Showing results 41 to 50 out of 153
Housing Hackathon
29 Sep - 07:00 PM
New Westminster, Canada
We are in a housing crisis in MetroVancouver and we need solutions. Using Open Space Technology, participants will “hack” a series of issues relating to housing. Hacking is defined as problem solving that: Demonstrates cleverness, creativity, or ingenuity Solves a meaningful problem Is not a common or well-known solution to the problem May not be the most straightforward or well-known solution Is bold or radical The event will begin with a brief introduction which outlines the purpose, followed by an invitation to break into working groups based around particular problems such as rental housing and the Residential Tenancy Act, non-for-profit or non-market housing including co-ops, population specific housing, supplies and design, and other issues. Attendees do not require any special knowledge, just a willingness to share experience and creative ideas. Recommendations will be collected at the end of the night and presented to government and other groups as appropriate. BYOB. Light snacks will be provided!
    Atlantic Lottery Hackathon 005: eSports Real Money Gaming
    29 Sep - 06:00 PM
    Halifax, Canada
    Hackers in Nova Scotia! Are you interested in eSports? Think you have an awesome idea for real-money gaming or lottery? Well, The Atlantic Lottery wants you to participate in the Atlantic Lottery Hackathon.005: eSports Real Money Gaming. Come and strut your techie stuff -- showcase your creativity and hacking skills and compete for the $2,000 first prize.
    Unearthed Vancouver 2017
    29 Sep - 05:00 PM
    Vancouver, Canada
    Software developers, data scientists, engineers, designers, entrepreneurs and industry insiders! Participate in Unearthed, a 54-hour open innovation Hackathon that is focused on the resources sector. Collaborate with like-minded individuals to develop prototype technology solutions to resource challenges. You'll have the unique opportunity to work on real industry data as well as data from government partners.
    Hackathon Saguenay | Les Journées de la culture
    29 Sep - 05:00 PM
    Saguenay, Canada
    Le weekend du 29 septembre au 1er octobre, prenez part à un marathon créatif de trois jours dans un milieu inspirant où des passionnés de culture et du numérique s'allieront pour répondre à différents enjeux excentriques. Le Moulin à Cie invite artistes, développeurs, programmeurs et esprits libres à repousser les limites du numérique pour démocratiser la culture dans une région excentrique; une région qui se démarque par sa couleur, son unicité et sa volonté d'aller au-delà des frontières.  Utilisez votre savoir et votre créativité pour donner vie à la culture par la création d'un prototype d'application, de site web, de jeu vidéo. Interagissez avec des spécialistes du marketing, des artistes, des programmeurs et des développeurs pour mettre en valeur l'excentricité du Saguenay.  Arrivez bien reposé, armé de votre ordinateur et nous nous chargerons de mettre à votre disposition un espace créatif et des repas vous permettant de tenir jusqu'à la ligne d'arrivée de ce marathon numérique! Inscrivez-vous rapidement! -- Le Hackathon des Journées de la culture est organisé en collaboration avec Culture pour tous dans le cadre du Plan culturel numérique du Québec (PCNQ), initié par le ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec. L'événement est rendu possible grâce à la participation du Festival Regard | Strateolab Inc. | Ellipse Synergie | Centre bang | Touttout - centre de production en art actuel
      Hackathon - Les Journées de la culture
      29 Sep - 04:00 PM
      Sherbrooke, Canada
      Le weekend du 29 septembre au 1er octobre, détournez et exposez de façon ludique, contestatrice ou subversive les enjeux du numérique à travers les arts, la culture et l'humanité! La Fabrique et Sporobole invitent artistes branchés et développeurs éveillés à venir briser la frontière entre numérique et culture. Nous vous invitons à venir inventer un dispositif, une application ou une œuvre proposant une réflexion sur la portée des avancées technologiques.  Torturez des données, détournez des systèmes informatiques, piratez des appareils mobiles jusqu'à les faire muter en un Frankenstein à la frontière du fou-rire, de la moralité, de l'absurdité et du choc esthétique. Soulignez l'importance des enjeux éthiques et esthétiques reliés à la vie privée, l’intelligence artificielle, l'immortalité et au conformisme numérique. Apportez vos idées, vos compétences, vos neurones et votre ordinateur. On fournit le reste! Vous cherchez une job? Intéressante? Juste assez pas trop facile? Des conditions de travail du feu de dieu?  Axialdev commandite justement le Hackathon des Journées de la culture pour vous montrer qu'il existe des jobs parfaites pour vous à Sherbrooke! -- La fin de semaine commencera dans les locaux de Sporobole (74 rue Albert, Sherbrooke) pour mettre l'ambiance créative de la fin de semaine. Elle se terminera à la Salle Le Tremplin le dimache en après-midi. -- Le Hackathon des Journées de la culture est organisé en collaboration avec Culture pour tous dans le cadre du Plan culturel numérique du Québec (PCNQ), initié par le ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec.
        Unearthed Vancouver Info Session & Innovation in Mining Talk: Teck & SSR Mining
        26 Sep - 06:30 PM
        Vancouver, Canada
        Prior to the Unearthed Vancouver 2017 Hackathon, there will be an Info Session event held in the evening on Tuesday September 26th to announce the challenges and details of the hackathon. The Info Session will also provide an opportunity for prospective participants to: Form teams ahead of the hackathon Hear the full description of the challenges Ask questions directly to the challenge providers Learn about the post-event opportunities and prizes Get an early head start on the challenges by conducting some research Meet fellow innovators, make friends and expand your network. Inclusive of the Info Session, there will be presentations from Teck Resources and SSR Mining on: "Mining & Innovation: What are the opportunities ahead?" Hear from Adam Miller, Teck Resources & Liezl Van Wyk, SSR Mining on what innovation means to their organisations and what they are looking to gain from the Unearthed Vancouver Hackathon event. To register for the hackathon itself, head to: Challenges will be announced here:
          Vancouver Startup Week 2017
          25 Sep - 08:30 AM
          Vancouver, Canada
          Vancouver Startup Week brings together entrepreneurs, investors, community leaders, and friends for one engaging week, celebrating Greater Vancouver’s innovation and technology communities. Whether you’re networking, hacking, or pitching your next venture, you’ll make connections from within our hubs. In 2016, we brought together more than 3,000 people at 70 events hosted by top local startups including tech showcases, panel discussions, office visits, networking breakfasts, and investor lunches. VSW2017 will start with our signature Hackathon from September 22 to 24, 2017 with the goal of building Vancouver’s next great startups. Followed by the New Ventures BC Competition Awards & VSW2017 Kickoff Social on September 25 - the official opening reception and awards ceremony for a $300,000 cash prize towards one of BC’s top new startups! The week to follow will be centered around innovation and community connections, including a recruitment fair and community startup crawl! [check our website for more details] You'll be able to reserve your spot for our events on SCHED after purchasing your pass. Events have limited capacity and must be reserved independently. So don’t be a Lazy Larry - claim your spot today! FAQs How can I contact the organizer with any questions? You can visit our website at for more info. What's the refund policy? Is my ticket transferrable? No refunds for our passes, but they are transferrable. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? No, as long as you have the ticket bar code ready.
            hackCODE: canCODE Hackathon
            23 Sep - 08:00 AM
            Hamilton, Canada
            High school students in the Greater Toronto Area! canCODE invites you to participate in the hackCODE: canCODE Hackathon -- the first ever hackathon in the area created and designed specifically for you! You'll get the opportunity to participate in 12 hours of coding, workshops, and teambuilding exercises! Come as a member of your own 2-4 student team, or join one at the event. If you've already completed high school, you're still welcome to attend.
            Med.Hack(+) 2017
            22 Sep - 05:00 PM
            Saskatoon, Canada
            We're hosting a healthcare hackathon in Saskatoon to help develop solutions to problems in healthcare through the use of technology. We're looking for all kinds of people across a wide variety of skills and professions. Student tickets are half price (we will be checking student IDs at the door). Do you work in healthcare? We’re looking for everyone across the One Health spectrum: physicians, nurses, therapists, social workers, paramedics, veterinarians, psychologists, dentists, assistants, dental hygienists, pharmacists, etc. Do you know how to code software or build technology? Engineers of all kinds, coders, developers, designers, programmers, tinkerers, makers, and anyone else who can create technology are invited to participate in our event. Do you work in industry? If you have experience in business, entrepreneurism, legal, accounting, or any other sector that facilitates taking an idea and turning it into a commercial opportunity, we want you to attend. Are you interested in attending the hackathon and seeing the projects, but don’t feel you can contribute? Buy a spectator ticket that allows you to attend part of the weekend. If any of this describes you, we encourage you to attend our hackathon, see some amazing ideas, and potentially help build innovative and exciting solutions. We give our participants 48 hours to develop prototype solutions to problems in healthcare, with hopes that some will develop into viable businesses. Starting Friday night when people pitch their ideas and the audience decides which team they want to join, and ending Sunday afternoon when the team present their work to the judges, the hackathon promises to be an exciting event. You don’t know what ideas are “brewing in brains” until they’ve had a chance to materialize. Who knows where this hackathon will take you? Location Details Med.Hack(+) 2017 will be taking place at two locations in Innovation Place. Friday evening will be taking place in the Candle Span room in the Atrium of Innovation Place (111 Research Drive). All day Saturday and Sunday morning will be across the street in the Concourse (116 Research Drive). Sunday afternoon will be back at the Candle Span room in the Atrium. Terms & Conditions By purchasing a ticket to the Med.Hack(+) Hackathon, you agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. I hereby grant Med Hack Enterprises Incorporated permission to use my likeness in a video, photo, or other digital reproduction in any and all of its publications, including but not limited to website, social media, sponsorship materials, and promotional material without payment or any other consideration. 2. I give permission to Med Hack Enterprises Incorporated to add me to their mailing list. 3. I understand that I will receive non-voting member status with Med Hack Enterprises Incorporated for the remained for the current fiscal year and I will have the opportunity to attend the AGM if I choose. 4. I will not hold Med Hack Enterprises Incorporated liable for incidents or accidents that occur during the Med.Hack(+) Hackathon. 5. I understand that Med Hack Enterprises will not retain any rights to intellectual property developed during the hackathon. I am obligated to negotiate the division of intellectual property with my team, and I am responsible for being aware of any agreements that I have with my employers or other organization. Full refunds will be issued in accordance with Eventbrite policies, however, there are no refunds with less than 72 hours notice prior to the start of the event.
              Ruby Open Source Testing Code Hackathon
              22 Sep - 11:30 AM
              Toronto, Canada
              Join us in Toronto and help us shape the future of functional testing in Ruby. Our key participants include: Bret Pettichord - Founder of Watir and member of original launch team for Selenium Jeff "Cheezy" Morgan - Author of the Page Object gem (and a host of other testing gems) Titus Fortner - Current Maintainer of Ruby Selenium Bindings and current project lead for Watir Ruby is an excellent language in which to write automated browser tests. It is easy to read, fun to use, and has dozens of different gems that do all kinds of different things that make it easier to write and maintain test suites at all levels of complexity. We'd like to improve how some of these gems work together and be able to provide a packaged collection of code that makes it easier for people to ramp up their automated test suites from scratch. I've been calling this idea the "Rails of Automated Testing." In the same way that Rails made it easy and fun for people without much domain experience to create a web application, there is a more specialized need to provide a solution like this for people tasked with writing automated tests. This might not be a typical hackathon, but we will be deciding on objectives and splitting up into groups to dig into code to make it happen. Organizers will be on hand to answer questions or provide deep dives into the code bases. Options for exploration will include things like: test data management, session configuration, mobile APIs, page modeling and project scaffolding. Please bring your testing experience and/or your coding skills and join us in Toronto. Friday:11:30 - Doors open12 - Introductions and Overview1 - Coding!5 - Break for dinner/drinksSaturday:9:30 - Doors open (breakfast)10:00 - Recap previous day11 - Coding!1 - Lunch Break2 - Coding!4 - Presentations, What nexts and Departing thoughts5 - Break for dinner/drinksSponsors:Loblaw Digital:Loblaw Digital is the team building and operating the digital businesses for Canada's largest and most successful retailer. We create leading responsive e-commerce experiences, including Loblaws Click & Collect, an innovative online grocery shopping experience. We've also built and now operate the award-winning, along with the iPad/iPhone app. We are based in downtown Toronto and operate like a startup with the resources of a much larger company. We are an entrepreneurial, fast-paced, collaborative, and fun team working towards transforming the way Canadians shop.Sauce Labs:Sauce Labs makes automated testing awesome. Our cloud-based platform helps developers test native & hybrid mobile and web applications across hundreds of browser / OS platforms, including iOS, Android & Mac OS X. Sauce supports Selenium, Appium and popular JavaScript unit testing frameworks, and integrates with all of the top programming languages, test frameworks and CI systems. With built-in video recording and screenshots of every test case, debugging tools, and secure tunneling for local or firewalled testing. Sauce makes running, debugging and scaling test suites quick and easy. To get started for free, visit