Showing results 1 to 10 out of 21
Homepreneur Workshop-Online Webinar (Bandung)
21 Sep - 08:00 PM
Bandungan, Indonesia
Homepreneur Workshop-Online Webinar (Bandung)
Develop Your Own Successful Virtual Reality Startup!| VR Startup Hackathon
11 Aug - 01:00 PM
Jakarta, Indonesia
Develop a Successful Virtual Reality VR Tech Startup Business Today! VR Startup Hackathon | VR Startup Workshop | VR Startup Class
Entrepreneurship for Beginners - Startup | Entrepreneur Hackathon Webinar
28 Jul - 01:00 PM
Jakarta, Indonesia
Entrepreneurship for Beginners - Startup | Entrepreneur Hackathon Webinar | Startup Event | Startup Conference | Startup Pitch | Startups
Entrepreneurship for Beginners - Startup | Entrepreneur Hackathon Webinar
21 Jul - 01:00 PM
Jakarta, Indonesia
Entrepreneurship for Beginners - Startup | Entrepreneur Hackathon Webinar | Startup Event | Startup Conference | Startup Pitch | Startups
Entrepreneurship for Beginners - Startup | Entrepreneur Hackathon Webinar
14 Jul - 01:00 PM
Jakarta, Indonesia
Entrepreneurship for Beginners - Startup | Entrepreneur Hackathon Webinar | Startup Event | Startup Conference | Startup Pitch | Startups
Entrepreneurship for Beginners - Startup | Entrepreneur Hackathon Webinar
07 Jul - 01:00 PM
Jakarta, Indonesia
Entrepreneurship for Beginners - Startup | Entrepreneur Hackathon Webinar | Startup Event | Startup Conference | Startup Pitch | Startups
ADB-AIM Hackathon 2020: Shaping the New Normal
30 Jun - 01:00 PM
Jakarta, Indonesia
$US 10,000 to pilot solution
Startup types, techie professionals, students, and the general public in Indonesia! The Asian Development Bank and Asian Institute of Management invite you to participate in the ADB-AIM Hackathon 2020: Shaping the New Normal. You'll be tasked with coming up with an innovative solution that can help restore economic activity in the post-COVID-19 environment. You'll get to address one or more of the following challenges:
Tracking the real-time economic impact of COVID-19,
Using earth observation data to monitor the economic activity in select countries in Asia, or
Increasing credit access of Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME).
Compete in Jakarta for a chance to win $US10,000 to pilot test your solution, as well as ADB incubation and access funding support for implementation.
Be prepared to participate with the best hackathon advice.
Entrepreneurship for Beginners - Startup | Entrepreneur Hackathon Webinar
30 Jun - 01:00 PM
Jakarta, Indonesia
Entrepreneurship for Beginners - Startup | Entrepreneur Hackathon Webinar | Startup Event | Startup Conference | Startup Pitch | Startups
Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Startup Business
26 Jun - 01:00 PM
Jakarta, Indonesia
Learn to Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Tech Startup Business Today!
Develop a Successful Healthcare Tech Startup Business Today!
26 Jun - 01:00 PM
Jakarta, Indonesia
Develop a Successful Healthcare Tech Startup Business Today! Medical - Digital Health -Hackathon - Virtual - Webinar