Showing results 191 to 200 out of 230
Mayor's Youth Council Innovation Challenge
10 Mar - 08:45 AM
Calgary, Canada
Calgary students in grades 8 through 12! If you're interested in solving problems using technology, then you should sign up to participate in the Mayor's Youth Council Innovation Challenge. You'll be challenged to work in a team of between 3 to 4 like-minded individuals to create an innovative digital solution that can support or connect people. The solution will address an issue facing Calgary's residents such as homelessness, youth unemployment, active living, and others.
Hacking Health St. John's Hackathon 2018
09 Mar - 05:30 PM
St. John's, Canada
Please note that we are no longer accepting pitches. Have you identified problems related to health promotion within your domain? Do you have a solution in mind but need help realizing it? Do you have an idea for a mobile or web-based application that can change everything for you or your colleagues/patients? Register today to share your idea or join a multidisciplinary team to Innovate the future of Healthcare!  Our Hacking Health St. John's Hackathon is a weekend-long hackathon that breaks down barriers to healthcare innovation by bringing together healthcare professionals with designers, developers, innovators, entrepreneurs & those with an interest in healthcare to collaborate, dream up & design apps, devices and solutions for patient-centric care. Pitch ideas, form teams, get advice from experts and build a solution - all in one weekend. Present your finished product in front of a panel of judges for a chance of winning some fantastic prizes! What is Hacking Health? Hacking Health is an international movement designed to improve healthcare by inviting technology creators and healthcare professionals to collaborate on realistic, human-centric solutions to front-line problems. Hacking Health St. John's Hackathon Schedule Friday, March 9, 2018 5:30pm Pitch Clinic6:00pm Registration & Networking7:00pm Welcome & Hackathon Overview7:30pm Pitches Begin8:30pm Team Formation & Networking Reception*Teams are welcome and encouraged to begin work on Friday evening. Saturday, March 10, 2018 9:00am Breakfast 9:00am HACK!12:30pm Lunch1:00pm HACK!6:00pm Supper Sunday, March 11, 2018 9:00am Breakfast9:30am HACK!12:30pm Lunch2:00pm Demos Begin3:30pm Judges Deliberate4:00pm Winners Announced *Please note that all meals during the Hackathon Weekend are included. PARKING is available in Area 30 (right in front of the Med School Entrance)  Interested in Pitching? When pitching, you will have 1 minute. Here are some ideas about what you should cover and in what order: 1) Identify the problem you're going to tackle2) Why is this problem important/what impact does it have3) Discuss the solution you're proposing4) Outline who/what are you looking for (i.e. designer, developer, an expert in x area) Join the Team on Slack Stay up to date on health tech in Newfoundland and Labrador. Join us on slack: . Share Your Idea on Sparkboard We've set up our Sparkboard. This site will help us know who is coming to the event, what ideas teams are working on, and who needs help. Most important, it helps participants form teams that bridge the gap between medicine and technology. Thanks to our local sponsors!
    Hack For Good - Hackathon For Environmental Innovation
    09 Mar - 09:00 AM
    Whitby, Canada
    Developers, designers, and marketers in the Greater Toronto Area! Are you interested in using technology to help address the problems caused by global climate change? If so, you're invited to participate in Hack For Good - the Hackathon For Environmental Innovation. Come as a team of 2 - 5 people -- or join one at the event! You'll have 48 hours to design and build an innovative mobile app be challenged that addresses a pressing issue such as disaster relief and preparedness, conservation, energy saving, waste management, recycling, etc.
    Startup Hacks 2018 - Entrepreneurship Competition
    09 Mar - 08:00 AM
    Vancouver, Canada
    Aspiring young entrepreneurs -- ages 16 to 25 -- in British Columbia! If you're set on creating your own startup, then you're invited to participate in Startup Hacks 2018. This three-day event series features a non-coding Hackathon, an Expo-Style Pitch Competition, Business & Technical Workshops, and Networking Sessions. Come with your team, or join one at the event -- and compete to be one of the top three teams to present to the expert jury.
    University of Toronto Data Science Student Challenge 2018
    03 Mar - 09:30 AM
    Toronto, Canada
    Techie students of computer science, data science, engineering, statistics, analytics, and math! You're invited to participate in the University of Toronto Data Science Student Challenge 2018. You'll be challenged to demonstrate your skills by leveraging the power of analytics. This is your chance to network and collaborate with like-minded students and compete for amazing prizes.
    CodeAcross Toronto 2018
    03 Mar - 08:30 AM
    Toronto, Canada
    150 Innovative Minds. 7 Civic Challenges. 1 Day of Impact. Civic Tech Toronto is hosting our third annual hackathon in partnership with the Toronto Public Library on Open Data Day (March 3rd, 2018). As design and technology continue to transform our workplace and what it means to be a citizen – this year we challenge you to redefine The Future of Work. Join round-table discussions with domain experts and hack on civic tech challenges in collaboration with talented and passionate individuals across various backgrounds and expertise.We welcome all members of the public: coders, designers, policymakers, government staff, students, and creative minds who share an interest in making Toronto more responsive, prosperous, sustainable and equitable, through tech and design. Anyone is welcome to sign up – coders are welcome, but you don't have to be a coder to contribute!  AGENDA 8:30     Registration & Light Refreshments 9:00     Opening Presentation & Challenge Pitches 10:00   Hacking Time 12:30   Lunch 1:30     Hacking Time 3:30     Challenge Presentations & Closing Remarks 5:00     Evening Reception (Location TBD) 8:30     Wrap-Up CHALLENGES Website SPONSORS FAQs What can I bring into the event? Your laptop & charger (anything to help you tackle the challenge!). Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? Printed or mobile tickets are both acceptable. What was CodeAcross Toronto 2017 like? Check out photos and tweets from the event here! When is the last day to register? Friday March 2nd, 6pm. More Questions? Contact us at: This event has a Code of Conduct and Anti-harassment Policy.  
      03 Mar - 08:00 AM
      Oshawa, Canada
      The City of Oshawa has partnered with Durham College, Trent University Durham, and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) to organize a Hackathon for students to propose a solution to a public policy challenge: housing.  Please visit for full details about the challenge you and your team will be facing.  Registration Notes Team size is three to five people. Registration closes at 5 p.m. on February 16, 2018. Each team requires one designated lead. Please register your entire team on the same order by adjusting your quantity on the registration page. It will be assumed that the first Ticket Holder is your team lead. Get prepared for March 3 by attending our kick-off event!  Part One: Kick-OffWhen: Thursday, February 15 from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Where: SIRC 3110, UOIT North Campus  Part Two: The Hackathon When: Saturday, March 3 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Where: C 113, Gordon Willey Building, Durham College Oshawa Campus We encourage all participants to attend the kick-off prior to the Hackathon. If that is not possible, please ensure at least one member of your team is able to attend the kick-off on February 15, 2018. The kick-off will provide you with an overview of the theme/problem to solve and an opportunity to speak directly with subject matter experts. You'll also learn about event logistics, guidelines, evaluation and prizing. FAQs Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? Please bring your Durham College, Trent University Durham, or UOIT student card with you to the Hackathon. There are no age limitations.   What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? We will not be providing transportation to the event. Please visit the event website for information about parking.    What should I bring to the event? Please bring your own laptop and laptop cord to the event. Food and beverages will be provided.   How can I contact the organizer with any questions? Please contact with questions.  Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? No. 
        CodeAcross - A CivicTechYYC Hackathon
        03 Mar - 08:00 AM
        Calgary, Canada
        CodeAcross is a worldwide series of civic hackathons that take place on International Open Data Day. This will be a day for developers, designers, data analysts and non-technical folks to collaborate on civic projects that will help make Calgary a better place to live.  The focus will be on coming together to accelerate the three CivicTechYYC projects currently in flight: Arts Mapping, Blockchain and Volunteer Engagement App The day will start at 8am with breakfast and coffee.  8:30am - Groups will present their project concepts 9:00am - 4pm - LET THE CODING AND PROJECT WORK BEGIN! NOON - Lunch will be provided 4pm - Presentation and Wrap-Up This event is for developers, creatives, project managers, data experts and anyone who is interested in working on a multi-disciplinary volunteer team to make Calgary an even more amazing place to live! Please note that this event will start before the Library is open.  We will have people posted to let you in through the locked doors from 7:30 - 10 am, please come to the east side of the building (facing MacKimmie Tower).  Parking is in the Arts Parkade or transit
          Vancouver Hockey Analytics Conference 2018
          02 Mar - 06:00 PM
          Vancouver, Canada
          The Vancouver Hockey Analytics Conference (#VanHAC), brought to you by Simon Fraser University's KEY,  is the largest hockey analytics gathering on the West Coast. The conference gives the hockey analytics community a means to show new ways to think about the sport we all love. VanHAC is organized by the community for the community. Our main goal is to strengthen the hockey analytics community by providing more opportunities to share knowledge and ideas, encouraging support and education for speaking at conferences, and increasing the visibility of developers, organizations, and companies within the community. This year will be our first ever 3 day Conference.  Friday will include social activities, Saturday/Sunday will be full of talks, tutorials, keynotes, hackathon and more.  Your ticket helps us cover the costs of venues, as well as coffee and snacks for you.  We aim to make zero profit on this event.  Should we have any leftover money we will donate it to a local charity.
            Préparation 2 : Hackathon : Simulation Revenu de base pour le Québec
            24 Feb - 10:00 AM
            Montréal, Canada
            Citizens of Quebec! Quebec Basic Income invites you to participate in the second preparatory event for the Basic Income Simulation for Quebec Hackathon. You'll be challenged to collaborate with like-minded men and women to create an online computer simulator to help citizens better understand their municipal budgets