Showing results 11 to 14 out of 14
#DevShark Tour - Universal Fintech - Porvoo
09 Oct - 09:00 AM
Porvoo, Finland
Turn your idea into a product demo. Join the hackathon with hundreds of developers. Get your hands on +50 000€ in prizes. This bootcamp is aimed to help you get a fast-start to Slush Hacks, so you can be better prepared, learn the tech and get feedback on your ideas. The training is free for all. All attendees should bring their own development machine, equipped with their preferred development environments and the appropriate Azure SDK downloadable from This technical training will focus on Ultrahack's Nordea Universal Fintech -challenge and the Azure Cloud Challenge, through which you can win additional 10 000€.  How to perceive customers' everyday reality as a potential for financial transactions happening everywhere and anytime? When you look around - everything has a financial value for buying, selling, constructing more value, lending, leveraging, maintaining or servicing. How to couple this idea with present banking systems and applications and create something totally novel? How does the cloud play into this? Providing every customer a unique experience might seem difficult, but you can always leverage solutions created in past to achieve something that has not been done before. Recommendation engine is a the classic example of Machine Learning that almost everybody is familiar when browsing online stores or Netflix. Sentiment Analysis gives you the insight on how customers perceive certain topics, do they respond positively, neutrally or is the response negative? Also to consider: In addition to easy and fast data science, Azure is still the only cloud platform that has been approved to be secure by EU's data protection authorities. You can find premade data analytic models or ideas from the Azure ML Gallery:  Time Title 09:00 - 09:20 Welcome to the bootcamp 09:20 - 09:45 Introduction to Ultrahack and the challenges 09:45 - 10:00 Connect with Porvoo 10:00 - 10:15 Presenting the Nordea Universal Fintech challenge 10:15 - 11:30 Machine Learning - Recommendation engine and sentiment analysis 11:30 - 12:15 Lunch 12:15 - 14:00 Hands-on: Recomendation engine 14:00 - 15:30 Fast-start with your own project 15:30 - Event closing Slush Hacks Tour by Ultrahack and Junction in partnership with Microsoft is coming to Porvoo. Join us to learn more about the hackathons and get technical training. Read more about Slush Hacks at (or directly at Ultrahack and Conjuction) This event is presented in co-operation with All Challenges You can participate any of the challenges below through Slush Hack. In this event we will use the Nordea Challenge as an case example, so you get some hands-on experience. You can join our training to get a broad overview the events and challenges, even if you're not planning to participate in the Nordea challenge in particular. Health Games: Happier Hospital Hack // HUS  Smart City / Civic Tech // City of Helsinki & Open Challenge Finland  Mobility as a service: Seamless and agile mobility experiences // Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö, Trafi, Liikennevirasto Creative chairty: Funraising hack: Have Fun and Change Lives! // Nenäpäivä  Internet of Things: Gamifying Brick & Mortar Shopping with IoT // Tieto  Next Gen Ecomm: Smoother Ecommerce // Posti  Sports Tech: Sports & Fan Experience // SAP Universal Fintech: Anywhere and Anytime // Nordea  Pre-emptive Healthcare and Advanced Diagnostics // IF Futulabs // Futurice The Future of Digital Payements // Klarna  The Future of Commerence // Shopify Air Travel. Redifined. // Reaktor & Finnair  Improving Cities // Uber  Aaltoes Unlimited feat. Supercell
    #DevShark Tour - Happier Hospital - Oulu
    01 Oct - 10:00 AM
    Oulu, Finland
      Turn your idea into a product demo. Join the hackathon with hundreds of developers. Get your hands on +50 000€ in prizes. This bootcamp is aimed to help you get a fast-start to Slush Hacks, so you can be better prepared, learn the tech and get feedback on your ideas. The training is free for all. All attendees should bring their own development machine, equipped with their preferred development environments and the appropriate Azure SDK downloadable from This technical training will focus on the Ultrahack HUS-challenge and the Azure Cloud Challenge, through which you can win additional 10 000€.  There are thousands of children visiting the Children’s Hospital every year. Some children have short visits and some longer visits to the hospital. Our goal is to make sure that each child spends only the necessary time at the hospital facilities and their stay is as enjoyable as possible. How does the cloud play into this? We carry various devices with us every day, like phones, smart watches and various gadgets. What if we could combine the data these devices collect with the data that the hospital has, to understand how the kid is behaving outside of the hospital? Our phones can track our movement; the Xbox One Kinect sensor is able to track the kids heart rate as they play the game or do the rehabilitation exercise. With the Azure Stream Analytics and Machine Learning you could collect data from various devices to one place and analyze that date to, for example, predict a seizure. Check out this Coding4Fun project to see how can you track heartrate with Kinect. Time Title 10:00 - 10:20 Welcome to the bootcamp 10:20 - 10:45 Introduction to Ultrahack and the challenges 10:45 - 11:10 Connect with Oulu - Business Kitchen, Oulu Game Lab 11:10 - 12:00 Break 12:00 - 12:15 Presenting the HUS-challenge 12:15 - 13:30 Devices, sensors and data analytics 13:30 - 15:00 Hands-on: Collecting data 15:00 - 16:30 Fast-start with your own project 16:30 - Event closing Slush Hacks Tour by Ultrahack and Junction in partnership with Microsoft is coming to Oulu. Join us at Business Kitchen to learn more about the hackathons and get technical training. Read more about Slush Hacks at (or directly at Ultrahack and Conjuction) This event is presented in co-operation with Oulu Business Kitchen.   All Challenges You can participate any of the challenges below through Slush Hack. In this event we will use the HUS Challenge as an case example, so you get some hands-on experience. You can join our training to get a broad overview the events and challenges, even if you're not planning to participate in the HUS challenge in particular. Health Games: Happier Hospital Hack // HUS Smart City / Civic Tech // City of Helsinki & Open Challenge Finland Mobility as a service: Seamless and agile mobility experiences // Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö, Trafi, Liikennevirasto Creative chairty: Funraising hack: Have Fun and Change Lives! // Nenäpäivä Internet of Things: Gamifying Brick & Mortar Shopping with IoT // Tieto Next Gen Ecomm: Smoother Ecommerce // Posti Sports Tech: Sports & Fan Experience // SAP Universal Fintech: Anywhere and Anytime // Nordea Pre-emptive Healthcare and Advanced Diagnostics // IF Futulabs // Futurice The Future of Digital Payements // Klarna The Future of Commerence // Shopify Air Travel. Redifined. // Reaktor & Finnair Improving Cities // Uber Aaltoes Unlimited feat. Supercell
      Big & open data hackathon
      25 Sep - 04:00 PM
      Helsinki, Finland
      Eficode, Asiakastieto ja HP järjestävät 25.-26.9.2015 hackathonin, jossa tiimit haastetaan käsittelemään suuria tietomassoja. Tehtävä on yksinkertainen: luokaa jotakin uutta ja ennennäkemätöntä Asiakastiedon dataa sekä avoimia tietokantoja hyödyntämällä. Hackathoniin voi osallistua 2-4 hengen tiiminä tai yksin. Voit ilmoittaa yhdellä kertaa mukaan kaikki tiimin jäsenet. Mikäli olet vailla tiimikavereita, ilmoita itsestäsi tapahtuman Facebook-sivulla.  Lisätietoja tapahtumasta saat täältä.
        #DevShark Tour - Smoother E-commerce
        25 Sep - 09:00 AM
        Espoo, Finland
        Turn your idea into a product demo. Join the hackathon with hundreds of developers. Get your hands on +50 000€ in prizes. This bootcamp is aimed to help you get a fast-start to Slush Hacks, so you can be better prepared, learn the tech and get feedback on your ideas. The training is free for all. All attendees should bring their own development machine, equipped with their preferred development environments and the appropriate Azure SDK downloadable from This technical training will focus on the Ultrahack Smoother E-commerce -challenge by Posti and the Azure Cloud Challenge by Microsoft, through which you can win additional 10 000€.  Develop an app to make everyday e-commerce logistics smoother with e.g. gamification, more effective operations and improved processes through usage of data. It can be an easier way to follow your parcels, handle return logistics - or ways to prevent returns in the first place. How does the cloud play into this challenge? What if we could do to Posti what Uber did to Taxis and make everyone the postman? What if your neighbor or a complete stranger could delivery your package? We could use Machine Learning to understand who is the most appropriate courier for you, based on location, distance, type of package, type of delivery method, reliability and other characteristics. Or maybe you need a cloud to store the data in and backend for your mobile app to track the delivery? Time Title 09:00 - 09:20 Welcome to the event 09:20 - 09:45 Introduction to Ultrahack & Junction // Ultrahack & Aaltoes 09:45 - 10:15 Presenting the Smoother E-commerce- challenge // Posti 10:15 - 11:00 Posti APIs, services // Posti 11:00 - 11:45 Lunch 11:45 - 12:00  How to leverage Machine Learning to create a smoother ecommerence // Mikko Kasanen, Microsoft 12:00 - 13:30 Hands-on: Collecting data, using APIs and doing machine learning 13:30 - 15:00 Fast-start with your own project // Get assistance from Posti, Microsoft and Ultrahack around your own Smoother Ecommerence project. You'll technical and business coaches at your disposal. 15:00 - Event closing Read more about Slush Hacks at (or directly at Ultrahack and Junction) All Challenges You can participate any of the challenges below through Slush Hack. In this event we will use the Posti Challenge as an case example, so you get some hands-on experience. You can join our training to get a broad overview the events and challenges, even if you're not planning to participate in the Posti challenge in particular. Health Games: Happier Hospital Hack // HUS  Smart City / Civic Tech // City of Helsinki & Open Challenge Finland  Mobility as a service: Seamless and agile mobility experiences // Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö, Trafi, Liikennevirasto Creative chairty: Funraising hack: Have Fun and Change Lives! // Nenäpäivä  Internet of Things: Gamifying Brick & Mortar Shopping with IoT // Tieto  Next Gen Ecomm: Smoother Ecommerce // Posti  Sports Tech: Sports & Fan Experience // SAP Universal Fintech: Anywhere and Anytime // Nordea  Pre-emptive Healthcare and Advanced Diagnostics // IF Futulabs // Futurice The Future of Digital Payements // Klarna  The Future of Commerence // Shopify Air Travel. Redifined. // Reaktor & Finnair  Improving Cities // Uber  Aaltoes Unlimited feat. Supercell E-commerce