Showing results 221 to 230 out of 251
15 Feb - 01:00 PM
Richmond Hill, Canada
PuMP+ is a student STEM fair featuring renowned institutes, refreshments, networking, and more - see you there!
    CalgaryHacks 2020
    15 Feb - 10:00 AM
    Calgary, Canada
    CalgaryHacks 2020 is a sprint-like, competitive programming contest designed to promote creativity, collaboration, and innovative thinking. Last year's event saw nearly 200 participants. Students and new graduates in groups of up to five (5) will be working with the latest platforms, hardware, and software over the course of 24 hours to build some of the most innovative projects. Join us in our annual Hackathon event here at the University of Calgary to win some amazing prizes and a chance to network with professionals from the tech industry. Prizes ($4000 Total Prize Pool) First Place Team - $1200 Cash Prize + Goodies Second Place Team - $600 Cash Prize + Goodies Third Place Team - $300 Cash Prize + Goodies Popular Choice Prize Additional Draw Prizes including Apple products, Steam keys, and other goodies will be announced during the closing ceremonies. Important Information Free food, snacks, and drinks will be provided during the hackathon, so please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or allergies! Sign-in will start at 10 AM and end at 12 PM on Saturday, February 15, 2020 right outside ICT 102. Join the CalgaryHacks 2020 Slack channel. It's really important that you do, because this is where you’ll be able to connect with other participants, receive live updates, and ask questions: This year's topics will be announced during the opening ceremony of the hackathon. Judging Rubric can be found here: For more information on judging and submission, visit You can register your team, OR register as an individual and form a team at a later date.Watch for our emails. We’ll be releasing more information as the event draws nearer, including important updates and information on the judging and submission. Last year's winners can be found here: FAQ & Rules How can I contact the organizer with any questions? You can email us at or visit us in person in the Math Science Building on campus in room MS 130. Where is the event? The event is being hosted at the University of Calgary, in Information Communication Technologies (ICT) building ICT 102. The entire Computer Science Undergraduate Labs in Math Sciences will also be open to contestants. Where can I hack? Anywhere on campus. Primary location will be the Math Sciences computer labs. Oh no! I’m locked out of the Math Science labs! What should I do? Come to MS 130 (which is close to the Math Science lab doors) and tell the executive/volunteer there and they’ll let you back in. What are the rules of the Math Science lab? No food or drinks allowed. We’re borrowing the place and would like to keep it as clean as possible so please respect these rules. If you wish to eat/drink, please do so outside of the lab. Please be quiet. There are still going to be regular students who will be in the labs working on their own university projects and such, so please be respectful and keep your voice to a minimal level. Will there be reimbursements for travel or shelter? Unfortunately, at this time we will not be providing reimbursements for travel or hotel. Students coming from other cities will be required to make their own travel plans. What if I don't have a team? That’s okay, you aren’t the only one! Teams do not have to be formed until after the opening ceremony, so you will still have a chance to meet others and form a team! How can I distinguish volunteers for the event? If you need assistance, you can find an executive at Math Sciences 130 (MS 130). There will also be a couple of volunteers on duty as well. They will be visible in their red CalgaryHacks T-shirts.
      BC Game Jam 2020
      14 Feb - 06:00 PM
      Vancouver, Canada
      The BC Game Jam is an annual student-focused event uniting game developers to make something awesome in 48 hours from Feb 14th - 16th 2020!
        Memorial University of Newfoundland AquaHacking Info Session
        13 Feb - 12:00 PM
        St. John's, Canada
        A start-up & tech competition to tackle urgent water issues. Meet the experts. Work on the tech. Start your business. Be part of the change.
          RDV Hacking Health Québec - février 2020
          12 Feb - 05:30 PM
          Québec, Canada
          Hacking Health Québec veux rassembler tous les passionnés de la blockchain, spécialement ceux intéressés par la santé!
            YYC- Coding 101 Virtual Workshop
            08 Feb - 10:00 AM
            Calgary, Canada
            Learn coding basics from Software Developers!
              YYC Hacks App Development Hackathon
              08 Feb - 09:00 AM
              Calgary, Canada
              POSTPONED TO FEBRUARY 8-9. At this 2-day event students from grades 9-12, will get to learn how to use MIT App Inventor and then put this knowledge to use in small groups to create an app to solve any problem they see fit. Unlike other Hackathons, on the morning of the first day, there will be a Bootcamp for all of the students, both experienced and not, on how to use MIT App Inventor, after which they will be set free to work in their groups. On the second day, students will finish creating their apps, which they will then present to a panel of judges from the app development and other science fields. There will be prizes for the winning teams. Get your tickets early as there is limited seating! NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! All student grades 9-12 welcome to participate!
                ATB Open Finance Hackathon
                08 Feb - 08:00 AM
                Calgary, Canada
                Putting developers at the heart of financial services, and customers in control of their data.
                  08 Feb - 07:30 AM
                  Shawinigan, Canada
                  Marathon de programmation pour les mordus de l’informatique - professionnels ou étudiants - de partout au Québec!À PROPOS DE L'ÉVÉNEMENT : Qu'est-ce que le HackMauricie?Le HackMauricie, anciennement le Hackathon Cognibox, est un événement où, en équipe de quatre à six personnes, des passionnés des technologies de l'information (TI) se rassemblent pour travailler sur un projet relié au monde de l’informatique (application mobile, site Web, outil, librairie, robot, etc.) et apportent une solution innovatrice à un problème concret.À la fin de la période allouée à la programmation, les équipes présentent devant un jury la preuve de concept élaboré ainsi que les différents défis technologiques relevés.Plusieurs prix sont à gagner, dont une bourse de 5 000 $ en argent, gracieuseté de la Banque Nationale. Et grante nouveauté pour l'édition 2020 : il y aura deux premiers prix! Quoi? Oui, oui! Un premier prix pour les participants inscrits dans la catégorie « professionnelle » et un autre premier prix pour les étudiants.Quel est le déroulement du weekend?L'événement se déroule sur deux jours, soit les 8 et 9 février 2020 au DigiHub de Shawinigan. Nous invitons les participants à arriver pour 7h30 le samedi matin. Les équipes auront 25 heures pour développer leur idée. Des coachs et des experts seront sur place tout le weekend pour discuter avec les participants. La compétition se termine par l'annonce des équipes gagnantes et la remise des prix.Quelle est la problématique à résoudre?La problématique sera révélée le jour même de la compétition. Des indices seront dévoilés d'ici là, suivez la page Facebook pour ne rien manquer!Qui peut participer?L'événement est ouvert à tous les étudiants de niveaux collégial et universitaire, ainsi qu'à tous les professionnels TI passionnés par la programmation et l'informatique.Le coût? Le coût est de 20 $. Il comprend entre autres :     Les repas et collations     Les rencontres avec des coachs     Un t-shirt     Et bien plus encore! IMPORTANT --> Allergies : si vous avez des allergies alimentaires ou des intolérances, communiquez avec nous via Facebook ou via la page Eventbrite de l'événement afin de nous aviser, et ce, dès que votre inscription est complétée. Au plaisir de vous y voir en grand nombre et de lancer 2020 en force! 
                    Kickoff Party - ATB Open Finance Hackathon
                    07 Feb - 07:00 PM
                    Calgary, Canada
                    Before the hard work starts, let's get together for a night of casual fun at Last Best Brewery.