Showing results 11 to 14 out of 14
Wikipedia Editing Hackathon
10 Oct - 10:30 AM
Limerick, Ireland
IxDA Limerick is organising a one day event on learning how to become a Wikipedia contributor.
Two experienced wikipedians- Rebecca O'Neill and Shannon Eichelberger from the Wikimedia Community Ireland- will guide our steps.
As the event is part of the series of IxDA events supported by ID2015- A Year of Irish Design, we are planning to focus on adding new articles (or expanding existing ones) on the topic of Irish Design.
CoderGirlHackDay@DCU 10am - 4pm
10 Oct - 10:00 AM
Dublin 11, Ireland
CoderDojoGirls, GirlsHackIreland, CodingGrace and TOG Dublin
Coder Girl Hack Day to celebrate International Day of the Girl.
CoderDojoGirls, GirlsHackIreland, Coding Grace, TOG Dublin and Intel have combined forces for an artsy themed coding hackathon to celebrate International Day Of the Girl.
This is a one day event focusing on programming music and developing game apps. If you've never coded before this is the right place to start! If you've coded before, betcha you've not programmed music using Sonic Pi or made a story-telling game with Fungus Games & Unity3D.
You may be curious about hardware, the TOG Dublin team are gearing up to run an awesome hardware hack. The day will also feature talks from amazing women working in the Games Industry, Jen Carey from Havok and Elaine Reynolds from Simteractive .
Mentors will be available to support all who attend. Parents who are interested will have the opportunity to learn Python.There will also be a Stem Ed workshop for any teachers who wish to attend.
* Participants under 17 must be accompanied by an adult.
* Kids must have a laptop
More Information
If you have further questions, post on the google group!forum/coderdojo-dcu.
NOTE: We do not reply to emails from Eventbrite. Please use the forum to post a question. Thanks a mill.
DCU Innovation Campus
How to get to DCU Innovation Campus
GPS Co-Ordinates are 53.3764597,-6.270683
M50 Directions:
Exit the M50 at the Ballymun exit.
Head in the direction of the city centre. Drive past Ballymun, drive straight through Collins Ave crossroads. Drive past Albert Collage Park, drive tworards the next cross roads, before the cross roads, change lane to turn right for Ballymun Road. Drive 100 yards, and turn left for Ballymun Road. Drive to the end of Ballymun Road, the Met office is on the left, the Innovation Center is on the right.
What is Coder Dojo?
We hacked together a cool hangout that puts the real power of the internet and technology in the hands of the Irish youth. The true power of the net comes from coding, designing and having fun. CoderDojo is a place where you can learn from others and share what you are doing! Each week we have a hands on session with technologies like HTML5, App Development, PHP or Python. See
What is CodingGrace?
Coding Grace are a group of developers based in Ireland who love to code and do other geeky and not necessarily crafty activities. Some of us code full-time, or just for fun (or both). We have people who are part of other technical user groups such as Dublin ALT.NET, GameCraft, Python Ireland, Ruby Ireland and more, We provide female-friendly workshops and events in an environment for developers and aspiring developers mentored by diverse instructors from the industry. See for more details. See
What is Girls Hack Ireland?
Girls Hack Ireland is a program developed by The Insight Centre for Data Analytics (@insight_centre) with the aim of generating knowledge & interest among younger girls to pursue the academic disciplines of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects through creative, interactive learning. See
TOG Dublin
TOG is a hackerspace based in the centre of Dublin, Ireland. It is a shared space where members have a place to be creative and work on their projects in an environment that is both inspiring and supportive of both new and old technologies. See
The CoderGirlHack team
CoderDojo Limerick 3rd October 2015
03 Oct - 11:00 AM
Limerick, Ireland
MEGADOJO is only a week away!!!
Volunteers Urgently Needed – If your children will be attending megadojo and you can offer your time for a part of the day please let us know this Saturday. You do not need any coding experience, or any technical knowledge, all information that will be needed will be supplied on the day. To get more information please follow this link.
MegaDojo is shaping up to be quite a day J There are going to be loads of different events and talks happening on the day. We’ll have coding workshops, demos from companies (big and small), talks and a hackathon. And all this FREE! Don’t forget to follow coderdojomidwest on facebook and twitter to keep up to date with what is happening. You can book your tickets here -
If you were in the SCRATCH group last week you might want to check out this link for some updates and a quick revision for next week.
Please make sure to scroll down and Book your Ticket for this weeks Coderdojo by clicking on the “Attend Event” button at the bottom of this email in order to alleviate the queues on Saturday morning.
For all the latest news from Coderdojo check out this link and
Book your place for this Saturdays Coderdojo below and we look forward to seeing you all there,
The Limerick Coderdojo team
Very Important:
To satisfy insurance, health and safety, and child protection requirements, it is necessary that members under 13 have a parent or a named responsible adult present for the full duration of their stay. So that we can know who is responsible for each young member, we require a supervisor reserved ticket with the name of the person staying with the young member.
Members will not be allowed into rooms until 11am and we ask that you be there on time so that we can minimise the disruption caused by members arriving late. (Please let us know by email in advance if you will be late).
Tidy up will start at 1.45pm and while we encourage parents to be there at this time, we ask that you do not take away any members until all the rooms are back to the way they were when we arrived. LIT are now using the rooms every Monday morning so this is important.
What you need to bring:
A packed lunch.
If you have one, a laptop.
A parent! (Very important if you are under 13).
If you have not done so already please make sure and fill out the registration form available here. Please print, sign and return the email you receive on your first visit to the dojo.
We accept people all the time, so if you want to start just book your place and turn up on the day; the existing members help bring you up to speed.
Contact details:
Twitter: @coderdojolim
CoderDojo Limerick 26th Sept 2015
26 Sep - 11:00 AM
Limerick, Ireland
Read on to find out all about our BIG HUGE EVENT coming up this October!
Bookings are starting to fly in for our MegaDojo on October 10th. Have you booked your ticket yet? If not head on over to Next week we'll be announcing details of the workshops and the hackathon. This week however we have some news about who will be joining us on the day.
First up is Stephen Howell from Microsoft who is a very entertaining speaker. He’ll be giving two talks on the day - Kinect2Scratch and Live App Coding. These are talks you don’t want to miss. We also have the Science Hub Team from the Limerick Learning Hub joining us for a Science Magic Show and the guys from Fab Lab Limerick will be running a 3d printing demo on the day
For more updates – keep an eye on our facebook page. And please invite your friends to join us on the day - we're aiming for 1024 participants
Please make sure to scroll down and Book your Ticket for this weeks Coderdojo by clicking on the “Attend Event” button at the bottom of this email in order to alleviate the queues on Saturday morning.
For all the latest news from Coderdojo check out this link and
Book your place for this Saturdays Coderdojo below and we look forward to seeing you all there,
The Limerick Coderdojo team
Very Important:
To satisfy insurance, health and safety, and child protection requirements, it is necessary that members under 13 have a parent or a named responsible adult present for the full duration of their stay. So that we can know who is responsible for each young member, we require a supervisor reserved ticket with the name of the person staying with the young member.
Members will not be allowed into rooms until 11am and we ask that you be there on time so that we can minimise the disruption caused by members arriving late. (Please let us know by email in advance if you will be late).
Tidy up will start at 1.45pm and while we encourage parents to be there at this time, we ask that you do not take away any members until all the rooms are back to the way they were when we arrived. LIT are now using the rooms every Monday morning so this is important.
What you need to bring:
A packed lunch.
If you have one, a laptop.
A parent! (Very important if you are under 13).
If you have not done so already please make sure and fill out the registration form available here. Please print, sign and return the email you receive on your first visit to the dojo.
We accept people all the time, so if you want to start just book your place and turn up on the day; the existing members help bring you up to speed.
Contact details:
Twitter: @coderdojolim