Showing results 61 to 66 out of 66
10 Mar - 10:00 AM
Trento, Italy
This is a 30-hour Hackathon where young and passionate lovers of computing come together for a collaborative planning session. The aim is to test the groups with experience that entertain them and allow their ability to work in teams. Developers are asked to create an application with the support of experts and researchers in the field. You will then have the opportunity to work on important issues with the University of Trento and FBK Studies.
OpenData Day - Taranto
05 Mar - 09:00 AM
Taranto, Italy
OpenData Day is inviting all experts, journalists, citizens and government leaders to come and learn how to read data and develop innovative ideas and solutions for the environment and cultural sites. This is an opportunity to discuss the value of OpenData and free knowledge for business, the citizens and the government: transparency in civic participation, opportunities for the territory. The meeting involves comparison between local institutions and activists OpenPuglia: a group of private citizens, civic hackers, Puglia students and local industry representatives and academics, who work voluntarily to create new culture with Open Data, and a new way of understanding the relationship between information, the digital and the rights of citizens. It will look in particular on the monitoring and sharing of environmental data , and the enhancement of cultural sites in Puglia.
In the afternoon the hackathon will take place where attendees will learn how to collect data and how to read them in relation to the territory for which and on which they are processed. You will explore Wikidata, the free and collaborative database supporting the functioning of Wikipedia, the free and voluntary encyclopedia. Discover how to geo-locate the sites of the Apulian culture and enrich the free OpenStreetMap.
Intel® IoT Roadshow Meetup - Roma
01 Mar - 06:30 PM
Roma, Italy
Makers, Tinkers & Innovators di Roma, siete pronti per l'hackathon?!
L'Intel® IoT Roadshow arriva a Roma e vogliamo fare in modo che ognuno di voi sia pronto con le risorse necessarie per vincerlo!
Il primo marzo, due settimane prima dell’inizio dell’hackathon, venite al pre evento per familiarizzarvi con l'Intel® IoT Developer Kit Beta al Luiss EnLabs di Roma.
Gli esperti IoT di Intel® ci saranno sul posto per presentarvi la scheda Edison™ e faremo degli esercizi divertenti grazie ai quali imparerete come meglio presentare le vostre idee e progetti. Venite a prepararvi a questo meetup che vi servirà di allenamento per sviluppare una grande idea, fare networking e creare la squadra vincente prima che inizi l’hackathon!
06.30PM Apertura porte
07.00PM Benvenuto all'Intel® IoT Roadshow e l’introduzione alla scheda Edison e DevKit, da parte di Francesco Baldassarri, Italian Community Manager, Intel Corporation.
08.30PM Design Thinking Exercise by BeMyApp
09.30PM Networking, cena e birre
The Intel® IoT Roadshow Hackathon
L’Intel® IoT Roadshow si terrà il 12-13 marzo presso i Luiss EnLabs di Roma. Se non vi siete ancora registrati all’hackathon, potete farlo qui. I primi 100 partecipanti registrati che arrivano all’evento riceveranno gratuitamente l’Intel® Edison™ Dev Kit! Ci sarà un workshop che vi aiuterà a impostare le vostro schede e poi inizieremo l'hacking. La partecipazione al meetup però vi darà ancora più tempo e strumenti per preparare un progetto migliore!
La Tecnologia
La scheda Intel® Edison™ offre prestazioni senza precedenti in un formato piccolo di consumo elettrico basso, fattore ideale per i dispositivi IoT. La piattaforma di sviluppo Intel® Edison™ racchiude un robusto set di funzioni nella sua piccola dimensione, offrendo grandi prestazioni, durata, e una vasta gamma di I/O e il supporto software. Scoprite alcuni dei progetti su Instructables!
Scrivete a Asia: se avete qualsiasi domanda.
30 Jan - 09:00 AM
Firenze, Italy
HackToscana is a hackathon on mobility awareness in partnership with Fondazione Sistema Toscana, Gruppo FS and Università di Siena, sponsored by Alstom, Engineering and M.A.I.O.R.
The project presented at the end of the event by the teams will cover all sectors linked to the use of digital technologies, with particular attention to initiatives that combine the web, mobile and digital technology in general with the world of tourism.
Hackathon Brescia
15 Jan - 05:00 PM
brescia, Italy
This Hackathon in Brescia is to create a synergy project among people affected by a debilitating disease, health professionals and experts from the world of technology. The general objectives is to raise awareness on limitations caused by rheumatoid arthritis; create synergy between citizens suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, nurses and the world of technology through planning. This invitation is addressed primarily to makers eager to innovate by helping others.
15 Jan - 09:00 AM
Metropolitan City of Turin, Italy
#TIMgirlsHackathon by The Mobile company, TIM is coming to four different cities: Torino, Venezia, Napoli, and Catania so you can create a Mobile App for fighting cyberbullying. You don't have to be an expert to be able to take part in this hackathon, instead, this event is especially for those girls who have little or no knowledge about software development but are excited to learn about it!