Showing results 41 to 50 out of 66
ReNEWables hackaton
11 Jun - 01:00 PM
Milano, Italy
Maker Faire together with Eni SpA are organizing this 24-hour hackathon dedicated to renewable energies with the aim to identify original solutions for the use of solar energy production technologies. The challenge of the renewables hackathon will focus on three possible challenge: OPV, LSC, and Solar Harvesting. Using LSC and OPV for exploitation environments or conditions where it is not possible to connect to a power grid or other energy harvesting solutions. Participants must develop a working prototype to be presented to the Jury at the end of the weekend.
Open talks iCODEX
10 Jun - 10:00 AM
Milano, Italy
iCODEX--the first event dedicated to the world of innovation, culture and technological development. Who should attend? Developers, designers, computer scientists, creative minds--anyone who is passionate about the intersection of culture and technology.
iCODEX: il primo hackathon di innovazione culturale
10 Jun - 09:30 AM
Milano, Italy
iCODEX is a 24-hour hackathon promoting cultural innovation. Participants will be asked to develop ideas that improve the way people think, create, and enjoy cultural products. The projects that this event wants to accomplish with iCODEX will be transmedia, interactive and immersive.
B-HACK - la Hackathon di B-App
28 May - 10:00 AM
Milano, Italy
Come participate at B-Hack—a 30 hours digital marathon! Collaborate to create new iOS and Android apps for business. Participate individually or in a team—it's your choice!
Hack ’n’ Roll - Connected Car Hackathon
28 May - 09:00 AM
Torino, Italy
Developers , designers and project managers! Do you want to innovate in the automotive sector? Come along to the Hack 'n' Roll - Connected Car Hackathon. Collaborate with like-minded people on: How to communicate with tomorrow's cars in emergency situations? How to address connection problems and synchronization in a world of connected devices? You'll have 24 hours to develop your response to the connected car challenges and a working prototype.
Accenture Digital Hackathon 2.0
28 May - 09:00 AM
Roma, Italy
This is a two-day long hackathon inviting developers, data analysts, designers and marketers involved in prototyping ideas, services and products that are able to create both economic value and social value for the territory and the community.
The technology type with which the teams will be working is the Internet of Things. Participants will be asked to use IoT to create innovating design solutions that will benefit people and the environment including: healthcare, home, education, city, culture, etc. This is a real challenge in which you can turn you talent and creativity into game changing practical solutions!
Youth Hackathon
22 May - 09:30 AM
Como, Italy
The Youth Hackathon is an event to help young children experience technology and new media. The program is structured in a single day filled with workshops and competitions. The workshops include Play Wikipedia, Mapathon with OpenStreetMap, Play Scratch, Play, and cryptography. Other activities in a different area will present some exhibitions for Wikimedia projects, 3D printers, Raspberry, Arduino, and drones!
Google I/O Extended at Fabrica
21 May - 09:00 AM
Catena di Villorba, Italy
This is a 2-day event created to connect young talents in the field of design, engineering and entrepreneurship with innovation opportunities presented by major Italian companies. The event will include a vision of the Google Keynote I/O and a 24-hour hackathon in which participants will compete to find the best creative new solutions to business cases proposed by Google and a number of Italian companies including the famous illy!
I/O Extended 2016 Catania
18 May - 02:30 PM
Catania, Italy
This is a 2-day event created to connect young talents in the field of design, engineering and entrepreneurship with innovation opportunities presented by major companies. The event will include a vision of the Google Keynote I/O and a hackathon in which participants will compete to find the best creative new solutions to business cases proposed by Google.
TorVergata Hackathon III
13 May - 05:00 PM
Roma, Italy
The theme of this year's Tor Vergata Hackathon is "Rome 2024". The capital is one of the chosen candidates to host the 2024 olympic games. The aim will be to find services that will enhance the experience for this event and to find solutions for the possible problems that could occur. Participants will need to look at both the experience of the athletes as for the visitor and others involved in the olympic games. Note: this event is reserved for the students of Università di Roma Tor Vergata.