Showing results 131 to 140 out of 230
Student Startup Success
06 Jun - 05:30 PM
Calgary, Canada
Are you a high school or junior high student who wants to start their own business one day?
Then join us for this free event that shares how students can improve their odds of Student Startup Success.
Created specifically for high school students and junior high school students, the free Students Startup Symposium is a great place to:
Learn new business skills from four international speakers
Meet local resources available to aspiring and first-time entrepreneurs
Be inspired by student entrepreneurs showcasing their businesses and pick your favourite
This event coincides with a special session for teachers, counsellors and parents on Helping Students Successfully Build an Entrepreneurial Career Path.
Speaker Topics
During the evening, guest speakers will present on "how to" topics.
When you arrive, you will pick two of the following four sessions to attend:
Adam Berk: How to know if your idea is a potential winner
Cathy Han: How to grow yourself and your business
Jonathan Gottfried: How to come up with better business ideas
Seah Sheppard: How to get customers
Adam Berk: New York
A head mentor for the global Google Launchpad Accelerator, Adam has helped 1,000’s aspiring entrepreneurs validate their business ideas.
Cathy Han: San Franciso
A native Calgarian and a Y Combinator graduate who is on Forbes’ top 30 under 30 list, Cathy’s company recently placed 3rd at the LVMH Innovation Awards
Jonathan Gottfried: New York
A founder of ‘the’ global student hackathon league and a member of the Forbes to 30 under 30, Jon loves creating new technology and teaching people how to do the same.
Sean Sheppard: San Franciso
A serial entrepreneur with multiple successful exits, Sean is a co-founder of GrowthX where tech entrepreneurs learn the art of sales and the science of marketing.
Student Entrepreneurs Showcase
Local high school and junior high students have the opportunity to showcase their businesses and compete for one of three different student entrepreneurship awards as chosen by the participants of the event.
Contact Craig Elias (info below) if you would like to present in the student entrepreneur showcase.
5:30-6:15: Registration, Student Entrepreneur Showcase and Resource Fair
6:15-7:00: Skill Development Session #1
7:00-7:15: Student Entrepreneur Showcase and Resource Fair
7:15-8:00: Skill Development Session #2
8:00-8:15: Student Entrepreneur Showcase and Resource Fair
8:15-8:30: Student Entrepreneur Awards & Closing
This event is hosted by Bow Valley College, is part of the 150 Startups Initiative, and is made possible by the generous support of the RBC Foundation.
Got Questions?
Contact Craig Elias by phone (+1.403.874.2998) or email (
03 Jun - 08:00 AM
Brampton, Canada
High school students in Ontario! You're invited to participate in the TurnerHacks Hackathon! You'll get to build the coolest thing you can in 12 hours, while you're meeting and greeting with awesome people. After 12 hours, you'll present your project to a team of experts, with the chance to win some awesome prizes.
femmebought launch party
31 May - 06:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
femmebought pre-launch party Meg boutique
Guest Speaker Nelia Texiera, Olive Law founder and Cryptochicks Hackathon Blockchain Winner
Join us for an evening of shopping, prizes, light snacks, wine
Hacking Health Vancouver Hackathon @ e-Health Conference 2018
27 May - 05:30 PM
Vancouver, Canada
Patients Included in Connected Care
Hacking Health is partnering once again with the e-Health 2018 Conference to include patients in a hackathon set to tackle the pressing healthcare issue of chronic disease management. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, three out of five Canadians aged 20 and older have a chronic disease, and 67% of all deaths per year are caused by four major chronic diseases (cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases). Participants will work hand-in-hand with patients and clinician experts, building innovative software solutions focused on prevention, self management at home, home care, and community care!
The challenge will begin with the opening ceremony and project pitches on Sunday, May 27th, where the leaders of selected projects will give short pitches explaining the healthcare problems they seek to solve and participants will network with with conference delegates. Teams will then spend the next day and a half hours designing, building, testing, validating and tuning their prototypes in preparation for the demo competition, working with mentors to refine and improve their solutions. Once the hacking is complete, all teams will be evaluated by an expert panel of judges when the teams present to conference delegates in the afternoon May 29th. Winners from the final presentations will be announced with awards presented shortly after.
We will support you when you need it, we will feed you often, and we will make sure our partners provide an opportunity to make your projects a reality.
Click here to submit your project proposal now!
Sponsored By:
Judging Sponsors
Patient Participant Sponsors
Schedule of Activities:
Sunday, May 27
4:30 - 7:30pm: Registration Open - Burrard Room Foyer, Conference Level, JW Marriott Parq Vancouver
5:30-7:30pm: Welcome Reception - Parq Grand Ballroom & Pre-Function Area, Conference Level, JW Marriott Parq Vancouver
7:00pm - 9:00pm: Opening Ceremony & Pitch Presentations - Hackathon Area, Parq Grand Ballroom, Conference Level, JW Marriott Parq Vancouver
Monday, May 28
9:00am - 11:00am: Registration Open - Burrard Room Foyer, Conference Level, JW Marriott Parq Vancouver
8:00am - 10:00pm: Hacking - Hackathon Area, Parq Grand Ballroom, Conference Level, JW Marriott Parq Vancouver
3:00pm - 4:00pm: Networking Break with Hacking Health - Hackathon Area, Parq Grand Ballroom, Conference Level, JW Marriott Parq Vancouver
Tuesday, May 29
8:00am - 2:00pm: Hacking - Hackathon Area, Parq Grand Ballroom, Conference Level, JW Marriott Parq Vancouver
3:30pm - 5:00pm: Final Presentations & Awards - Kitsilano Ballroom, Conference Level,JW Marriott Parq Vancouver
Q. I have a great idea for a project that can solve a pressing healthcare issue, and I want to apply to lead a team at the hackathon! Where do I start?
A. Information sessions with detailed information will be held leading up to the event (dates will be posted here once confirmed). If you're looking for an earlier start, contact us at for more details on how to get started!
Q. Do I need to buy a separate ticket to the e-Health conference?
A. The hackathon is a great opportunity to meet and network with conference delegates, but to participate in any main conference activities such as keynote speeches or concurrent sessions you must purchase tickets separately through e-Health Registration.
Q. I'm a patient who's interested in sharing my experience and helping teams craft their solutions. How can I sign up?
A. Email us at! Patients will not be assigned to a specific team, instead rotating through to share their knowledge across any relevant projects (unless of course you want to lead a team, in which case, email us to apply as a project leader instead!).
Q. Are there prizes?
A number of prizes will be offered, and details are in the works. Check back here for updates!
Q. I want to sponsor/mentor/volunteer/help spread the word! How can I get involved?
A. We'd love to hear from you! For sponsorship inquiries, please contact For anything else, drop us a line at!
Community Code Day - Hackathon Competition
26 May - 08:00 AM
Fort McMurray, Canada
Wood Buffalo's first ever hackathon event is taking place this May 26th-27th at Keyano College! Hosted by Youth Computing, BrainSTEM Alliance and the Wood Buffalo Regional Innovation Network, coders of all skill levels are invited to participate in this coding event to solve problems in our Wood Buffalo community! On Saturday, teams will work together to code a solution and on Sunday they will present to a panel of judges for prizes! Food, drinks and snacks will be provided.
After you register, use our google form to give us more information about yourself:
Not sure of your coding skills? Check out our coding workshops leading up to the event! More information can be found at
EngHack 2018
25 May - 07:31 PM
Waterloo, Canada
Students aged 18 or more in Southern Ontario, Canada! Do you like to make cool stuff? The Waterloo Engineering Society invites you to participate in EngHack S18! You don't have to be an engineer -- or have hacking/coding experience -- to join in! Come as a team of up to four individuals, or join one at the event! You'll be challenged to create something awesome and innovative? Are you ready for the challenge?
AI for Social Good Hackathon - 2018
25 May - 06:00 PM
Montréal, Canada
Congratulations on your acceptence to the hackathon! Over the course of a weekend, you'll be challenged to work on a social problem with a diverse team of passionate individuals from across Canada. You'll participate in workshops and get expert mentorship from the Montreal AI community.
Note: All the proceeds will go towards charity. Travel will not be covered, but all meals will be included and please bring a reuseable water bottle.
Hackathon CO-D pour l'employabilité
25 May - 05:00 PM
Montreal, Canada
Participez au premier événement collaboratif qui s'appuie sur l'intelligence collective pour développer des solutions « open source » innovantes en employabilité!
Trois prix à gagner :
Prix 1 : Expérimentation du prototype du produit avec Destination Travail.Prix 2 : Atelier pratique pour l'audit fonctionnel et ergonomique du produit avec Tractr.
Prix 3: Mentorat pour le développement du produit avec Réseau M.
Ouvert aux étudiants, enseignants, employés, développeurs, designers, entrepreneurs, sociologues, spécialistes en ressources humaines et toute personne intéressée à la résolution des enjeux en employabilité et au développement d’outils numériques pour les chercheurs d’emploi.
Collaborer pendant deux jours avec les acteurs de l’écosystème de l’employabilité pour prototyper des solutions numériques « open source » afin de :
- Soutenir la communauté dans ses démarches de recherche d’emploi;- Penser des solutions innovatrices afin de rendre le marché de l'emploi plus inclusif;- Sensibiliser l’écosystème économique de Montréal aux enjeux de l'employabilité.
LE DÉFIVous avez deux jours pour prototyper une solution répondant aux enjeux de l’employabilité en vous appuyant sur les experts du domaine, sur des ateliers d’idéation et de prototypage et avec la collaboration de facilitateurs qui seront à votre disposition pendant l'Hackathon. Voici les étapes de déroulement de l'expérience :VENDREDI 25 MAI : de 18 h à 20 hLancement officiel du hackathon et formation des équipes (maximum de 5 personnes ou bien solo) et travaillerez sur un des thèmes suivants :1. Soutien dans le processus de recherche d'emploi;2. Intégration et diversité;3. Transposition de compétences;4. Les métiers du futur.
SAMEDI 26 MAI : de 9 h à 21 hTravail des équipes :- Participation aux ateliers d'idéation et prototypage sur place;- Sessions de prototypage;- Élaboration de la présentation de pitch.
DIMANCHE 27 MAI : de 9 h à 18 h- Poursuite du prototypage;- Présentation des solutions;- Sélection des meilleurs prototypes (*);- Clôture du Hackathon.
(*) Des jurés du milieu de l’employabilité, de la technologie et de l'innovation seront présents pour évaluer les solutions et élire l'équipe gagnante du prix spécial : l’incubation du projet avec un de nos partenaires.
Le dîner et des collations seront offerts sur place. Joignez-vous à nous dans cette expérience d’apprentissage collectif!
Plus d'information sur le site Web du Co-D Hackathon pour l'employabilitéPour toute question, veuillez contacter la page Facebook de Destination Travail ou la FABRIQUE_A ou écrivez au courriel
- Faire partie d’une expérience de collaboration, au service de la collectivité, animée par des experts en « Design Thinking »;- Participer aux atelier et formations de nos partenaires et apprendre sur l'innovation collaborative et ses applications;- Réseauter avec des acteurs importants du milieu de l’employabilité et de l'écosystème des startups de Montréal;- Trouver des occasions de développement professionnel;
Destination Travail et la FABRIQUE_A se réservent le droit d’annuler l'événement advenant un nombre insuffisant d’inscriptions.
Les substitutions de participants sont acceptées jusqu’à la tenue de la rencontre.
Blockchain@UBC Mini-Conference on The Future of Blockchain and TALENT+INNOVATION Showcase
25 May - 09:00 AM
Vancouver, Canada
The mini-conference and showcase which will take place on May 25th on the last day of UBC’s Blockchain Summer Institute (May 14-25th), and just before a two-day Blockathon (Blockchain Hackathon for Social Good) and feature high profile international innovators and thought leaders and a TALENT+INNOVATION showcase that will bring students who have been participating in the Blockchain Summer Institute together with local and international industry partners for networking around jobs and internship opportunities.
Agenda: 8:30:
Registration 9:00 – Open and Welcome – Dr. Victoria Lemieux, Blockchain@UBC
9:30 - “The Future of Blockchain: Perspectives on Bitcoin”- Dr. Shin’Ichiro Matsuo
10:00 – “The Future of Blockchain: An Ethereum Perspective” – Bob Summerwill
10:30 – “The Future of Land Transaction on the Blockchain” – Michael Graglia 11:00 – Coffee break
11:30 - “Does Blockchain have a Governance Problem?” – Dr. Angela Walch
12:00 – “Does Blockchain Have a Future?” – Mark Bell
12:30 – Panel Discussion
1:00 – Networking and Lunch
5:00 – Close – Dr. Victoria Lemieux
Speakers are highly-respected international innovators and thought leaders on blockchain and distributed ledger technology.
Dr. Shin’Ichiro Matsuo:
Dr. Matsuo is Professor of Research at Georgetown University, Advisor on Financial Cryptography to the Director of the MIT Media Lab, and a Research Follow at Keio University in Tokyo. His area of research is in cryptography and information security. He has made extensive contributions to technology standards: as an editor of three ISO/IEC standards on cryptographic protocols (Anonymous entity authentication ISO/IEC2009-2, secret sharing (ISO/IEC19592-1) and Verification of Cryptographic Protocols(ISO/IEC29128)), and contributed to IETF standardization of TLS1.3 on the security evaluation. He also founded an international consortium on security evaluation of cryptographic protocols, so called "CELLOS" consortium. US, UK, Estonian, French, and Japanese universities, research institutes, company and individuals participate this consortium. He has proposed a new hash specification suitable for real information systems, which was presented at 2nd cryptographic hash workshop held by NIST. He is providing academic contributions to emerging “Blockchain” technology by constructing, an international academic neutral research test network for blockchain technology, which has a similar role as NSFNet for the Internet development. The University of British Columbia is a participant in this network.
Dr. Angela Walch:
Angela Walch is an Associate Professor at St. Mary’s University School of Law. Her research focuses on money and the law, blockchain technologies, governance of emerging technologies and financial stability. She is a Research Fellow of the Centre for Blockchain Technologies of University College London. She has presented her research at Harvard Law School, University College London and with the Modern Money Network at Columbia Law School, among others. Her work on blockchain technologies has appeared in the NYU Journal of Legislation & Public Policy and in American Banker. Walch was nominated for “Blockchain Person of the Year” for 2016 by Crypto Coins News for her work on the governance of blockchain technologies and her influential article in American Banker arguing that the coders and miners of public blockchains should be treated as fiduciaries. Prior to joining the faculty at St. Mary’s, Walch practiced corporate law at the firm of Ropes & Gray in Boston, for which her practice included venture capital, life sciences and emerging companies work. After Ropes & Gray, she served as an attorney in the Office of the General Counsel at Harvard University. While at Harvard, she advised on general transactional matters and federal grants for international projects. Walch also practiced transactional law in London, where she worked in-house for Sainsbury’s (a large British supermarket chain) and served as general counsel for Brand Events, a venture-backed consumer events company that produced premier events (Taste of London, Top Gear Live) around the world.
Michael Graglia:
Michael Graglia is the director of the Future of Property Rights initiative at New America. Graglia comes from a career in international development and strategy that has seen him in finance at the Gates Foundation, program evaluation at BCG, developing a global tertiary education network at the World Bank Group, managing a national refugee program for the International Catholic Migration Commission in Zimbabwe, and teaching math in Peace Corps Namibia where he founded a scholarship program to fund women's education.
Graglia has an MBA from Columbia University where he was a Bronfman Fellow, an MA in Southeast Asian studies from Johns Hopkins SAIS where his studies were supported by the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans. Graglia studied mathematics and computer science at Gonzaga University, S.J.
Bob Summerwill:
Bob Summerwill is a community leader for the Ethereum Project, serving as Enterprise Ethereum's lead architect and a member of ConsenSys, Community Ambassador for the Sweetbridge Project and an advisor to Varro Technologies, and a founding member of the Ethereum Enteprise Alliance, established to create open standards and protocols for the Ethereum blockchain network. He first met Vitalik Buterin in 2014 and has been actively involved in the Ethereum project since 2015. He has been building bridges to enterprise and towards mainstream adoption since 2016. Originally from the UK, he has lived in Vancouver since 2003, and is now a dual citizen of Canada and the UK.
Mark Bell:
Mark Bell is a Digital Researcher at The UK National Archives. Previous to this role, Mark has over 20 years of experience working with database technologies in industries such as telecoms and banking, as well as in government. At The National Archives Mark led the research for the Arts and Humanities Research Council funded project, ‘Traces through Time’, tackling the challenges of identifying individuals in historical documents. His research interests include dealing with uncertainty in data, automated text recognition, and Distributed Ledger Technology, and he is TNA’s lead researcher on their Archangel project, which explores the long-term sustainability of digital archives though the design, development and trialling of transformational new distributed ledger technology (DLT) to promote accessibility and ensure integrity of content, whilst maximizing its impact through novel business models for commodification and open access.
2018 ACCE West Coast Entrepreneurship Hackathon
24 May - 06:00 PM
Vancouver, Canada
2018 ACCE West Coast Entrepreneurship Hackathon
Sponsored by: Rogers Communications
Entrepreneurship Hackathon
Serving equal parts of idea generation and super-charged connecting, join us for an experience that will unleash your inner entrepreneurial warrior. Participate at a round table circuit moderated by subject matter experts on breaking through challenges, building an empowered mindset, leveraging your unique skills and resources.
Panel Discussion:
Success Story Sharing by Entrepreneurs
Mr. Chrles Chang
· President and Founder, Lyra Growth Partners
· Former President and Founder, Sequel Natural Ltd.
· Award Winner, 2014 EY Pacific Entrepreneur Of The Year Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Products and Services Award
· Former Award Winner, the BIV 40 Under 40
(Company Achievements under Mr. Chang’s leadership:)
· Profit 100 Fastest Growing Companies
· Best Workplaces
· Canada’s Best Managed Companies
Ms. Carol Lee
· CEO, Linacare Cosmetherapy Inc.
· Chair, Vancouver Chinatown Revitalization Committee
· Chair, Vancouver Chinatown Foundation
· Board Member, Rideau Hall Foundation
· Honorary Patron, Chinese Canadian Military Museum Society
· Board Member, Faculty Advisory Board of the Sauder School of Business
· Board Member, Harvard Business School Canadian Advisory Board
· Board Member, UBC President’s Advisory Council
· Medal Recipient, Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
Round Table Discussion:
Breakout Sessions
Mr. Charles Chang,President & Founder of Lyra Growth Partners- How to develop and scale a brand centric business Ms. Carol LeePresident of Linacare Cosmetherapy Inc.- How to embrace cultural elements in revitalizing traditional businessMr. Michael BiduFounder & CEO, INTERFACE Health- Start Up advice that can save you time & moneyMr. Aaron YdenbergPublic Services & Procurement Canada- How to do business with Federal Government
May 24th, 2018 (Thursday)
6:00pm Registration & Reception
6:30pm Success Stories Sharing by Entrepreneurs
7:10pm Breakout sessions and networking
8:15pm Closing Remark
Vistas 360 Reception
Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront
1133 W Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6E 3T3
$40 Members rate
$50 Non-members rate
(Include one drink and Hor D'oeuvres)
$20 ACCE Student Member rate (Please Present your Student ID and Personal ID upon registration)
$25 ACCE Student Member rate (Please Present your Student ID and Personal ID upon registration)
please Call 905-479-2802 or Email:
Dress Code:
Smart Casual
6:00pm Registration & Reception
6:30pm Success Stories Sharing by Entrepreneurs
7:10pm Round Table Discussion - Breakout sessions
8:15pm Closing Remark