Showing results 151 to 160 out of 230
Hackathon: Brébeuf HX (Montréal)
05 May - 08:30 AM
Montreal, Canada
English to follow below.
Inscriptions sur ce lien / Registrations on this link.
Premier hackathon au Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf!Ouvert aux étudiants du secondaire et du CÉGEP (pas seulement de Brébeuf)!
Que vous soyez un programmeur saisonné ou simplement quelqu'un de passioné envers les innovations numrériques, vous êtes tous la bienvenue à ce sprint d'informatique et de programmation sous le toit de Brébeuf, touchant les divers coins du monde de la technologie.
Aucune expérience antérieure en programmation n'est requise pour participer!
Durant le hackathon, vous formerez des équipes (maximum de 4 ou bien solo) pour travailler sur un projet que vous présenterez à la fin de la journée.
Le dîner et collations offerts, des prix à gagner et une expérience inoubliable garrantie!
Veuillez aussi vous inscrire sur ce formulaire.
Pour toute question, veuillez contacter notre page Facebook.
***Quelques réponses aux questions les plus communs:***
-Qu'est-ce qu'un hackathon?Dans les termes les plus simples, un hackathon est un évènement où sont réunis tant les débutants que les avancés en programmation afin de trouver des solutions à un problème en réalisant un projet qui dure généralement de 1 à 5 jours (1 jour dans notre cas).
-Ca sert à quoi?Comme nous vivons dans une société de plus en plus mêlée avec les développements technologiques, il faut ainsi y prendre connaissance de l’importance de ces progrès, et peut-être même y contribuer! Ainsi, le but primordial des hackathons est de faire en sorte que n’importe qui peut apprendre davantage sur la technologie et pourrait ainsi acquérir des connaissances et des expériences inestimables.
-Comment vais-je faire si j'ai aucune expérience en programmation?Ce sorte d'évènement est fait tant pour les débutants que les personnes avancées en programmation! En effet, nous avons séparé les différentes "challenges" en différentes catégories en fonction du niveau de difficulté. Quel que soit ton niveau, tu auras la chance d'apprendre des connaissances qui seront utiles pour le reste de ta vie!
-Ca coûte combien?Le prix d'entrée est de 10$, ce qui inclut de la pizza. Un coût optionnel sera aussi attribué pour l'achat d'un t-shirt(environ 10$ supplémentaire). Nous essayons le plus possible de rendre ce type d'évènement le plus accessible à tout le monde. Le reste de l'argent rentre dans l'amélioration de l'évènement dans le futur!
-Qui peut venir?Cet évènement est ouvert à toutes les écoles secondaires et CÉGEPs du Québec!
-Est-ce qu'il y a des prix à gagner?Bien sûr qu'il y a des prix à gagner! Pour chaque catégorie, différents prix seront attribués...mais ca reste une surprise!
-Qu'est-ce que je dois amener?Tu devras amener au moins 10$ qui couvrira le coût d'inscription. Un LAPTOP est aussi très important, sinon tu devras partager avec un ami...
-C'est où?L'évènement se déroulera au Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf, à l'ancienne chapelle.
First hackathon at Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf!Open to high school and college students (not only Brébeuf)!
Whether you be a seasoned programmer or just somebody interested in innovative tech, you are welcome to join us on this programming sprint under Brébeuf's roof, touching diverse corners of the digital world.
No previous programming experience is required to participate!
During the hackathon, in teams (of maximum 4 or solo), you will work on a project that you will present at the end of an 8-hour sprint.
Lunch and snacks offered, prizes to be won and an unforgettable experience guaranteed!
Please additionally register on this form.
For any question, do not hesitate to message our Facebook page!
Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?
There is no minumum age to enter. However, this event is primarly aimed for high school and CÉGEP students, so these students will be priotized.
#hackathon montréal
HACK WESCAM - L3 WESCAM Intelligence and Surveillance Hackathon
04 May - 07:00 PM
Burlington, Canada
HACK WESCAM - May the 4th be with you.
13 teams of up to 4 (50 people max) ▪ $7000 prize money ▪ 36 hours ▪ May 4th – 6th
2 themes
Artificial Intelligence
High speed processing
Deep Learning
Neural networks
Machine Vision
Image processing
Object Detection
Image Segmentation
L3 WESCAM is known for a lot of things in the Intelligence/Surveillance and Reconnaissance world.
Now, we’re adding hackathons to that list. (Click here to see more about what we do at WESCAM)
We’re inviting current students and recent grads (class of 2015 and up) to pull a team together of some of your best and register for our inaugural L3 WESCAM Intelligence and Surveillance Hackathon beginning May the 4th 2018 for 36 hours. Total prize money being awarded is $7000
1st Place team - $4000
2nd Place team - $2000
3rd Place team - $1000
Register your application as an individual or team by clicking on the number of 'tickets' you'd like. Make sure you give us yours and the rest of your team's emails so that we can connect with everyone on further registration details.
Qualifications for participation in HACK WESCAM will include your relevant field of study/areas of interest/project work in optical engineering, artificial intelligence, image sciences, and high-speed processing and deep-learning.
We’ll supply some of our own specialized hardware as well as mentors and coaches – along with lots of caffeine, snacks and a food truck. You bring your team and your imagination.
If there’s something you’ve always wanted to hack using AI or Image Processing (or both) but havent had the chance – this is it....
***Please*** No Walk-in's will be permitted at this event. This is invitation-only
Techstars Startup Weekend Peel Region 2018
04 May - 06:00 PM
Mississauga, Canada
Developers, designers, and entrepreneurs eager! You're invited to participate in the Techstars Startup Weekend. In this 54-hour hackathon, you will create a prototype, validate your business idea, and receive feedback from experienced entrepreneurs. Compete for recognition and prizes.
HackQC 2018 - Open Data Hackathon Données Ouvertes du Québec
04 May - 06:00 PM
Montréal, Canada
English message below
*** Ne manquez pas la période de pré-vente. Billets limités! :) ****Site Internet: pour trouver une équipe si vous êtes seul : FB :
HackQC revient en force pour une deuxième édition. Cette compétition de programmation fait appel à tous pour créer la meilleure application. Peu importe votre âge ou la région d'où vous venez, vous êtes invité à venir développer des solutions innovantes pour améliorer la vie au sein de votre communauté. Le tout se déroulera sous un seul thème : Communautés vertes et environnement urbain. Les sous-thèmes sont :
Foresterie urbaine
Changements climatiques
Gestion de la qualité des sols, de l'air et de l'eau
Gestion des matières résiduelles
Ainsi, vous et votre équipe (4 à 6 personnes) avez moins de 48h pour mettre au point une application ou site-web fonctionnelle, en utilisant le portail des données ouvertes du Gouvernement du Québec. Cette compétition de taille permet de développer la coopération, tout en amenant des solutions innovantes à un problème réel.
Donc, 4 informations importantes à retenir :1) QUAND : le 4,5 et 6 mai2) OÙ : à l'École de technologie supérieure (1100 Rue Notre-Dame Ouest, Montréal)3) ÉQUIPE : 4 à 6 personnes par équipe4) THÈME : Communautés vertes et environnement urbain
Votre billet inclut -Hébergement sur place (dortoir)-Sac à Swag-Chandail -Les Repas (précision à venir)
Restez à l'affût pour les prochaines communications.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*** Do not miss the pre-sale period. Tickets limited! :) ****Website: to find a team if you're alone: FB:
HackQC is back in force for a second edition. This programming competition appeals to all to create the best application. No matter what age or region you come from, you are invited to come up with innovative solutions to improve life in your community. It will be all under one theme: Green Communities and the Urban Environment. The sub-themes are:
Urban forestry
Climatic changes
Management of soil, air and water quality
Residual materials management
Thus, you and your team (4 to 6 peoples) have less than 48 hours to develop a functional application or website, using the Government of Quebec's open data portal. This big competition helps to develop cooperation, while bringing innovative solutions to a real problem.
So, 4 important informations to remember:1) WHEN: May 4,5 and 62) WHERE: at the École de technologie supérieure (1100 Rue Notre-DameWest, Montreal)3) TEAM: 4 to 6 people per team4) THEME: Green Communities and Urban Environment
Your ticket includes-Accommodation on site (dormitory with yoga carpet only )-Swag Bag-T-Shirt-Meals (precision to come)
Employment and Social Development Canada Hackathon
04 May - 10:00 AM
Halifax, Canada
In the spirit of collaboration and innovation, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has partnered with Saint Mary’s University’s Master of Science in Computing and Data Analytics program to host a hackathon. The hackathon will take place May 4-6; and will have a theme of improving service delivery, with an emphasis on people living in poverty.
The mission of Employment and Social Development Canada, including the Labour Program and Service Canada, is to build a stronger and more inclusive Canada, to support Canadians in helping them live productive and rewarding lives and improving Canadians' quality of life. However, the needs of Canadians are changing, and in order for ESDC to meet its objectives, the department must continue to evolve and innovate how it delivers services to Canadians. In order to understand where the service delivery gaps are, ESDC has partnered with Saint Mary’s University’s on this hackathon, to gather new ideas and build on our diversity and expertise to help improve services for Canadians living in poverty.
We are seeking social entrepreneurs with a passion for computing science, data analytics, statistics, business, design, and innovation to help improve service delivery, create new innovations, and solve complex problems.
Schedule of Events
Friday, May 4 Introduction to ESDC, poverty in Canada, data sets
Saturday, May 5 Ideation, concept development, coaching and mentorship
Sunday, May 6 Presentations, judging, awards.
The Hackathon is open to participants currently enrolled in a post secondary program or those who have graduated in the past 12 months
Over $8,000 in prizes
Potential internships with the Government of Canada
Network with government, business, and community organizations
PMI-Vancouver Island 2018 Professional Development Conference
30 Apr - 07:30 AM
Victoria, Canada
A two day PMI-VI Project Management Professional Development Conference featuring 8 engaging speakers
Day 1- April 30, 2018
An extraordinary Opening Breakfast Session
(doors open at 7:30, we ask that attendees be seated with their breakfast by 8:00am)
8:10am - 9:25am
The 8 myths that are restricting the PMOs to provide real value – Enter PMO Value Ring
Ricardo Triana (Miami, Florida)
We are honoured to welcome Ricardo Triana, the President of Practical Thinking Group and 2014 PMI Global Board of Directors Chairman, who will challenge the audience on their previous ideas about PMO. During this breakfast session, participants will figure out how to design a PMO truly committed to create value, and understand why we must debunk the myths that destroy the PMO’s value.
9:35am - 10:50am The Challenges of Strategy & Culture in Project Management
Karen Smits (Singapore)
As a proven international speaker, and a Global Thinker in Organizational Culture with Practical Thinking Group, Karen focuses on the people side of project management. This presentation will help the audience recognize the dynamics between strategy and culture in project management, gain deeper insight into the Collabyrinth1, and obtain essential solutions on how organizations can align strategy with organizational culture and interpersonal relationships to achieve optimal project results.
11:15am - 12:15pm Executive Panel Discussion: Project and Program Sponsorship
1:15pm - 2:30pm The Importance of Project Management Ethics: They Aren’t Negotiable
Paul Pelletier (Vancouver, BC)
Back by popular demand, Paul will enable participants to understand what ethical decision-making is and how it impacts people, work, and organizational success. More specifically, it will enable participants to define business and PM ethics and discuss why it is an important topic, highlight ethical obligations as a PMP, and distinguish morals, values, principles and ethics from each other.
3:00pm - 4:15pm Business Hackathon: Accelerating Organization Performance
Brian Richardson (Chicago, Ill)
As President of a professional services firm dedicated to helping clients improve human performance and create lasting, successful change, Brian will describe the benefits of using collaborative events to drive change, innovation and agility in your organization. Attendees will learn to apply collaborative techniques for problem solving and solution development, and the steps for hosting a business “hackathon” at your organization.
Day 2 - May 1, 2018
8:00 - 9:00 am Networking Breakfast
9:00am - 10:15am How To Get Executives To Act For Project Success
Michael O’Brochta (Roanoke, Virginia)
Understand why projects are now more dependent on an executive, and Identify the actions they can take to help your project succeed. Learn how you can use your power to influence the executive to act and understand how a project management council and a project champion role are key methods project managers can use to amplify their power.
10:45am - 12:00pm Robotic Telepresence – Coming to a Meeting Near You!
Kathy Milhauser (Portland, Oregon)
We are all familiar with the stress of too many meetings, and the pressure to be in “two places at once” – requiring us to juggle meetings, video conferences, phone calls, and other obligations in our increasingly crowded and often overbooked schedules. But what if you COULD be in two places at once? Robotic telepresence technology is an emerging trend that will soon be coming to a meeting near you. Join us to experience it in this interactive workshop and discuss the many possibilities for its use.
1:00pm - 2:15pm PM Lessons Learned from the Trenches of a Mega Project
Shane Zbrodoff (Calgary, AB)
Shane will provide attendees with valuable insight into a PM’s challenges, and lessons learned taken from a large ($1.6B) and complex facility mega construction project. (Calgary International Airport Expansion). This project encountered many micro successes and failures, with some of the issues attributed to differences in PM practices, cross PM disciplines (e.g. IT and Construction), with additional problems stemming from differences in human, departmental and institutional factors. Attendees can expect valuable takeaways applicable to both large and small projects of varying complexities.
2:45pm - 4:00pm Forecasting Programs
Eric Uytewaal (Ottawa, ON)
This presentation is based on Eric Uyttewaal’s new textbook ‘Forecasting Programs’ published in January 2018. Program managers who try managing a program like a project are doomed to fail: Program management has its own techniques and tools. So, what are those? That is what this presentation is about: Eric and his team developed special techniques and special applications specifically for program managers which allow program managers to forecast their programs, and take corrective action early.
4:00pm - 4:30pm - Q&A, CLOSING REMARKS
Bluzelle Decentralized Database Hackathon Apr 2018
28 Apr - 08:30 AM
Vancouver, Canada
Come together with like minded folks to create cool new ways to use Decentralized Database technology, and win Crypto!
What is this about?:
Decentralized application developers have been using database backends that have been hosted in the cloud and have not truly been fulfilling the unique demands and needs of decentralized applications.
Bluzelle is just that – an on-demand, reliable, scalable and fast decentralized database that dynamically supports your applications. Wherever your applications need the data to be now and tomorrow. And to whatever scale needed.
Video of what Decentralized Database technology is all about:
Our Github is here and we're building out the decentralized database right now. So in this hackathon you'll be given a database interface and the opportunity to perform CRUD operations. Then it's up to you and your team to think of creative applications for a decentralized database that can be whipped together before the time is up!
Do you want to:
Test out your decentralized application ideas and network with dApp developers?
Be advised by developers who’ve built components of decentralized applications?
Be critiqued by technology and business leaders familiar with decentralized applications?
Compete for the best ideas and win hardware wallets loaded with Crypto Currency?
Note: By registering for this event, you agree to our Hackathon Participation Agreement below
PLUS, we're having a workshop:
Presenter - Isabel Scroggin, Decentralization Researcher/DeveloperIsabel is a recent graduate, holding a Master's of Computer Science from Purdue as well as a Bachelor's of Computer Science and a Bachelor's of Mechanical Engineering from Rose-Hulman. In her studies, she has developed a wide breadth of knowledge and a deeper focus on algorithms, data structures, and parallel/distributed systems. Her professional experience includes ground support for NASA's Jason-3 satellite and two summers at Amazon: one working on vehicle routing and one digesting massive volumes of latency data to draw human insights about the performance of As a graduate student, her research was on developing performant concurrent authenticated data structures.
Topic: A presentation and discussion of the technical concepts underpinning the Decentralized Database whitepaper
Isabel will spark the discussion with a high level overview of our Decentralized Database technology, then do a deeper dive into specific technical aspects - during which audience members will be encouraged to ask questions and participate in open discussion. Nitin will facilitate the discussion to ensure this will be an enlightening experience for all!
Saturday, April 28th, 830am to 10pm
Sunday, April 29th, 9am to 7pm
830am - Roll-in and get comfy - breakfast served
9am - Introductions, Acknowledgements, Logistics
930am - The tech theme: Distributed Database Technology
10am - Form teams
1030am - Technical Workshop on Bluzelle technical underpinnings
12-1pm - Lunch
2pm - Team registration closes
6pm - Dinner
9am - Breakfast
12-1pm - Lunch
4pm - Presentations and judging
5pm - Awards and Appreciation
Brian Fox - Brian is currently CTO of Orchid in Silicon Valley, but is best known as the author of the GNU Bash Shell. Bash is used as the default login shell for most Linux distributions and Apple’s MacOS. Since then, he has developed the first online banking software in the US for Wells Fargo as well as an open source election system.
Charles Krempeaux has held titles such as CTO, Director of Engineering, Director of Technology, Engineering Manager, Principal Software Engineer, and Chief Architect. He has built 6 companies in his career and helped 5 others build theirs. He has been involved in open source projects since 1996 and has co-authored “The Mono Handbook” book as well contributing to the mono project itself. He is one of the 4 original senior members of the Hootsuite engineering team. As well as having done work for Electronic Arts (EA), and had a startup acquired by Microsoft, and later sold to Facebook. Through his illustrious career, he has gathered a wealth of knowledge in and around the area of Software Engineering, Data Science, AI, Machine Learning, Management, Entrepreneurialism, Product Development, and Software Architecture.
Colin Charles was on the founding team of MariaDB, having to growth hack its user-base from constant evangelism almost singlehandedly. He cares deeply about infrastructure software, from Linux, databases and scaling web infrastructure. He was also an early employee at MySQL (till its exit to Sun Microsystems). He is knowledgable about data stores, and strategises about community evangelism, developer relations and remote working. In past lives, he also served on FESCO for The Fedora Project and also hacked on
Neeraj Murarka is a software engineer and computer systems architect with over 20 years expertise in cutting edge technology. He has worked on projects for Google, IBM, Hewlett Packard, Lufthansa, Thales Avionics, and Zynga. Some of Neeraj's largest projects include: locking down of modi ed Android OS for retail markets; multicast UDP satellite-based music streaming systems, mobile app for blockchain startup "Zeroblock"; design and development of secure and FFA-approved systems for Airbus and Boeing commercial aircraft.
Ryan Fugger, the original creator of Ripple who designed and implemented a multi-hop payment network into several online communities. It was then sold to Chris Larsen and Jed McCaleb who implemented the concept on top of their consensus ledger transaction system.
Hardware wallets filled with crypto!
1st prize: $500 CAD of crypto currency spread across max 3 devices
2nd prize: $250 CAD of crypto currency spread across max 2 devices
3rd prize: $100 CAD of crypto currency spread across max 2 devices
Every participant gets a t-shirt
What are hardware wallets?:
The Trezor Wallet:
Hackathon Participation Agreement
Bluzelle is pleased to present the Decentralized Database Hackathon (“Hackathon”) hosted by SFU Venture Labs. The Hackathon is governed by this Hackathon Participation Agreement (“Agreement”). By entering the Hackathon, you (“Participant”) agree to abide by the Agreement which is a binding legal agreement between Participant and Bluzelle with respect to the Hackathon.
Participation in the Hackathon
Participant must be at least 18 years of age and be present at the hackathon with their team for the duration of the hackathon. In addition to the Agreement, Participant agrees to abide by SFU Venture Lab’s Code of Conduct and additional documents, if any, provided in connection with the Hackathon (collectively “Additional Documents”). Bluzelle has the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any Participant for breach of the Agreement or Additional Documents. Bluzelle has the right to cancel or suspend the Hackathon with or without notice and for any or no reason. Bluzelle is not responsible for any damage or inconvenience caused by a cancellation or suspension of the Hackathon.
Participants can work as an individual (team of one) or in groups of two to six Participants (each group of 1-6 Participants is a “Team”).
Teams of Participants are expected to provide submissions leveraging Distributed Database Technology. While suggested areas relate to how this new database solution can be used to host globally distributed data, teams of Participants are not restricted to this area. Team submissions can range from a high level presentation via slides (e.g. Powerpoint, Keynote Google Slides), to a rudimentary application demonstrating their initiative. By providing a submission in the Hackathon, each Participant represents and warrants that the submission does not violate any applicable law or any third party intellectual property rights.
The Hackathon winners will be chosen from the teams of Participants by a panel of judges selected by Bluzelle. The judges’ decisions are final, binding and uncontestable. Judgment will be based on:
(i) Utilization of the Distributed Database Technology into the solution (10%)
(ii) Leveraging the blockchain concepts inherent in the technology (15%)
(iii) Leveraging the Swarm, or Peer to Peer, concepts inherent in the technology (15%)
(iv) Identifying a real-world problem (30%)
(v) Suggesting an innovative approach to solving the real world problem in (iv) (30%)
A total of three winning Entries will be chosen on the above criteria, for which the hardware wallets and crypto will be given as prizes.
The prizes will be divided evenly amongst Participant team members unless otherwise noted. Bluzelle reserves the right not to award a prize in the event of an insufficient number of eligible entries meeting the minimum judging criteria as determined in Bluzelle’s sole discretion. Bluzelle is not responsible for any dispute among teams or team Participants related to prizes.
Publicity and Privacy
Participant understands that the Hackathon may be photographed, videotaped, recorded, live streamed, etc. and hereby grants Bluzelle and/or SFU Venture Labs the right to use or refrain from using Participant’s name and/or likeness any and all footage about Participant’s participation in the Hackathon and Participant’s Hackathon submission in any manner or media that Bluzelle and/or SFU Venture Labs sees fit without Participant’s review or approval and without compensation. By participating in the Hackathon, Participants agree that their personal data provided as part of the Hackathon may be used for the purposes of the Hackathon.
Licensing and Intellectual Property Rights
Bluzelle does not claim any license or any intellectual property rights in Participant’s submission, except for the limited license to review the submission as part of Hackathon judging and awarding of prizes.
Software produced should be licensed in a permissive fashion. Approved licenses include the MIT License, new BSD License (preferred), or the Apache license. For a template of the 3-Clause BSD License, please refer to:
Liability Release and Indemnity
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL Bluzelle BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH, ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING IN ANY WAY TO THE HACKATHON AND/OR THIS AGREEMENT. Participant shall indemnify and hold Bluzelle and its officers, directors, employees, successors and assigns harmless against any claims, losses, damages, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ and other professionals’ fees) incurred by Bluzelle in connection with, arising out of or relating in any way to the Hackathon and/or this Agreement.
Governing Law and Severability
This Agreement and the Hackathon will be governed by the laws of British Columbia and the laws of Canada applicable therein and the courts of British Columbia will have sole jurisdiction over any disputes relating to this Agreement.
Hacking Health Ottawa #HIP613 Hackathon
27 Apr - 07:00 PM
Ottawa, Canada
We invite healthcare professionals, designers, patients, developers, innovators and entrepreneurs to take part in building useable solutions to frontline healthcare problems. Join us Friday, April 27 to Sunday, April 29 for Hacking Health Ottawa’s #HIP613 Hackathon taking place at Shopify.
Why participate in the #HIP613 (Health Innovation Program) Hackathon and what to expect...
#HIP613 is a fun, hands-on, intense, 3-day hackathon that breaks down barriers to healthcare innovation in Ottawa. Our goal isn’t just to organize hackathons, it’s to have a long-term impact on our healthcare system. Last year’s hackathon resulted in the development of 13 projects, two of which are being piloted at CHEO Hospital. We can’t wait to see you contribute to a hackathon project that can be brought to market for the benefit of communities everywhere - we have the resources to help you get there!
Add your idea or sign-up for a team by joining our Sparkboard.
At the hackathon, teams will pitch ideas, get advice from experts and build solutions that can be integrated and implemented into our healthcare system. We are excited to see the projects you’re dreaming up come to life!
Check out the Hackathon Guide, for all the details about the schedule, judges, speakers, prizes and more!
Hackathon Schedule
Friday, April 27:
7:00 PM Registration Opens
7:25 PM Opening Ceremony
8:00 PM Pitches
9:00 PM Team Formation & Networking
10:00 PM End of Day 1
Saturday, April 28:
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Hacking Starts
12:00 PM Lunch & Judging Criteria Presentation
1:00 PM Hacking
5:00 PM Dinner
10:00 PM End of Day 2
Sunday, April 29:
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Hacking
10:00 AM Pitch Clinic with L-Spark
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Hacking Ends
1:30 PM Pre-Presentation: Team Line Up
2:00 PM Closing Ceremony
5:00 PM End of Day 3
Keynote Speakers
What is the #HIP613?
#HIP613 is a Health Innovation Program that aims to breaks down barriers to healthcare innovation in Ottawa. We bring together healthcare professionals, IT, designers, policy analysts, patients and entrepreneurs to collaborate, dream up & create solutions to real-world problems to improve healthcare.
What is Hacking Health?
Hacking Health is an international movement designed to improve healthcare by inviting technology creators and healthcare professionals to collaborate on realistic, human-centric solutions to front-line problems. Learn more about Hacking Health.
Who can participate?
Anyone – you don’t have to be a developer to participate!
What if I don't have a team?
There are many opportunities to meet potential team members, get started by creating a new project or join an existing problem on Sparkboard.
Can I start before the event?
We understand that you are excited to solve problems but please refrain from developing the solution before the Hackathon. Feel free to ideate, design, post, update, review, join a project on Sparkboard!
Are you interested in sponsoring our hackathon?
Hacking Health Ottawa is powered by an incredible group of sponsors. We'd love to have you join us! Take a look at our sponsorship package if you are interested in sponsoring our hackathon.
Will food and drinks be provided?
All meals will be catered for you this weekend - on us! If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know:
What should I bring?
Your laptop, charger, and your ideas!
Still have questions? Send us a tweet, email or facebook message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
What are the judging criteria?
The judging criteria include:
Innovation potential
Impact of the project
Execution of the project
Design and user experience of the prototype
Presentation of the project
What is the ticket cancellation policy?
Cancelling your ticket? If you can’t attend, please let us know ASAP so we can refund you and give your spot to another person. There will be no refunds 10 days before the event, no-shows who don’t contact us 10 days in advance will not get refunded.
Terms & Conditions
By Purchasing a ticket to Hacking Health, you agree to the following terms and conditions: I hereby grant Hacking Health permission to use my likeness in a video, photo or other digital reproduction in any and all of its publications, including website, without payment or any other consideration.
HHS-IBM Innovation Exchange Hackathon 2018
27 Apr - 05:00 PM
Hamilton, Canada
Calling all digital health developers and wanna-be techno-geeks! It's time for the HHS-IBM Innovation Exchange Hackathon 2018 in support of Hamilton Health Innovation Week. And this ain't no pitch-a-thon either! We'll be looking to focus on hacking together a solution or technical capability over the weekend. We'll be doing this all on IBM Cloud, using the robust set of services available to developers including IBM Watson API's to quickly build truly cognitive applications! So come to share creative ideas, form teams, get advice from experts, and build a digital health app in one weekend. Present your finished product in a "Show & Tell" format to be reviewed by your peers! So get your geek on and join us for our digital health hackathon!
The goal of our hackathon is to get back to our hackathon developer roots! According to Wikipedia:
A hackathon is a design sprint-like event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development, including graphic designers, interface designers, project managers, and others, often including subject-matter-experts, collaborate intensively on software projects. The goal of a hackathon is to create usable software. Hackathons tend to have a specific focus, which can include the programming language used, the operating system, an application, an API, or the subject and the demographic group of the programmers. In other cases, there is no restriction on the type of software being created.
Our weekend hackathon focuses on development of digital health and wellness applications (or use of data)! The additional goal for participants to come away from the event with new skills or try combining features/capabilities they had not previously attempted. We are looking to build a grassroots community of health app developers going forward!
Schedule for hackathon is as follows (estimated):
Day 1 - Friday, April 27, 2018 from 5pm to 10pm
5pm-6pm : Registration and Introductions
6pm-7pm : Dinner and Socializing
7pm-8pm : Enablement and Teaming
8pm-10pm : Exploration and Ideation
Day 2 - Saturday, April 28, 2018 from 8am to 10pm
8am-9am : Continental Breakfast (lite) and Wake Up!
9am-12pm: Hacking Away and Sprint #1
12pm-1pm: Lunch and Stretch Break
1pm-5pm : Hacking Away and Sprint #2
5pm-6pm : Dinner and Interfacing
6pm-9pm : Hacking Away and Sprint #3
9pm-10pm: Prep for "Show and Tell" Session
Day 3 - Sunday, April 29, 2018 from 8am to 5pm
8am-9am : Continental Breakfast (lite) and Wake Up!
9am-12pm: Hacking Away (the Last Sprint)
12pm-1pm: Lunch and Stretch (but not too much)
1pm-2pm : Getting Ready for the Unveiling
2pm-4pm : "Show and Tell" Session & Peer Survey
4pm-5pm: Closing Ceremonies & Celebration
More details as they become available. Please let us know if you have dietary restrictions and we will endeavor to accommodate as best as possible. Thanks!
If you are a student follow these instructions to access IBM Cloud resources:
Students have access to IBM assets (cloud, watson analytics, etc.) via the IBM Academic Initiative
From the 'onthehub' link above students will be able to sign in to their respective institutions using their school single sign-ons as the site directs them to such as:
Mohawk College Access
McMaster University Access
If you are not a student follow these instructions to access IBM Cloud resources:
Go here to signup for IBM Cloud account and get an IBMid to create your account! Build on IBM Cloud for free with no time restrictions. Guaranteed free development with Lite plans.
Go here to register for IBM Watson Analytics (30 day trial) - Find hidden patterns in your data, build dashboards and visualizations, gain instant insights and share your findings.
Want some ideas of what's possible? Then check out the GitHub for IBM Cloud for some starter projects.
Looking to get your bearings? Getting ready for a hackathon? Here is some great material to get you started.
More details to follow as they are hacked out!
Hackathon CO-D pour l'employabilité
25 Apr - 05:00 PM
Montreal, Canada
Le soutien à l'accès à l'emploi pour tous vous intéresse? Ce « meet-up » s’adresse à vous !
Destination Travail et la Fabrique Agile vous invitent à faire partie du début d’une série de discussions de préparation au Hackathon en employabilité qui se déroulera le 26 et 27 mai 2018. Métiers du futur, pénurie de main d'ouvre, disparition de certains métiers, expression des compétences, inclusion et diversité, non-discrimination...
La soirée permettra de connaître ou d'approfondir chacun de ces problèmes dans un espace de conversation agréable, en vous permettant de cerner à quoi vous souhaitez participer.Le meet-up rassemblera entre autres les partenaires de l'évènement, des entreprises, des organismes du milieu, startup et des recruteurs.Plus d'information sur le site Web du Co-D Hackathon pour l'employabilité
Joignez-vous à nous!
Veuillez noter qu'il n'y aura pas de souper de prévu pour la soirée, par contre nous aurons breuvages et petites grignotines pour vous.
Destination Travail et la FABRIQUE_A se réservent le droit d’annuler l'événement advenant un nombre insuffisant d’inscriptions.
Les substitutions de participants sont acceptées jusqu’à la tenue de la rencontre.