Showing results 41 to 50 out of 85
Speaker Series | Code + Art
16 Jun - 07:15 PM
Paris, France
Come and participate in the Ladies of Paris Code meetup. Listen to great speakers with varied backgrounds -- combining mathematics, programming, UX, music, and more. The speakers and topics will be: --> Aurore Zhe Li - In Wonderland algorithmic music --> Emilie Zawadzki - Creating a digital installation --> Lucile Cossou - From signal processing to the creative development
15 Jun - 06:00 PM
Paris, France
Developers, designers! Collaborate with APM members at the first APM hackathon. Build a prototype of a growing, sustainable business. APM brings together French business leaders and young entrepreneurs who are dedicated to improve themselves in order to sustainably grow their businesses.
Hackathon L'Optimisme
14 Jun - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
This is a two-day long hackathon inviting you to come and work on projects from the "Led By HER" programme. 48 hours of activity, reflection, sharing, making real differences and giving new inputs to projects! Admission is free but you are encouraged to make a small personal contribution that will help the organizers finance the event. The aim of this hackathon is solidarity based solely on grants and donations: thank you in advance! So bring your laptop, you will be provided with breakfast, lunch and snacks!
Sierra Wireless Innovation Summit 2016
14 Jun - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
A hackathon for you to discover, discuss and test tomorrow’s IoT technologies and network with one of the world’s most active IoT business and developer communities.
Hackathon Open Democracy Now! #3
10 Jun - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
Are you a champion of democracy? Come join like-minded people at Open Democracy Now! Work collaboratively to build practical digital solutions to the challenges of participatory democracy. Participate with an open source/open data proiect that can help expand open government initiatives.
Hackathon HydroTechDays
10 Jun - 12:00 AM
Le Havre, France
Un grand hackathon HydroTech Days se déroulera du vendredi 10 au samedi 11 juin sur le site de l’ENSM (quai Frissard, Le Havre). Marins, logisticiens, étudiants, informaticiens, chercheurs d’emploi embarquerons tous pour 24H de challenge pour proposer les réponses les plus créatives et innovantes aux défis qui leur seront proposés. Ainsi les étudiants de l’ENSM associés aux étudiants des autres campus havrais organisent, avec le soutien de LHackadémie et du Container-Cantine numérique havraise, deux jours de challenge sur les problématiques maritimes. L’inscription est gratuite et ouverte à tous ceux prêts à rejoindre l’équipage. En parallèle le samedi après-midi, le site de l’ENSM sera ouvert au public afin de faire découvrir les métiers de la mer et des démonstrations sur le simulateur de navigation. Nous disposons d’un site internet déjà en ligne pour les inscriptions :
Hack The Office
03 Jun - 07:00 PM
Paris, France
If you like APIs, Slack, Trello, IFTTT, and using bots to create and automate tasks, you might enjoy our hackathon, Hack the Office. It runs from June 3-5 and the idea is to create the smart assistant of tomorrow to make our work lives better. There’ll be APIs, €10,000 in prizes and many other surprises.
Hackathon Hub'Eau
01 Jun - 09:00 AM
Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
This hackathon is for IT developers, policy makers and stakeholders in the field of water and environment. In short, for anyone wishing to access critical information in the field of water, in order to exploit these in the fields and by the most varied uses. It aims to test the API Hub'Eau to help us improve and to respond to needs. Hub'Eau will offer an innovative service of open-data, through a simplified and functional access to API base, ensuring the best performance for the availability of the data. This hackathon aims to offer data access on fish, water service and sanitation indicators, chemical quality of rivers and piezometry. Other data will be progressively integrated.
Hackathon Mers et Océans
27 May - 08:30 AM
Boulogne-sur-Mer, France
This is a creative day based around the sea. Get the opportunity to share, create, discover, and have fun with other people. It will be a memorable day! At "Oceans and Seas", you will get to propose new solutions, concepts (services, products) in areas such as shellfish, sea, tourism, beach, marine animals, ecology, pleasure, offshore energy, water sports ...
Hackathon Mers et Océans
27 May - 12:00 AM
Boulogne-sur-Mer, France
Journée de créativité autour des mers et des océans