projects, feel free to bring what you have been working on!5:00pm - 6:00 pm //// Demos6:00pm - 6:30 pm //// Feedback + NetworkingABOUT THE PRODUCT HUNT HACKATHONStarting November 1st, ProductHunt is kicking off a month-long, global, online hackathon so that anyone with a computer can participate. With over $250,000 in prizes and a suite of amazing partners and tools, you’ll have the entire month to collaborate, get feedback, and refine your product before sharing your creation with the world and our panel of remarkable judges.ABOUT HACKHUBHackHub is an experiential recruiting platform that connects industry employers with emerging tech professionals through stimulating hackathon events. The Product Hunt Vancouver Hackathon is powered by the HackHub for Hackathon ( platform.If you would like more information about hosting hackathons using HackHub, please contact
University of Toronto High School Design Competition (UTHSDC)
26 Nov - 09:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Toronto area high school students - grades 9-12! University of Toronto Engineering Society's High School Outreach (Hi-Skule) program invites you to sign up to participate in the University of Toronto High School Design Competition (UTHSDC). You'll be challenged to a full day of building, problem, solving, and engineering and then you'll collaborate in a team on a design project. Present your final project to a panel of judges for a chance to win.
25 Nov - 12:00 PM
Montreal, Canada
Hackers with a social conscience in Montreal and Quebec! The Refugee Centre / Centre de Réfugiés invites you to participate in the annual BLOCHACKS hackathon, which is focused on mainly hacking Social Causes. Come as a team or join one at the event and you'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution to the one of the world's pressing social issues.
PakathonTO Spotlight: Women Who Tech (And So Much More)
23 Nov - 06:30 PM
Toronto, Canada
PakathonTO started in 2014 as one of a dozen city chapters of a global non-profit, Pakathon, with the mission to bring people together to create technology-based solutions that tackle social and economic issues in Pakistan through our annual hackathon.Over the years, PakathonTO has noticed a gap in the Toronto young professionals space for opportunities to highlight and celebrate Pakistani changemakers. So we decided to tackle this gap and expand our activities to deliver an exciting event series, PakathonTO Spotlight, that will highlight noteworthy individuals of Pakistani origin who are doing amazing work in the Toronto region in their respective fields.Join us for our first event in this series, PakathonTO Spotlight: Women Who Tech (And So Much More), featuring individuals from Betakit's 40 Women in Canadian Tech Worth Following and Flare’s #HowIMadeIt campaign. The evening will feature an engaging panel discussion as well as an opportunity to network with some local changemakers.We welcome and encourage people of all backgrounds to attend our events! Space is limited so grab your early bird tickets for $10 by November 16 or buy regular priced tickets for $15 soon! Tickets at the door will be $20, cash only.Join the conversation with #PakSpotlight and follow our Facebook and Twitter pages!
Panelists:Ria Lupton, Founder, WomenWhoCodeTO and Community Manager, RightsleeveHumera Malik, Founder & CEO, Canvass AnalyticsFatima Zaidi, VP Business Development, Eighty-Eight AgencyModerator:Samaa Ahmed, diasporic visual artist, curator, maker, researcher, writer, and founder of ARTBOXPlease check our Facebook and Twitter pages over the coming weeks for updates on speakers!
6:30-7:00pm: Registration and Welcome7:00-7:30pm: Fun Activity!7:30-8:15pm: Panel and Q&A8:15-8:45pm: Networking and Wrap Up
A huge thanks to our venue partner, Make Lemonade! Make Lemonade is a brand new, coworking space for women, in the heart of Toronto. Make Lemonade is on a mission to create a community of driven women who create, dream and*t.done.A big thanks to our event series partner Pak-Invest! Pak-Invest's mission is to inform Pakistanis abroad about opportunities in Pakistan and is focused on building a platform that lets them invest with confidence and ease.
A BIT ABOUT USPakathonTO is a volunteer-run organization and since 2014 has hosted an annual hackathon to bring people together to create technology-based solutions that tackle social and economic issues in Pakistan.Pakathon globally has played a role in a number of successful ventures, including She’Kab, a subscription carpooling service for professional women; ProCheck, which improves patient access to non-counterfeit medicines; and PakatonTO’s very own Ammi Service, a voice-messaging service that provides maternal health information to rural women.We are excited to be expanding our activities this year through our event series, PakathonTO Spotlight, shining a spotlight on Pakistani changemakers in the Toronto region!
Why do you charge admission fees for your events?
PakathonTO is a registered non-profit run by volunteers and we do not make money through our events. All fees collected go directly towards covering the costs incurred to run our events. If you are interested to sponsor, host or donate to one of our events, please contact us at!
Do I have to be Pakistani to attend?NO! We welcome and encourage people of all backgrounds to attend our events.
Black Boys Code Toronto Fall 2017 Hackathon
18 Nov - 10:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Young boys of colour -- aged 8 to 17 -- in and around Toronto! You're invited to participate in a robotics hackathon -- the Black Boys Code Toronto Fall 2017 Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and program a physical robot to traverse obstacles. You'll also learn skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, and communication.