Showing results 211 to 220 out of 230
Ethereum Montreal Coding Session and Updates
12 Feb - 06:00 PM
Montréal, Canada
Hey Ethereum Devs and Enthusiasts, Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Now that we’re back into the rhythm of our schedules, ETHMontreal is pleased to announce its next meetup: 6pm February 12th at DESJARDINS Lab. In this session, and several future sessions, we’ll be focussing primarily on developing basic Ethereum coding skills by collectively building a smart contract and decentralized application over the course of multiple meetups. These workshops and events will provide participants with the groundwork and skills to start building ethereum applications, and will provide the basic skills for participating in upcoming Ethereum Hackathons. ETHMontreal coding sessions are intended to be as inclusive as possible, and do not presume previous coding experience; you just need to bring a willing desire to learn and actively participate in building smart contracts. Experienced developers, of course, are also strongly encouraged to attend.   Agenda:  Introduction (Catherine and Ethan)  Ethereum Updates  Demo:  Better.Place, by Farhaan Ladhani Coding Tutorial w/ Olivier Brochu Dufour:  Introduction to Solidity and smart contract theory  Write an Escrow Contract in Solidity  Q&A  Networking Special thanks to our event space host and sponsor, Desjardins Lab. Food and refreshments are included.
    Hack for Humanity - Girls in Tech Vancouver x UBC
    10 Feb - 10:00 AM
    Vancouver, Canada
    Hello Vancouver! Join us for the Girls in Tech x UBC Hack for Humanity. This hackathon will take place at The University of British Columbia from February 10-11th. Unique to Hack for Humanity, final hack presentations will take place at RED Academy prior to an after party. Expect prizes, food, and fun at the afterparty - complete with photographs to capture your experience. This is an event you do NOT want to miss!   → WHAT THE HACKATHON IS This is not your typical two-day hackathon. Hack for Humanity an event brought to you by UBC Department of Computer Science and RED Academy to deliver Vancouver's first female-focused hackathon!  Everybody is welcome, we encourage diverse groups to come together and create amazing projects. Mentorship will be available during the hackathon from industry professionals. Prizes will be rewarded in the best categories - to be announced. Regardless of gender, age, or university you are welcomed to come! Hack for Humanity is a two-day event, without the need to stay overnight to complete your project. Participants can go home for a good night's rest before final presentations at RED Academy. Check in and attend our welcome ceremony at UBC on Day 1 to know when food is served and the rules to win awesome prizes! Come to RED Academy on Day 2 for judging, prizes, and an amazing after party.    → WHO IS INVITED We encourage everyone (18+) to join! The best innovations are made by diverse groups. All we ask is to have at least one female in your group. Feel free to come with a group or alone - Girls in Tech will help you find a group if needed! Don't be afraid to come out, make friends, and innovate. Make sure to show your school spirit - wear some of your school swag. We want to show off the top tech talent across universities from the Lower Mainland! *If you have dietary restrictions, please directly contact the event leads (contact in description)   → WHO WE ARE We are Girls in Tech - Vancouver, a not-for-profit that supports and leverages its global Girls in Tech counterpart. We focus locally on the retention of young student and professional females in the technical industry. Retention encompasses many facets including: well-being, integrated business and technical education, and in general, empowering women by fostering a supportive and encouraging technical culture.   → DETAILS DAY 1 at UBC 9:45 AM         Check-in and registration 10:00 AM       Introduction and welcome 10:15 AM       Hacking begins L U N C H D I N N E R 7:30 PM         End of day announcement 7:40 PM         Instructions for Day 2   DAY 2 at RED Academy 2:00 PM         Project submission deadline 2:30 PM         Judging begins 4:00 PM         Closing announcement 4:30 PM         Winners announcement - distribute prizes! 5:00 PM         After party and mixer - party snacks provided!   Space is limited so register ASAP. Remember you need to be over 18 to register. → LINKS Sign up to be a Girls in Tech Vancouver member: Girls in Tech Vancouver Website: Girls in Tech Global Website:
      Fishackathon Toronto - A U.S. State Dept & HackerNest Hackathon
      10 Feb - 08:00 AM
      Toronto, Canada
      Developers, designers, and other techies in the Greater Toronto Area! If you're interested in using technology to help address the problem of sustainability in fisheries, then you are invited to participate in Fishackathon Toronto. This weekend-long hackathon is organized by the U.S. State Dept & HackerNest. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative, but practical digital solution to one or more of the endemic problems defined fisheries experts. Present your project to a panel of expert judges for a chance to win through to regional and global finals.
      Hacking Health Hamilton Hackthon 2018
      09 Feb - 05:00 PM
      Hamilton, Canada
      Health professionals, patients, developers, designers, entrepreneurs! Are you motivated to change the world of health! Come participate in the Hacking Health Hamilton Hackathon. This hackathon is intended to help bring IT and healthcare professionals together to conceive & design an app, a device, or other solution for patient-centric care.
      Hack the Hammer
      03 Feb - 10:00 AM
      Hamilton, Canada
      High school students in the Hamilton and Greater Toronto Area! Are you interested in learning how to code? Sign up to participate in Hack the Hammer -- a 24-hour hackathon expressly for high schoolers like you! So come and network, and collaborate with like-minded individuals to dream up an innovative idea and transform it into reality using code.
      03 Feb - 09:00 AM
      Toronto, Canada
      Young techies in the Greater Toronto Area! If you're interested in using technology to help address environmental issues, then you're invited to participate in the EcoHacks hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative software solution to a given pressing environmental issue.
      Hackathon Cognibox 2018
      03 Feb - 08:00 AM
      Shawinigan, Canada
      Hackathon Cognibox 2018 Les 3 et 4 février prochains aura lieu la troisième édition du Hackathon Cognibox, là où des programmeurs et développeurs de partout au Québec se réunissent, le temps d'un weekend, pour créer une solution créative et innovante. Cette année, les participant(e)s devront programmer une solution pour sauver des vies. Les contraintes exactes seront remises le jour de la compétition. Préparez-vous à tout...  et abonnez-vous à notre page Facebook! Plusieurs indices y seront dévoilés d'ici le jour de la compétition! Prix à gagner Plusieurs prix à gagner dont une bourse de 5 000 $ pour l'équipe gagnante. Inscription L'inscription comprend tous les repas, un kit du participant et plusieurs surprises! Billet en prévente à 20 $ jusqu'au 15 janvier 2018. Ensuite, les billets seront disponibles au coût de 35 $. Tous les détails : notre page Facebook pour ne rien manquer! Partenaires : La Ville de Shawinigan, Financière Banque Nationale, DigiHub
        Hackathon Cognibox 2018
        03 Feb - 08:00 AM
        Shawinigan, Canada
        Hackathon Cognibox 2018 Les 3 et 4 février prochains aura lieu la troisième édition du Hackathon Cognibox, là où des programmeurs et développeurs de partout au Québec se réunissent, le temps d'un weekend, pour créer une solution créative et innovante. Cette année, les participant(e)s devront programmer une solution qui permettra de faciliter la gestion de la santé-sécurité au travail. Les contraintes exactes seront remises le jour de la compétition. Préparez-vous à tout...  et abonnez-vous à notre page Facebook! Plusieurs indices y seront dévoilés d'ici le jour de la compétition! Prix à gagner Plusieurs prix à gagner dont une bourse de 5 000 $ pour l'équipe gagnante. Inscription Billet en prévente à 20 $ jusqu'au 15 janvier 2018. Ensuite les billets seront disponibles au coût de 35 $. Tous les détails : Suivez notre page Facebook pour ne rien manquer! Partenaires : La Ville de Shawinigan, Financière Banque Nationale
          Hackathon Cognibox 2018 : Sauver des vies!
          03 Feb - 08:00 AM
          Shawinigan, Canada
          Les 3 et 4 février prochains aura lieu la troisième édition du Hackathon Cognibox. Le Hackathon Cognibox c'est une occasion de remporter le grand prix de 5 000 $ en plus de vivre une expérience de dépassement extraordinaire! La santé-sécurité, un monde de possibilités. Comment la technologie peut faciliter la gestion de la santé-sécurité au travail dans la vie de tous les jours? La problématique exacte sera remise le jour H!
          #HIP613: Health Innovation Platform Launch 2018
          31 Jan - 06:00 PM
          Ottawa, Canada
          Take an active role in improving Ottawa healthcare problems - it all starts with this event! From an application that deals with wait times and improving preventative health care for women to a smarter post-operative knee brace and sleep apnea diagnostic tools, Hacking Health is an initiative that brings innovation to Ottawa’s healthcare system. Let’s kick start another year of revolutionary projects and developments! We invite Ottawa’s leading healthcare professionals, technology creators and entrepreneurs to take part in the Health Innovation Program Launch, Wednesday, January 31, 2018, at Shopify. This launch is an opportunity to get inspired by spectacular forces in the healthcare industry, meet with individuals who want to make a difference and build solutions for healthcare problems. Join the Digital Healthcare Movement! 6:00 - 6:30 pm: Registration and Networking 6:30 - 6:45 pm: Welcome with Haidee Thanda, Founder of Hacking Health Ottawa Chapter 6:45 - 7:00 pm: Opening Remarks with Alex Munter, Chief Executive Officer at CHEO and Peter Liu MD, FRCPC, Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President of Research at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute  7:00 - 7:30 pm: Hacking Health Graduate Panel with Moderator, Emma Craig, Judge of HIP613 Hackathon 2017 Catherine Pound MD, FRCPC, Clinician and Clinical Investigator at CHEO Elza Seregelyi, Business Development Director at L-SPARK Kevin Grignon, Studio Director at IBM Studios Ottawa Sasha Carsen MD, MBA, FRCSC, Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon at CHEO 7:30 - 8:00 pm: Q&A 8:00 - 8:30 pm: Lightning Pitches 8:30 - 9:00 pm: Networking Don't forget to post your healthcare problem on the Sparkboard. This year, we are encouraging participants to practice pitching their healthcare problems in advance of the Hacking Health Ottawa hackathon during any of our events. Here's why you need to pitch: Great opportunity to practice your pitch before the HIP613 hackathon. Get your problem noticed and attract team members early. Grab the attention of experts, researchers and mentors who can assist you along your journey. If you are interested, contact us Event Host What is Hacking Health? Hacking Health is an international movement designed to improve healthcare by inviting technology creators and healthcare professionals to collaborate on realistic, human-centric solutions to front-line problems. Learn more about Hacking Health here.