Showing results 191 to 200 out of 251
VR Maker Night
11 Mar - 05:00 PM
Barrie, Canada
Elite programmers -- students and professionals -- in and around Georgian College! If you are planning to participate in the upcoming hackathon, then you should attend the VR Maker Night and learn how to upload your project to an Oculus Quest.
Also, you get ready to participate with smart hackathon advice on the tips page!
FaithTech Toronto March Meetup
10 Mar - 06:30 PM
Toronto, Canada
FaithTech Toronto - igniting conversations, collaborations and creations in the tech space for Jesus.
"Everyday Hackathons" - March 10, 2020
10 Mar - 09:00 AM
Vancouver, Canada
The NoW-Academy will decipher these two, all too common terms (hackathon and design thinking), and give you the tools to effectively utilize them!
This 1-day bootcamp will inspire you to lead ongoing mini-hackathons that are anchored in principles of design thinking. Participants will see first hand the power of collaborative ideation and rapid prototyping that can be applied "everyday".
This is a highly experiential workshop that will catapult your innovative mindset!
ALTR IT [VOL. 1]: Craft Your Brand With Special Guest Kyla Clarke
08 Mar - 04:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
By the end of our workshop, everyone will walk away with a brand new bio that will get you one step closer to building your brand.
Research-a-thon 2020
07 Mar - 09:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Are you interested in CS research? Solving hard problems with a team of like-minded peers?
Come to the UofT Research-a-thon! March 7-8
NewHacks 2020
07 Mar - 09:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Newhacks is a 24 hour hackathon where students many universities come together to innovate and create incredible projects.
Hacking Business
06 Mar - 06:00 PM
Whitehorse, Canada
idea to innovation in 2 days
Connect with new people, collaborate, get inspired, and share skills to build real-world solutions for challenges faced by local businesses.
March 6 | 6pm-8:30pm | Pitch night & team formation March 7 | 8:30am-9pm | Hackathon March 8 | 9am-2:30pm | Hackathon || 2:30pm-5pm | Prototype presentations & prizes
The Pitch night and Prototype demonstrations are free and open to the public observers (registration recommended due to space limitations).
Who is it for?Hackathons are for everyone! Not a techie? No problem. Innovation happens best when people with diverse skill sets coming together. Everyone has something important to offer.
This is your chance to bring your creativity and your unique skills and get involved!
What is a Hackathon? During a hackathon, people from diverse skill sets get together to innovate. Over the course of a day and a half, you'll collaborate with your team to come up with real-world solutions to a specific challenge.
Hackathons are not just for techies Hackathons are no longer just for coders. Diverse viewpoints fuel innovation. Transformative ideas are built when people from different backgrounds and with different skillsets come together.
What if I’ve never participated in a Hackathon before? No problem! Many people will be new to Hackathons. We will guide you through the whole process.
How much does it cost to participate? The event is free to participate in. Food and drink for the event is included.
Want to Submit a Challenge?
Ever wish you had a team dedicated to solving your business challenges? It could be anything from expanding your market reach, developing solutions to better serve your customers (and find more), to tackling logistical challenges that may be preventing growth. During Hacking Business, challenges will be tackled by some of Yukon's most innovative minds. Also, did we mention great networking and brand building?
Submit the challenge(s) you'd like to hack to us before February 25 (the earlier the better) and it might be chosen to be presented on March 6.
Have questions? email
Have a challenge you want to pitch? email
Global Legal Hackathon Toronto Node
06 Mar - 06:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
Lawyers, developers / IT professionals, entrepreneurs, legal professionals, legal service providers, students in Canada! You're invited to take part in the Global Legal Hackathon Toronto Node-- part of the largest Legal Hackathon in the world! You'll get to join a team and develop a prototype app or service solution that addresses one of the following categories:
Private benefit (business and practice of law),
Public benefit (good government, legal systems and access to justice), and
Come collaborate and compete! Your team could be chosen to represent Canada in the virtual semi-finals against teams from more than 45 host locations around the world. 10 teams will then be chosen to compete in the grand final in May.
CSS Data Visualisation Hackathon
06 Mar - 05:00 PM
Halifax, Canada
Data visualisation enthusiasts in Nova Scotia! The Dalhousie Computer Science Society, MOBIA, and the Halifax Stanfield International Airport Authority invite you to participate in the student-run CSS Data Visualisation Hackathon. You'll get to work with data sets from the airport and be asked to address use cases that represent real-world problems faced by airport staff. Your team will be challenged to design a solution using the HTML5 Canvas element and Javascript to visualize the data in practical and innovative ways. Collaborate and compete for fun and the chance to win an awesome prize.
HackQC Rimouski
06 Mar - 04:00 PM
Rimouski, Canada
La Ville de Rimouski reçoit cette année le quatrième hackathon provincial HackQC qui se tiendra du 6 au 8 mars 2020.
Ce hackathon réunira les meilleurs concepteurs de tout le Québec sur le thème de « Interaction numérique avec le citoyen ». Date limite d'inscription : Lundi le 2 mars inclusivement.
L’objectif de cet événement est de réunir la relève intéressée par les technologies de l’information et de lui permettre de contribuer au développement des villes québécoises intelligentes.Les participants travaillent en équipe de 4 à 6 personnes dès le lancement de la compétition et auront la fin de semaine pour finaliser leur projet.
Un hackathon est un marathon de développement qui regroupe des dé, analystes, gestionnaires de projets, designers et plusieurs autres volontaires (la participation est ouverte à tous!). L’objectif est de développer de manière collaborative des solutions informatiques innovantes et de nouvelles applications sur un thème spécifique. C’est un processus créatif très enrichissant pour tous les participants.
Qui peut participer?Tout le monde est invité aux hackathon, que ce soit un.e professionnel.le, un.e étudiant.e ou une personne intéressée par les technologies de l’information et désirant contribuer au développement des villes québécoises intelligentes. Les employé.es du gouvernement et des villes sont invité.es à contribuer à l’événement comme mentor.e ou bénévole.
Description des prix10 000 $ de prix en bourse ainsi que de nombreux prix de présence. 1er prix : 6 000 $2e prix : 2 500 $3e prix : 1 500 $
Votre inscription inclut :- Zone Lounge- Zone Dortoir (apportez votre sac de couchage et votre oreiller)- Chandail de l'événement- 2 déjeuners, 2 dîners et 1 souper
Restez à l'affût pour les prochaines communications.
Comment puis-je contacter l'organisateur si j'ai des questions?
Pour toutes questions, n'hésitez pas à consulter le site Web de l'événement : ou à communiquer directement par courriel avec l'organisateur de l'événement :
Posez votre question directement sur le channel Slack créé pour l'événement :
Politique de remboursement
L'inscription pour le HackQC est une vente finale sans possibilité de remboursement. Par contre, il est possible de transférer le billet à une autre personne.
Si vous souhaitez transférer votre billet, sachez que vous êtes responsable de cette démarche. Pour ce faire, vous devez transmettre les nouvelles informations à avant le 24 février 2020.
Dois-je imprimer mon billet et l'apporter à l'événement?
Non, vous n'avez pas besoin d'imprimer votre billet. Nous vous remettrons une accréditation à votre nom lors de votre arrivée.
Mes frais d'inscription ou mon billet sont-ils transférables?
Si vous souhaitez transférer votre billet, sachez que vous êtes responsable de cette démarche. Pour ce faire, vous devez transmettre les nouvelles informations à avant le 24 février 2020.