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ETHIOHACKS V- Hacking The African Gaming Industry
22 Oct - 08:30 AM
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The video gaming industry, which is expected to have a global market of $138 Billion in 2018, has remained untapped in Africa, a continent with perhaps the largest pool of content for folktales, art, history, and culture. However, despite the long silence, recent upsprings of premium quality African games indicate that the giant has finally awoken. And as a tribute to this awakening, Gebeya, in collaboration with Qene Technologies and sponsored by Good World Games, would like to invite all interested artists, IT professionals, gamers, story writers, music producers, and all enthusiasts to EthioHacks V, the first hackathon event of this series dedicated to the gaming industry. The two-day Hackathon will provide the attendees with a chance to network with professionals and industry leaders from different fields in the gaming sector to collaborate and create beautiful games. Attendees will be paired in groups, with each group consisting of concept developers, artists, modelers, animators, musicians, story writers and game designers. These groups will compete for the most fun, attractive and ingenious game.  Whether you are an expert or an enthusiast of technology, we welcome you to join us  to conceptualize and create beautiful games.  PRIZES As part of the Good World Games sponsorship, Winning game(s) emerging from the hackathon will be featured in GameTrove for some period of time, with associated developer credit. Also the winning game will have the possibility to be incubated by Gebeya and released on an international market with the help of Qene Technologies. First, Second and Third place winners will get prizes such as scholarships for Gebeya Professional Training, and acceptance into the Gebeya fellowship program soon to be announced AGENDA - Bring gaming enthusiasts together to collaborate on creating their own games - Build the industry experts together to create a network that could flourish into bigger games - Create awareness about the industry and explore possibilities WHEN Saturday, Sep 22nd, from 8:30 AM to 05:30 PM (EAT) Sunday, Sep 23rd, from 8:30 AM to 05:30 PM (EAT) WHERE Gebeya Academy Headquarters: Woreda 02, Sinan Building 2nd Floor, Bole Subcity, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. For More Information About Gebeya: | For More Information About Qene Technologies:
    ETHIOHACKS V - Hacking The African Gaming Industry
    15 Sep - 08:30 AM
    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    The video gaming industry, which is expected to have a global market of $138 Billion in 2018, has remained untapped in Africa, a continent with perhaps the largest pool of content for folktales, art, history, and culture. However, despite the long silence, recent upsprings of premium quality African games indicate that the giant has finally awoken. And as a tribute to this awakening, Gebeya, in collaboration with Qene Technologies and sponsored by Good World Games, would like to invite all interested artists, IT professionals, gamers, story writers, music producers, and all enthusiasts to EthioHacks V, the first hackathon event of this series dedicated to the gaming industry. The two-day Hackathon will provide the attendees with a chance to network with professionals and industry leaders from different fields in the gaming sector to collaborate and create beautiful games. Attendees will be paired in groups, with each group consisting of concept developers, artists, modelers, animators, musicians, story writers and game designers. These groups will compete for the most fun, attractive and ingenious game.  Whether you are an expert or an enthusiast of technology, we welcome you to join us  to conceptualize and create beautiful games.  PRIZES As part of the Good World Games sponsorship, Winning game(s) emerging from the hackathon will be featured in GameTrove for some period of time, with associated developer credit. Also the winning game will have the possibility to be incubated by Gebeya and released on an international market with the help of Qene Technologies. First, Second and Third place winners will get prizes such as scholarships for Gebeya Professional Training, and acceptance into the Gebeya fellowship program soon to be announced AGENDA - Bring gaming enthusiasts together to collaborate on creating their own games - Build the industry experts together to create a network that could flourish into bigger games - Create awareness about the industry and explore possibilities WHEN Saturday, Sep 15th, from 8:30 AM to 05:30 PM (EAT) Sunday, Sep 16th, from 8:30 AM to 05:30 PM (EAT) WHERE Gebeya Academy Headquarters: Woreda 02, Sinan Building 2nd Floor, Bole Subcity, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. For More Information About Gebeya: | For More Information About Qene Technologies:
      Back To School Ethiopia Expo Hackathon - I
      07 Jul - 08:30 AM
      Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
      Ethiopia has pressing challenges in various sectors of the country such as education, agriculture, health, finance and the like. It is on this note that Gebeya & Noosphere invites all IT professionals, practitioners, enthusiasts, and professionals across all disciplines to Back To School Ethiopia Expo Hackathon - I to solve the aforementioned issues and much more by leveraging leading technologies that are running the digital world today. This two-day Hackathon will provide the attendees with a chance to network with professionals and industry leaders from different fields to collaborate and solve these challenges. Attendees will be paired in groups, with each group competing for the most ingenious concept. The winning idea will win various kinds of prizes and has the possibility of being incubated by Gebeya! Whether you are an expert or an enthusiast of technology, we welcome you to join us from July 7 - 8, 2018 at the Addis Ababa Exhibition Center to prototype and find innovative solutions. Please register at the link below. OBJECTIVE - Bring Professionals under one roof to use technology for social good, - Open discussion on Ethiopia's IT issues, challenges, and solutions, - Build a Strong IT Ecosystem.   WHEN Saturday, July 7, 2018, from 8:30 AM to 06:00 PM (EAT) Sunday, July 8, 2018, from 8:30 AM to 06:00 PM (EAT) WHERE Addis Ababa Exhibition Center
        EthioHacks IV
        31 Mar - 08:30 AM
        Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
        Ethiopia has pressing challenges in the different sectors of the country such as agriculture, health, finance, education and so on.  It is on this note that Gebeya invites all IT professionals, practitioners, enthusiasts and professionals across all disciplines to  EthioHacks IV to solve these issues and much more by leveraging leading technologies that are running the digital world today. The two-day Hackathon will provide the attendees with a chance to network with professionals and industry leaders from different fields to collaborate and solve these challenges. Attendees will be paired in groups, with each group competing for the most ingenious concept. The winning idea will have the possibility of being incubated by Gebeya! Whether you are an expert or an enthusiast of technology, we welcome you to join us on the 31st of March to April 1st, 2018 at Gebeya Academy Headquarters (Woreda 02, Sinan Building 2nd Floor, Bole Sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.) to prototype and find innovative solutions. PRIZES - Scholarship for Gebeya  Professional Training 1st  Winner 50% scholarship for each member of the group 2nd Winner 25% scholarship for each member of the group A one Year free Github private account AGENDA - Bring Professionals under one roof to use technology for social good - Open discussion on Ethiopia's IT & Economic issues, challenges, and solutions - Build a Strong IT Ecosystem - Presentation about Gebeya   WHEN Saturday, March 31st,  from 8:30 AM to 05:30 PM (EAT) Sunday, April 1st,  from   8:30 AM to 06:00 PM (EAT) WHERE Gebeya Academy Headquarters: Woreda 02, Sinan Building 2nd Floor, Bole Subcity, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.   For More Information About Gebeya : |  
          Hackathon for EOTC
          27 Jan - 09:00 AM
          Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
          There are many ICT professionals who want to serve the  EOTC in their profession. There have been individual efforts in different areas for assisting the EOTC services:, etc. . .  are a few of the many high impact projects that have been developed by and are maintained by individuals. Bringing individual efforts together has the potential to provide developers new opportunities to collaborate, learn from each other and eventually create more sustainable, high-impact resources. These will be invaluable assets for the EOTC as a whole. This first hackathon event is organised by Mahibere Kidusan Information Communication Technologies Team (MK - ICT here after)  to bring together  the ICT professionals (including university students) so that the professionals will work together on common projects. The motto of this event is: 'Let us make computers serve the Holy Church'. In this event the professionals are expected to work in groups on a common project. The top 3 projects will get a prize of 8,000 ETB, 4000 ETB, and 2,000 ETB respectively. Come, contribute to your church and get the prize both spiritual and cash.  Please register before January 15, 2018 (Tir 7 qen 2010 E.C).  Note: Attendees is highly recommended to bring their own laptop.