Showing results 21 to 26 out of 26
Science Hack Day Dublin 2018
03 Mar - 09:30 AM
Dublin, Ireland
Science Hack Day is an all-day-all-night event that brings scientists, engineers, computer scientists, designers and together to find solutions (hacks) to real-life problems and questions during a brief but intense period of collaboration (36 hours).
It's free, community run and we want *everyone* to come along! This is our sixth adventure, let's make it our best. We have only two rules, you have to be over 18 and don't be on fire.
Check out the last years ideas
and add your own ideas for this year->
Or just casually wander the boulevardes of
Frequently Asked Questions
What the diddly is going on?
Science Hack Day Dublin is going on. This is our sixth year of adventure. Diddly? Really?
Do you have a date for 2018?
Are you asking? Well, o.k then but we have to be back by 11 and no funny business. In all seriousness, we’re the guerrillas of science. We don’t announce gigs. We hit, then we sink back into the night. More accurately it is on the 3rd and 4th of March 2018 in our friendly Dublin Hackerspace, TOG.
Ah yes, a Science Hack Day and how do I buy one? I'll take three.
It's a FREE to attend event, you don't buy one, and it would never fit in your car (even with the back seats down). A Science Hack Day is all-day-all-night event that brings together inquisitive and creative minds to one place, to make wonderful things. Designers, developers, engineers, scientists and artists proudly bring their A-game to the same physical space for a brief but intense period of collaboration, making, hacking, and building of ‘cool stuff'. By collaborating on focused tasks during this short period, small groups of makers are capable of producing remarkable results.
How can it be free? other hackathons are 40 euro? are you a group of eccentric billionaires?
We are group of volunteers who work our fingers to the bone to run this thing. We don't believe in barriers for entry. We believe in chewing bubble gum and running an awesome hackathon. And, you guessed it, we like movie quotes. This is why we can have nice things. We also have great sponsors who believe in what we are doing and we are always appreciative of more help.
What’s a Hack? Will I get in trouble? Do I need a letter from my parents?
No, a hack is a quick solution to a problem – maybe not the most elegant solution, but often the cleverest. It can be hardware or software or a mix of both. It could involve mixing up data from different sources in new and interesting ways or it might be the life changing step of adding the internet to your toaster. Simple, serious, fun or useful, it is all good.
Wait it is in a hackerspace this year? I know exactly what that is, but you tell me, so I know you know?
Fair enough. A hackerspace is a physical community space where its maker members work on projects together. The one in Dublin is called TOG and they have kindly offered to host this years event. It is the ideal location for a hackathon, with access to tools (3d printers, Laser cutter, plastic ducks) and full of nice people who share our community and educational values.
Your jib is cutting to my liking, who is this for?
Science Hack Day is for anyone with an interest in making new things. If you’re a coder, designer, scientist, maker or simply an enthusiastic person with good ideas, Science Hack Day is for you. It is a social event with creativity and love of science at it's heart. This is not work! We don't secretly want you to create a start-up from this. Let's just make some cool stuff, eat some free food and have fun. We have two rules, you have to be over 18 & don't be on fire.
I'm there! give me the run down daddio?
Hmmm. Here is the schedule. The day with starts with some very quick "lightning talks" where people can pitch ideas they would like to work on. After this everyone breaks into teams (usually of 4-6 people) and starts working on bringing that idea to life. You don't have to come with a team and it is not unusual for people to float around a few different groups before settling on an idea they like. It might sound a little daunting if it is your first hackathon, but it is a really friendly atmosphere and we promise your skills, whatever they are will be useful and welcome... daddio.
I'm hungry!
We will be providing 3 meals on Saturday and 2 on Sunday. All for free. Depending on how soon the event is from when you are reading this you may want to consider having a light snack.
I get scared at night-time, will you leave the light on for me?
The event will be in full flow all throughout Saturday night. Will supply the necessary caffeine to make this happen, but if you do want to get a few hours of sneaky sleep bring a sleeping bag. About 30-40% of people stay over and it is honestly great craic, but we also understand that some people do have homes to go to, and kidnap is illegal, so finding your own bed and returning in the morning to continue hacking fresh as a daisy is a fine option.
Does this hackathon have a "Theme"?
Nah, we don't have theme. Some hackathons do, a lot happen to correspond to the business interests of their big sponsor. It is like they have run out of ideas and want your best ones. Why would people want to go to an event like that? On their weekend, sounds horrible. We couldn't give a flying duck what you build, once you are enjoying yourself we are happy. Our sponsors support the open ended creativity and freedom to choose the any/right tools for each project. We love them for that.
Wait isn't your "Theme" science?
We use science as a shorthand to mean everything. Try making anything without it.
Will there be prizes? I collect shiny things
Yes, there are 7 different categories, traditionally you win plastic medal with "science champion" on it. Last year's budget cuts meant it was wood, this year we may push the limits of material science again.
Of course bragging rights are the biggest prize of all.
I like to go to events and act like a complete chump biscuit.
Please stay at home. Science Hack Day Dublin is an inclusive event based on treating all individuals respectfully, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or software preferences. So please don’t be nasty or mean. Be nice. Be considerate. Be civil. It’s easy. You can find our full code of conduct here. We pride ourselves on being Ireland's friendliest hackathon!
Is this a boy's club? Boys and their silly toys.
Certainly not. Ireland is blessed with with great female makers/hackers and they have been rocking Science Hack Day since we started this adventure. Each year our gender split has been moving towards steadily towards equality and it is something we take seriously. Last year 30% of the attendees were female.
What sort of things get made? I made a 100 piece jigsaw once.
Yes that is very impressive, but maybe you will be more impressed by projects made in previous years (2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012). Before the event kicks off you can add any project ideas to the list of projects by filling out the short form here. About half the projects are thought up beforehand and the other half are born on the day.
Are you going to steal my ideas and intellectual property? Should I bring my tinfoil hat? which is patent pending by the way!
What you make is yours. We don't want or claim any of it. Sure, where would we put it? The house is a mess, the "spare room" is full of junk. No, you keep it.
O.k I nearly get it, but I am bored reading this FAQ , I'll give you one more chance to convince me.
Still not convinced? if you come, an unidodo (half unicorn, half dodo bird) will present you with a childhood toy you thought you had lost forever.
CI/CD Pipeline with Jenkins
09 Feb - 03:00 PM
Letterkenny, Ireland
Learn how to use Jenkins on an Ubuntu 16.04 Virtual Machine. Learn how to integrate your existing Github account with Jenkin to create your first pipeline! This event is part of the Careers in Computing - An ACM Celebration series of events. Mr Michael McGrath of Pramerica will run this event. You can attend the hackathon or this event. You cannot attend both as they run simultaneously.
How to build and deploy a Serverless project!
09 Feb - 01:00 PM
Letterkenny, Ireland
Mariana is a passionate software developer who studied human-computer interaction and usability at RWTH Aachen in Germany, worked at Ericsson with cloud computing and then moved to Sweden and started working at Klarna. The thing Mariana enjoys the most is learning new things! One of her learning journeys led her to discover clojure well enough to teach it to beginners. Now she is developing clojure serverless services with her current team.
Workshop Details:
Maintaining a server physically is a thing of the past now due to Cloud computing. Next is having serverless services that run on demand! It might sound complicated but it is not, join me and walk through setting up your own fun serverless service. I will also share more resources you can use to build on what you have learned.
This event is part of the Careers in Computing - An ACM Celebration series of events. You can attend the hackathon or this event. You cannot attend both as they run simultaneously.
Hackathon - Microsoft & LYIT
09 Feb - 10:00 AM
Letterkenny, Ireland
This hackathon is organised by Microsoft. The event will encourage participants to work in teams to produce a programatic solution to a given theme. We encourage you to join this fun event. Spot prizes will be awarded on the day. This event is part of the Careers in Computing - An ACM Celebration series of events.
GDG Dublin - New Year New Project Hackathon 2018
27 Jan - 10:00 AM
Dublin 4, Ireland
Irish Google developers and hackers! GDG Dublin invites you to participate in their New Year New Project Hackathon 2018. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative Internet of Things project on Android. Bring your laptop and be prepared to amaze!
Hackathon - Blockchain in Aviation
19 Jan - 05:00 PM
Dublin 2, Ireland
Techie students and professionals with an interest in leading-edge technologies in the aviation industry! Comtrade Digital Services invites you to participate in the Blockchain in Aviation Hackathon. In this two-day event, you'll be challenged to design and prototype innovative Blockchain-based solutions for the industry.