Showing results 11 to 20 out of 85
Hackathon organisé par WHAT
25 Nov - 06:00 PM
Valbonne, France
Women hackers! Come and participate in the Women Creativity Hackathon 2016 - Nice. Collaborate with your peers to build technology tools that can help safeguard your loved ones. Showcase your skills by addressing challenges such as:
»Safety Outdoors
»Safety in the Home
»Security On Line
»Safety and Security at Work
»Personal Safety
»Health Safety
Uro-Tech Challenge @Deauville
25 Nov - 10:00 AM
Deauville, France
eHealth professionals and techies! Come and participate in the Uro-Tech Challenge in Deauville. This is your opportunity to help revolutionize uro-technology. You'll be able to collaborate with the best-of-the-best ehealth practitioners and technicians and compete for awesome prizes. Winning teams will win 3-month placement in an incubator.
Mini Hackathon Startup For Kids
20 Nov - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
Kids, aged 9 to 15! Form a team of four and sign up to participate in the Startup For Kids Mini Hackathon. Give free rein to your imagination around a theme that you'll be given at the event. Your team can choose how you wish to address the theme:
»Making an animated object
»Write a story (illustrated or not)
»Creating a video game
18 Nov - 04:00 PM
Le Havre, France
Hackers! Interested in smart ports? Come and participate in the first French port hackathon, sponsored by HAROPA, the alliance of the ports of Le Havre, Rouen and Paris! Showcase your skills to use economic, environmental and weather data for innovative applications that will help with the performance and sustainability of ports. You will have 24 hours to create a solution to one of the following themes:
»Port logistics performance
»Environment and industrial safety
»Services and information for the general public
Conférences Hacking Health Lyon
18 Nov - 01:00 PM
Lyon-7E-Arrondissement, France
Programmers, designers, researchers and students! Interested in creating innovative solutions to pressing healthcare problems? Come and participate in Hacking Health Lyon. This event is intended to bring innovation to healthcare and develop new solutions to patients, caregivers and professionals needs. You can prototype anything — a new healthcare service, an app, or a new device. Redesign or reshape an exciting solution, or invent something from scratch! It's your choice!
Hackathon Objets Connectés de L’Usine Digitale - Saison 2
17 Nov - 06:30 PM
Paris, France
Developers, designers, students, engineers, "makers", ergonomists, apprentices, marketers! Interested in manufacturing and the Internet of Things? Come and collaborate in the Digital Factory Hackathon! You'll compete in one of four teams of six participants to build a connected object prototype that expands or transforms a service, a product, or an ecosystem.
Orange Developer Challenge
17 Nov - 05:00 PM
Châtillon, France
Coders, designers, hackers! Orange and its partners Air Liquide and EDF invite you to showcase your solution skills at the Orange Developer Challenge. You'll be challenged to demonstrate your creativity and innovation by creating a solution to one of the following use cases:
»Vigilance and Protection
»Efficiency and productivity
You'll present your solution to a panel of judges from Orange, Air Liquide, and EDF.
17 Nov - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
Come and participate in the WOMEN INNOVATION 2016 hackathon. Collaborate to create original ideas or projects that highlight women within new business models! Help discover new ways of working with people of different cultures and / or different companies to stimulate creativity in a group. Compete for one of three opportunities to present your project at Orange's stand at the Women's Forum 2016.
Journée De La Mobilité Connectée - #JDMC 16
16 Nov - 09:00 AM
Lille, France
Interested in the Internet of Things and mobility solutions? Sign up to participate in Journée De La Mobilité Connectée - #JDMC 16. This is a day that is 100% dedicated to IOT & Data Mobility. Bring your skills and creativity to design and build multi-modal solutions based on connected technologies and smart mobility, which reflect eco-responsibility.
Hackathon autour des données de Jurisprudence
16 Nov - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
Attending the Paris Open Source Summit 2016? Come and participate in a hackathon on jurisprudence data.
You'll be able to collaborate on topics such as:
»Crowdsourcing on identified data
»JP enrichment of data
»ECLI deployment URI on stocks
»Development of open source software solutions for anonymisation (common BASE)