Showing results 1 to 10 out of 15
248 Do-A-Thon - Dec 17, 2018
17 Dec - 10:00 AM
Ginosar, Israel
מיזם 248 של הסוכנות היהודית הוא רשת של בוני קהילה, מהארץ ומחו"ל, שעוברים תהליך של לימוד משותף על האתגרים הגדולים של העם היהודי ועל יזמות קהילתית. במהלך השנה הם מתבקשים להוציא לפועל לפחות 2 יוזמות בתוך הקהילה המקומית שלהם. באמצע השנה יש שבוע בישראל ובסוף השנה כנס גלובלי בארה"ב. השנה יש לנו נציגות מ-29 קהילות יהודיות מרחבי העולם!
*בשיאו של השבוע בישראל, נתכנס לאירוע ה"דואתון" (האקתון של פיתוח יוזמות ועשיה חברתית-קהילתית-יהודית) האירוע יתקיים בע"ה ביום שני, ט' טבת תשע"ט, 17 בדצמבר 2018 בין השעות 10:00 - 20:00.*
היום מורכב מהפנינג של השראה, סדנאות, משוב וחשיבה משותפת ולבסוף אירוע חברתי וטעים בו יוצגו הרעיונות של המשתתפים בליווי של מוזיקה חיה.
אנחנו מזמינים אנשים מכל מיני רקעים, כי זה בדיוק מה שגורם ליזמות חברתית להצליח! אנשי קהילה, תרבות, מדיה, מורים, אמנים, אנשי סטרט אפ, שליחים לשעבר, כותבי תוכן וכל מי שיש לו רצון לעזור לפתח ולבנות את הקהילה המקומית שלו ולהתחבר לעם היהודי דרך עשייה מוזמן ומוזמנת בשמחה!
לאירוע בפייסבוק:
לו"ז בתחתית הדף.
We are delighted to invite you to the 248 Community Action Network's Doathon event of 2018!
Community builders and techies, educators and bloggers, historians, scholars, and dreamers-We call on you to bring your talents into the fold!
We care deeply both about our local communities, and about our Jewish cousins abroad. And we're eager to translate our caring into action!
Our hackathon is designed to bring forth innovative ideas that are "easily created, easily replicated". Come learn from one another through exciting brainstorming and feedback sessions. Throughout the day, and with your help, 248 program participants will develop and fine-tune their ideas - initiatives that connect people and build communities.
Join us for an outstanding celebration of Jewish Doing!
248 Doathon. Where Doers get Doing.
8:30- 10:00 Tour of Beit Yigal Allon (for 248 participants)
10:00- 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30- 12:00 Brainstorming happening - Inspiration in each room of the museum
12:00- 12:30 Doers' Reflection in small groups + design your afternoon
13:00- 14:00 Lunch at Nof Ginossar Hotel
14:00- 17:30 Feedback Sessions
1 on 1 with an expert
15:00 Optional tour of Beit Yigal Allon (for guests)
18:00- 20:00 D1-248 Idea Diwan in the mail hall on the 2nd floor, with finger food.
Want a preview? Watch last year's Doathon here רוצים טעימה? צפו בדואתון של שנה שעברה כאן
Elbit iCommunity
18 Nov - 09:00 AM
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
מפגש קהילת הידע בנושא חדשנות של אלביט - Winnovation iCommunity
והפעם - 3 סדנאות - הרישום יבוצע ביום האירוע
- Design Thinking , גיל בנש - iLeader
- Lean Canvas, אסף לוי בארי - iLeader
- Micro Hackathon Design, עידו גלבוע - ראש מנהל בהנדסה, כלי טיס
Tel Aviv Dappathon for decentralised apps
18 Oct - 04:13 PM
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
$3,000 + one-on-one pitch with Ethereum founder Joe Lubin
Join us on for the inaugural Tel Aviv Dappathon (Decentralized Applications Hackathon), a unique day where developers, designers and professionals receive an opportunity to build products based on blockchain protocols.
Bringing together the booming Israeli DLT industry's top investors, developers, and thought leaders, the event will be hosting numerous workshops & speeches, alongside the Dappathon.
Blockchain Hackathon Tel Aviv 2018
18 Oct - 09:00 AM
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
Join us on the 18th & 19th of October for the Inaugural Dappathon (Decentralized Applications Hackathon) in Israel, hosted by DappWorks & Eden Block. Be a part of a unique gathering where developers, designers and professionals receive an opportunity to build products based on blockchain protocols.
DappWorks and Edenblock join forces to conceptualise a prime ecosystem for industry involvement. Bringing together the booming Israeli DLT industry's top investors, developers, and thought leaders, the event will be hosting numerous workshops & speeches, alongside the Dappathon.
The event will include both a hackathon and workshops to learn more about developing blockchain apps. The event is blockchain agnostic. We support entrants building dapps on Ethereum, EOS or any other blockchain with smart contract support.
With over $5000 in prizes, prizes will be provided to the top 3 winning teams. In addition to the financial prize, the team that will develop the best DApp according to the judging panel will have an opportunity to meet with Joseph Lubin, Founder of ConsenSys and co-founder of Ethereum and share their vision.
We are looking forward to turning data into knowledge, buzz into reality, and technological advances in the blockchain ecosystem into real, viable, and usable products.
The event is free of charge and the number of seats is limited.
Hedera18 Hackathon-Tel Aviv
16 Oct - 08:00 AM
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
Hedera Hashgraph is the world’s fastest distributed ledger platform where you can build an entirely new class of distributed applications that were never before possible.
In this two-day, first-ever global decentralized hashgraph hackathon, using Hedera Hashgraph APIs, you will build what’s next in the fast-moving categories — from gaming, social causes to micro-payments. Register now to envision your big idea to life.
Hedera18 Hackathon - Tel Aviv
15 Oct - 09:00 AM
Tel Aviv, Israel
Hedera 18 Hackathon - Tel Aviv, ISRAEL
The Hedera18 Hackathon—the first global, decentralized hashgraph hackathon—will gather developers to compete in nine cities around the world: Dallas, Bangalore, London, Moscow, Paris, San Francisco, São Paulo, Singapore, and Tel Aviv. This two-day hackathon will give you an opportunity to build what’s next in fast-moving categories, including gaming, social causes, and micro-payments. Start now to envision your next big idea for an entirely new class of applications on the world’s fastest distributed ledger platform!
Hackathon Challenge:
Using Hedera Hashgraph APIs, teams can be inspired to take advantage of the high throughput, low consensus latency, and transaction order fairness to build DApps in categories such as gaming, supply chain, social causes, micropayments, and IoT.
Winning teams will earn Hedera tokens and a chance to have your project incubated and deployed on the Hedera hashgraph platform.
1 Grand Prize winner: 50k3 Local winners per location: 1st: 10k | 2nd: 7k | 3rd: 3k
(prizes will be a combination of Hedera coin and USD)
Judging Criteria (25% for each):
Feasibility - Is the solution possible, or just nice in theory?Innovation - Is the project new and disruptive?Challenge fit - how relevant is the project to the stated challenge?Technical execution - how has the team effectively utilized the available technologies? How easy is the application to use? How advanced is the prototype presented?
Global Judges:
Leemon Baird - Co-Founder & Chief Scientist at Hedera Hashgraph
Mance Harmon - Co-Founder & CEO and at Hedera Hashgraph
Ken Anderson - Lead Developer Advocate at Hedera Hashgraph
Karen Salay - COO & Founder of PlayDFS / Chat Goose
Hackathon Schedule:
October 15th (all times local)
8am - Check in + Grab breakfast
9am - Kickoff + Opening presentations
10am - Idea pitches
10:30am - Team formation
11am- Hacking begins
1pm - Lunch
6pm - Dinner
Overnight coding
October 16th (all times local)
8am - Breakfast
9am - Welcome + Final demo tips from BeMyApp
10am - A/V check
1pm - Lunch
2pm - Code freeze
2:30pm - Final demos begin
5pm - Demos end / Judges deliberation
6pm - Local Winners announcement
6:30pm - End
October 17th
6pm CT - Global winner announcement from the main stage at the Hedera 18 Conference in Dallas. All Global hackathon participants will tune in to hear the winner announcement over a live-stream via zoom.
Learn more about the platform:
What is Hedera Hashgraph?The Hedera hashgraph platform provides a new form of distributed consensus; a way for people who don’t know or trust each other to securely collaborate and transact online without the need for a trusted intermediary. The platform is lightning fast, secure, and fair, and, unlike some blockchain-based platforms, doesn’t require compute-heavy proof-of-work. Hedera enables and empowers developers to build an entirely new class of distributed applications that were never before possible.
The French Gaming Challenge- Demo Fair
07 Sep - 10:00 AM
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
Do you want to see how apps and video games are created?
Do you want to be the first to try French learning games developed in 24 hours?
The French Institute invites you to the French Gaming Challenge Demo Fair - to be the first to see and play the games being created in the French Gaming Challenge Hackathon, and maybe even influence the winner.
On September 6-7, 2018, during the week of DLD, a Hackathon will take place for the development of French learning games.
Teams of experts in game development and design, together with French teachers, will compete in creating the best game for language learning.
The winning team will fly to Paris!
The DEMO FAIR will take place on Friday 7/9/2018, 10:00am-11:30am, at the French Institute (7 Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv).
Women in Block: Strategy for succeeding in the blockchain sector!
10 Jul - 06:30 PM
, Israel
Unite to share the latest knowledge and news with women and their allies in the blockchain industry to shape the direction of this emerging technology and market.
Agenda:1. Networking - 6:302. Quick intro of our purpose - 7:00 min3. Announcements of events to come (Hackathon) - 7:05 min4. Keynote speech - 7:15 min5. Panel (success stories of women in blockchain) - 7:30 min6. What is blockchain - overview of the industry - 8:00 min7. Project presentation - 8:15 min8. Networking - 8:30 min
Hubstair Academy Hackathon
01 Jun - 10:30 AM
Hod HaSharon, Israel
אירוע הסיום של תכנית היזמים הצעירים !
מנטורים מעולם ההיי טק
עיריית הוד השרון
החברה לקידום החינוך והתרבות
קצת על התכנית:
"האבסטייר אקדמי" היא תכנית התנדבותית אשר הוקמה על ידי ארבעה צעירים תושבי העיר, לאחר שירותם הסדיר בצה"ל, אשר מטרתה לחשוף את בני הנוער ( גילאי 15-18) בהוד השרון לעולם הטכנולוגיה, יזמות וחדשנות. התכנית נערכית במתכונת של מפגש אחד בשבוע , אשר בכל מפגש מועבר תוכן מקצועי בעולם התכנות על ידי צוות בעל ניסיון בתחום, וכן הרצאות בנושא יזמות וחדשנות על ידי אנשי מקצוע המגיעים מהעולם הזה.
החזון שלנו הוא לחשוף את בני הנוער ל"עולם האמיתי", ולתת להם כלים משמעותיים שיהוו קפיצת מדרגה בעבורם בעולם הטכנולוגי ביחס לגילם.
מטרת האירוע היא להשלים את התהליך שהחניכים עברו במהלך השנה האחרונה באמצעות תחרות הקאתון שבסיומה יגיעו להצגת תוצר רעיוני על ידי שימוש בכלים שרכשו במהלך התכנית.
הנכם מוזמנים להגיע במהלך באירוע כדי לספוג את האווירה, להיות חלק מהתחרות ואולי אפילו לתרום רעיונות ודרכי חשיבה עבור המשתתפים בהקאתון. כמו כן, ביום שישי בבוקר מומלץ להגיע ולראות את הצגת התוצרים בפני השופטים של ההקאתון.
TeamUp - Altshuler Shaham Pre-Hackathon Networking Event
09 Apr - 07:00 PM
Tel Aviv, Israel
Are you still looking for strong teammates or a winning idea?
On April 9th we will host a special meetup in which you can get to know other single participants, get into teams and ask for help in finding an idea.
See you then!
19:00-19:30 Registration and Gathering
19:30-20:00 Presenting the hackathon and the main challenges by ALTSHULER SHAHAM
20:00-20:20 Answering questions
20:20-21:00 Splitting into groups