Showing results 1 to 10 out of 14
Junction Tech Weekend
07 Nov - 12:00 PM
Helsinki, Finland
The Junction 2015 hackathon is open for public both on Nov. 7th and 8th. During the weekend all enthusiasts who don’t participate to the hacking are welcomed to come to the former boiler hall see the latest tech, hear awesome keynotes and see the hacks! Saturday Nov 7th, 12.00-18.00 At the Junction Tech Day you'll get to see all the latest and greatest technology in use and hear a variety of keynotes related to awesome new tech. The exact program will be published closer to the event.  Sunday Nov 8th, 15.00-18.00 During the Junction Demo Expo you'll get to see all the amazing hacks that the teams have created during the weekend and see which teams get to continue on to the main stage at Slush to compete for the main prize of 20 000€. No travel reinbursements are provided for the attendees of the Junction Tech Weekend
    AEC Hackathon 2.7 - Helsinki
    06 Nov - 06:30 PM
    Espoo, Finland
    Are you involved in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector in Finland? Then if you are a techie developer, a UI/UX designer, a civil engineer, or a built environment professional you are invited to participate in AEC Hackathon 2.7 - Helsinki! At this weekend-long event, you will be challenged to create cutting-edge approaches to the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment. If you need answers to your AEC Hackathon questions, then visit the tips page!
    Global Sustainability Jam 2015: Helsinki
    30 Oct - 05:30 PM
    Helsinki, Finland
    Do you want to save the world? Welcome to Global Sustainability Jam 2015 – Helsinki Edition – a hackathon to create prototypes for sustainable solutions.   This is an open event for anyone from any background who is passionate about sustainability. Come join us for a weekend of fun, creativity and brainstorming!   Global Sustainability Jam takes place each year in November and gathers a multitude of people from various backgrounds who get together to brainstorm on creative solutions for sustainable world.     So how does it work?   ...We will get together on Friday evening and get to know each other first. Then, the global secret theme will be revealed  - it can be anything – a picture, a piece of music, a poem…But that will help us to kick off our super brainstorming session. After brainstorming, each team will choose an idea to proceed with.   ...On Saturday the teams will work on their ideas towards creating a prototype – that can also be in any form! We will continue having fun until Sunday afternoon when all teams have to submit their prototypes to the global platform!     Event programme:   Friday, October 30 17.30 Meet up 18.10 Games, getting to know each other 18.30 The secret theme announced 18.40 Group brainstorming 19.30 Dinner, informal discussions and brief pitching session   Saturday, October 31 Morning street research, collation, ideation 13.00 Status reports from teams Afternoon Design, first prototype 17.00 Status reports from teams Evening Evaluation, ideation, design, second prototype 20.00 Status reports from teams   Sunday, November 1 Morning Evaluation, ideation, design, final prototype 12.00 Status reports from teams Afternoon Prepare presentation and prepare upload 15.00 Upload documentation of prototypes 16.00 Team presentations 17.00 Wrapup Sponsoring and joining our event are: Bullet Meal - mobile hunger stoppers Froodly - startup that fights food waste in Helsinki   What is sustainability? We take the term “sustainability” in its wider sense. In the context of our event, we will be concentrating on prototyping solutions that solve economic, environmental and social problems. Bring your own understanding of sustainability to the Jam!   How is this jam global? Global Sustainability Jam takes place every year in November in more than 20 locations throughout the world.  You can check locations for 2015here.   What is a jam? Our jam is a hackathon and our goal for the weekend is produce something. Whilst at it, we’re going have lots of fun and enjoy the company of each other. The jam is about doing stuff, developing something in your team! Creativity is king!   Can I come alone or should I have a team? Up to you! You can join the event and choose your team mates for the weekend or you can apply as a team (8 people max)!   Is this event for me? The Jam is for anyone out there, be you a designer, a programme, a business person, a scientist, whoever else - you’re welcome!   Who is organising the event? The event is organised by a group of very enthusiastic students from the University of Helsinki and Aalto University on behalf of Aalto Sustainable Business Club.   Why does it cost? The event is organised by volunteers and we do not take any share in this. We do ask you to pay 7 euros to cover the cost of the ending dinner on Sunday evening.   Is food provided? We do not aim to provide food for participants, feel free to bring your stuff (there will be a kitchen at the venue) and use the nearby stores.     Questions? Contact us at Global Sustainability Jam Helsinki on Facebook
      #DevShark Tour - Happier Hospital - Kuopio
      30 Oct - 10:00 AM
      Kuopio, Finland
        Turn your idea into a product demo. Join the hackathon with hundreds of developers. Get your hands on +50 000€ in prizes. This bootcamp is aimed to help you get a fast-start to Slush Hacks, so you can be better prepared, learn the tech and get feedback on your ideas. The training is free for all. All attendees should bring their own development machine, equipped with their preferred development environments and the appropriate Azure SDK downloadable from This technical training will focus on the Ultrahack HUS-challenge and the Azure Cloud Challenge, through which you can win additional 10 000€.  There are thousands of children visiting the Children’s Hospital every year. Some children have short visits and some longer visits to the hospital. Our goal is to make sure that each child spends only the necessary time at the hospital facilities and their stay is as enjoyable as possible. How does the cloud play into this? We carry various devices with us every day, like phones, smart watches and various gadgets. What if we could combine the data these devices collect with the data that the hospital has, to understand how the kid is behaving outside of the hospital? Our phones can track our movement; the Xbox One Kinect sensor is able to track the kids heart rate as they play the game or do the rehabilitation exercise. With the Azure Stream Analytics and Machine Learning you could collect data from various devices to one place and analyze that date to, for example, predict a seizure. Check out this Coding4Fun project to see how can you track heartrate with Kinect. Time Title 10:00 - 10:20 Welcome to the bootcamp 10:20 - 10:45 Introduction to Ultrahack and the challenges 10:45 - 11:10 Connect with Kuopio - Kuopio Innovation 11:10 - 12:00 Break 12:00 - 12:15 Presenting the HUS-challenge 12:15 - 13:30 Devices, sensors and data analytics 13:30 - 15:00 Hands-on: Collecting data 15:00 - 16:30 Fast-start with your own project 16:30 - Event closing Slush Hacks Tour by Ultrahack and Junction in partnership with Microsoft is coming to Kuopio. Join us at Kuopio Innovation to learn more about the hackathons and get technical training. Read more about Slush Hacks at (or directly at Ultrahack and Conjuction) All Challenges You can participate any of the challenges below through Slush Hack. In this event we will use the HUS Challenge as an case example, so you get some hands-on experience. You can join our training to get a broad overview the events and challenges, even if you're not planning to participate in the HUS challenge in particular. Health Games: Happier Hospital Hack // HUS  Smart City / Civic Tech // City of Helsinki & Open Challenge Finland  Mobility as a service: Seamless and agile mobility experiences // Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö, Trafi, Liikennevirasto Creative chairty: Funraising hack: Have Fun and Change Lives! // Nenäpäivä  Internet of Things: Gamifying Brick & Mortar Shopping with IoT // Tieto  Next Gen Ecomm: Smoother Ecommerce // Posti  Sports Tech: Sports & Fan Experience // SAP Universal Fintech: Anywhere and Anytime // Nordea  Pre-emptive Healthcare and Advanced Diagnostics // IF Futulabs // Futurice The Future of Digital Payements // Klarna  The Future of Commerence // Shopify Air Travel. Redifined. // Reaktor & Finnair  Improving Cities // Uber  Aaltoes Unlimited feat. Supercell
        Lambda Hackathon 24-10-15
        24 Oct - 09:00 AM
        Helsinki, Finland
        Lambda functional programming hackathon. More info
          #DevShark Tour - Bringing cities to life with games
          22 Oct - 09:00 AM
          Turku, Finland
          Turn your idea into a product demo. Join the hackathon with hundreds of developers. Get your hands on +50 000€ in prizes. This bootcamp is aimed to help you get a fast-start to Slush Hacks, so you can be better prepared, learn the tech and get feedback on your ideas. As consumer we use games, apps and various services daily that offer us personalized experiences, many of which have a gamification aspect. Yet, we don't always get the same experience with the public services we use daily. It's time to change that. The city of Turku, and cities across the world, are opening up data and working with developers to create better services for their communities. Join us for another session of #DevShark, this time working with the city and Slush Hacks to challenge and reward the best cases. During the day you'll hear from various experts, from technical providers, the city and various open data experts. The training is free for all. All attendees should bring their own development machine, equipped with their preferred development environments and the appropriate Azure SDK downloadable from This technical training will focus on the Ultrahack Civic Tech -challenge, part of Slush Hacks with a 20 000€ main prize and the Azure Cloud Challenge, through which you can win additional 10 000€.  Time Title 09:30 - 09:50 Welcome & Introduction to the day 09:50 - 10:15 What does the future of the cities look like? 10:15 - 10:30 Presenting the Civic Tech -challenge // Teemu Roponen 10:30 - 10:45 Break 10:45 - 11:45 Stop. Collaborate. Developers meeting the public sector 11:45 - 12:00 Break 12:00 - 12:45 Lunch 12:45 - 13:00 Introducing Ultrahack  13:00 - 13:15 Introducing Junction // Aaltoes 13:15 - 13:30 Connect with Turku: Boost Turku 13:30 - 13:45 TechTalk: Gaining insights, performing predictive and sentiment analysis from connect devices 13:45 - 17:00 Start hacking 17:00 - 17:45 Dinner 17:45 - 20:30 Continue hacking 21:00 - 22:30 Networking   Slush Hacks Tour by Ultrahack and Junction in partnership with Microsoft is coming to Turku. Join us to learn more about the hackathons and get technical training Read more about Slush Hacks at (or directly at Ultrahack and Conjuction) All Challenges You can participate any of the challenges below through Slush Hack. In this event we will use the Nordea Challenge as an case example, so you get some hands-on experience. You can join our training to get a broad overview the events and challenges, even if you're not planning to participate in the Nordea challenge in particular. Health Games: Happier Hospital Hack // HUS  Smart City / Civic Tech // City of Helsinki & Open Challenge Finland  Mobility as a service: Seamless and agile mobility experiences // Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö, Trafi, Liikennevirasto Creative chairty: Funraising hack: Have Fun and Change Lives! // Nenäpäivä  Internet of Things: Gamifying Brick & Mortar Shopping with IoT // Tieto  Next Gen Ecomm: Smoother Ecommerce // Posti  Sports Tech: Sports & Fan Experience // SAP Universal Fintech: Anywhere and Anytime // Nordea  Pre-emptive Healthcare and Advanced Diagnostics // IF Futulabs // Futurice The Future of Digital Payements // Klarna  The Future of Commerence // Shopify Air Travel. Redifined. // Reaktor & Finnair  Improving Cities // Uber  Aaltoes Unlimited feat. Supercell
            Mikkeli - EU koodiviikko
            10 Oct - 10:00 AM
            Mikkeli, Finland
            Ohjelma + tapahtumien kuvaukset   Internet of Things hackathon on viikonlopun kestävä hackathon, jossa pääset oppimaan asioiden internetiä tekemällä ja kokeilemalla yhdessä. Asioiden internet on yksi suurimpia teknologisia muutoksia, jolla on vaikutusta teknologiaa, liike-elämään, vapaa-aikaan, terveydenhuoltoon, teollisuuteen yms. Osaajille on kysyntää, tule mukaan oppimaan.   Mukana siistejä projekteja mm. IoT-leivänpaahdin ja sosiaalisen median kautta ohjattava robotti. Kaikenlaisista taidoista on hyötyä, sillä IoT kattaa mm. elektroniikkaa, robotiikkaa, sulautettuja järjestelmiä, koodia, rajapintoja, sensoreita, webbipalveluita, visualisointeja yms. Olitpa koodari, taiteilija, muotoilija, rakentaja tai opiskelija - tapahtuma tarjoaa tehtävää ja opittavaa. Tapahtumassa on käytettävissä myös 3D tulostin. Hacklab Mikkeli tarjoaa erilaisia työkaluja ja testilaitteita mm. Arduinoja, Raspberry Pi 2 ja kasan kaikenlaisia muita komponentteja. Voit (ja kannattaa) myös tuoda omia laitteita mukanasi.   Tule verkostoitumaan, rakentamaan, oppimaan tai vaikka hengailemaan. Voit tuoda mukanasi oman projektin tai liittyä mukaan johonkin menossa olevaan. Tule yksin tai porukassa.   Ilmainen ruokailu vaatii ilmoittautumisen juuri tähän osatapahtumaan. Lauantai 10.10 10:00           Aloitus ja kahvia 10:15           Projektien ja haasteiden esittely. Ryhmien muodostaminen. 12:00           Työpajoja / ohjausta tarvittaessa tai vapaata työskentelyä                       mm. elektroniikka, ohjelmointi ja 3D-tulostus ja -mallinnus. 14:00           Pizzaa ja virvokkeita 20:00           Xinno sulkeutuu + Voidaan istua iltaa jossain illallisen tai tuopin merkeissä.   Sunnuntai 11.10 10:00           Aloitus ja kahvia 10:15           Työpajoja / ohjausta tarvittaessa tai vapaata työskentelyä 14:00           Ruokailu (omakustanne vs. sponsori varmistetaan asap) 15:00           Projektien ja tulosten esittelyä 18:00           Tapahtuma päättyy     Open Finland Challenge työpajassa kerrotaan tämän vuoden kilpailusta, haasteista ja palkinnoista. Kilpailutöitä on mahdollista tehdä koko viikonlopun ajan. Tarjolla sparrausta, ajatusten vaihtoa, tiiminrakentamista ja yhteistyöskentelymahdollisuuksia. Lisätietoa kilpailusta: Lauantai 10.10, klo 13-14 + vapaa jatko koko tapahtuman ajan.     API:Suomi tapaaminen tarjoaa katsauksen Suomen API yhteisön kuulumisiin. Tapahtumassa esitellään APIops konsepti ja tarjotaan konkreettisia työkaluja ja teknologiaa mm. API hallintaan. Tapaamisessa perustetaan Mikkelin API Meetup yhteisö. Lisätietoa API:Suomi yhteisöstä: Lauantai 10.10, klo 15-17 + vapaa jatko koko tapahtuman ajan.     Mozilla Maker Party on peruttu ohjaajan akuutin sairastumisen vuoksi. Tapahtuman korvaa 3D-työpaja. Ilmoittautuneet voivat osallistua vapaasti haluamiinsa muihin tapahtumiin. Paikalla on myös opastusta webbisivujen rakentamiseen ja opiskeluun. 3D-työpaja on aloittelijaystävällinen tapahtuma 3D-tulostuksen ja 3D-mallintamisen opetteluun. Tapahtumassa opit kuinka 3D-tulostin toimii, kuinka sitä käytetään ja millaisia materiaaleja voit tulostaa. Pääset mallintamaan ja tulostamaan omia esineitä. Tarjolla virvokkeita ja pientä purtavaa. Vaatii ilmoittautumisen tähän osatapahtumaan. Lauantai 10.10, klo 15-18.     Koodikerho Mikkeliin tapaamisessa saatetaan yhteen kouluja, vapaaehtoisia, vanhempia, nuoria ja kaikkia ketä kiinnostaa Koodikerho-toiminnan käynnistäminen Mikkelissä. Lisätietoa Koodikerhosta Lauantai 10.10, klo 17-18 + vapaasti saa jatkaa.     Yleisohjeita Ota mukaan oma läppäri, laturi yms. Huomioi tarve omalle välipalalle, virvokkeille yms. Tapahtumapaikalla ei voi yöpyä. Lauantaina on mahdollisuus tutustua Hacklab Mikkeli tiloihin ja toimintaan. Viikonlopun aikana jäseniksi liittyville erikoistarjouksia.     Järjestäjä + kumppanit Tapahtuman järjestää Hacklab Mikkeli ry. Yhteistyössä mukana Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu Digimi ry Mikkelin Vihannes Oy Mikkelin nuorkauppakamari ry Mikkelin kaupungin Solmu projekti Kansalliskirjaston digitointi- ja konservointikeskus Open Knowledge Finland API:Suomi
              Frontend Hackathon @ New Factory
              09 Oct - 05:00 PM
              Tampere, Finland
              FRONT-END HACKATHON Can you code? Are you a front-end master, a back-end wizard or a full-stack developer? Do you have designing skills? Or even ready-made designs for an idea? Do you have a interesting side-project going on? Or just a brilliant idea that has been haunting you for ages, just waiting for the execution? Front-end Hackathon is about having fun with old or new friends and making something together. You don't have to finnish any concept but you sure will have fun making things in a great spirit. We invite people to enjoy dynamic atmosphere and enthusiastic teams. Everyone is welcome You can be a skilled developer, a passionate designer or just a person with a great idea. You can have a ready-made team or just appear to the event by yourself. Everyone will find a suitable team and great people to start building things. There sure will be good company and great food provided by Front-End Hackathon partners. Let's group up and start building awesomeness! Register now and be part of the forerunners society!   Location New Factory ( is more than just a funky business incubation center in downtown Tampere, Finland - it is an innovation platform. The main entrance is located in Väinö Linnan aukio. If you need an elevator you should enter from Finlaysoninkuja. In that case, please contact us beforehand. Be aware of the fact that it is allowed to drive through the archway only for a quick drop off. You can park your car in P-Plevna or P-Frenckell. Information about Finlayson area and parking (in Finnish only) is available here: If you prefer using public transport, local busses that go straight to Finlayson area are 24 and 47. Bus routes and schedules are available here: Friday 9.10. Starting at 18:00 -Welcome & introductions -Team building brainstorming ideas -Food Saturday 10.10. -Making ideas to concrete -Brunch -Drinks -Short tech talks by sponsors -Cool new tech stuff to test and play with Sunday 11.10. -The hacking continues -Tech talks by sponsors -Sharing results Frontend Hackathon is a great way to kick off the epic streak of great hackathons for this autumn. Junction will follow up just a month after, Nov. 6-8. 2015. Junction brings together hackers, designers, the best partners and hardware for one weekend of hacking. The best teams will get to pitch their hacks on stage at the Slush conference and the winning team will take home a 20 000€ main prize. TL;DR: What: Front-end Hackathon When: Friday 9.10. 6pm – Sunday 11.10. 6pm Where: New Factory, Väinö Linnan aukio 15 Why: Share your idea, take up a cool project, test concepts together or just have fun! Cost: 15€, including 3 meals (1 for each day) Organizers:, Koodiklinikka, AaltoES and New Factory The schedule will get more exact closer to the event.
                Frontend Hackathon @ Startup Sauna
                09 Oct - 05:00 PM
                Espoo, Finland
                FRONT-END HACKATHON Can you code? Are you a front-end master, a back-end wizard or a full-stack developer?  Do you have designing skills? Or even ready-made designs for an idea? Do you have a interesting side-project going on? Or just a brilliant idea that has been haunting you for ages, just waiting for the execution? Front-end Hackathon is about having fun with old or new friends and making something together. You don't have to finnish any concept but you sure will have fun making things in a great spirit. We invite people to enjoy dynamic atmosphere and enthusiastic teams. Everyone is welcome. You can be a skilled developer, a passionate designer or just a person with a great idea. You can have a ready-made team or just appear to the event by yourself. Everyone will find a suitable team and great people to start building things. There sure will be good company and great food provided by Front-End Hackathon partners.  Let's group up and start building awesomeness! Register now and be part of the forerunners society! Friday 9.10. Starting at 18:00 -Welcome & introductions -Team building brainstorming ideas -Food Saturday 10.10. -Making ideas to concrete -Brunch -Drinks -Short tech talks by sponsors -Cool new tech stuff to test and play with Sunday 11.10. -The hacking continues -Tech talks by sponsors -Sharing results   Frontend Hackathon is a great way to kick off the epic streak of great hackathons for this autumn. Junction will follow up just month after, Nov. 6-8. 2015. Junction brings together hackers, designers, the best partners and hardware for one weekend of hacking. The best teams will get to pitch their hacks on stage at the Slush conference and the winning team will take home a 20 000€ main prize. TL;DR: What: Front-end Hackathon When: Friday 9.10. 6pm – Sunday 11.10. 6pm Where: Startup Sauna, Betonimiehenkuja 3D, Otaniemi Why: Share your idea, take up a cool project, test concepts together or just have fun! Cost: 15€, including 3 meals (1 for each day) Organizers:, Koodiklinikka, AaltoES and New Factory The schedule will get more exact closer to the event. 
                  3D City Model Hackathon
                  09 Oct - 04:00 PM
                  Espoo, Finland
                  3D City Model as an open innovation platform The aim of this hackathon is to investigate what kind of possibilities 3D city models could offer for the cities, people and companies. During the weekend we are creating services and applications related to city planning, urban digitalization, living & environment, traffic & transportation, energy, gaming, Internet of Things or anything else that utilizes the 3D City Model of Espoo and open data provided by the organizers.We are offering you a front row seat to participate in the 3D City Model and Smart City development. We are already collaborating with e.g. Slush, Elisa and IBM in the hackathon.