Showing results 71 to 80 out of 153
Global AI Hackathon - Vancouver, BC
23 Jun - 07:00 PM
Vancouver, Canada
Designers, data scientists, neuroscientists, idea generators, and coders in the Vancouver, BC area! Are you passionate about artificial intelligence? invites you to participate in the Global AI Hackathon - Vancouver. As part of a global hackathon event, you'll work on your own, or collaborate with a team of like-minded individuals from your community. So sign up now and you'll get to work on an AI challenge to be announced...and compete for terrific prizes.
23 Jun - 06:00 PM
Vancouver, Canada
30 hours development at 5 Countries, 9 Cities!!
Japan XRAR/VR Hackathon is the biggest VR Hakathon from Japan.
It is run by local event organizers around the world.
Anyone can join & you can use any device.
Of corse, Engineer,Designer,Artist can resist but also people who don't have IT skills.
And We welcome to you join as group and team.
Humanitarian assistance and social welfare or Free
If you want to be nominated for the award your work will have to be based on the theme. You will have to attend the demo day event in Japan or send your demo & video presentation on July 2nd 2017.
The primary themes are as follows:
The JAPAN XR HACKATHON welcomes anyone who is interested in XR.
Participation is free and entry is on a first-come-first-serve basis.
The following are the guidelines for participants:
Individuals or Teams - no limit on team size
18 years old or older
Any background, employment, or experience level
(Basic programming experience is recommended, but 3D modelers and graphic designers are also welcome to join)
You are encouraged to bring your own equipment.
Internet access will be provided but may be slow - download all your programs prior to the event
5:30 - 6:00pm: Registration
6:00 - 6:30pm: Orientation
6:30 - 8:00pm: Preparation and Networking
9:30am : Open
7:30am : Close
10:00am : Open
5:00pm : Showcase!
7:30pm : We’re done — time to go home!
Panora VR http://panora/tokyo
SVVR Japan
International humanitarian organization (name is being prepared)
22 Jun - 08:30 AM
KANATA, Canada
WHAT IS A HACKATHON? Hackathons are more commonly used in the Technology sector as a collaborative experience to tackle specific coding challenges and product issue. The model has been adapted for the social service sector because it encourages creativity, curiosity, and exploration, key elements needed for distilling ideas into activity and community motion.
WHAT IS A WICKED PROBLEM? Persistent social or cultural problems that communities face that are difficult if not impossible to solve because of thier interconnected and interdependent nature. Using systems thinking allows for and requires a more integrated and collaborative approach to tackle these sorts of issues. Wicked problems require different thinking and open mindsets that can be developed using Design Thinking.
WHAT IS DESIGN THINKING? Design thinking is a holistic systems approach to delivering human-centred services that meet client and service users needs and expectations.
WHY A WICKED PROBLEM SERVICE HACKATHON? The Hackathon model allows participants to develop, explore and test ideas in collaboration with others. Wicked Problem Service Hacks are learn-by-doing events where the only agenda is to meet the expectations and needs of the service users.
A Lab for Learning, Sharing and Challenging Ideas and Perspectives for Change in the 0-6 Service Sector!
WHAT IS THE GOAL OF THE 0-6 Years SERVICE HACKATHON? Participants of the 0-6 Service Hackathon will be better equipped to deliver services as per the OEYCFC guidelines and contribute to the transformation of a more integrated and cohesive system for Children 0-6 and their families . For example-
-Respond to parent/caregiver concerns about their child's development
-Information sharing about services and programs.
-Facilitate and coordinate community connections and service planning for all family members.
-Collaborate with community partners to offer additional programs and services that align with the needs and priorities of the community.
Each 2-day session (select only one to attend) is limited to a maximum of 20 registered participants.
Individuals and teams of 0-6 Service Providers are encouraged to attend one of the three sessions- Consolidated Municipal Service Managers (CMSMS), District Social Service Administration Boards, School Boards, Data Analysis Coordinator, Early Literacy Specialists, 0-6 Researchers 0-6 Community Service Providers, Best Start Members, Early Years Staff and Community Health Service Providers, Family Supports and Service providers, other Community, Ministry and Government Stakeholders/Funders.
Those interested in attending as a service team or network member are encouraged to attend different session dates to increase exposure to broader thinking and perspectives to improve the overall collective learning experience.
WHAT WILL PARTICIPANTS TAKE AWAY? Participants will learn alternative methods for approaching and tackling complex service and community problems. Using large and small group discussions and iterative prototyping activities over the course of 2 days. Participants will also be introduced to, use and analyze a User Experience (UX) Mapping process to explore user service needs and expectations to identify problem areas and opportunities that impedes positive outcomes for users. A great tool for an Program Evaluators toolbox and community service providers wanting to go deeper into the world of service satisfaction and quality for IMPACT.
Resources and access to additional Peer Learning supports.
Hackathon Background Documents
Ministry Planning Documents Ministry of Education Early Years Division Feb 22, 2016
2009 Star Newspaper article Opportunity to Transform early learning in Ontario
2009 IDEO Shopping Cart Challenge Video
Design & Problem Solving
Fast Company Article- Habits of Curious People
Wicked Problems and Design
Designs that Matter
Solving Public Problems through Behavioural Science
Design Thinking for Evaluation & Learning
Registration only available using this Eventbrite page.
Registration includes Lunch and snacks on both days.
Optional overnight Block Accomodations available for registered participants.
Toronto Opening Ceremony - Global AI Hackathon 2017 (Media & Invited Guest)
21 Jun - 06:30 PM
Toronto, Canada
This registration link is for Media and Invited Guests. For regular hackathon and public registration for the opening ceremony, please see the original event page.
6:30 - Registration7:10 - MC introductory remarks 7:25 - Opening Remarks, City of Toronto7:30 - MPP Han Dong7:35 - Coorporate Sponsors7:45 - Toronto local science and technology community8:10 - Global AI Hackathon Briefing, Synced8:20 - Social, mix and mingle9:00 - Event Concludes
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
June 21st, 2017
Council Chamber, Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON
About Global AI Hackathon
The first Global AI Hackathon is taking place in 15 cities worldwide from June 23-25, 2017, attracting design-thinkers, developers, programmers, marketers and other related experts to come together for 48 hours.
Challenges will be announced globally during the kick off of the event, and attendees can pick one of the challenges to work on either by themselves or with a team. After two days of hacking and prototyping, teams have the option to showcase their projects on stage. Your local audience will pick three winners, one for each challenge, prizes TBD.
The current Global AI Hackathon is co-sponsored by NEC and Microsoft.
Why Toronto?
The recent pan-Canadian artificial intelligence strategy launched by the federal government has added $125 million into R&D efforts. We know the opportunities are here and we need the right people to get on board.
Global AI Hackthon Co-Sponsors
Toronto Strategic Partner
Toronto Venue Sponsor
Toronto Corporate Sponsor
Community Partner
Toronto Media Partner
Global Initiator - is a global community of hackathon organizers and a subsidiary of BeMyApp, the leading developer relations agency. is the initator of the current Global AI Hackathon.
Toronto Organizer - Synced
Synced is a global media content provider founded in China that focuses on reporting and analyzing AI and machine intelligence news and information. Synced is recognized by over 500,000 readers and numerous industry partners worldwide. Synced is the current Global AI Hackathon local host for the Toronto and Beijing stations.
McGill AI for Social Good Hackathon
17 Jun - 10:00 AM
Montréal, Canada
Are you ready for some hacking? Better yet, hacking for the benefit of society? Better still, using the power of Artificial Intelligence?
The McGill Office of Innovation is proud to present the inaugural AI for Social Good Hackathon! This unique event is bringing together people from a broad range of disciplines to tackle some serious social issues, in a seriously fun environment! Sponsored by Google, Element AI, BDC Capital, Desjardins Lab, CIFAR, Maluuba, Freshii, as well as Real Ventures, and in partnership with Shopify, Dialogue, Tandem Launch, Botler, Enigma, even the city of Montreal itself! You can bet that this will be a hackathon to remember.
For more info checkout our website, FAQ, or contact us!
15 Jun - 08:30 AM
KANATA, Canada
WHAT IS A HACKATHON? Hackathons are more commonly used in the Technology sector as a collaborative experience to tackle specific coding challenges and product issue. The model has been adapted for the social service sector because it encourages creativity, curiosity, and exploration, key elements needed for distilling ideas into activity and community motion.
WHAT IS A WICKED PROBLEM? Persistent social or cultural problems that communities face that are difficult if not impossible to solve because of thier interconnected and interdependent nature. Using systems thinking allows for and requires a more integrated and collaborative approach to tackle these sorts of issues. Wicked problems require different thinking and open mindsets that can be developed using Design Thinking.
WHAT IS DESIGN THINKING? Design thinking is a holistic systems approach to delivering human-centred services that meet client and service users needs and expectations.
WHY A WICKED PROBLEM SERVICE HACKATHON? The Hackathon model allows participants to develop, explore and test ideas in collaboration with others. Wicked Problem Service Hacks are learn-by-doing events where the only agenda is to meet the expectations and needs of the service users.
A Lab for Learning, Sharing and Challenging Ideas and Perspectives for Change in the 0-6 Service Sector!
WHAT IS THE GOAL OF THE 0-6 Years SERVICE HACKATHON? Participants of the 0-6 Service Hackathon will be better equipped to deliver services as per the OEYCFC guidelines and contribute to the transformation of a more integrated and cohesive system for Children 0-6 and their families . For example-
-Respond to parent/caregiver concerns about their child's development
-Information sharing about services and programs.
-Facilitate and coordinate community connections and service planning for all family members.
-Collaborate with community partners to offer additional programs and services that align with the needs and priorities of the community.
Each 2-day session (select only one to attend) is limited to a maximum of 12 registered participants.
Individuals and teams of 0-6 Service Providers are encouraged to attend one of the three sessions- Consolidated Municipal Service Managers (CMSMS), District Social Service Administration Boards, School Boards, Data Analysis Coordinator, Early Literacy Specialists, 0-6 Researchers 0-6 Community Service Providers, Best Start Members, Early Years Staff and Community Health Service Providers, Family Supports and Service providers, other Community, Ministry and Government Stakeholders/Funders.
Those interested in attending as a service team or network member are encouraged to attend different session dates to increase exposure to broader thinking and perspectives to improve the overall collective learning experience.
WHAT WILL PARTICIPANTS TAKE AWAY? Participants will learn alternative methods for approaching and tackling complex service and community problems. Using large and small group discussions and iterative prototyping activities over the course of 2 days. Participants will also be introduced to, use and analyze a User Experience (UX) Mapping process to explore user service needs and expectations to identify problem areas and opportunities that impedes positive outcomes for users. A great tool for an Program Evaluators toolbox and community service providers wanting to go deeper into the world of service satisfaction and quality for IMPACT.
Resources and access to additional Peer Learning supports.
Hackathon Background Documents
Ministry Planning Documents Ministry of Education Early Years Division Feb 22, 2016
2009 Star Newspaper article Opportunity to Transform early learning in Ontario
2009 IDEO Shopping Cart Challenge Video
Design & Problem Solving
Fast Company Article- Habits of Curious People
Wicked Problems and Design
Designs that Matter
Solving Public Problems through Behavioural Science
Design Thinking for Evaluation & Learning
Registration only available using this Eventbrite page.
Registration includes Lunch and snacks on both days.
Optional overnight Block Accomodations available for registered participants.
MindSea Mobile Hackathon
10 Jun - 09:00 AM
Halifax, Canada
Interested in building mobile applications? Join us for a day of creativity, learning, and hacking. Developers, designers, and creators of all stripes are welcome for this mobile hackathon event.
We think building things for pocket-sized computers is awesome, and we want to share our enthusiasm in a low-stress, judgement-free environment! Everyone with an interest is welcome, regardless of skill level or experience.
What’s the day going to look like?
9 am- Come at 9 if you need to download any software, want a little extra prep time or have questions for us about Android, iOS or design. Our crew will be here to help answer anything you need help with!
10 am Hack Time! - If you already know the drill, show up at this time, join a team or bring your own and get hacking. We’ll provide some time-appropriate ideas for projects, or you can bring your own and go to town!
10 am to 7/7:30 pm - hacking, snacking and brews!
7/7:30 - Wrap up and App Presentations
What about snacks???
Food, drinks, and beer will be provided. More delicious details to follow!
What can I bring into the event?
**We’ll have MindSea team members here to help if you get stuck. Just bring your own computer and/or other instruments of creativity. Those wanting to do iOS development will need an Apple computer running Mac OS X 10.9.4 or later.
Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?
This event is +19
Closing the Food Loop: Open Source Circular Economy Days Toronto
10 Jun - 09:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Do you want to help reduce food waste? Come and participate in Closing the Food Loop: Open Source Circular Economy Days Toronto. You'll be challenged to work on innovative solutions for a circular food economy for the Toronto area, as well as for the world! Bring your technical skills and creativity -- and help develop a systemic solution to the food waste problem in the Greater Toronto Area.
Hacking Mental Health in the Workplace @eHealth TO Conference 2017
04 Jun - 05:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
Canadian hackers, designers, developers, and engineers! You're invited to apply to be one of 70 participants in Hacking Mental Health in the Workplace @eHealth TO Conference 2017. You'll work with researchers and power users from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to tackle one of nine project challenges for workplace mental health and wellbeing. If your project prototype is selected, there's up to $75,000 in funding available to fully develop it into a validated mental health solution.
Open Source Circular Economy Hackathon Vancouver
03 Jun - 09:00 AM
Vancouver, Canada
Come participate in Open Source Circular Economy Day Vancouver -- a global hackathon-style event and community to create open resources and possibilities for a global shift towards a waste-free, sustainable and environmentally friendly Circular Economy. This event will be an opportunity to collaboratively imagine a future where Vancouver embraces open source and circular economy thinking. People from industry, grassroots, maker & hacker movements, students, etc. will work together on all kinds of challenges discussing, developing and experimenting with the Open Source Circular Economy (OSCE).