Showing results 81 to 90 out of 230
Justice Hack BC 2018 - Hackathon/Designathon
29 Sep - 10:00 AM
Vancouver, Canada
Justice Hack BC 2018 is happening on September 29 - 30, 2018 in Vancouver BC. This is a great opportunity for meeting new people, and having some fun. It's also a great opportunity for organizations to get have some below-cost team building, brainstorming, idea cross-pollination, and focus on an important yet rarely addressed issue in BC justice. The event includes access to mentors to help teams form, storm and norm, and to fill in gaps in subject-matter expertise. A number of technologists have already committed their attendance, so there will be no shortage of ability to execute access-to-justice ideas. More info: ( Tickets are $15 and include 3 meals and snacks, swag, prizes, and venue for Saturday (Sep 29) and Sunday (Sep 30). Also make sure to check out the blog ( in advance of the event for more announcements.
Justice Hack BC 2018
29 Sep - 10:00 AM
Vancouver, Canada
Justice Hack BC is about bringing together the province's technology sector leadership and home-grown access-to-justice pioneers. The challenge: design technology-based solutions to access to justice challenges. Doesn’t matter if you are a techie, a hustler, or are simply passionate about justice, all that is needed is a desire to solve big problems. Tickets are $15 and include 3 meals plus snacks, swag, prizes, and venue access throughout September 29-30. More info:
Startup Weekend Vancouver
28 Sep - 06:30 PM
Vancouver, Canada
Your idea in 54 hours
Do you have an idea you'd like to pursue or a problem you'd like to solve but don't know where to start or who to start with?
Techstars Startup Weekend is the place to look for a team, create a prototype of your idea, validate your business idea, and receive feedback from experienced entrepreneurs, all in one weekend.
Hackathon des Journées de la culture
28 Sep - 06:00 PM
Sherbrooke, Canada
C'est la deuxième édition du Hackathon des Journées de la culture et, cette année encore, nous voulons repousser les limites de la technologie et mettre en lumière de façon ludique et irrévérencieuse les enjeux éthiques des technologies. Du vendredi 28 septembre au dimanche 30 septembre, nous vous invitons à venir faire exploser votre imagination avec des professionnels de l'informatique embarquée, de la réalité virtuelle, de l'intelligence artificielle et des artistes du domaine.
Ce Hackathon a un format légèrement différent de ceux dont vous avez l'habitude. Comme les participants proviennent d'une constellation de parcours différents, nous vous proposons quatre idées (à raffiner) de projets qui pourront vous allumer. Les voici :
(Installation physique) Un robot installé sur un coin de rue quêtant des données / échangeant des données contre de l'argent.
Un jeu où les mots deviennent des armes. Créer un outil qui permet de voir des mots écrits qui sortent de la bouche d'une personne qui fait un discours. Appliquer l'outil à des discours politiques, transformer l'outil en jeu style "Mortal Combat" avec des mots qui font plus ou moins de dommages selon leur sens.
Assistant personnel baveux. Créer un outil qui juge le temps passé sur Facebook ou le nombre de données que nous envoyons à des sites à notre insu.
Traducteur qui remplace des mots par des expressions ou des synonymes. Qui traduit tout dans la Novlangue de George Orwell. Qui fait évoluer un texte d'une façon ou d'une autre.
Cette année encore, nous fournirons toute la nourriture dont vous aurez besoin pour alimenter votre créativité. Vous mangerez bien et selon votre appétit!
Produit par Culture pour tous en collaboration avec Sporobole, le Hackathon des Journées de la culture s'inscrit dans le volet numérique Bell initié dans le cadre du Plan culturel numérique du Québec du ministère de la Culture et des Communications.
Hackathon Saguenay | Les Journées de la culture
28 Sep - 05:00 PM
Saguenay, Canada
Le weekend du 28 septembre au 30 septembre, prenez part à la 2e édition du Hackaton des Journées de la Culture au Saguenay.
Cette année on vous propose autant de fun que l'année dernière, avec quelques surprises en plus ;) La formule a été améliorée et l'objectif cette année est de proposer des solutions créatives aux problématiques et ambitions du milieu culturel local.
C'est ta première fois et tu n'es pas certain de bien comprendre ce qu'est un hackathon? Un hackathon c'est un marathon de création / programmation. Les participants ont du vendredi soir au dimanche midi pour développer un prototype d'application, de site web, de jeu vidéo, d'invention ou de produit numérique qui répond aux thématiques proposées. Le dimanche midi, les projets sont présentés à un Jury sous forme de pitch et l'équipe gagnante se recevra un chèque de 1000$. Les idées ayant attiré l'attention de l'auditoire et du jury pourraient se voir offrir une proposition d'accompagnement pour mener à terme leur projet.
L'évènement est accessible à toute personne ayant un talent qui peut servir une équipe (programmeur, artiste, graphiste, chargé des communications, etc...). Les équipes seront formées sur place par intérêt pour les projets proposés. Nous vous encourageons à vous inscrire sur une base individuelle.
Arrivez bien reposé, armé de votre ordinateur et nous nous chargerons de mettre à votre disposition un espace créatif et des repas vous permettant de tenir jusqu'à la ligne d'arrivée de ce marathon numérique!
Inscrivez-vous rapidement!
Le Hackathon des Journées de la culture est organisé en collaboration avec Culture pour tous dans le cadre du Plan culturel numérique du Québec (PCNQ), initié par le ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec.
L'événement est rendu possible grâce à la participation de Promotion Saguenay | Festival Regard | Strateolab Inc. | Optania | Centre bang | Culture Sagneuay_Lac-saint-Jean | Le Moulin à Cie | Ubisoft | Cegep de Chicoutimi
Med.Hack(+) 2018
28 Sep - 05:00 PM
Saskatoon, Canada
Med.Hack(+) is an event designed to solve problems in healthcare through the use of technology. Brainstorm ideas, form teams, and prototype solutions to real-life issues over the course of 48 hours, guided by local mentors in health, technology, and business.
Throughout the weekend, our discussions and workshops will give you food for thought -- not to mention the actual food we provide to fuel your design sessions. Enjoy breakfasts, lunches and dinners at Innovation Place while networking with Saskatoon's community of innovative, driven entrepreneurs, technologists, and healthcare professionals.
Purchase your ticket early and take advantage of our early-bird specials: standard admission (including five meals and snacks over the weekend) is $10 off until September 21st, and $5 off from September 21st - 27th. Student tickets are always half price: make sure to bring your valid student ID to registration on Friday night! An observer ticket is always half of the student price with admission on Friday evening and Sunday afternoon.
Standard Admission:$20 until September 21st$25 from September 21st to 27th$30 day-of and at the door
Participating?You don't need to be an expert in technology or healthcare to contribute to a team and participate in Med.Hack(+) (though any experience you do have is great!). We're looking for all kinds of people across a wide variety of skills and professions:
Are you a student?Make sure you enter the discount code "Student" to get your tickets 50% off the regular ticket price. Make sure to bring your student on Friday evening of the event for confirmation.
Do you work in healthcare? Or are you a patient yourself?We’re looking for everyone across the One Health spectrum: not just physicians and nurses, but also therapists, social workers, paramedics, veterinarians, psychologists, dentists, assistants, dental hygienists, pharmacists, and other specialists. We are also looking for patient mentors for our teams who are willing to share their lived experiences in the healthcare system and help design compassionate, patient-friendly solutions.
Do you know how to code software or build technology?We welcome engineers of all kinds, coders, developers, designers, programmers, tinkerers, makers, and anyone else who enjoys creating technology. Past years' prototypes were developed using wildly diverse methods and materials, including sensors and circuits, 3D-printed objects, plastic and cardboard, and even recycled machines and vehicles. On the software side, teams have created phone and tablet applications, desktop software, and AI-driven models using cutting-edge techniques.
Do you work in industry?Ideas and prototypes are only as good as their ability to make it to market. If you have experience in business, entrepreneurism, legal, accounting, or any other sector that facilitates taking an idea and turning it into a commercial opportunity, we want you to attend.
Are you interested in attending the hackathon and seeing the projects, but can't commit to a project yourself?You are still welcome at Med.Hack(+)! Buy a spectator ticket that allows you to attend part of the weekend.If any of the above describes you, we encourage you to attend our hackathon, see unique and exciting projects, and help shape the future of health. You don’t know what ideas are “brewing in brains” until they’ve had a chance to materialize. Who knows where this hackathon will take you?
Location DetailsFriday 5pm-10pm: Candle Span room, The Atrium at Innovation Place (111 Research Drive)Saturday 8am-10pm: The Concourse at Innovation Place (116 Research Drive)Sunday morning 8am-12pm: The Concourse at Innovation Place (116 Research Drive)Sunday afternoon 12pm-3pm: Candle Span room, The Atrium at Innovation Place (111 Research Drive)
Terms & Conditions
By purchasing a ticket to the Med.Hack(+) Hackathon, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. I hereby grant Med Hack Enterprises Incorporated permission to use my likeness in a video, photo, or other digital reproduction in any and all of its publications, including but not limited to website, social media, sponsorship materials, and promotional material without payment or any other consideration.2. I give permission to Med Hack Enterprises Incorporated to add me to their mailing list.3. I understand that I will receive non-voting member status with Med Hack Enterprises Incorporated for the remained for the current fiscal year and I will have the opportunity to attend the AGM if I choose.4. I will not hold Med Hack Enterprises Incorporated liable for incidents or accidents that occur during the Med.Hack(+) Hackathon.5. I understand that Med Hack Enterprises will not retain any rights to intellectual property developed during the hackathon. I am obligated to negotiate the division of intellectual property with my team, and I am responsible for being aware of any agreements that I have with my employers or other organization.
Full refunds will be issued in accordance with Eventbrite policies, however, there are no refunds with less than 72 hours notice prior to the start of the event.
Hack4Health 4.0
28 Sep - 03:00 PM
Waterloo, Canada
Healthtech hackers in and around the Greater Toronto Area! You're invited to apply to participate in Hack4Health 4.0! Come and collaborate with a multi-disciplinary team to design and prototype a solution that helps people suffering from multiple sclerosis and dementia. Pitch your solution to a panel of judges for the chance to win.
Startup City: Fostering Innovation in Vancouver
25 Sep - 06:45 PM
Vancouver, Canada
Join us for a panel on improving startup culture in Vancouver. Meet innovative thought-leaders and mold-breaking politicians to discuss the startup economy, and how the city can become more agile, digitized, and able to retain its top talent. The event is part of Vancouver Startup Week, and will be hosted by Abubakar Khan, who is running to be Vancouver’s youngest ever city Councillor and will be the moderator for the evening.
The panelists include:
Brittany Whitmore, CEO of Exvera Communications and Executive Director of TEDx Gastown
Jeremy Becker, CEO of MedConnect
Nejeed Kassam, Executive Driector of The Better Canada Initative
Neil Patel, CEO of Kabuni
Praveen Varshney, Partner at Varshney Capital
Itinerary: 6:45: Door’s Open 7:00pm-8:30pm: Panel discussion 8:30pm-9pm: QA
Khan, is one of the youngest candidates in the race for Vancouver City Council, at 24, he comes from a generation where tech plays an integral role in one's work, social, and overall lives. His proposal to create a Tech and Innovation (T&I) team within City Hall shows his clear support for the tech industry. The T&I Team would be in charge of digitizing the permit process, hosting city-backed policy Hackathons, and creating a Startup Division to take a fresh look at the mechanics of city procedures. Besides ‘Tech and Innovation’, the other two pillars of his platform are also inseparable from the tech world. ‘Affordable Vancouver’ aims to build housing, office space, and cut down on costs to enable innovators towards flourishing in Vancouver. In tackling the ‘Mental Health Crisis,’ Khan will also help the creators in the Tech world live with greater levels of wellness outside of work. The ways in which tech can be best utilized to improve mental health are limitless; Khan aims to push forward.
Spots are limited so register soon!
Time: 6:45pm-9pm, Sept 25th Location: UBC Robson Square
Get Social with the CryptoChicks and StartWell
25 Sep - 06:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
Finally!!! The CryptoChicks community can reunite!!!
For all of the CryptoChicks hackers, mentors, sponsors, meetup attenders:
We are having a social get-together with food, wine and lots of memories. Lots of plans for the upcoming event season! We will gossip about bright and provocative CryptoChicks initiative that we are planning in December. And of course we are going to share our plans for CryptoChicks Hackathon and Conference in Toronto in 2019. It is coming!!!!
For all new members of our community (and anyone interested in getting involved with the Toronto Blockchain/Crypto Community) we will have a 10 mins intro session on blockchain and crypto basics. As well as an 'Ask Me Anything' panel that will be moderated by Adrienne Batra - Toronto Sun Editor-In-Chief. Our knowledgable and connected experts who will tell us where all this is going and what to expect in this new season.
Otherwise we just want to socialize, reconnect, eat, drink and dance with all of you!
Free access for the 25 Early Bird attendees!
Vancouver Startup Week 2018
24 Sep - 09:00 AM
Vancouver, Canada
Vancouver Startup Week connects entrepreneurs, investors, community leaders, and friends to build momentum and opportunity around our community’s unique entrepreneurial identity. In 2017, we brought together more than 3,000 people at 70+ events, including tech showcases, panel discussions, office visits, networking breakfasts, and investor lunches. Vancouver Startup Week events are not organized by one central body, but instead by dozens of amazing community partners which in turn are supported by the non-profit Vancouver Startup Society. We strive to have as many events as possible accessible under one centralized, low-cost Access Pass, helping participants enjoy the benefits of Vancouver Startup Week with a minimized logistical hassle.
This year’s Vancouver Startup Week will take place on September 21-28, 2018, kicking off with our Hackathon, and leading into an actioned-packed week of events.
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
You can visit our website at for more info. For questions related to ticketing, please email
What's the refund policy? Is my ticket transferrable?
No refunds for our passes, but they are transferrable.
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
No, as long as you have the ticket QR code ready.
Can I participate in the Hackathon if I have a VSW pass?
Unfortunately, all hackathon passes are sold separately. You can purchase Hackathon tickets here. As a VSW pass holder, you can attend the judging and award session on Sunday, September 23rd.