Showing results 11 to 20 out of 26
Dublin Wia Workshop: Build Your Own IoT Button
19 Sep - 06:00 PM
Dublin, Ireland
This event is in partner with Learning Tech Labs! Learn how to connect to build your own easy to use IoT Button using off the shelf parts and controlled by our intuitive Wia platform. The best part, no programming experience required.
Learn the basics of prototyping and project building with something you can take home! All you need is your laptop and we will provide the rest.
13 Sep - 06:00 PM
Dublin 1, Ireland
The second Hack Access Dublin hackathon event was held in Google in November 2017.
As it was even bigger and better than the first one in 2016 we believe that a movement is beginning to happen here in Dublin. This movement is about Dublin's startup community and innovators from the fields of design, engineering, technology and business, coming together to use their skills to create a more inclusive and diverse city.
The purpose of the Hack Access Dublin Community, which runs on a bi-monthly basis, is to grow a community of purposeful innovators who're committed to solving the challenges which exclude people with disabilities from not just Dublin, but around Ireland and the world.
We are a team who thinks BIG but we cannot spread this movement without your help!
This is Hack Access Dublin's fourth and final Community Event before the hackathon on 2-4 November. We are using it as an opportunity to prepare prospective participants for the hackathon and give volunteers an overview of what they can expect to help us with over the weekend.
This meetup will be informative, inspiring and sociable!
For details please visit
Follow us on: @hackaccessdub
Accessibility in UX
28 Aug - 06:00 PM
Dublin 7, Ireland
Accessibility in UX
According to The World Bank, 1 billion people (15% of the world’s population) experience some form of disability, with almost 595,355 people reported having a disability in Ireland according to the Census 2011, which is equivalent to 13% of the population.
Disabilities can be either temporary or permanent and they are usually grouped in four categories: physical (such as cerebral palsy and amputation), sensory (such as autism, hearing impairment, or blindness), intellectual (such as Down syndrome or Fragile X Syndrome, and mental illness (including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder).
Event agenda:
18:00 - Arrive18:15 - Food and Drinks18:45 -Talk about Accessibility in UX by Ruchi Palan
----- Lightning talks -----
19:15 - My OpenIDEO Experience: A Platform to Harness Collaboration for Social Good by Louise Clifford, UX Design Intern from Workday
19:30 - Discussion panel on Accessiblity moderated by David Pollard with guests Talita Hozer and Ruchi
19:50 - Drinks & Network
20:30 - Close
Dr. Ruchi Palan is an experienced researcher in the field of disability, higher education and employment. Passionate about increasing the visibility and representation of people with disabilities in diversity and inclusion agendas, she works to sensitise employers about disability and empower people with disabilities with relevant employable skills. Some of her engagements include mentoring participants at Hack Access Dublin hackathon, co-facilitating autism awareness training for staff of Rehab group, organising a website-building workshop for teens with intellectual disabilities, developing a mobile application for print-disabled students in India, etc. With a strong belief in putting users at the centre, she leverages her academic knowledge and real-world experience to create meaningful collaborations between people with and without disabilities. Her interests include in a participatory approach, universal design and user-centred design.
Talita Holzer is the CEO and co-founder of the award-winning startup waytoB, with the mission to use technology to help people with intellectual disabilities become more independent. She is from Brazil and graduated from Trinity College with a degree in Engineering with Management. She is interested in using UX Design to create better solutions for everyone - including groups that are usually left out of the design process.
David Pollard is A finalist in JCI’s Top 10 Outstanding Young Persons in Dublin 2018, David Pollard is the Innovation Projects Manager at the Rehab Group. He was also an Institute of the Future fellow for his work on positive platforms to support people with disabilities in employment and his projects include creating smart rooms for people with disabilities to live more independently have appeared in Forbes: David is the organiser of Hack Access Dublin, a 3-day event to create innovative solutions to the city’s accessibility challenges. This has over 200 attendees and a +23 million reach on social media.
Luana Cavalcanti is a woman in tech leader, Unesco Award for Human Rights 2004, Ladies that UX Dublin chapter founder / city leader and currently UX/UI designer for TradeIX. She graduated in tourism in Brazil and in Digital Technology and Design from DIT.
*Thanks to our Media Partners Learning Labs and #HackAccessDublin
PS: This is an event organised by Ladies that UX Dublin and focused on women in tech, male allies are always welcome and we encourage men to promote or bring a female friend to attend the event.
Wia Workshop: Build Your Own End-to-End Security System
27 Jun - 11:33 AM
Dublin, Ireland
Learn the basics of prototyping and project building with something you can take home! All you need is your laptop and we will provide the rest.
Don't miss out on this great evening of learning, building, snacking, and becoming makers! The best part, no programming experience required.
What We Will Be Using:
PIR sensor
Micro USB cable (Data)
Female-to-female jumper wires
Hackathon @ TOG, Dublin: Finishathon edition
23 Jun - 10:00 AM
Dublin 8, Ireland
At TOG, we love hacking, and we have a lot of projects lying around, so we want to try to finish some of them. That’s why we are having a one-day community Hackathon and the theme is Finish a Project! Don’t worry if you have a huge project that might take longer to finish, just finish a part of it. The event is free and open to everyone to attend, if you don’t have a project you can help someone else.
The day starts at 10 with breakfast, then you can present your project or join another team. There’s no official prize, but there might be a few unofficial ones, but mainly a sense of achievement.What can you work on at the hackathon?You can work on anything, it’s a really open Hackathon.* Some people will be working on finishing Dublin Maker projects.* Are you coding something you want to finish?* Want to fix a bug in an open source project?* Finish writing something, design something?* Finish an electronics kit you have lying around?What should I bring to the hackathon?* Bring whatever you need, there might be some spare parts or components at TOG.* Bringing a laptop is a good idea.* This is a one-day event so be ready to take home what you make.
Dublin Hackathon 2018, Co-organized by AngelHack and Google Dublin
16 Jun - 09:00 AM
Dublin, Ireland
Irish coders, designers, and entrepreneurs! AngelHack and Google Dublin invite you to sign up to participate in the Dublin Hackathon 2018. Compete on your own, or collaborate as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. This year’s theme is Seamless Technology. You're not limited! Build an app that solves a social or environmental problem and positively impacts your local community -- you might win the Code For A Cause Impact Award. Or accept the Google Smart City challenge to make smart cities more inclusive, or go for IBM's Call for Code challenge to improve logistics based on traffic and weather activity. The AngelHack Grand Prize will be awarded to the project that is innovative without limits and brings positive change to the world.
Prepare yourself with the best hackathon advice!
Science Hack Day Dublin 2018 (There's No Snow Stopping Us Now Edition)
21 Apr - 10:00 AM
Dublin, Ireland
Science Hack Day is an all-day-all-night event that brings scientists, engineers, computer scientists, designers and together to find solutions (hacks) to real-life problems and questions during a brief but intense period of collaboration (36 hours).
It's free, community run and we want *everyone* to come along! This is our sixth adventure, let's make it our best. We have only two rules, you have to be over 18 and don't be on fire.
Check out the ideas people have suggested this year
and add your own ideas for this year->
Or just casually wander the boulevardes of
Frequently Asked Questions
Didn't you run this last month?
Snow we didn't. So we are rescheduling to the warnth of April.
What the diddly is going on?
Science Hack Day Dublin is going on. This is our sixth year of adventure. Diddly? Really?
Do you have a date for 2018?
Are you asking? Well, o.k then but we have to be back by 11 and no funny business. In all seriousness, we’re the guerrillas of science. We don’t announce gigs. We hit, then we sink back into the night. More accurately it is on the 21st and 22nd of April 2018 in our friendly Dublin Hackerspace, TOG.
Ah yes, a Science Hack Day and how do I buy one? I'll take three.
It's a FREE to attend event, you don't buy one, and it would never fit in your car (even with the back seats down). A Science Hack Day is all-day-all-night event that brings together inquisitive and creative minds to one place, to make wonderful things. Designers, developers, engineers, scientists and artists proudly bring their A-game to the same physical space for a brief but intense period of collaboration, making, hacking, and building of ‘cool stuff'. By collaborating on focused tasks during this short period, small groups of makers are capable of producing remarkable results.
How can it be free? other hackathons are 40 euro? are you a group of eccentric billionaires?
We are group of volunteers who work our fingers to the bone to run this thing. We don't believe in barriers for entry. We believe in chewing bubble gum and running an awesome hackathon. And, you guessed it, we like movie quotes. This is why we can have nice things. We also have great sponsors who believe in what we are doing and we are always appreciative of more help.
What’s a Hack? Will I get in trouble? Do I need a letter from my parents?
No, a hack is a quick solution to a problem – maybe not the most elegant solution, but often the cleverest. It can be hardware or software or a mix of both. It could involve mixing up data from different sources in new and interesting ways or it might be the life changing step of adding the internet to your toaster. Simple, serious, fun or useful, it is all good.
Wait it is in a hackerspace this year? I know exactly what that is, but you tell me, so I know you know?
Fair enough. A hackerspace is a physical community space where its maker members work on projects together. The one in Dublin is called TOG and they have kindly offered to host this years event. It is the ideal location for a hackathon, with access to tools (3d printers, Laser cutter, plastic ducks) and full of nice people who share our community and educational values.
Your jib is cutting to my liking, who is this for?
Science Hack Day is for anyone with an interest in making new things. If you’re a coder, designer, scientist, maker or simply an enthusiastic person with good ideas, Science Hack Day is for you. It is a social event with creativity and love of science at it's heart. This is not work! We don't secretly want you to create a start-up from this. Let's just make some cool stuff, eat some free food and have fun. We have two rules, you have to be over 18 & don't be on fire.
I'm there! give me the run down daddio?
Hmmm. Here is the schedule. The day with starts with some very quick "lightning talks" where people can pitch ideas they would like to work on. After this everyone breaks into teams (usually of 4-6 people) and starts working on bringing that idea to life. You don't have to come with a team and it is not unusual for people to float around a few different groups before settling on an idea they like. It might sound a little daunting if it is your first hackathon, but it is a really friendly atmosphere and we promise your skills, whatever they are will be useful and welcome... daddio.
I'm hungry!
We will be providing 3 meals on Saturday and 2 on Sunday. All for free. Depending on how soon the event is from when you are reading this you may want to consider having a light snack.
I get scared at night-time, will you leave the light on for me?
The event will be in full flow all throughout Saturday night. Will supply the necessary caffeine to make this happen, but if you do want to get a few hours of sneaky sleep bring a sleeping bag. About 30-40% of people stay over and it is honestly great craic, but we also understand that some people do have homes to go to, and kidnap is illegal, so finding your own bed and returning in the morning to continue hacking fresh as a daisy is a fine option.
Does this hackathon have a "Theme"?
Nah, we don't have theme. Some hackathons do, a lot happen to correspond to the business interests of their big sponsor. It is like they have run out of ideas and want your best ones. Why would people want to go to an event like that? On their weekend, sounds horrible. We couldn't give a flying duck what you build, once you are enjoying yourself we are happy. Our sponsors support the open ended creativity and freedom to choose the any/right tools for each project. We love them for that.
Wait isn't your "Theme" science?
We use science as a shorthand to mean everything. Try making anything without it.
Will there be prizes? I collect shiny things
Yes, there are 7 different categories, traditionally you win plastic medal with "science champion" on it. Last year's budget cuts meant it was wood, this year we may push the limits of material science again.
Of course bragging rights are the biggest prize of all.
I like to go to events and act like a complete chump biscuit.
Please stay at home. Science Hack Day Dublin is an inclusive event based on treating all individuals respectfully, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or software preferences. So please don’t be nasty or mean. Be nice. Be considerate. Be civil. It’s easy. You can find our full code of conduct here. We pride ourselves on being Ireland's friendliest hackathon!
Is this a boy's club? Boys and their silly toys.
Certainly not. Ireland is blessed with with great female makers/hackers and they have been rocking Science Hack Day since we started this adventure. Each year our gender split has been moving towards steadily towards equality and it is something we take seriously. Last year 30% of the attendees were female.
What sort of things get made? I made a 100 piece jigsaw once.
Yes that is very impressive, but maybe you will be more impressed by projects made in previous years (2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012). Before the event kicks off you can add any project ideas to the list of projects by filling out the short form here. About half the projects are thought up beforehand and the other half are born on the day.
Are you going to steal my ideas and intellectual property? Should I bring my tinfoil hat? which is patent pending by the way!
What you make is yours. We don't want or claim any of it. Sure, where would we put it? The house is a mess, the "spare room" is full of junk. No, you keep it.
O.k I nearly get it, but I am bored reading this FAQ , I'll give you one more chance to convince me.
Still not convinced? if you come, an unidodo (half unicorn, half dodo bird) will present you with a childhood toy you thought you had lost forever.
Ulster Bank Hackathon 2018, Dublin
13 Apr - 06:00 PM
Dublin, Ireland
Come and experience an event of a lifetime at the Ulster Bank #BankOfAPIs Hackathon! Ulster Bank is excited to announce its annual Hackathon, in partnership with Dogpatch Labs. Spend 48 intense hours collaborating in a team of coders, designers, entrepreneurs and business people to create a working prototype to showcase. Come with a cool idea and watch it come to life within a short span of time.
Themes & Challenges?
The brief is to deliver innovative solutions around themes of financial services to enable ‘open banking’. Open banking is the vision that banks are transforming from relatively closed IT structures to structures that are more ‘open’, connected and better able to communicate with each other. This will lead to improved levels of service by enriching the banks capability with a whole range of targeted niche solutions in addition to broader personal financial management capability.
Nearer the time, we will communicate specific areas that we are interested in.
This time, we will have two parallel streams running - one with RBS group staff teams (internal teams) and the other stream with external members. The prizes will be different, but both equally exciting - promise!
Let’s get started!
Come and pitch your idea to the crowd to invite team members. Or join a team whose idea you want to work on. Spend the two days building a working prototype and a solid pitch to support it. Finally, present to senior business leaders in Banking and Technology to stand a chance to win super cool prizes.
Happy to support you!
There will be on-ground support. Engineers will help you with technical queries and mentors will guide you towards the perfect pitch. RBS’s banking API sandbox ‘BlueBank’ will also be available for you to integrate with and test what your app can do with real world bank data.
In the end, a great couple of days will be had with food, drinks, ideas, and all the works. The only requirement is to come with a lot of bright ideas and enthusiasm!
More questions?
Click here to see the agenda.
Check out our FAQs or DM us @BankOfAPIs
Glucksman Library's Hackathon for Wikipedia
22 Mar - 11:00 AM
Castletroy, Ireland
Great care and attention is required in the judicious use of online sources in academic work. No online source has gained more publicity than Wikipedia, whose distrust perhaps stems from a misunderstanding of how it works in real terms.
Wikipedia’s many volunteers globally perform updates to help build the encyclopaedia and improve the quality of Wikipedia for all. Wikipedia is increasingly being used by lecturers and librarians In the development of digital skills and critical thinking.
Supported by Wikimedia Ireland’s Dr Rebecca O’Neill, UL’s Michelle Breen and Sinéad Keogh will host a Wikipedia Hackathon at the Glucksman Library on March 22nd.
This workshop on how to edit Wikipedia will help to evaporate the many misconceptions that persist with this online resource. According to Wikimedia Ireland’s Rebecca O’Neill, “even a brief introduction to editing illustrates quickly how rigorous the standards are on Wikipedia in relation to references and plagiarism, as well as how quickly vandalism can be reverted and even minor errors be corrected”.
Wikipedia has a significant backlog of wikis that editors can update. In this Wikipedia Hackathon participants will gain the skills to join a global community and develop expertise in finding information and using those skills to make Wikipedia a better, more reliable place, one citation at a time!
After attending this Wikipedia Hackathon, participants will have learned how to:
• Edit Wikipedia
• Find articles that are in need of edit
• Add reliable citations.
This event at UL is organised as part of the pan-European All Digital Week
GMIT Hackathon 2018
15 Mar - 09:30 AM
Galway, Ireland
GMIT Hackathon 2018, powered by Bank of Ireland and Microsoft
Theme: Education
* Currently only open to 4th Year students of Software Development, GMIT *