Showing results 11 to 16 out of 16
29 Aug - 08:00 AM
Tangerang, Indonesia
BIOS stands for Building Informatics' Competitive Soul. Our hackathon main theme is "Improving the Society". Participants can choose between Life Style, Health Care, and Non-Game Creative Industry for their problem theme. Hackathon participants (max. 30 groups) must learn and use AI ReNom Framework in making their prototype, without platform limitation (web, mobile, desktop).
Pertamina Energy Hackathon 2.0
24 Aug - 11:05 PM
Jakarta, Indonesia
Pertamina Energy Hackathon adalah acara hackathon tahunan yang diadakan bagi para developer Indonesia berbakat yang tertarik untuk memecahkan permasalahan dalam industri energi melalui teknologi ICT terbaru. Pertamina Energy Hackathon 2.0 menantang para developer Indonesia untuk memecahkan permasalahan di industri energi dalam negeri.
BNCC Hackathon 2.0: “Code Your Idea, Discover Your Future”
15 Jun - 09:00 AM
South Jakarta, Indonesia
Halo Tech Enthusiast!
Tahun ini, BNCC kembali hadir dengan BNCC Hackathon 2.0: “Code Your Idea, Discover Your Future” dimana kalian ditantang untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah dengan menggunakan solusi IT yang kreatif
BNCC Hackathon 2.0 ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari: Sabtu-Minggu
Tanggal: 15-16 Juni 2019
Tempat: GOJEK HQ (Lantai 7)
Registrasi BNCC Hackathon 2.0 masih dibuka sampai 8 Juni 2019
Segera daftarkan tim kalian & menangkan hadiah UANG PULUHAN JUTA rupiah dan benefit lainnya!
Break the Fake Hackathon 2019 - Jakarta
15 Jun - 08:00 AM
Jakarta, Indonesia
Break the Fake Hackathon - Addressing the Asian Struggle Against Fake News and Disinformation through Technology
Take the challenge! Join the Break the Fake Hackathon 2019 and build Digital solutions (website, web app, mobile app, etc.) to fight this pressing issue of fake news and disinformation.
Break the Fake Hackathon 2019 aims to explore the best innovations and creative ideas that address this global issue, with the goal of unifying different efforts on addressing fake news and possibly funding some of the best ideas.
The Hackathon is made possible through the YSEALI Seeds of the Future 2019. The YSEALI Seeds for the Future program, now celebrating its fifth year, is sponsored by U.S. Department of State and is funded through a grant from the U.S. Mission to ASEAN. This is the third year Cultural Vistas will administer the program.
Some examples of innovations we're looking for are: - Platform database of all anti-fake news organizations- Online database of fake news sites - Anti-Fake News Content Portal- Crowdsourced Mobile App that identifies whether a news content is true or not
It can also be very niche-based or industry specific. Examples are:- Responsive app that identifies whether an applicant's credentials are true or not- A mapping tool that maps traffic sources of a social sentiment in an online platform
Eligible Participants
We’re looking for innovative and experienced minds who has what it takes to make something great. Join us and let's hack against fake news and disinformation.
The Hackathon is open to Professionals (startup teams, corporate-employed or freelance) and/or students with a background in Mobile App Development, Business Development and Marketing. Individuals who apply must be 18 years old and above
------How to join?
Break the Fake Hackathon is intended as a team competition. Teams should be composed of 3 people.
Registration: Participants may either register as a pre-formed team or as individuals looking for teammates.
Registration Page: Register yourself here in Eventbrite or in the website (
Screening and Selection: The organizers will be selecting up to 15 teams based on the information provided in the application. The selected teams will be notified through email and will be qualified to join the Break the Fake Hackathon Proper.
The hackathon will be launched online, and all selected teams will present during the local demo day. All team members should be present during the Local Demo Day in their respective cities.
Submission – all projects must be submitted in Break the Fake's account, with a link to GitHub project.
Teams are required to present working prototypes during designated presentation and judging time.
All output of the teams including codes/designs created during Break the Fake Hackathon 2019 will be owned by the participants. If the organizers find interest in the solutions, the organizers will contact the participants for a possible engagement.
1st Place - Php 100,000 + P10,000, flight and accommodation to Manila, access to Rappler's Social Good Summit, mentoring and networking opportunities with YSEALI Manila, pitching opportunities to funders, field visit to local tech offices in Metro Manila2nd Place - Php 10,000, flight and accommodation to Manila, mentoring and networking opportunities with YSEALI Manila, pitching opportunities to funders, field visit to local tech offices in Metro Manila3rd Place - Php 10,000, flight and accommodation to Manila, mentoring and networking opportunities with YSEALI Manila, pitching opportunities to funders, field visit to local tech offices in Metro Manila
For questions, send us questions at
This event is sponsored by the YSEALI Seeds of the Future 2019, as managed by Cultural Vistas, and co-implemented by the Break the Fake Movement and Y-loop Digital Solutions.
RESPECTACULAR! - UNPAD Hackathon Weekend
22 Feb - 09:00 AM
Jatinangor, Indonesia
UNPAD Respectacular adalah sebuah hackathon yang diadakan pada akhir minggu, dimana seluruh komunitas, programmer, developer, desainer, startup, enterpreneur, dan tentu saja keluarga besar UNPAD, diundang untuk bersama-sama merealisasikan gagasan kita dan menghasilkan karya baru yang spektakuler.
Silakan daftarkan diri atau tim kamu melalui form berikut ini :
Let’s Talk: “How Can Startups Work Effectively with Corporations”
24 Jan - 05:30 PM
Kebayoran Baru, Indonesia
Startups are out-inventing corporations, leading to partnerships between the two to pursue co-innovation via accelerators and hackathons. Startup creativity and agility are a complementary match for corporate scale and standardization. Learn what traits startups should look for in corporate partners.
Aloysius Budi Santoso, Chief Corporate Human Capital Development, PT Astra International TbkJoko Christianto, Assistant Vice President IT Strategy and Planning, Bank BNIWesley Harjono, Managing Director, GK-Plug and Play Indonesia
Moderated by Jeko Iqbal, Technology Journalist, Liputan 6