Showing results 1 to 10 out of 66
Milano@Work - Un Hackathon per esplorare le trasformazioni della/nella Città
17 Dec - 10:00 AM
Milano, Italy
Developers, designers, students, start-up folks, creative types, civic hackers, etc. in and around Milan! Sign up and participate in Milano@Work and help your city find solutions to pressing civic issues! This event is a 30-hour hackathon with the goal of creating innovative solutions and prototypes. Bring your own team or join one at the event and compete for awesome prizes for Best Application and Best Mock-up developed during the Hackathon.
Connected City Hackathon
17 Dec - 09:00 AM
Milano, Italy
Innovators, developers, entrepreneurs, start-up people! Interested in how technology can help improve the quality of life in a connected city? Come and participate in in the Connected City Hackathon! You'll be challenged to create innovative solutions to leverage the A2A sensor data collected throughout the city of Milan to help build a digital city and improve the lives of the citizens of Milan.
CINI Smart City University Challenge
16 Dec - 09:00 AM
Milano, Italy
Students at the University of Milan Bicocca! The Department of Computer Science and University Library invites you to participate in the CINI Smart City University Challenge. You will be challenged to design and build software prototypes to provide smart city services in one of two areas:
»Monitoring / reporting on transportation blockages
»Traffic Control
CoderDojo Quartu: Scratchathon: Crea la tua invenzione con Scratch
11 Dec - 04:00 PM
Cagliari, Italy
Kids in Cagliari aged 9 to 13 years! Come and participate in the Quartu CoderDojo: Scratchathon. You'll be challenged to create your own project using the free programming language Scratch. You'll be able to come up with your own project idea — an interactive story, a game, or an animation — and bring it to life with Scratch. You don't have top know Scratch or any other programming language beforehand — you get all the training you need at the event.
Hackathon OCTONoMous @Motorshow
10 Dec - 10:00 AM
Bologna, Italy
Students, IT professionals, developers and startups! Interested in smart, connected cars and cyber security? Do you have skills in software development, cyber security, or network security? If so, you're invited to sign up to participate in the OCTONoMous Hackathon at the Bologna Motorshow. You will participate in two separate work sessions:
Session 1:Identify security vulnerabilities that can affect the proper functioning of an automotive system product.
Session 2:Propose improvements to the product as integrated with OCTO Telematics.
Taking Baby Care to the next level - Hackathon by Chicco
03 Dec - 09:00 AM
Milano, Italy
Students, professionals, enthusiasts! Do you have expertise in software development, interface design, healthcare marketing and sales, communications and branding? Come and participate in the hackathon: Taking Baby Care to the Next Level. This event is focused on new, innovative digital and IoT solutions for baby care. You'll be challenged to create solutions that use miniaturized sensors that can help keep babies safer and healthier.
Hackathon by CoderDojo Milano @BASE Milano 27 novembre 2016
27 Nov - 02:30 PM
Milano, Italy
Boys and girls aged 7 to 17 in and around Milan! Are you interested in technology? If so, then sign up today to participate in the Hackathon by CoderDojo @BASE Milan. You'll collaborate with like-minded kids in teams, using your skills, knowledge, and creativity to undertake an engineering challenge. No experience is required — you only need to have desire and passion for technology and to be ready to roll up your sleeves and get involved.
100100 Talks
27 Nov - 10:00 AM
Vicenza, Italy
Coders, mechatronic engineers, makers, designers, students, marketers! Come and participate in the 100100 Challenge EVolution! You'll participate in a team compete with like-minded individuals to solve Internet of Things challenges. The 100100 EVolution Challenge is focused on technology such as the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, and smart mobility. Your team will get the opportunity to create an innovative solution and compete for prizes in one of three challenge categories: Acquired Disability, Electric Mobility, or Culture and Smart City.
Hackathon "100100 Challenge EVolution"
26 Nov - 09:30 AM
Province of Vicenza, Italy
The 100100 Challenge EVolution hackathon is the first hackathon organized by Confartigianato Vicenza and will be focused on the Internet of Things. IoT has defined a new paradigm in which information communication and technology surround us at all times; tightly integrated with the real world by smart objects which have capacity of interaction with the surrounding environment and of data processing. These objects are interconnected so that they can gather, exchange and process information.
Transport Hackathon
26 Nov - 09:00 AM
Torino, Italy
Transport hackathon
Can you make the mobility smart in two days?
L’Autorità di Regolamentazione dei Trasporti lancia a Torino il primo hackathon dedicato al mondo della mobilità urbana ed extraurbana.
Un evento di due giorni per sviluppare servizi innovativi che migliorino l’accesso e la fruizione di reti stradali e autostradali, porti, aeroporti e ferrovie.
Porta le tue idee e le tue competenze (di business, comunicazione, design e coding, …) e crea un team con altri innovatori; i mentor vi aiuteranno a sviluppare il vostro progetto che sarà presentato domenica pomeriggio ad una giuria di esperti.
Il programma aggiornato è disponibile sul sito di Treatabit.
Le iscrizioni chiudono il 24 Novembre.