Showing results 71 to 80 out of 230
2018 NASA Space Apps Hackathon - Kitchener-Waterloo Region
19 Oct - 05:30 PM
Kitchener, Canada
2 Winners Progress to Global Final
SkyWatch is proud to announce the return of the NASA International Space Apps Challenge to the Waterloo region, from October 19 - 21, 2018. This year’s hackathon will attract many of Waterloo’s top tech talent – developers, makers, citizen scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs – who will work non-stop for 48 hours to address NASA-designed challenges. Waterloo joins nearly 200 other cities hosting their own Space Apps Challenges that weekend, for an estimated total of 25,000 global participants, making it the largest hackathon in the Universe. Two winning solutions from the Waterloo challenge will move on to compete with other winners from across the globe, to be judged at NASA headquarters. More info about Space Apps KW 2018 at   FAQs HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO ATTEND? This event is completely free to attend. We are also collecting donations for a local charity: oneROOF, should you choose to. oneROOF Youth Services is committed to providing for the safety, support and overall well-being of youth who are experiencing homelessness, and youth who are at-risk of homelessness, aged 12-25, in Waterloo Region. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? Space belong to all. We welcome all and everyone. Whether you are a coder extraordinaire, a rocket scientist, or simply a student with an affinity for space, you have a place here.  WHAT IS THE MINIMUM AGE FOR PARTICIPANTS? There is no minimum age for participation in Space Apps, and many youth and children have participated in past events. We only note that participants under 13 must have a parent or guardian register for them and attend with them.  DO I REGISTER AS AN INDIVIDUAL OR AS A TEAM? Participants will need to register as individuals, not teams. Participants will form project teams at Space Apps events and teams will submit their projects by creating a project page on the day of the hackathon. WHAT IF I'VE NEVER BEEN TO A HACKATHON BEFORE? Welcome! Participants of all skill levels will be there. We’ll have talks, mentors and workshops to help you with your project; hackathons can be a great place to learn new skills in a short amount of time. Just be eager to learn, and excited to meet lots of awesome people. IS THE EVENT LIMITED TO JUST SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT? Absolutely not, Space Apps projects don't have to be apps. We need people with all types of skills to participate! Teams need project managers, designers, artists, educators, writers - anyone who can help advance the cause. You can contribute! Participants in the event will collaborate to build software, open hardware, data visualization, and citizen science platform solutions that contribute to solving global challenges that focus on improving life on earth. In fact, most teams will benefit from having non-programmers working with them. HOW CAN I CONTACT THE ORGANIZER? Please feel free to email us, message us on Twitter, or join our Slack group.  
Ark Hackathon. Toronto
14 Oct - 12:30 PM
, Canada
What is a Hackathon? The word Hackathon comes from the word Marathon (a long or difficult activity in a short period) and Hack, here meant as exploratory programming. During a Hackathon, you spend a short period of time, usually between 24-48h (can go up to a week), building, creating and delivering a product. The idea is to collaboratively code in an extreme manner, to start from scratch and end with a working prototype. It’s often a sort of competition, where teams of programmers, developers, designers and project managers come together to design & build a nice product, a software project. G U E S T S   Simon Baig (2014-2016) Executive Director of UK J.P.Morgan  Edith Yeung 500 startups global partner Angel Investor  Nixon Wong P&G Innovation Manager Juliette Shedd Professor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution Official Counter-terrorism Consultant in US Qinghua Li Founding Partner of Ticker Capital Portfolio includes Carry Protocol, COCOS BCX, RSK, Perlin, CarBlock, ONTology, Beekan. Derek Jing Managing Partner at MarsRock Capital Group Zhepeng Li Professor in Schulich School of Business Schedule Oct.14 10:00-11:00  Deadline for submitting Demo 11:00-12:00  Voting & Lunch 12:00-12:30  Break 12:30-13:30  Boarding 13:00-14:00  Demo road show 14:00-15:00  Panel 15:00-16:00  Speech& networking 16:00-16:30  Closing ceremony Costs VVIP $60 VIP  $40
    Genesys Hackathon - TOP PRIZE: Microsoft Surface Go
    13 Oct - 11:00 AM
    Toronto, Canada
    Hackers in the Greater Toronto Area! hacker? Are you interested in applying technology to enhance the customer experience? If so, then you're invited to participate in Genesys Hackathon? Sign up in a team of up to three people. You will be notified by email whether you are selected about 3 weeks prior to the event. At that time you will also be provided more information about the Hackathon theme. At the end of the hackathon, present your project to an expert panel for the chance to win the top prize of a Microsoft Surface Go. Hackathon 2018
    12 Oct - 06:30 PM
    Ottawa, Canada
    Influence the way real estate works in Canada. For the first time, is opening up a suite of data sets and APIs from Canada's #1 real estate website. You will have a non-stop 48 hours to hack a project together with your team, and compete for the title of Hackathon Winner. Challenge yourself and your competitors—without limits—to design, build and demo a real-world solution that:  provides simpler, smarter, faster ways for buyers to find the right home  drives more meaningful connections between REALTORS® and consumers What's in it for you? Grow: Develop industry-specific dev skills from workflows to data sources.  Connect: Meet Canada's brightest minds and show off your skills to top companies. Stand Out: Raise the bar and showcase your skills and passion for innovation in tech. What to expect? Day 1: Meet your competitors, form a team, and network. Day 2: Kick off and hack away! Day 3: Hack, pitch, and show off your work. More details are coming soon. Visit our event page for the latest updates!  Who can hack it? Anyone who loves a challenge to create something better, simpler, faster for a rapidly evolving industry. The curious, the hackers, designers, architects, entrepreneurs, startups, innovators, and students—or better yet, bring a whole team. First-timers welcome! What to bring? - Your registration confirmation and ID - Your laptop, mobile phone and chargers - Your creativity and enthusiasm
      Random Hacks of Kindness Ottawa - October 2018
      12 Oct - 06:00 PM
      Ottawa, Canada
      Random Hacks of Kindness is a hackathon for social good that brings together volunteer developers and tech-savvy do-gooders to work with charities, community groups and social enterprises. Random Hacks of Kindness (RHoK) Ottawa is part of a global movement that organizes hackathons that bring together problem solvers, creative thinkers, and technologists for a weekend to bring technology solutions to challenges faced by charities, not-for-profits, and civic organizations. Over the course of a weekend, teams of volunteers bring their creative, technical, and problem-solving know-how to tackle and solve several of these challenges. More details can be found here:
        Hackathon for Individuals with Complex Health Needs
        12 Oct - 05:30 PM
        Vancouver, Canada
        Calling all designers & developers! We need your help to bring technology and healthcare together in order to improve health outcomes in our communities. On June 26th CBI Health Group and Health and Technology District sponsored a pre-hackathon session where health leaders discussed imminent and priority challenges around complex care in the community. Topics discussed include: Navigation/coordination, Caregiver burn-out, reduction in hospital visits, providing more care in the home. We want to take these discussions to the next level and need your help to do so! We’re hosting a hackathon to help explore and push these ideas further. Come join us to help realize solutions that could have real and significant impact on the day to day lives for others. Join us on October 12th and 13th to hack for a good cause, by hacking for health. Schedule Friday, October 12th – 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm Problem Exploration Domain area experts will present core “problems” facing the industry, provide insight and domain specific knowledge and answer any questions. Grab some dinner and find a team to start exploring ideas. Saturday, October 13th – 9 am – 4:00 pm Spend the day hacking solutions, engaging domain experts. Breakfast and lunch provided. Saturday October 13th – 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm Present work back to developers, designers and stakeholders including: policy makers, funders, patients, service providers and family members. ** Please note that meals will be provided with gluten-free, dairy-free and vegetarian options provided. Bring your own device, power cord, computer peripherals. One ticket is access to the hackathon event. **
          Radio-Canada, faites-en une affaire personnelle!
          11 Oct - 11:59 PM
          Montréal, Canada
          Tu es développeur, designer, stratège ou chef de projet ? Cette compétition amicale est l’occasion pour toi de créer un prototype axé sur la personnalisation dans un contexte collaboratif et convivial. Participes au hackathon 2019 de Radio Canada pour avoir la chance de gagner un grand nombre de récompenses telles que Xbox, PlayStation et bien plus!
          Innovation Initiative 2018
          10 Oct - 07:00 PM
          , Canada
          Telus, eCLUB and The Telus World of Science Edmonton presents..   The Innovation Initiative!  An exclusive 3-week hackathon – with a focus on inspiring students to further develop disruptive technology, and bridging the gap between an idea and the next big technological advancement.  Students from ALL post-secondary institutions in Edmonton, as well as ALL faculties and disciplines are welcome to participate in this competition.  We are opening up various facilities in Edmonton for our participants to use, to further build their prototypes.  Chance to win prizes of a $2,000 value Sign up through 
            Discover ConcordAI
            07 Oct - 05:00 PM
            Montréal, Canada
            Please arrive between 4 PM and 4:45 PM as presentations will begin at 5 PM. Hors d'oeuvres and coffee will be served until 5 PM. This event is OPEN TO ALL Speakers will include: François Chabot, Founding Member and CTO at Age of Minds, a groundbreaking AI startup planning to leverage a video game to train AIs to collaborate with and augment humans rather than replacing them. Gregory Benko-Prieur, Cofounder, Conductor of Arthur Intelligence, a fast-growing startup reinventing healthcare with AI that will be participating in ConcordAI's Hackathon and 12 week startup student feature program. Julia Ghorayeb Zamboni, Julia Salles, and Luciano Frizzera will present and demo PICT.IO, a collaborative game for humans and machines Layial El-Hadi, Graduate Program Director, Graduate Certificate in Innovation, Technology and Society, Concordia University Responsible Investment & Curriculum Lead, FormFintech Sydney Swaine-Simon: Co-founder of District 3 Innovation Centre, which is one of the largest incubators in Quebec, and NeuroTechX, which has the world’s largest network of neurotechnology enthusiasts. He advised 12 Montreal-based startups in the IBM AI XPrize competition, 7 of which advanced to the next round of 59 total teams, giving Montreal the most advancing teams of any city in the world. Dr. Sabine Bergler, Professor in Computer Science at Concordia University, and a founder of the Computational Linguistics Lab at Concordia (CLAC). She has lead groundbreaking research in sentiment analysis and language semantics, and has close to 100 published works on computational linguistics, bioinformatics, and machine intelligence. Learn about our 12 week feature program. Hear from exciting startup founders, researchers, and professors. Enjoy great food and drinks. Meet interesting people. Listen to great music. Although artificial intelligence is clearly relevant to fields such as computer science and software engineering, it is also extremely important to be informed about the ways in which AI is changing other domains such as finance, economics, retail, marketing, art, healthcare, life sciences, engineering, social sciences, and many others. On October 7th, 2018, we will be hosting our Discover ConcordAI Event. This event will include presentations from professors, researchers and entrepreneurs in the fields of artificial intelligence, innovation, and technology. Artificial Intelligence Concordia will use this opportunity to inform attendees about our ConcordAI hackathon as well as our 12 week startup student mentorship program. ConcordAI's events, workshops, AI Hackathon, and 12 week startup student mentorship program are generously sponsored by the Concordia Student Union. From 4 PM, attendees may enter, check in, and will be offered, coffee, hors d'oeuvres, and drinks until presentations begin at 5 PM. After the presentations end at 7:15 PM, attendees will be treated to a live band performance and offered complimentary food and drinks (including fun non-alcoholic options) as they enjoy a pleasant social atmosphere and opportunity to network. Care has been taken to ensure that vegetarians and vegans will have options. Tentative Schedule: 4:00 PM: Entry, Hors D’Oeuvres, and Coffee 5:00 PM: Professor Layial El-Hadi, Concordia University, FormFintech 5:10 PM PICT.IO 5:40 PM Dr. Sabine Bergler, Concordia University, CLAC Lab 6:05 PM Gregory Benko-Prieur, Arthur Intelligence 6:20 PM 10 minute break 6:30 PM Artificial Intelligence Concordia 6:45 PM Sydney Swaine-Simon, District 3, NeuroTechX 7:00 PM François Chabot, Age of Minds 7:15 PM Musical Performance, Networking, and Food and Drinks Location: 9th floor of John Molson School of Business at Concordia’s downtown campus. This event is wheelchair and limited mobility accessible. We apologize for not having organized childcare for this event.
              Social Innovation Hackathon
              03 Oct - 06:00 PM
              Montreal, Canada
              Ready to show off your creative potential? MyVision and Agorize proudly present the Social Innovation Hackathon! Businesses are increasingly realizing the immense opportunities that come from incorporating social change and sustainability into their corporate strategies. But how do they even begin? TD and CBC Radio Canada  are looking for your help to create a social innovation initiative that will improve the positive impact the companies have on their respective communities. Are you up for the challenge? Sign up to participate in teams of 2-5 and let us know which company you'd like to innovate for. A week before the challenge, we'll release a case developed by the company to help guide your team in developing a solution. On October 3rd, come to Bronfman to pitch your solutions in a 5-7 minute presentation to a panel of industry professionals. We're not expecting immense detail in the presentations--rather, we're looking for out-of-the box and passionate ideas! A winning team will be selected from the each category (TD and CBC). The winners will each receive one-on-one coaching from Agorize to prepare for the next stage of the competition!