Showing results 121 to 130 out of 230
nobulHACK - Blockchain Hackathon + Learnathon
23 Jun - 10:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Hello Fellow hackers!  The Blockchain Society is back, and this time with a blockchain Hackathon + Learnathon! What is a Hackathon + Learnathon you may ask? Well, with the increasing popularity of blockchain technology in the industry today, there comes a desire to always be ahead of the curve; with this event, we will bring you up to speed on some of the hottest tech to hit the blockchain space, which you can then use directly in your Hackathon projects to win great prizes! The Learnathon will commence in the morning on June 24th, and will continue in the afternoon. Once attendees have a firm grasp on the blockchain stack, the Hackathon will begin! We hope that this format will allow newcomers to the blockchain space to learn something new, and allow the veterans to hone their skills on the tech stack we are going to be working with during the event. Who can hack This hackathon/learnathon is exclusively for developers who fit the below criteria. The Blockchain Society reserves the right to decline entry of any Blockchain developers who do not fit our hackathon/learnathon criteria. Note: Refunds will be issued if a ticket has already been purchased and the criteria has not been met. The Criteria 1. 2+ years of prior development experience2. A valid GitHub account with adequate commit history3. Professionally affiliated with the technology community in Toronto or surrounding cities Teams We suggest teams of no more than 6 individuals. You can organize teams prior to the event, and we will be sending around a teams signup form on the day of the Hackathon. Schedule 23 Jun Activity 8.30am Registration & team formation; breakfast 9am Opening Remarks from Nobul Corporation 9.30am Microsoft Workshop 11.30am *Workshop Opportunity* 12pm Lunch with Sponsors 1pm *Workshop Opportunity* 1.30pm *Workshop Opportunity* 2pm KeyNote by Nobul Corporation 3pm Hackathon starts 7pm Dinner with Sponsors 24 Jun Activity 12am Hacking Continues  9am Breakfast served 12pm Lunch with Judges 2.30pm Hacking concluded and judging to begin 5pm Winners Announced 5.30pm Final remarks by Nobul Rules We know some rules are meant to be broken, but you should probably (read: definitely) stick by these: 1. Fresh Code - We all start coding at the same time. It’s cool to work on designs beforehand, digital mockups, open source frameworks, and anything else available to everyone, but keep things within fair limits. 2. Code Review - Winning teams may be subject to a code-review at some point following the event or immediately before winning. This is to ensure that all code used is in fact fresh. 3. Ownership and IP - You own your IP and whatever you create. Simple as that. 4. Team Size - No more than five people. 5. Submissions - Each team will have a designated google drive folder where projects need to be submitted by the designated time. You’ll receive an email with instructions on how to do just that. 6. Demos - You’ll have 2 minutes to demo the functionality of your project and talk through your idea, and 1 minute for Q&A from judges. Judging How is the hackathon judged?Projects will be judged based on the following criteria, with a total of 5 points per criteria: Fundability: How fundable is this idea? Is there potential for a sustainable business model? Execution: How well was the project executed and explained? Did it work? UI/UX: Beyond design, was the end-to-end user experience for the solution considered? Originality: How original, creative or unique is the idea? Scalability: How scalable is the solution? Will it make an impact? Ambassadors - Will Mero (marketing@theblockchainsociety,ca) - Bill Hennessey Lead Sponsor Silver Sponsors Community Partners
    AngelHack Toronto Hackathon 2018
    23 Jun - 09:00 AM
    Toronto, Canada
    Invitation to AngelHack HACKcelerator
    Coders, designers, and entrepreneurs in and around Toronto! AngelHack invites you to sign up for the AngelHack Toronto Hackathon 2018. Compete on your own, or as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. This year’s theme is Seamless Technology. Build a solution that solves a social or environmental problem and positively impacts your local community — you might win the Code For A Cause Impact Award, or the Consensys Challenge Award. The AngelHack Grand Prize will be awarded to the project that is innovative without limits and brings positive change to the world. Get your advice for the AngelHack Toronto Hackathon 2018 here!
    2018 Calgary PIMS Datathon
    23 Jun - 08:09 AM
    Calgary, Canada
    Our city is made up of hundreds of communities like ours, and we believe it is the responsibility of these communities to contribute to the city’s overall success. This datathon will create an opportunity for Calgarians to evaluate the open data provided by the City of Calgary’s Open Data Portal, and propose solutions to enhance the infrastructure for improving data connectivity, suggesting the collection of new and relevant data points, and optimizing data usability.
    The Canadian Life Hacks Hackathon
    23 Jun - 08:00 AM
    Toronto, Canada
    Do you have what it takes to come up with the next great Amazon Alexa Skill? For participants of Toronto's latest Alexa Dev Day, please join Connected Lab and Amazon on June 23 for the Canadian Life Hacks Hackathon. Working in teams of 3-5, participants will be challenged with the task of building Skills for Alexa, Amazon's cloud-based voice service, that relate to Canadian entertainment, travel, and/or children’s content. #ConnectedHacks WHAT: Canadian Life Hacks Hackathon, hosted by Connected Lab in partnership with Amazon WHEN: Saturday, June 23, 2018, 8:00 am – 9:00 pm WHERE: Connected Lab Headquarters, 370 King St W. Suite 400, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 1J9 WHO:Developers, designers, and makers with experience building for Amazon Alexa. OBJECTIVE Build an Alexa Skill beneficial to Canadians in the areas of entertainment, travel, and/or children’s content. PRIZES First place participants will each receive a $750 travel voucher to visit anywhere in Canada as well as their very own Amazon Echo Spot. Second place participants will each receive an Amazon Echo Spot. ELIGIBILITY The Canadian Life Hacks Hackathon is open to individuals and teams who have reached the age of majority in their eligible jurisdiction of residence at the time of entry, and who have experience developing and/or designing for Amazon Alexa. The team must participate for the duration of the Hackathon and provide a working demo of their Skill at the end to be eligible for prizes. Libraries used must also be credited. Note: Employees of Connected Lab, Amazon, and contractors currently under contract work for Connected Lab or Amazon are not eligible. Software partners and those receiving funding or assistance from Connected Lab or Amazon for application development are not eligible. Any application that is or was funded or compensated, partially or fully, by Connected Lab or Amazon for its development is not eligible for entry. SCHEDULE 8:00 – 8:15 AM: Participant arrival and registration 8:15 – 8:30 AM: Continental breakfast is served 8:30 – 8:45 AM: Opening remarks by Damian McCabe, Co-founder and VP Engineering at Connected Lab, as well as Justin Jeffress, Solutions Architect at Amazon Alexa 8:45 – 9:00 AM: Participants are ushered to private breakout rooms 9:00 AM: Hackathon begins 11:30 – 12:30 PM: Box lunch is served 6:00 PM: Hackathon submissions due to the judging panel 6:15 – 8:15 PM: Dinner is served while teams present submissions to judging panel 8:15 – 8:40 PM: Judging panel evaluates submissions 8:40 – 9:00 PM: Panel to reveal winners and distribute prizing FAQ Do I need to come with a pre-formed team?No! Though you may form a team of your own (3-5 members per team), individuals may apply on their own; they will be put into groups. What do I need to bring?You will need to bring a laptop running Linux, MacOS, or Windows. Don’t forget your charger! What accounts do I need?You will need to set up an AWS account and an Amazon Developer account. What should I install?You should install the ask cli! With it you can dramatically reduce the amount of time and effort required to build and update your Skill. Are there any code samples I should check out?Yes! Take a look at the care package! You should also check out the quiz game sample Skill to get started with display directives and the display interface and template reference technical documentation. Any more questions? Write us at with the subject line "Hackathon Question."
      Let's Talk about Hackathons for Artists!
      19 Jun - 07:00 PM
      Kingston, Canada
      Are you an artist who has considered adding digital technology to your practice? Or maybe you're a game developer who'd love to connect with the artistic community? There's a hackathon being organized for Kingston this fall, that will facilitate collaboration between art and tech communities to build virtual reality and augmented reality (VR/AR) experiences. What is a hackathon? What is VR and AR?  Join this information session for an introduction to VR/AR and learn "How to get the most out of a hackathon". Who Should Attend? Musicians, storytellers, visual artists, photographers, filmmakers, graphic designers and Unity software developers.  Agenda for the Evening 7:00-7:30 PM Networking7:30-8:30 PM Presentation8:30-9:00 PM Networking Presenter  Julie Driver, Owner ARtefactVR
        YYC Carbon Hackathon
        15 Jun - 06:00 PM
        1301 16 Ave NW, Calgary, Canada
        Come hack with us - on the ways that Carbon can build our world with carbon as the basis of construction materials, Hack to the Future. Use the development of the Rainforest AB,  New-Space "PLATFORM" in Downtown Calgary, to imagine how we might build it out of Carbon based materials rather than our traditional building materials? In a Future with 9 billion people,  carbon will be far too valuable for us to be released into the atmosphere. The chemical value of Carbon will be far greater than its thermal value alone, Carbon will be the element we will need to make food, fuel, and building for the expected global population. Let's start a carbon economy here in Alberta that is not based on combustion of Hydrocarbons but on the more valuable use of our carbon resources. We need to hack a better future and change the narrative on oil & gas. Let's start now by hacking a Carbon Design Platform! If you believe as we do that this might be a better way to vent / sequester carbon by making & finding better new productive uses for it then please join us to from groups around - how we - collectively-  could come up with ideas solutions and ways to mimic the natural environment in the built environment.  Perhaps we could determine how to use the hydrogen fossils fuels for energy and the carbon to build and feed our world so CO2 is seen as to valuable to release in the atmosphere... for more click here  and/or info email to
          Techology Hackathon - Solutions for Seniors (Toronto, Canada)
          15 Jun - 05:34 PM
          Toronto, Canada
          Techies, designers, business people, or anyone with experience dealing with Seniors! The Interactive Media Lab at the University of Toronto invites you to participate in Tech Hack - Solutions for Seniors. Come with your team, or connect with one at the event. You'll be challenged to design an innovative solution that uses the Centivizer platform to address issues of physical and cognitive inactivity in an aging population.
          Hackathon "Arts et Numérique" : débroussaillage
          14 Jun - 06:00 PM
          Sherbrooke, Canada
          Sporobole est à la recherche de professionnels des arts ou des technologies désirant collaborer pour atteindre un objectif double : Créer des liens entre des penseurs-créateurs issus de domaines différents pour réfléchir à des problématiques autant sociales que techniques. Mettre sur pied une vitrine de la créativité et du savoir-faire Estrien. L'événement culminant, un Hackathon qui aura lieu du 28 au 30 septembre, profitera des Journées de la Culture pour explorer le thème proposé cette année : Les mots. Nous nous permettons d’ajouter un sous-thème afin de restreindre un minimum le champ des possibles : “Donner sa langue au code”. L'objet de cette invitation sur Eventbrite est en fait une invitation aux artistes et aux technologues qui seraient intéressés par un tel événement à venir se rencontrer afin de débroussailler le terrain et orienter les projets qui pourraient être réalisés lors du Hackathon. Cette rencontre préliminaire aura comme objectifs : D’identifier les affinités entre les technologies et les approches artistiques; De regrouper les participants par équipe; De trouver le thème exploré lors du Hackathon par chacune des équipes. Les projets qui ressortiront de cette réunion seront utilisés comme idées de base lors du Hackathon des Journées de la Culture. Les personnes présentes lors de la rencontre préliminaire agiront en quelque sorte en comme chefs d’équipe lors du Hackathon. Voici quelques exemples d’applications qui pourraient être créées : Un traducteur de discours politique permettant de le transformer en discours de politicien à la langue de bois et vice versa. Un chatbot qui discute avec les chatbot disponibles sur les sites de commerce en ligne. Un dispositif pouvant faire discuter Alexa et Google Home. Une application qui fait jouer la publicité audio d’un commerce sur le téléphone d’une personne qui passe devant celui-ci. Transformer une image en affichant des mots à l’emplacement de certains objets. Un outil de censure qui transforme des textes selon la “novlangue” de George Orwell. Si le projet vous intéresse, inscrivez-vous à cet événement et répondez à avec une liste des technologies que vous maîtrisez ou que vous voudriez explorer. Ex : Imprimante 3D Réseaux de neurones Vision par ordinateur
            IT Connect 2018: Internet of Things (IoT)
            07 Jun - 02:00 PM
            Saint-Lambert, Canada
            IT Connect is a conference that brings together IT professionals who are passionate about the future of networking. This year, IT Connect will be dedicated to the theme Internet of Things (IoT), featuring keynote speakers, workshops, online presentations, opportunities for networking and more! There will also be a Champ-IoT Hackathon occurring a week prior to the conference – on June 2-3, 2018, between 9:00am and 4:30pm. The winners will be announced during IT Connect 2018. Experts predict that by 2020 there will be over 30 billion devices forming the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT refers to the connection of physical devices, home appliances, vehicles and many other systems in a manner that enables them to share information amongst each other. IoT will impact the way we do things not only in IT but across different fields: medicine, industrial, mechanics, arts, etc. Join us at IT Connect 2018 to strengthen your knowledge of this increasingly popular area of IT. As a public college, Champlain Saint-Lambert has been offering numerous Information Technology (IT) AEC programs over the years, most notably our IT Client Support, Cisco CCNA, Cisco CCNP programs as well as our DEC in IT Network Management. Champlain is also both a Cisco Networking Academy and an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Academy. This conference is therefore an ideal way to keep up to date on the ever-growing field of networking.
              #HIP613: Community Connector
              06 Jun - 06:00 PM
              Ottawa, Canada
              To celebrate another successful year of Hacking Health Ottawa’s Health Innovation Program (#HIP613) and outstanding projects that came from #HIP613 Hackathon, we are pleased to invite you to the #HIP613 Community Connector. This event will bring together problem solvers and community organizations dedicated to tackling diverse healthcare problems. There will be an opportunity to network, be inspired by industry leaders and take #HIP613 Hackathon projects to the next level. Join us Wednesday, June 6 at The World Exchange Plaza, 100 Queen St, 13th floor for the #HIP613 Community Connector! Agenda 6:30 Registration & Networking 6:45 Opening Remarks 7:00 Community Showcase 8:00 Networking Terms & Conditions By Purchasing a ticket to the Hacking Health, you agree to the following terms and conditions: I hereby grant Hacking Health permission to use my likeness in a video, photo or other digital reproduction in any and all of its publications, including website, without payment or any other consideration. Sponsored by