Showing results 51 to 60 out of 85
Hackathon Anti-pollution
27 May - 12:00 AM
Paris, France
The Anti-pollution Hackathon is inviting all coders, Graphic designers, UX, and Contractors to develop a complete a product in 48 hours that will resolve modern pollution problems. This is a broad topic to code on so you are free to let your creativity go wild. Come meet the needs of private users (startups, service developers, consultants, ...) and/or public (local authorities, State services ...) and leave with products that are full of innovation!
Hackathon l'innovation frugale au service de la "Smart" Food et Agriculture
26 May - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
Come to this hackathon as an individual or as a team to propose and build innovative projects in the field of Smart Food and Agriculture!
11 May - 12:00 AM
Nantes, France
Welcome to the after-work developer battle! This fun event will give you the opportunity to show off your developer skills to the world and connect with fellow hackers. Come after work to code, drink, take on 4 different JavaScript challenges, challenge and share your experiences with other developers!
    TM Forum {open}:hack Building Smart Sustainable Cities
    06 May - 04:00 PM
    Nice, France
    This is an opportunity for you to bring your product and rapidly build innovative new prototype solutions on an open ecosystem platform. Experiment with the open platform, Open APIs and creative new solutions exposed by others in the hack. You will be able to networking with Application Designers, Usability experts, Developers, Data Scientists, Entrepreneurs and Enterprise Developers both international and local, as well as expert mentors at the Open Competitive Hackathon. Criteria for winning: -        Impact Completeness Best use of platform provided For more details check out the full website here
      03 May - 06:30 PM
      Rennes, France
      The BreizhCamp team is inviting you to participate in a collective effort to make their tools call-for-papers a multi-line conference service and community. Many things can be done on this day including: recovering code, conversion of basic access to use a "TenantID", recovery of the UI, creating a multi-conferences IU transverse, infra and many more. Everyone is welcome !
      Culturathon 2016
      29 Apr - 12:00 AM
      Paris, France
      The first event of its kind, Culturathon invites writers, coders, artists, athletes to work together to create an app or prototype that transforms the field of sport or culture. The projects will be assessed by a jury and winners will have the chance to hone their idea via the Louvre Lens Vallée incubation program. You’ll also be competing for three prize packs valued at €7000. Partners include Racing Club de Lens, Amazon, and Orange. 48 hours to transform culture and sport with Louvre Lens Vallée.
        Space Apps 2016 : challenge d'innovation de la NASA, un hackathon pas comme les autres
        22 Apr - 07:00 PM
        Lyon, France
        This is the second edition of Space Apps Lyon together with NASA's international innovation. Participants will meet, sympathize and form teams to solve real problems of humanity on earth and in space. There will be more than 10 000 participants in 160 cities in the world! Space Apps will take place over one whole weekend to produce solutions for challenges provided by NASA themselves! The event is mainly aimed for developers, but is open to everyone regardless of their skills! Access to a mobile FabLab will be offered and meals are included. The six different themes offered by NASA include: Earth, aerospace, solar system, space station, travel to Mars and technology.
        22 Apr - 12:00 AM
        Sedan, France
        This is the first hackathon in French Ardennes, you will be immersed in the French Ardennes tourist atmosphere: exceptional historic place, carousing and local beverages, accommodation in rooms of the fortified castle. A full weekend to become an unforgettable memory! Developers and graphic designers are invited to come together and realize an eTourism application.
          Learn Do Share Paris 2016
          09 Apr - 09:30 AM
          Paris, France
          Learn Do Share is an OS (Operating System) based on open and collaborative storytelling, play and design that deploys on events, labs, projects and brings together an international community of innovators who believe in the power of creativity. This is an annual three day event for innovators, entrepreneurs, students, professionals, researchers audiovisual sectors of the web, transmedia, video games, design, entertainment, around innovative content and storytelling.
          Hackathon E-santé
          08 Apr - 07:00 PM
          Levallois-Perret, France
          This is a hackathon on E-health, inviting you to come and code for 48 hours and develop e-health implementation to improve the course of care of patients with cancer, using the aid of the ResearchKit technologies and Apple healthKit. The code will be 100% yours and cash prizes are up for grabs!