Sowing results 10 out of 10
City Challenge on Biowaste @ Startup Week Tallinn
21 Nov - 01:00 PM
Tallinn, Estonia
City problems should and can be solved in an open format engaging authorities, citizens, scientists and entrepreneurs at the same time in the same room!
Come and listen innovative ideas how to improve Tallinn biowaste separate collection in kitchens, catering establishments, food processing industries and stores.
The most critical issue in the present waste management system in Tallinn is the biodegradable fraction in municipal waste, that should be collected separately. The main reasons citizens bring out as obstacles in waste separate collection are lack of space for different bins in the kitchen and the long distances from the nearest biowaste container.
Help finding the most feasible solution together for Tallinn. The best solution wins support for the pilot project for one year in Tallinn to implement the solution and improve it further.
More information about Biowaste City Challenge here.
When: 21st of November at 13.00 – 18.00Where: Von Stackelberg Hotel Carriage House, Toompuistee 23, Tallinn
13.00 Greetings13.30 Keynote speech by Anneli Ohvril13.50 Introduction to City Challenge 14.00 Best solution pitches16.00 Jury discussion / Snacks and networking17.00 Award ceremony
The project is powered by Climate-KIC, The Ministry of The Environment and Cleantech ForEst. The great partners are Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre (SEI Tallinn), Tallinn City Government, Tallinn Waste Centre, TalTech, Environment Agency and Estonian University of Life Sciences.
Who is Cleantech ForEst - Cleantech for Estonia
Cleantech ForEst accelerates green innovation in Estonia by providing funding and mentoring opportunities for cleantech startups. They run mobile educational program for environmental experts – Pioneers into Practice, hackathons, seminars Cleantech Breeze, green idea competition ClimateLaunchpad and Climate-KIC accelerator for green startups.
[TALLINN] #OOSE2018 Do It Yourself, Exploit Yourself? Critical Discussions
06 Jul - 04:00 PM
Tallinn, Estonia
Topic of this year :
"Do It Yourself, Exploit Yourself?
Critical Discussions on the Sharing Economy"
#DIY #DIT #makers #hackers #sharingeconomy #RGCS #OOSE2018
Principal information:
The workshop aims to propose a critical discussion about makers, hacker movement and DIY.
During the workshop, the attendants will be asking to produce an active knowledge in the form of a framepad
3 keynote speakers have confirmed their participation:
Anthony Hussenot (University Côte d'Azur-CNRS-GREDEG)
Mickael Peiro (university of Montpellier)
Tiit Elenurm (Estonian Business School)
As usual : conviviality, walk, and passionate discussions!
Meeting points at 3:50pm at EBS or at TLU , or on site at 4:00pm on July, 6th
C. R. JakobsoniTallinn, Estonie
The event will be divided into two parts:
The first part will be a workshop located near EBS (10 minutes by walk). The workshop will be in the form of a fishbowl:
The second part of the event will be a visit to a hackerspace in Tallinn called Skeemipesa.
Skeemipesa is an experienced development team, who is able to bring projects and ideas quickly into reality. They offer cooperation for Enterprise Estonia's development and innovation vouchers applying/development. Skeemipesa has organized several hackathons.
During the workshop, the attendants will be asking to produce an active knowledge in the form of a framepad:
RGCS off-EGOS moment - 34th EGOS Colloquium
Surprise in and around Organizations: Journeys to the Unexpected
July 5–7, 2018 - Tallinn, Estonia
Global DevOps Bootcamp 2018 @ Solidify Tallinn
16 Jun - 10:00 AM
Tallinn, Estonia
Event is NOT sold out! Registration is on UG Estonia Meetup site!
Global DevOps Bootcamp is a global event that will be held on Saturday June 16th and is all about DevOps on the Microsoft Stack. Centrally organized by Xpirit and Solidify and offered to you by this local partner. During this 1-day event we will join (Microsoft) DevOps communities all around the world to talk, learn and play with DevOps concepts.
Goals of the GlobalDevOpsBootcamp:
DevOps in general
Insights into where we are heading when it comes to DevOps and new technologies
Get people's hands dirty and let them play with all the good Microsoft DevOps stuff
This year's theme will be 'From one release per month to multiple releases a day'. We will kick off with an introduction of a well-known authority in the DevOps space, followed by a keynote from the local partner about where we are heading with DevOps.
This time the event is all about DevOps and improving your release cadence. It will help you understand the latest DevOps trends and insights in modern technologies that enable you to release multiple times per day. It is an amazing combination between getting your hands dirty and sharing experience and knowledge around VSTS, Azure, DevOps with other community members.
Of course you won't be on your own. During the day you will be supported and guided by local experts who are active in the Microsoft Community.
Please register here!
There are 50 spots open.
Global DevOps Bootcamp on ülemaailmne üritus, mille käigus puutuvad kõik osalejad kokku DevOps valdkonnaga ning tegelevad selle valdkonna reaaleluliste probleemide ja väljakutsete lahendamisega. Eelmisel aastal toimus see üritus samaaegselt 30s riigis ning sellel aastal on nende riikide hulka lisandunud esmakordselt ka Eesti. Sellel aastal toimub DevOps Bootcamp laupäeval 16. juunil ja on ülemaailmselt organiseeritud Xpiriti, Solidify ja kohalike kommuunide poolt.Tegu on ühepäevase üritusega, mille käigus meeskonnad lahendavad ülemaailmselt erinevaid väljakutseid DevOpsi valdkonnas, võisteldes samal ajal nii ülemaailmses kui kohalikus arvestuses.Eesmärgiks on ühiselt saada juurde uusi teadmisi ja kogemusi DevOps valdkonnas läbi praktiliste väljakutsete ja ülesannete lahendamise. Selle jaoks moodustatakse kohapeal meeskonnad, kes asuvad peale seda lahendama erinevaid ülesandeid ning keda abistavad kohalikud mentorid.Selle aasta teemaks on "From one release per month to multiple releases a day" ehk siis mida ja kuidas peab muutma selleks, et saaks kliendini viia tarkvara uuendusi mitmeid kordi päevas.Rohkem tausta ja informatsiooni on globaalsel lehel -
10:00 - Algus
10:15 - Avakõne: Microsoft
10:30 - Avakõne: Breaking down the Monolith
11:15 - Paus
11:30 - Hackathon/Praktilised DevOps väljakutsed.
Meeskondade praktilised väljakutsed sisaldavad muuhulgas järgnevaid ideid:
* Kuidas olemasolevat rakendust konteinerdada?
* Kuidas lisada telemeetriat oma rakendusele ning saada informatsiooni eksperimentide ja hüpoteeside kohta?
* Kuidas jälgida rakenduse käideldavust ja jõudlust?
* Kuidas kasutada feature togglingut, et saaks uusi versione laivi viia ilma lõppkasutajaid häirimata?
* Kuidas kasutada release gate'e?
* Kuidas muuta andmebaasi mudeleid rakenduse osana?
* Kuidas teha Blue / Green deploymenti?
13:00 - Lõuna
13:30 - Hackathon/Praktiliste DevOps väljakutsete jätk
16:00 - Meeskondade esitlused, auhinnad
17:00 - Lõpetamine
Registreeru UG Estonia meetupi lehel!
Kohad on piiratud.
Garage48 Cyber Security
20 Apr - 05:30 PM
Tallinn, Estonia
Technological advancements have flattened the world and brought people from across the globe together via the ever-growing cyberspace. Industry experts predict there will be 6 billion internet users by 2022 (75 percent of the projected world population of 8 billion). Cybercriminals smell blood now, not silicon:)
This rising tide of cybercrime has pushed cybersecurity spending to more than €69.7 billion in 2017. That doesn't include an accounting of internet of things (IoT), automotive/drone security, and other cybersecurity categories. We have to fight against this incoming tide.
It is hard to believe that people used to keep their money under their mattresses. Common illnesses that are now easily treated used to take lives of millions. Modern advancements have solved these problems but opened the door for cybercrime. Two of the top targets of cyber attacks involve the healthcare and financial sectors. We are all vulnerable and need to work together to find smarter ways to fight these threats!
Please join us for the Garage48 Cyber Security Hackathon from 20-22 of April @ IT College!
The main aim of the Garage48 Cyber Security hackathon is to find solutions to some of these recurring problems or come up with completely fresh approaches which would take the cybersecurity to the next level!
Through intense brainstorming, different expertise and top-notch mentors, a lot can be done in a weekend. What might be a daunting task alone, can be easily done together!
We are looking for : data experts, non-technical cybersecurity or data protection professionals, UI/UX designers, front-end developers, back-end developers, electronics engineers, mechanics engineers, marketers, visionaries, experts, marketing gurus and passionate project managers!
Join us for this weekend-long intensive development event where we will develop working prototypes in 48 hours! Prepare yourself for 48 hours full of hacking, coding, designing, building, selling and thinking BIG! If you’re ready to create something crazy and innovative, then this is the event for you!
Join the FB Event for inspiration and more information:
More info about the Cyber Security Hackathon on our website:
We have already organized 2 Idea Garages on Cyber Security in VILNIUS and in RIGA and the final one before the hackathon is taking place on the 28th of March in Tallinn. Idea Garage Cyber Security Powered by UK is a perfect place to meet your future teammates and validate your ideas for the full-on hackathon. Please join for the final Idea Garage Cyber Security Powered by UK here
The event is brought together by Startup Estonia and British Embassy.
LAPhack 2018
20 Apr - 05:30 PM
Tallinn, Estonia
Kas sul on idee, kuidas võiks muuta enda ja teiste elu lihtsamaks või kuidas lahendada probleemi, mis on tänapäeval paljudele murekohaks? Kas tahad luua midagi uut ja lahedat? Kui vastus on JAH, siis see üritus on sulle!See hackathon on 48h kestev üritus, mille käigus tiimid loovad enda ideedest prototüübi. Seejärel tuleb lõpptulemust esitleda žüriile, kes valivad välja võitja! Selle aasta teemaks on KESKKOND! Näiteks: Kuidas säästa keskkonda? Kuidas tõsta ühiskonnas teadlikkust keskkonnakaitsest? Nutikeskkonna ja looduse koostöö, jne.Olgu see idee suur või väike, aga just Lapikute Hackathon on koht, kus saad kokku imeliste inimestega, kes annavad Su ideele ilme, sisu ja kuju. Juhul kui ideid pole aga tahad midagi huvitavat ja lahedat luua ning võimalusel teha algust edukale projektile, siis ole kohal!Tiimide suurus võiks olla 4-5 liikmeline, et meeskonnatöö paremini sujuks!Kui sul tiimi olemas ei ole, siis on sul ka võimalus leida omale tiim kohapeal.On aeg oma ideed muuta reaalsuseks!-----------------------------------------------------Do you have an idea how to make your and other people’s lives around you easier, but also help out others, or how to solve a problem everyone is facing these days? Want to create something new and cool?This hackathon is a 48h long event, during which teams create prototypes from their ideas. After that they must present their results to the judges, who will pick the winner!This year’s theme is ENVIRONMENT! For example: How to save the environment? How to raise awareness of environmental protection in our society? Unification of nature and smart devices, etc.Either a big or a small idea, Lapikud Hackathon is the place where you can meet magnificent people, who will give Your idea a shape, content and appearance. If You don't have ideas but still want to be a part of something amazing and maybe start up a successful project, then be here!Team size should be 4-5 members for better teamwork!If you do not have a team, it’s not a problem! You can find team members on sight! It’s time to turn Your ideas into a reality!
Garage48 Digital Construction hackathon
06 Apr - 05:30 PM
Tallinn, Estonia
The field of construction is something every single person has at least some contact with : either you're a real estate owner or tenant or you're one of tens of millions people who actually work in the industry. Although the construction business involves tens of different counterparts like architects, developers and actual construction workers the mechanisms of the field are outdated.
Let us name just few of the top challenges the industry is facing :1)Poor productivity and profitability
2)Lack of on-time and on-budget projects
3)Very little digitalization and digital collaboration
and the list goes on.
Garage48 was reached out by the e-difice, the digital construction cluster of Estonia in order to get the brightest minds together and really get things going for good!
We're inviting the real field experts, business people, developers and designers to join us at Tallinn University of Technology to bring innovation and technology to the build environment and be part of a weekend which will be remembered as the one that changed how things work in the construction world!
Do you have an idea how to get access to important information so job could get done faster and projects would keep on moving faster? Or do you have a genius idea of a field specific communication tool that doesn't exist yet? Do you know how to best get all the drawings, schedules, process performance, budgets and reports to one place? Then please join and present your idea to others and combine a dream-team!
Right now the biggest strengths of the construction field stands in construction but the planning process plays a huge role in the field and innovation together with technolgy can make a real big change!
Let's build a better indsutry together!
Join the event on Facebook:
Register to the pre-event here:Join the pre-event on FacebookThe pre-event is meant for the participants of Garage48 hackathon to get to know each other, mix & mingle, share their ideas and get a better understanding of what will follow in the hackathon weekend.
Have questions? Contact us at
Follow Garage48 on Twitter HERE
Pre-event : Garage48 Digital Construction hackathon
02 Apr - 06:30 PM
Tallinn, Estonia
This pre-event is meant for the participants of Garage48 Digital Construction hackathon to get to know each other, mix & mingle, share their ideas and get a better understanding of what will follow at the hackathon.
We’ll be giving a chance to 5-7 idea owners to pitch their idea and get feedback from other participants and mentors. This is a perfect opportunity to practise pitching and get a team together already before the main hackathon event Find out more about Garage48 Digital Construction hackathon on homepage and join the Facebook event
Register to the pre-event and hackathon on Eventbrite
Idea Garage Cyber Security Tallinn Powered by UK
28 Mar - 09:00 AM
Tallinn, Estonia
In today's world, we all rely on technology more than we really want to. Therefore it’s important that technology is available, protected and secure. Unfortunately, the most technology that is available is quite vulnerable and can be easily hacked.
Idea Garage Cyber Security Tallinn Powered by UK will bring together people from many different fields: data scientists, non-technical and technical cyber security or data protection professionals, designers, developers, marketers, passionate project managers and much more.
Idea Garage is not your regular workshop, where people gather together, talk a lot and then go home and forget about it. It is a much-needed gathering, where initial ideas will mature and be ready for the next stage.
Through intense brainstorming, different expertise and top-notch mentors, a lot can be done in a day. What might be a daunting task alone, can be easily done together.
Idea Garage: Cyber Security Tallinn Powerered by UK is an event series which has been brought to you by Garage48, British Embassy and Startup Estonia. The idea is to organize 3 Idea Garages on Cyber Security - one in Riga, one in Vilnius and one in Tallinn. The Idea Garage in Tallinn will take place on the 28th of March in LIFT99, Telliskivi Creative City.
The main aim of this event series is to bring the cybersecurity communities of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and UK closer together and gather ideas and challenges which are ready to enter a full-size hackathon on Spring 2018!
Be prepared to get out of your comfort zone, brainstorm and meet exciting new people!
Exact agenda on the event website:
Join the FB event:
Lunch + quick refreshments included in your small ticket fee, best teams will win awesome prizes and a chance to develop their ideas further!
Join the full-on Cyber Security Hackathon happening in Tallinn on 20-22nd of April here
Garage48 Baltic Open Banking
16 Feb - 05:30 PM
Tallinn, Estonia
Garage48 has partnered up with SEB to investigate open banking - new kid on the block, the subject that has made banking interesting to many and will surely gather much more attention in the near future.
Garage48 Baltic Open Banking hackathon will take place in the SEB Innovation Center in Tallinn on the 16th to 18th of February 2018 and is meant for corporates and fintech enthusiasts from Estonia, Latvia and beyond.
The main goal of the Garage48 Baltic Open Banking hackathon is to create next generation financial services. Best teams will get a chance to develop their ideas and prototypes further into real solutions in cooperation with SEB.
Open API could be named as the major turning point in banking after internet- and mobile banking. Banks will start to provide API’s to connect directly to your account, credit card or any other service. This makes it possible to build new solutions that have not been possible until now. Teach Siri to tell you your balance, aggregate data across several banks, automate invoice processing, build a chatbot for banking or connect data from several disciplines in order to create concepts newer seen in the world before.
Garage48 together with SEB has the reason to believe that open banking will be the new standard and that the real potential of it has yet to be discovered. We are therefore inviting all the techies, creatives, marketers, data enthusiasts, designers and geeks with a vision to come together and challenge fintech as we know it today and remake banking for the digital age!
We encourage you to come and pitch your own brilliant idea, but check out this real life challenges provided by SEB before :
SEB has created a Developer Portal with a set of example API-s for co-creating new services to clients in Baltics.
SEB is also open to create new API-s depending on your proposed business models. Therefore please join the event on FB and post your thoughts on the wall!
Info about mentors and more here Join the event on FB
Register to the pre-events in Tallinn and Riga The pre-event is meant for the participants of Garage48 hackathon to get to know each other, mix & mingle, share their ideas and get a better understanding of what will follow in the hackathon weekend.
Pre-event : Garage48 Baltic Open Banking Tallinn
12 Feb - 06:00 PM
Tallinn, Estonia
This pre-event is meant for the participants of Garage48 Baltic Open Banking to get to know each other, mix & mingle, share their ideas and get a better understanding of what will follow at the hackathon. We’ll be giving a chance to 5-7 idea owners to pitch their idea and get feedback from other participants and mentors. This is a perfect opportunity to practise pitching and get a team together already before the main hackathon event Find out more about Garage48 Baltic Open Banking on homepage and join the Facebook event
Register for the hackathon hereAttend the pre-event on Facebook