Showing results 21 to 30 out of 85
Initiation à l'agilité
04 Nov - 09:30 AM
Nantes, France
Apprenez à mettre en œuvre une approche par la valeur pour vos clients, pour mieux organiser vos projets et pour rendre votre organisation plus performante dans un contexte d'intelligence collective.
Au cours de cette formation, vous apprendrez à être AGILE :
Animer et faciliter le travail de votre groupe lors d’ateliers et de réunions,
Générer de la créativité, accroître la communication et la motivation,
Innover pour engendrer la satisfaction de vos clients et utilisateurs,
Libérer les énergies dans vos équipes,
Elever la valeur de vos projets par le management visuel.
Cette formation est composée d'apports méthodologiques, d'outils et de techniques (30%), et de cas pratiques et ludiques (70%).
Vous êtes coach, dirigeant, formateur ou salarié, vous serez intéressé par cette formation qui vous apportera une nouvelle vision de l'innovation et de la performance collective.
François est un expert de l’innovation managériale, produit et service, certifié en Agilité (PSM de, Design Thinking, Effectuation et Lean Management. Il intervient pour ses clients dans les domaines de l’agilité (dont la méthode Scrum), la créativité et l’innovation (Business Model, C-K, Design Thinking, Lean Startup), la facilitation et l’intelligence collective, le « Scribing » (facilitation graphique) et le prototypage par le digital.
Passionné, François enseigne l’agilité, l’entrepreneuriat et l’innovation dans des écoles supérieures de Commerce, Design, Informatique et Management où il transmet son savoir aux designers, entrepreneurs et ingénieurs de demain. Coach d’entreprise, François accompagne également des équipes en tant que « mentor » lors de Startup week-end et que « super pouvoir » lors de hackathon.
François Amisse / Novup SAS
M : 06 52 68 02 66 / E :
SIREN : 820 172 641 - APE : 7022Z
Rencontrons-nous pour parler de vos projets !
Hacking Health Bordeaux 2016
21 Oct - 09:00 AM
Bordeaux, France
Health professionals, patients, developers, designers, entrepreneurs! Are you motivated to change the world of health! Come participate in the Hacking Health Bordeaux – Hackathon. This is the first such event in Aquitaine -- the leading region in Health technology. Join a multidisciplinary team and create a solution prototype that change the future of healthcare.
Hackaton IMA 2016
15 Oct - 08:00 AM
Niort, France
Developers, designers, engineers, marketers! Come participate in Hackaton IMA 2016 and help shape the future of mobility. You'll work in a team to create an innovative mobility solution—prototype or service—addressing one of the following areas:
The Innovation Evenings # 3 - Understanding blockchain, its uses and challenges
12 Oct - 06:30 PM
Levallois-Perret, France
Invented back in 2008, block chain has grown at an increasingly large rate over the last couple of months. Block chain promises innovations that today's tech enthusiasts can only dream of. Become part of the revolution and join other hackers to learn about and create block chain based applications.
07 Oct - 06:00 PM
Paris, France
Interested in fashion & technology? Are you ready for the FASHIONTECH Challenge hackathon? Collaborate with students and professionals from different backgrounds (Design, Marketing, Textile, Engineering, Computer Science). You'll begin with an Arduino starter kit, as well as prototyping material and tools such as 3D printers and laser cutting machines. Then the sky's the limit for style and creativity!
Hack The City
07 Oct - 06:00 PM
Paris, France
In partnership with Transdev and Xee, Autonomy will be hosting this years Hack The City in Paris where participants will attempt to revolutionize urban mobility. If predictive algorithms are a breeze and artificial intellegence is your middle name, then join other policy makers, innovators and industry leaders to create and implement your mobility project. Coaching, cash rewards and product development are all up for grabs for winning projects, so sign up today!
Carrefour Data Hack
23 Sep - 07:00 PM
Paris, France
Developers, designers, makers, data scientists, or marketers! Participate in the Carrefour Data Hack to prototype Microsoft Azure apps that enhance customer experience and forecast future business trends. Using Microsoft Azure cloud and actual customer data cross-indexed with other data sources (geolocation, weather, social networks, etc.) you'll be able to create a service that improves the customer experience. Alternatively you can tap into social networks, blogs, forums and news sites and build algorithms to detect consumer trends -- anticipate shortages, predict success, etc.
AEC Hackathon 3.8 - Paris
23 Sep - 06:00 PM
Paris, France
AEC professionals in and around Paris—developers, UI/UX designers, civil engineers, built environment professionals! You're invited to take part in the AEC Hackathon 3.8 - Paris.
At this three-day Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector event, you'll get to network and collaborate with your peers in the AEC community. Prepare to be challenged! You'll be asked to create cutting-edge solutions that can revolutionize the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment.
Visit the hackathon tips page forpractical info on AEC hackathon participation!
Hackathon : Ré-enchanter la collaboration entre grands groupes et startups
22 Sep - 06:30 PM
Paris, France
The theme of this hackathon is "Re-enchant the collaboration between large companies and startups". During this hackathon you will have the opportunity to create solutions that improve collaboration between startups and traditional businesses of all sizes! The goal is to think of ways to make them more flexible and agile business and more efficient and resilient startups. Finding new ways to think, create, work, interact with customers or employees. Whether you are a member of a large group of SME / SOHO / ETI or a startup, you have your place among the participants! The idea is to mix participants from different ecosystems to consider the possibilities, desires and needs of each of them. You can already meet with participants and organizers during the ideation workshop on September 8, two weeks before the hackathon.
Hackathon Open Democracy Now! #4
16 Sep - 07:00 PM
Paris, France
Do you think technology can help democracy? Do you have any practical ideas? Come join the Open Democracy Now! hackathon #4. This fourth running of this civic-tech hackathon allows existing projects to continue their development, but is also an opportunity to create new civic-tech projects. Particular emphasis will be placed on how digital technology can help increase citizen inclusion -- especially of young people -- in city neighborhoods.