Sowing results 4 out of 4
Copernicus OceanHack
22 Nov - 07:10 PM
Tallinn, Estonia
Join EUMETSAT, CMEMS and Estonian Environment Agency scientists for a weekend hackathon working with free and open Copernicus ocean data in Tallinn, Estonia on 22-24 November 2019.
The Baltic Sea region is home to more than 85 million people (of whom 15 million live on the coast) and is one of the most intensively used seas on the planet. Whether it is shipping, fishing, energy cables and pipelines, or tourism and recreation, all these activities have an impact on the unique Baltic Sea region.
The challenge is to create solutions to problems that currently affect the Baltic Sea, and beyond, and help people in their daily lives in this beautiful region. To solve this challenge you are encouraged to use the wealth of newly-availableCopernicusmarine data which is all open access and ready for you to use.
Various approaches are welcome: create new solutions or add ocean-smart features to existing solutions. Propose innovative data visualisations for academic purposes or for raising awareness about the Baltic Sea environment and beyond. Mobile, web apps, platforms or hardware - it’s your call!
We would particularly welcome imaginative projects using artificial intelligence or machine learning approaches.
Copernicus OceanHack is funded by the EU’sCopernicus Programmeand organised through a partnership of EUMETSAT, CMEMS, and the Estonian Environment Agency. It is powered by Garage 48andsupported by the Department of Marine Systems at Tallinn University of Technology.
Spinner and EBS hackathon at Objekt at Startup Week 2019 @ Narva
15 Nov - 06:00 PM
Narva, Estonia
Awesome mentors, great atmosphere and lots of fun - it is all about the Spinner program!
Cognitive Electronics for Smart Environment Hackathon
08 Nov - 06:00 PM
Tallinn, Estonia
Keywords: Electronics, Internet of Things, Smart Cities, Rural connectivity, Space Tech, and more.
-Non-line of sight and obstruction detection (ELiko)
-Visual Radar (Cybernetica)
-Integration of the Smenete network with Telia’s and visualization of data from the system (Thinnect)
-3D Gesture Detection Using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensors (TalTech)
-Smart Villages (TalTech)
-Smart Waste Management Solution (TalTech)
-Quo vadis communicative things in and on the body (TalTech)
-How to visualize people movement in the room to get good situational awareness about the elderly person activities in room?(Crabsec)
-How data about outdoor sports tracks can motivate people use the tracks more often?(Crabsec)
-What sensor and solution would be best to monitor usage bureau building stairs and elevators and motivate people use more often stairs? (Crabsec)
Concise Tech Hackathon: Timesavers
08 Feb - 06:00 PM
Tallinn, Estonia
Use tech to save time and change lives!